Perhaps you can try some special methods, maybe you can find a cure for the magic scale disease.


Han Xiao's eyes lit up, and she quickly asked Bai Shu:

What special method is it?

Means that act directly on the soul.

Bai Zhu reached out and rubbed his chin, and then gave a suggestion that was not particularly accurate.

According to my research, the source of the demon scale disease is likely to be deep in the soul.

If you have any ideas about demon scale disease, maybe the demon-killing family in Liyue and the special industry such as the Rebirth Hall, which has deep research on souls, can play a certain role.

Is this your suggestion? I understand.

Seeing that Baizhu couldn't give any more explanation about the magic scale disease, Han Xiao didn't continue to ask further.

Compared to Baizhu, he knows better the cause of the formation of magic scale disease.

Therefore, the other party was able to rely on their medical skills to not only see that Demon Scale was not a disease, but also roughly determine that its origin came from the soul.

With this skill alone, Bai Shu's medical skills cannot be underestimated. No wonder the other party dares to target immortality.


Han Xiao was thinking about how to solve the problem of magic scale disease, while Tinari on the other side of Xumihua City was a little absent-minded all day.

As a top student of the Biophysics School, demon scale disease has always been a problem he wanted to solve.

Not only because his student Ke Lai is a patient of Demon Scale, but also because many people in Xumi are suffering from Demon Scale.

Unfortunately, his medical skills are no less than Atractylodes. He also discovered that the problem of magic scale disease may have nothing to do with the disease but to do with the soul.

And this is where Tinari gets confused.

Chapter 430 Ke Lai makes a choice

Since discovering that Demon Scale is most likely not a disease, Tinari has not thought about finding another way to treat Demon Scale.

After all, regarding the soul, it may not be possible to produce conclusive evidence to prove its existence in the real world, but it does exist on the continent of Teyvat.

It is a pity that Tinari himself is a scholar of botany from the Biophysics School and has little involvement in the soul.

So even if he discovered that the magic scale disease probably originated in the soul, he had no means to deal with it.

This is also the reason why Tinari was struggling before.

Because maybe what Little Lucky Grass King said was not wrong, Liyue might really have a way to cure the magic scale disease.

After all, as for which country on the continent of Teyvat has deep research on souls, it seems that only Liyue is the oldest country.

After a day's patrol work, Tinari returned home and sat alone in front of his desk, with his elbows on the table and his cheeks in his palms, constantly analyzing the pros and cons in his mind.

As for analyzing the pros and cons.

Naturally, it was something mentioned in the letter from the head of the Humayi family.

Judging from the content of the letter alone, Tinari knew that the other party must have conducted a detailed investigation on him, and knew that there was a student named Kelai beside him who was suffering from magic scale disease.

Therefore, the head of the Humayi family did not play any conspiracy and directly put the matter in front of him openly.

Whether it succeeds or not depends on his own decision.

Should we give it a try?

Just when Tinari was in a dilemma of making a decision, he inadvertently glanced over the window sill from the corner of his eye, and unexpectedly saw a small head quickly retracting.

Seeing this, he could only say helplessly:

Ke Lai, is that you?

I am the master.

Seeing that he was caught, the little head outside the window popped out from under the window sill again, revealing Ke Lai's delicate little face with a slightly embarrassing smile.

Let's talk after we come in first.

Okay master!

After receiving the invitation from his master, Kelai quickly rushed to the door, opened the door and walked in.

Tell me, why are you lying in front of my window sill so late?

Watching his student walk into the room, Tinari folded his hands on his chest and asked softly.

Because I saw that Master was absent-minded during the day, so I just wanted to see what's bothering you so much, Master?

Hearing Tinari's inquiry, Kelai also raised his hand and scratched his fluffy hair in embarrassment.

While patrolling the forest today, my master looked preoccupied from beginning to end, which was very different from usual.

So she really wanted to know what was it that troubled her master so much that he didn't even have the heart to do the forest patrol work that was the most important thing in the past. really want to know?

Seeing that his students were worried because of him, Tinari sighed deeply, then as if he had made up his mind, he took out the letter sent by the head of the Humayi family from his arms .

If you really want to know, read this letter.

You'll know why I'm troubled when you read the letter.


Kelai frowned and took the envelope handed over by Tinari, opened it and took out the letter paper inside.

She wanted to see what was written in this letter to prevent her master from working all day.

However, after just one glance, Kelai's expression changed instantly. He raised his head and glanced at Tinari, then immediately returned his gaze to the letter.

The content of the letter was not long, and she read it all in a short time.

After reading it, Kelai didn't say anything. He just stood there silently. The hand holding the letter unconsciously exerted force, causing the letter to wrinkle continuously.

After a long time, she finally broke the silence and her voice became hoarse.

Master, is this true?

I have no idea.

Facing his student's inquiry, Tinari shook his head. He really didn't know how credible this matter was.

The Little Lucky Grass King is too mysterious. Even Tinari knows that he is the current Grass God, but he still dare not trust him blindly.

Seeing that Tinari was not sure about the authenticity of the content in the letter, Kelai bit her lips subconsciously, and the pain she had suffered from the doctor resurfaced in her mind.

Originally, Kelai thought that he would reject the suggestion immediately, but maybe he was fed up with the feeling of gradually losing control of his limbs, or maybe because of the little auspicious grass king's trust as the god of grass.

In the end, she did not refuse immediately but asked Tinari for his opinion:

Master, do you think I should try it?

I have no say in this matter, Collet.

Tinari thought carefully, and then slowly expressed his thoughts:

Whether you go or not, it all depends on your own opinion.

But I want to remind you that the head of the Humayi family is not sure whether this matter is true or not, so he wrote this letter just to let me test it first.

Ok, I know.

Kelai nodded, and the head of the Humayi family wrote everything his master said in the letter openly.

Then, silence fell between the two.

Seeing his student lost in thought, Tinari did not speak, but quietly waited for the other party to make a decision.

Regardless of whether Kelai ultimately chooses to agree or refuse, he will not interfere too much.

After an unknown amount of time, Kelai, who had been deep in thought, suddenly raised his head and looked at Tinari, his eyes filled with determination.

Master, I want to go to Liyue and give it a try!

So you've decided to go?


Kelai didn't say much, just answered Tinari's question with a hmm.

She knew very well that magic scale disease was a terminal disease in Xumi. She didn't know how many scholars tried to make achievements in this area, but in the end they all chose to give up.

If he continues to stay in Xumi, his master can still use herbal medicine to suppress it.

Once the magic scale disease reaches an advanced stage, there is really no cure.

So after much thought, Ke Lai decided to go to Liyue to give it a try.

If Liyue really has a way to cure demon scale disease, missing it would be a lifetime of regrets.

Moreover, the eldest daughter of the Mai family, Dina Zedei, is not only a patient of the magic scale disease, but also a believer of the Little Lucky Grass King.

Liyue may have the means to cure the demon scale disease, and the other party should not deceive even her few followers.

Do you want me to go with you?

No need, master, I can do it by myself.

Seeing that his student chose to go to Liyue to have a fight, Tinari originally planned to go to Liyue with him in person.

But facing his master's plan, Ke Lai did not agree, but prepared to go to Liyue alone.

Chapter 431: Steamship built in advance

Ke Lai, don't be brave. It's too dangerous for you to go to Liyue alone.

Upon hearing that Kelai planned to go to Liyue by himself, Tinari's first reaction was to disagree.

My student is sick and wants to travel alone to Liyue. What if something happens on the way?

Master, don't worry, I will take care of myself.

You really can?

Absolutely no problem!

Seeing Tinari frowning, Kelai immediately patted his chest and assured him, with a very confident expression on his face.

Before she became Tinari's student, she had wandered on the Teyvat continent.

At that time, she had just escaped from the laboratory. In order to take revenge, she could even climb mountains and wading rivers alone to reach Mondstadt before the fools.

At that time, she could do it even if she had no strength or food. Now that she has no shortage of strength and food, it is really easy to reach Liyue.

Then you must be careful on the road and remember to take your medicine on time.

At this time, Tinari also remembered what Sano had said when he sent Kelai to him, so he stopped insisting and just told him to remember to take medicine on time.

The next day.

Under Tinari's watchful eye, Kelai set foot on the road to Liyue alone, but before that, she planned to take a boat directly to Mond Jingfu Port to meet Amber, whom she had not seen for a long time.


While Ke Lai was embarking on his journey, Han Xiao was also reading Baizhu's research materials on magic scale disease.

In order to be more sure of the treatment, he directly found several group friends who had been involved in curses in the group to discuss it.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Curse at the soul level, this is a relatively new topic. I have never encountered such a magic circuit.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I do have the ability to purify the soul. The Miracle of the Moon released by Zero can use soul purification light, but I don't know if it's useful.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Well, isn't that Sero's skill? Can you learn it?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: It doesn't matter if I can't learn it. I can ask Aguang. If I want to learn this skill, which is called the power of kindness in the Ultra Kingdom, Aguang should still be happy to teach me. of.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Even if you can't learn it, Aguang can still make something similar.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Well, you are indeed my superman, Guang, who can make all kinds of weird things.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, you should come to me for this curse thing. I have a lot of people who play this thing professionally, and don't forget there is Holy Light.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: I've seen it before, but I'm not interested in learning. I can look for teaching materials if needed.

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