Because he really didn't know what words to use to describe the little Lucky Grass King Nasida.



Or something else.

I can only say that I'm not very mature yet.

Zhongli thought carefully and then gave his own evaluation.

In his opinion, the main reason why Nasida became like this was that she was too concerned about the gap between herself and her predecessor, the Grass God, the Great Merciful Tree King.

In addition, the people of Xumi always missed the Great Merciful Tree King, so the newly born Nasida thought that she was not qualified to succeed the Grass God after comparison, so it became like this.

In this regard, Zhongli said that Nasida was still just a five-hundred-year-old young man after all, and had experienced very few things.

To be honest, the demon gods only surpass humans in power, but they are not good at everything. Which of the seven gods back then was not trying to figure out how to lead a country.

Just like Zhongli himself, he was still an irritable young man when he was young, but for the encounter that finally changed his way of thinking.

It is estimated that by now he may still be used to using force to solve problems.

The same goes for the Great Kindness Tree King, who also experienced constant exploration before transforming into the omniscient god of wisdom that the Sumeru people later regarded him as.

It is normal for Nacida, a young man who has just started to lead the entire country, to be inferior to King Daci Shu.

Let’s not talk about it from afar, let’s talk about the rice wife’s Balzebul, who has the same problem as Nasida.

At the beginning, Inazuma was in charge of her sister Baal, and Baalzeb, who felt that he had a backer, devoted himself to being his Kagemusha.

The result was good, because of the accident in Camria, Balzeb was temporarily in charge.

Barzeb, who was also a novice like Nacida, directly chose to mess up.

If it weren't for the ruling team left behind by Barr and Balzeb's own extremely high force value, the Rice Wife would have disbanded long ago.

Therefore, Zhongli's evaluation of Nasida is immature.

She should have taken over the power directly from the beginning, and then slowly learned to be the god of a country.

Chapter 425: The Living Standards of the Immortal Species


Hearing Zhong Li's comments about Nasida, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth, and a hint of speechlessness flashed in her eyes.

Is this the view of the immortal species? Five hundred years is just a young age.

If we put it in the human race, it would be several generations.

Although Han Xiao achieved a leap in life level due to the transformation of the Flower of Heart, from a short-lived species to a long-lived species.

But the thinking habits of so many years in the past and present life cannot be reversed in a short time.

He is still used to looking at time the way humans think.

It takes a certain process to adapt to the immortal species' view of time.

Now that the matter is settled, I will go back first.

Also, it's time for you to change your habits a little bit.

Seeing Han Xiao's thoughtful look, Zhongli didn't say anything. He just left a strange sentence and left the office.

The time for the other party to complete the leap in life level is still short, and there are some things that he needs to figure out on his own.

Think about why long-lived species grow much faster than short-lived species like humans.


As Zhongli left, Han Xiao opened the chat group in the office and explained to Xingxiao and Xixiao that there was no need to rush the experiment.

After all, the partner they are now cooperating with has been replaced by Sumeru's Little Lucky Grass King.

Without restrictions, they had plenty of time to revise and improve their experiments.

At the same time, Han Xiao also told Zhongli’s opinions about Nasida.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Five hundred years old, you are still a young man, tsk tsk... This is the confidence of the immortal species.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: It's normal. Zhongli has lived for more than six thousand years. Five hundred years old is really a young man in his eyes.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I don't know if it's my imagination, but I always feel that there is something else in the other person's words.

[World of Warcraft·Han Xiao]: Oh, it turns out it's not just me, you feel it too, Ao Xiao!

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: You two really don't feel wrong, why don't I see it at all?

[jojo·Hanxiao]: What a coincidence, I don't have one either.

Immediately, many people in the group expressed their feelings. They were surprised to find that only a few people in the group felt that there seemed to be something else in Zhongli's words, while the rest did not feel this way.

This suddenly aroused the interest of all group members.

You must know that they are essentially the same person, both Hanxiao.

Generally speaking, they are basically consistent in certain sensory judgments.

However, disagreements like today are really rare.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: After combining your speeches, I think I roughly understand the hidden meaning of Zhongli's words.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Is it really true? Xixiao, please tell me.

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: Haven't you noticed that Mo Xiao and Ao Xiao, who sensed the meaning of Zhongli's words, have one thing in common?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It should be a racial issue.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Oh, Yuanxiao, have you realized it?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Almost!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: So what exactly does Zhongli mean? Is there really other thoughts hidden in his words?

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: Let me explain it. If you think about it carefully, what do they have in common with Mo Xiao who noticed that there are other meanings in Zhongli's words?

What they have in common?

The people in the group were a little confused by Xi Huan's sudden inquiry, and then they tried hard to think about the meaning of the other party's words.

Soon, someone in the group guessed the answer.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: It's a race, right? Moxiao and Aoxiao are both immortal species, and so is Yuanxiao now.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Yes, Zhongli simply reminded Yuan Xiao that the time concept of long-lived species is different from that of short-lived species.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: I know this. I'm curious why Zhongli said it so obscurely?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Because of wear and tear.

Han Xiao did not let the group continue to speculate, but directly told the answer to the mystery.

On the continent of Teyvat, wear and tear has always been a big problem that troubles everyone, especially for immortal species.

The reason why short-growing species suffer less wear and tear is because their life span is inherently short, so the effect of wear and tear on them is not particularly strong.

But it's different when it comes to longevity species.

The life span of long-lived species is much longer than that of short-lived species.

Even short-lived species will have changes in their thinking due to different experiences at each age, and long-lived species will only face more changes in their thinking.

But once this happens, the wear and tear faced by the longevity species will be more serious.

Because as time goes by, too many experiences gradually wear away, and everything such as character and cognition will undergo huge changes.

The reason why Zhong Li reminded him at this moment was because he wanted Han Xiao to understand this point.

The reason why the Immortal Seed extends the growth period is to prevent itself from maturing prematurely and to establish a relatively stable three views.

After all, on Teyvat, the earlier the Immortality Seed matures, the earlier it will wear out.

Especially for someone like him who has experienced a leap in life level, if he cannot adapt to the rhythm of life of an immortal species as soon as possible, wear and tear will soon come to his door.

Even if Han Xiao's power can resist wear and tear to a certain extent, as long as he still lives in Teyvat, wear and tear will be an unavoidable topic.


Ever since she understood the warning hidden in Zhongli's words, Han Xiao's rhythm has slowed down a lot, and she has also developed the habit of regularly using her own authority to check herself.

It's not that he should slow down the development of Guili City, but that he should slow down his own living habits and slowly move closer to the Immortality Seed.

emmm, how should I put it?

In her previous life, Han Xiao had also read a lot of movies and novels. Some people who achieved immortality sought death because they could not adapt to sudden changes.

He is now a genuine immortal, so it is time to get used to the life attitude of an immortal.

Half a month passed in a flash.

Just when Han Xiao began to gradually adapt to the living habits of the immortal species, good news came from Yuanxia Palace.

After many experiments over the past half month, the puppet clones, Xingxiao and the others finally succeeded in shortening the time to anchor to the target.

In a recent experiment, they were able to accurately find the target they set in the chaotic ocean of information in about five days.

After getting the news, Han Xiao contacted Nasida again through Dolly according to the agreed appointment method.

Chapter 426: Suspension of Experiments and Demon Scale Disease

When Nacida possessed Catherine while visiting the Grand Bazaar and saw the mark left by Dolly, she re-hacked into the Dudu communication device and contacted Han Xiao in the way she had discussed with Han Xiao before.

Mr. Hanxiao, I wonder what you want from me?

Because he was mentally prepared in advance, Han Xiao was not surprised when he heard Nasida's voice this time, but directly said what he wanted to say.

Miss Nasida, the first phase of the experiment of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan has been completed.

The technology of short-term anchoring of targets shortens the time so quickly?

Well, it has been stable for about five days now.

Han Xiao nodded, with a bit more emotion in her tone.

Ever since he listened to Zhongli's advice, he had slowed down a bit appropriately and did not blindly pursue technological updates that would shorten the anchoring time in the earth veins in a short period of time.

But who would have thought, perhaps because there was no sense of urgency around the time limit, he, Xingxiao and Xixiao completed the technical improvements earlier than originally expected.

Maybe this is the so-called haste makes waste.

When does Mr. Han Xiao plan to start the second phase of the experiment?

When she heard that the first phase of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan experiment was completed and that it would only take five days to anchor the target within the leyline, Nasida's face showed an excited look.

Han Xiao had already described the details of the heroic transformation plan to her in detail before, so she knew very well that the first phase of the experiment was the core step of the entire plan.

Now that this step has been crossed, it means that the time for King Daci Shu to reappear in Teyvat has entered a countdown.

So after Nasida heard the news, she couldn't wait to ask Han Xiao when she would start the next phase of the experiment.

This may take a while.

Although I don't quite understand why Nacida is so eager to succeed in the heroic spirit transformation plan, and then summons the Great Merciful Tree King to 'cause trouble' for herself.

But Han Xiao decided to postpone the experiment for a while.


Seeing that Han Xiao did not intend to carry out the second phase of the experiment immediately, Nasida's tone of voice involuntarily rose, and her beautiful little face showed an expression of incomprehension.

According to the plan the other party showed her, the second stage is to reproduce the results of the first stage in the leylines of the Teyvat continent.

This should be the easiest part of the heroic transformation plan.

Why didn't the other party start the experiment immediately but chose to postpone it?

Some troublesome things need to be dealt with first, otherwise they will affect the final stage of the experiment.

Regarding Nasida's confusion, Han Xiao did not hide it and directly stated her reasons.

Although he has now begun to adapt to the pace of life of the immortal species, he does not mean to deliberately slow down everything.

For example, in the second phase of the experiment, the reason why Han Xiao chose to postpone it was mainly because he wanted to take the lead in solving a difficult problem before starting the experiment.

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