As soon as Yingmei and Paimon arrived at Daozuma City, they asked passers-by about the location of Mulao Teahouse, and immediately went to the teahouse to look for Thomas.

The two met not only Toma in the Mokuro Teahouse, but also Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family, one of the three major shōkyō families.

Faced with Kamisato Ayaka's request to help Inazuma lift the Eye Hunting Order, Ying directly refused at first.

After all, she already knew from Zhongli and Han Xiao that Dao Zhi's God of Thunder was a beautiful woman with purple hair, which was completely different from the white-haired god she was looking for.

Therefore, Ying simply chose to refuse Kamisato Ayaka's request. Her main purpose of coming to Inazuma this time was to contact the Seven Heavens Statue to restore her own strength.

Now this purpose has been achieved.

As for the God of Thunder, it was best to meet him, and she could also get some information about the white-haired god from him.

Because Ying discovered that Zhongli and Han Xiao seemed to know the identity of the white-haired god, but had been unwilling to reveal it to her.

It would be best if we could get some information from Thor.

But even if she can't see the other party, Ying doesn't feel like she has lost anything.

So when Kamisato Ayaka wanted her to help Inazuma lift the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, Ying said directly that she didn't want to get involved in this muddy water.

Seeing that his plan failed, Kamisato Ayaka decisively changed his strategy, trying to use emotional resonance to gain the other party's help.

This time her plan worked perfectly.

Although she had traveled to Mondstadt and Liyue, Yingmei went from being confused about the situation in Teyvat to a mature and experienced traveler.

But in essence, she is still the good aunt with yellow hair and strong kindness.

So, faced with Kamisato Ayaka's request to see the current lives of those who have lost the Eyes of God, Ying finally accepted the commission.

After meeting the samurai who protects the village, the samurai who enforced the Eye Hunt Order in the past, and the kendo master who once aimed to be the best in the world, Yingmei, who has full 'tool man' attributes and a kind nature, finally jumped into Inazuma. in the vortex.

And Thomas also fulfilled the promise he made to him when he left the island, that is, he promised to provide a way for him to see General Thunder.

Well, this way of meeting is a little bit special.

Anyway, Ying never expected that Thomas would use him to help her meet General Raiden for the first time. (fog)

Due to the destruction of the ceremony site of the 100th Eye Hunting Order, Ying and Paimon can only escape from Narukami Island and head towards the location of Kaiji Island of the Resistance Army mentioned by Toma.


Han Xiao didn't know that Yingmei was coming to Haizhi Island for the time being. Even if she did, she would probably just sigh and it was no different from the process in the game.

Compared to what happened to Yingmei, he was now more concerned about experimental issues.

It has been less than half a month since the experiment of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Project started. Before Han Xiao, I decided to wait for one more week. Today is also the last day.

However, what made him irritated was that so far, Ren had not found any resonance of consciousness about Kanria in the ley lines.

At this time, everyone in the chat group was paying attention to the situation in Yuanxia Palace in the live broadcast room.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: It seems that the experiment is going to fail.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Perhaps there is just not enough time. There is so much information in the ley lines, maybe we can wait a little longer.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Tsk... Just waiting stupidly is not the answer. Before that, we have to make sure that the problem is not with the machine.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: So are you planning to change the 'keyword'?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: seems like this is all we can do now.

Han Xiao reached out and scratched her somewhat disheveled hair, with helplessness written on her face.

Just like Xingxiao said, they haven't found any news in the past half month, so they can only replace the keywords first to make sure there is no problem with the machine.

After all, no matter how stupidly you wait, there is too much uncertainty about whether the experiment will succeed.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Wait! There's something going on!

Just when Han Xiao had given up hope on the last day of searching and was changing keywords as soon as the preparation time was up, Xi Xiao suddenly scrolled through the group several times.

In an instant, everyone turned their attention back to the experimental machine.


Under everyone's gaze, the machine was experiencing a tremor that hadn't happened in half a month.

Could it be... found it?

Looking at the 'abnormal' machine in front of him, Han Xiao's eyes flashed with excitement, and his heart couldn't help but feel anxious.

He didn't wait too long. In the next second, a machine suddenly burst out with dazzling light, and then a half-kneeling figure appeared in the air.

At the same time, a male voice he had never heard before appeared in his ears as a shadow appeared on the screen.

We, the envoys, are here this time to ask the Great God of the Sea to lend The Past of the Sun and the Moon to Kanreia for a look!

This is...a picture of consciousness!

Seeing the image projected by the machine in mid-air, Han Xiao's heart finally fell to the ground, and she couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

This experiment was a success!

Chapter 417 The goal of the first phase of the experiment is achieved

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Is this... a success?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: 'Look at this scene, is it what happened when Kanreiya came to Baiye Kingdom to ask for The Past of the Sun and the Moon? ’

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Okay, okay, the machine is effective.

Seeing the historical scene that happened in Yuanxia Palace hundreds of years ago projected in the laboratory, Xingxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good if it can be retrieved. It seems that the retrieval ability is just a little weak, not that the machine itself is ineffective.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Even this retrieval ability is too difficult. It takes so long to find it.

[Xi Huan·Han Xiao]: It's okay. We are satisfied if there is no problem with the machine design. As for the problem of low retrieval efficiency, we can slowly improve it in the future.

[Original God·Han Xiao]: Xi Xiao is right, it would be great if it succeeds.

Watching historical scenes that were almost forgotten hundreds of years ago are now projected in the laboratory through the devices on the machine.

The worries in Han Xiao's heart for the past half month finally dissipated.

It’s okay if the retrieval efficiency is slower. Then we just need to find ways to improve the efficiency. At least there is nothing wrong with the machine design.

If there is a problem with the design of the machine, subsequent experiments will be delayed for a long time.


The historical projection in the mid-air of the laboratory did not last long, perhaps because the memories of Canria in the captured soul fragments were too scarce.

In less than three minutes, the scene gradually faded away.

But the meaning it represents is far beyond what can be explained in these three minutes.

Accurately finding the target in the earth's veins is the most critical point in the heroic spirit transformation plan.

After all, to summon a heroic spirit, the first thing you need is to capture the soul fragments of the summoned target in the earth's veins.

If you can't do that, then summon a chicken.

Now that he has successfully captured the goals he, Xingxiao and Xixiao set in the ground, Hanxiao's next plan is much simpler.

That is to extract this soul fragment from the earth's veins, and then find a way to awaken the consciousness within it.

Finally, the heroic spirit array is used to solidify it in the real world so that it will not collapse and return to the earth's veins.

In this way, the entire heroic spirit transformation plan can be said to be basically completed.

But before that, he still had a very important thing waiting for Han Xiao to deal with, which was to find ways to improve retrieval efficiency.

It took half a month just to search the disconnected ground veins of Yuanxia Palace. If it were placed on the Teyvat continent, it would probably take even longer.


Return to the city.

Han Xiao, who was working in Kuixing Building, put down the pen in his hand with a satisfied smile on his face.

Although it took half a month, the first and most important step of the experiment was finally successful.

He could also temporarily shift his focus away from Yuanxia Palace.

Anyway, Yuanxia Palace's current goal is definitely to improve retrieval efficiency, and subsequent experiments will not continue until at least the efficiency is improved.


At this moment, the beeping communication device placed in the corner of the desk suddenly rang, and Han Xiao thought about it.

Is it Ms. Alice’s communication?

Seeing the beeping communication device light up, Han Xiao's eyes narrowed and she quickly determined who was contacting her.

As for why he is so sure, it is mainly due to the release of mobile phones. Basically, the communication between him and Ningguang and others has been changed to mobile phones.

In order to facilitate contact, Han Xiao also asked Abedo to build a temporary signal transfer station for the Knights, and gave several mobile phones to the Knights members for communication.

Well, there is an intention to promote mobile phones in it.

Therefore, among the remaining people who can still contact him using the Dudu communicator, it seems that the only one who may be at the border of Teyvat or somewhere on the mainland is Ms. Alice.

Without making the other party wait any longer, Han Xiao quickly reached out and picked up the Dudu communication device, and then connected the communication.

Hey, hey, brother Hanxiao, long time no see!

Things did not go beyond his expectation. As soon as the communication was connected, Ms. Alice's slightly lively voice rang from the communication device.

Long time no see, Ms. Alice!

Perhaps it was because of the good news from Yuanxia Palace that Han Xiao responded with a more relaxed tone.

Oh, it sounds like you're in a good mood lately, brother?

On the other side of the communication device, Alice was keenly aware of the change in Han Xiao's tone. She immediately used her smart brain and guessed several possibilities in an instant.

Then she picked the one with the greatest possibility and asked Xiang Hanxiao:

Isn't it possible, brother, that the plan you asked me to pass on to Dolly was successful?

Not yet, but the first step has been achieved.

Tsk, tsk, that's incredible, little brother Hanxiao!

After hearing Han Xiao say that the first step of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan was successful, Alice couldn't help but click her tongue and said with a look of amazement.

She had read about the contents of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan before.

So Alice understands very well how important Han Xiaokou's first step is to the entire plan.

That is to accurately find the target you want to find in the vast amount of information in the earth.

With the success of this experiment, the entire heroic spirit transformation plan can be said to have overcome the most difficult obstacle. No wonder the other party is in such a good mood.

No, Ms. Alice, there are still many difficulties in the subsequent experiments.

Although the most difficult step in the plan seems to have been overcome, Han Xiao cannot guarantee whether there will be any other difficulties until the entire experiment is successful.

So he just responded modestly to Alice's exclamation.

By the way, Ms. Alice, I wonder why you contacted me today?

Han Xiao did not give too much explanation on this matter, but quickly asked about the reason why Alice suddenly contacted him today.

Oh, I almost forgot that I still have important things to discuss with you, Brother Hanxiao.

After hearing Han Xiao ask about her purpose of contacting him today, Alice changed the topic to what she wanted to say:

Brother Hanxiao, do you still remember what you promised me before?

The thing I promised?

Han Xiao rolled her eyes and quickly found the reason why Alice contacted her from her memory.

Kelly's birthday?

That's right!

Seeing that Han Xiao had not forgotten, Alice on the other side of the communication device nodded with satisfaction, and then said:

Isn't it the end of the year soon? The Sea Lantern Festival is coming soon in Liyue.

After the Sea Lantern Festival, Keli's birthday will be in a few months, so I'm here to inform you this time. Don't forget to come to the Golden Apple Islands then.

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