Han Xiao suddenly realized that if the other party was telling the truth, then the reason why Ms. Alice's anti-eavesdropping device directly failed would be found.

Facing a demon-level existence, it doesn't seem hard to accept that Ms. Alice's anti-eavesdropping device was cracked.

It's not that the opponent's ability is not good, but that the person who cracked it is the grass god, one of the seven rulers in the world.

But when he came back to his senses, how to answer Nasida's question became a problem.

Han Xiao can't say that I have a deal with your rebellious great sage, and I plan to have a return of the old king drama.

Although he was not afraid of Nasida's censure, after all, everyone was at the level of the demon god, and his authority was still as high as Zhongli himself determined.

In a real fight, the other party may not necessarily be your opponent.

But the matter of planning the Heart of the Grass God by oneself is not a glorious thing after all, and now one of the parties has even accidentally found out about it.

Even Han Xiao would feel embarrassed.

Actually, Mr. Hanxiao, if you don't tell me, I probably know what's going on.

For Han Xiao who didn't know how to speak, Nasida on the other side of the communication device suddenly spoke to break the silence between the two.

Your plan must be related to King Daci Shu. I guessed it right.

...Can you tell me why you guess so, Miss Nasida?

Because I know very well the respect that the people of Xumi have for King Daci Shu, and... their distrust of me.

When she said these words, Nacida's tone couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She knew that she might be immature as a god, but after all, she was the second Grass God who inherited the God of Wisdom.

How could Nasida not know that the Great Sage and the people of Sumeru ignored her and missed her predecessor, the Grass God, the Great Merciful Tree King.

Han Xiao is the Tianshu Star of the Seven Stars of Liyue, and his status is comparable to that of the Great Sage Xumi. The other party's plan is definitely not a trivial matter.

Combined with the Sumeru people's attitude towards themselves, the answer will naturally come out.

Chapter 420 Nasida’s transaction request

It seems that Miss Nasida is not as indifferent to worldly affairs as rumored.

Seeing that Nasida had very accurately guessed that the transaction between herself and the Great Sage was related to the Great Cishu King, Han Xiao was silent for a moment and then sighed.

After all, she is a grass god who is known as the god of wisdom. Even though Nasida, the second generation grass god, is rumored to be indifferent to worldly affairs, her wisdom cannot be underestimated.

So, is my guess correct?

Not only was Nasida not happy about Han Xiao's sigh, she actually murmured to herself in a low voice.

Although he knew that he was not taken seriously in the heart of the great sage Xumi, he had already speculated that the transaction between Han Xiao and the great sage must be related to the former grass god, the Great Ci Tree King.

But when she really heard the exact answer from Han Xiao, she was still a little disappointed.

In order to become a qualified god in the eyes of the Sumeru people, Nasida has been learning how to become a reliable god in the eyes of her people since she was born five hundred years ago.

Why even though five hundred years have passed, the Xumi people are still the same as before.

Hanxiao didn't understand the bitterness in Nasida's heart. When he heard the other party's questioning, he thought for a while and then said:

You guessed it right, Miss Nasida.

I did make a deal with the current Great Sage of Sumeru.

The content of the transaction is indeed related to King Daci Shu.

Is that the plan?

Upon hearing that Han Xiao had reached a trade agreement with the current Great Sage Azar, Nasida immediately thought of the plan that the other party mentioned in the communication with Alice.

Can you tell me what the specific content of the plan is?

I'm sorry, Miss Nasida.

Han Xiao rejected the other party's proposal without thinking.

The Heroic Spiritualization plan is related to him obtaining the Heart of the Grass God. Before he gets the thing, he cannot lose the chips of this transaction.

Mr. Hanxiao, please don't refuse in a hurry.

Nasida had already expected Han Xiao's rejection, so after the other party refused, she cheered up and said slowly:

Let me guess, with how prosperous Liyue is, there isn't much in Xumi that you can covet.

In the Jingshan Palace, Nasida, who had never been out since being brought here, had already put away her disappointed mood and spoke out her guess with confidence.

To her, things should be just as she said they were.

There wasn't much in Xumi that Liyue was concerned about. After all, Liyue had the same skills that Xumi had, and was even stronger.

In addition to Han Xiao and Azar, one is a great sage of Xumi, and the other is the Tianshu star of the Seven Stars of Liyue.

The cooperation negotiated by these two top players in the country will definitely not be a trivial matter.

After eliminating most of the information and clues, one thing gradually became clear in Nasida's heart.

Perhaps this is the only thing that Han Xiao, the Tianshu star, wanted to find the great sage to trade with.

Thinking of this, she directly expressed her guess.

The reward for your transaction is the heart of God, right?


Hearing Nasida directly say the words Heart of God, Han Xiao knew that the other party had really guessed the true purpose of his deal with Azar.

Therefore, Han Xiao did not choose to fool him, but simply admitted it.

Mr. Hanxiao, I don't think you have signed a contract with Sage Azar yet?

What do you mean, Miss Nasida?

Han Xiao has thought about the other party's attitude after hearing her answer, such as being angry, questioning, etc.

But he didn't expect that Nasida didn't seem to care at all, acted extremely calmly, and even asked him questions in return.

I also have a suggestion here. I wonder if Mr. Han Xiao would like to hear it?

What advice?

Mr. Han Xiao, would you like to change your transaction partner?

As soon as these words came out, Han Xiao immediately narrowed her eyes.

Change the transaction partner?

This time things seemed to be getting interesting.

It's interesting, Miss Nasida, please continue.

There is a possibility that Mr. Han Xiao is not clear about it.

Seeing that Han Xiao was interested in her proposal, Nasida directly stated her plan without any ink.

There is a mysterious connection between each of the Seven Earthly Rulers and the Heart of God. To a certain extent, this is also proof that we serve as the Seven Gods.

Since the purpose of the transaction between Mr. Han Xiao and Azar is for the Heart of God, if we and the Seven Gods don't take the initiative to give up our connection with the Heart of God, I'm afraid you won't be able to take the Heart of God away at all.

Because as long as I don't give up the connection with God's Heart, I can summon God's Heart back at any time.

Is there such a thing?

After hearing what Nasida said, Han Xiao's face immediately became serious. This was the first time he had heard of the Heart of God saying this.

Zhongli didn't seem to have mentioned this matter.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask:

Miss Nasida, do you really mean this?

If you don't believe it, you can ask Senior Yanshen.

Nasida actually understood Han Xiao's suspicion.

You must know that the Heart of God is not a mainland product, and the only ones who know its secrets are the seven gods who serve as the seven rulers of the world.

But unlike the weak ones who need the Heart of God to increase their combat power, seniors such as Yan Shen and Thunder God do not need the Heart of God to increase their strength at all.

Therefore, soon after obtaining the Heart of God, they took the initiative to cut off the connection between themselves and the Heart of God.

So Han Xiao didn't hear Yan Shen talk about this matter, most likely because the other party didn't take it to heart.

In other words, the Heart of God is still under your control, Miss Nasida?

Yes, even if I am not valued by the people of Xumi, I am after all the recognized successor of the seven ruling grass gods in the world.

Nasida nodded and then said:

Even if the Heart of God is not in my hands at the moment, I can still summon it back as long as I don't cut off the connection.

I see.

This time Han Xiao finally understood why Nasida asked him to change the trading candidate after knowing that his goal was the Heart of God.

Emotional The heart of God in Azar's hand can be taken back at any time.

If this is the case, I agree with the suggestion of changing the transaction partner.

After understanding that Azar was just a temporary custodian of the Heart of God, Han Xiao immediately and decisively agreed to Nasida's suggestion.

Because now the situation has changed.

If Nasida does not give up her connection with the Heart of God, even if she and Azar continue to trade, the Heart of God may not be in his hands.

So instead of making a deal with Azar, it is better to make a new deal with the true owner of the Heart of God.

Chapter 421 Azar was sold

Miss Nasida, how are you going to make the deal?

It was learned that Nasida, the little auspicious grass king, was not controlled by the great sages of the Order Academy as it appeared, and she also held the trump card to control the heart of God.

Han Xiao sold Azar without hesitation and discussed a new deal with the other party.

He would not care about the complicated relationship between the grass god in Sumeru and the sages of the Order Academy. He would cooperate with anyone who could give him the heart of the grass god with dream power.

Although the Heart of God is now in the hands of the great sage Azar, since Nasida can get the Heart of God back at any time, Han Xiao will naturally choose to cooperate with the Little Lucky Grass King.

As for the great sage Azar...hehehe!

In terms of status, Han Xiao is a member of the Seven Stars of Liyue, and is at the same level as the Xumi Sage. His status as a great sage has no bonus at all.

In terms of strength, Han Xiao said that he could hang the opponent up and whip him like a top.

The reason why he cooperated with Azar in the first place was just for the Heart of God in his hand.

Now knowing that Azar cannot fully control the Heart of God in his hand, Han Xiao doesn't even bother to look at him.

Mr. Hanxiao, before we start cooperation, can you tell me what the original transaction between you and the great sage Azar was?

Seeing Han Xiao's rapid change of attitude, Nasida calmly asked about the deal he had negotiated with Azar.

Yes, yes, but...

But what, Mr. Hanxiao?

I need to sign a contract with you, Miss Nasida, under the witness of the Rock King!

Hearing that the other party wanted to know the contents of the original transaction between him and Azar, Han Xiao did not speak immediately, but put forward a condition.

That means the two of them have to sign a cooperation contract, and they sign it under the witness of Zhongli.

After all, Little Lucky Grass King is known as the God of Wisdom, so you need to be careful when cooperating with the other party.

It would not be fun if the other party listened to the contents of the transaction between themselves and Azar and assumed that they had just defaulted on the verbal agreement.

Moreover, Han Xiao also wanted to see whether the things the other party said about the heart of God were true or false.


Nasida agreed to Han Xiao's request without even thinking about it.


So you found me?

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