After all, Brother Hanxiao, you are a very busy person now.

Don't worry, I will definitely come when the time comes.

Chapter 418 The hacked communication device

In response to Alice's reminder not to forget to attend Keli's birthday celebration, Han Xiao quickly assured her that she would definitely be there.

After all, from a certain perspective, Keli was the first foreign friend he had met on the continent of Teyvat, and because both of them had extremely high explosive talents, the relationship between them was very good.

Even though Keli returned to Mondstadt, Han Xiao's contact with the other party has not been broken, and they will have long-distance calls from time to time.

During this time, they even iterated the explosive recipe to a three-digit level while chatting.

Therefore, Han Xiao will naturally not forget to participate in Keli's birthday celebration.

After hearing Han Xiao's promise that she would come to the Golden Apple Islands, Alice on the other side of the Dudu communication device also smiled.

As long as you remember, I won't bother you anymore. Bye!

After hanging up the call with Alice, Han Xiao put down the Dudu communication device in her hand, stood up and walked to the office window, looking up out the window.

Outside the window, people are walking around in the square. Are there electric cars passing by? Everyone's face is full of satisfaction with their current life.

Time flies so fast, and it’s almost the Lantern Festival again in the blink of an eye.

Watching the crowds coming and going, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

In a flash, he had lived in Teyvat for almost twenty years.

When he first traveled through time, Han Xiao was quite uncomfortable with Liyue who was in the ancient era.

As time goes by, he can be said to have integrated into the ancient country of Liyue, and the memory of his past life becomes more and more like a beautiful dream of his.

Perhaps it was precisely to remember this memory and not want it to slowly become blurred in his mind that Han Xiao chose to stand up and lead people to build Guili City.

Now, after two years of development, Guili City has taken shape, with some shadows of the city in its previous life.

The next step is to wait for the experimental results of the Heroic Spiritualization Project.

Thinking of the development route she designed for Guili City, Han Xiao couldn't help but mutter to herself.

Although Guili City is still developing at a high speed, there is an upper limit to this. When it reaches the bottleneck period, the development speed of the entire city will slow down.

Want to break this bottleneck. The divine heart of Sumeru Grass God is essential.

The Great Merciful Tree King can use the authority of the Heart of God to create a void system. Han Xiao feels that with the cooperation of himself and Ms. Alice, it should not be a problem to use the Heart of God to create a 'Tevat version of the network system'.

That plan is dangerous!

Just when Han Xiao was still immersed in his own thoughts, a slightly childish female voice suddenly sounded in the office where he was alone.


The sudden sound startled Han Xiao. She immediately came out of her thoughts and turned to look in the direction of the source of the sound.

His eyes also flashed with vigilance and defensiveness. this?

When she saw who was speaking clearly, Han Xiao was in a daze.

The Dudu communication device that he had placed casually on his desk was now floating strangely in the air and was turned on.

As if aware of Han Xiao's gaze, a female voice came out from the Dudu communication device floating in mid-air again:

Sorry, it seems that my appearance scared you.

Who are you?

After hearing the voice coming from the communication device and confirming that it was indeed not his illusion, Han Xiao asked with a solemn expression.

The alertness in his eyes did not diminish at all.

There was no way, although it sounded like the other party didn't have much 'malice', but the other party was able to hack into the Dudu communication device silently.

This really made it difficult for him not to be alert.

Because Han Xiao didn't know exactly when the other party hacked into the communication device.

But as of now, it seems that the other party between himself and Ms. Alice probably listened to the whole process word for word.


In response to Han Xiao's question, the owner of the voice behind the communication device was silent for a while, and then introduced his identity.

I'm just an insignificant moon. Mr. Hanxiao, you can call me Nasida.

Moon, Nacida?

It's a name I've never heard of...

Knowing that the name of the person who hacked into Dudu's communication device was Nasida, Han Xiao quickly tried to find out the other party's information in his memory.

It's just a pity that after searching through his memory, he couldn't find any trace of Nasida.

But when she thought that the other party could hack into the Dudu communication device silently, Han Xiao knew that this person named Nasida was definitely not a simple existence.

You must know that the Dudu communicator was made by Ms. Alice, and the technical power contained in it is very high.

To be able to hack into a communication device without being noticed by anyone, the other party is definitely not an insignificant moon like she said.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao continued to ask:

The voice should be Miss Nasida, right? Can you tell me why you want to hack into the Dudu communication device?

How much of the conversation between me and Ms. Alice have you heard?

The intrusion into the communication device was purely accidental.

Regarding Han Xiao's question again, the owner of the voice behind the communication device, Nasida, sounded a little more embarrassed.

She really didn't hack into the Dudu communication device on purpose.

I was experimenting with an ability that I had only recently mastered, and I accidentally discovered a special wave band.

“I got in touch out of curiosity, and who knew it would become what it is now.”

Good guy, there is such a thing.

Hearing Nasida's explanation of why she hacked into the Dudu communication device, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

What the other party said was really easy. Ms. Alice had installed anti-intrusion measures for the Dudu communication device.

However, the person named Nasida behind the communication device was able to successfully invade the communication device without triggering the defense device.

The other party said it was curiosity, but Han Xiao could only say he was doubtful.

However, he did not continue to struggle with this matter, but immediately asked the second point that he was quite concerned about:

Miss Nasida, if you didn't choose to speak out and just retreated, I probably wouldn't be able to find any trace of you.

Why did you suddenly choose to expose yourself in front of me?

Compared to Nasida's reason for invading the communication device, Han Xiao was more concerned about the fact that the other party could choose to retreat quietly and not let himself be aware of the fact that the communication device was invaded.

However, the other party chose to expose himself in front of him.

This really made Han Xiao a little confused as to why the other party made such a choice.

That's because I accidentally overheard the conversation between you, Mr. Hanxiao, and Ms. Alice. There are some parts of it that I care about very much.

Chapter 419: Being Caught

In fact, at first, when Nasida discovered that she seemed to have accidentally intruded into someone else's call, her first thought was similar to what Han Xiao said, which was to prepare to exit quietly to avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, just when Nasida was about to exit, Han Xiao and Alice talked about the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan, and also mentioned that this plan was handed over to Dolly.

She still knew Dolly, the famous Lord of the Alcazazale Palace in Xumi, Lord Sange Mahabhai.

Although it is not clear what the specific content of the plan mentioned by Han Xiao and Alice is, since Dolly is involved, the plan they mentioned is probably related to Xumi.

This made Nasida, who had originally planned to retreat quietly, immediately change her mind and choose to continue to lurk.

Later, in Han Xiao's soliloquy, she heard that the general content of the first step of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan turned out to be to anchor the consciousness in the earth's veins.

Nacida, who was well aware of the dangers of the Earth Line, chose to speak out and expose herself.

Miss Nasida is from Sumeru?

After listening to Nasida's explanation, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with surprise.

Liyue, like the other six countries, has intelligence agents stationed in other countries.

Well, this is the default unspoken rule of the seven countries. If you are discovered, you will be sent back to your country. If you are not discovered, you can continue to lurk.

So he still knew some general information about Xumi.

For example, the more famous Gale Disciplinary Officer Seno in Xumi, Clerk Elhaysen and so on.

Unfortunately, Nasida's name was not among these people.

This was what surprised Han Xiao. The other party could easily crack Alice's anti-eavesdropping device and still avoid being discovered.

A person with this kind of ability has no reputation at all in Xumi, which is even weirder than the fake identity he created for the doll.

Therefore, Han Xiao guessed that either the name Nasida was a pseudonym, or the other party acted extremely cautiously and never exposed herself at all.

Sumiren...well, I should probably count it.

Regarding Han Xiao's inquiry, Nasida on the other side of the communication device pondered for a moment, and then answered in an uncertain tone.

Although the Sumeru people gave the little Lucky Grass King a nickname, she has been forced to live deep in the Jingshan Palace. She has never been taken seriously and is rarely mentioned.

So Nasida herself didn't know whether she was considered a member of Sumeru.

If it is, it is, if it is not, it is not.

Why should this be considered?

Hearing Nasida's answer, Han Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Mr. Hanxiao, my identity is not important.

Even through the communication device, Nacida seemed to guess that her words made the other party suspicious, so she immediately changed the subject and got down to business:

I want to know the specific content of the plan you entrusted Ms. Alice to pass on to Dolly.

Miss Nasida, it seems we don't know each other, right?

Looking at the Dudu communication device floating in mid-air, Han Xiao narrowed her eyes slightly, and her tone was a little cold.

Leave aside the fact that you eavesdropped on the conversation between me and Ms. Alice. We are not familiar with each other. Why should I tell a stranger my plan?

As soon as these words came out, the other end of the communication device immediately fell into silence, as if thinking about how to answer his question.

Han Xiao was not in a hurry, he wanted to see what the other party planned to do next.

After about half a cup of tea, Nasida on the other side of the communication device slowly spoke:

Mr. Hanxiao, I would like to apologize again for straying into the conversation between you and Ms. Alice.

Besides, as you said, you and I don't know each other. Logically speaking, I am not qualified to know your plan.


But what?

Seeing that Nasida's words suddenly stopped, Han Xiao couldn't help but concentrate.

He had a vague hunch that what the other person said next might be extremely important.

While Han Xiao was concentrating on staring at the Dudu communication device, Nasida on the other side of the communication device seemed to have made some kind of determination and said firmly:

But Mr. Hanxiao, your plan seems to involve the Xumi area. Since Nasida is not qualified to intervene, how about I change my identity and ask?

I... Nasida, the little auspicious grass king of Xumiru is here to ask Mr. Hanxiao, the Tianshu star of the Seven Stars of Liyue, what are your plans in Xumi.


In an instant, Han Xiao was stunned.

Although he expected that the next words of the other party might be extremely important, he never expected that the identity reported by the other party was actually the second-generation grass god who succeeded Xumi five hundred years ago.


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