After arguing for a long time, they finally reached a consensus.

That is, as Aoxiao speculated, using the resonance method to locate.

To put it simply, they will spread the specified information in the ley lines, and then let it wander back and forth in the ley lines in a wave state.

As long as the conscious memory and soul fragments in the earth veins contain the information they specified, there will definitely be feedback.

This is enough to help them narrow down the search scope in a large area, and then the search will be much easier than searching aimlessly.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Conscious resonance? It's really a good design.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Let me briefly summarize. The remaining consciousness and soul fragments in the earth's veins must have some information about themselves.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: So you are just holding a large loudspeaker and calling out the name of one of the people in the sea of ​​people, and the owner of this name will definitely react? Isn't it?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: That's a good overview, that's pretty much it.

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Stop talking, Yuanxiao seems to be taking the next step!

As soon as Ye Xiao's words came out, other people in the chat group immediately returned their attention to the screen in the live broadcast room.

In the temporary laboratory of Yuanxia Palace, he didn't pay attention to what the group members were talking about. At this time, Han Xiao was concentrating on controlling the machine.

Carefully inputting his own energy into the machine, he quickly used the machine's assistance to slowly build a small illusory anchor point flashing with blue light in the earth's veins.

...The directional anchor point was constructed successfully.

As the mechanical sound conveyed the success message, Han Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this first step was finally completed smoothly.

This proved that his design with Xingxiao and Xixiao had a good start.

After stabilizing her mind, Han Xiao started the next steps with the attention of everyone in the group.

It is also the most critical step in the entire experiment, finding the target they specified.

“Start spreading the flow!”

The command has been received and the information flow has begun to be constructed. Please enter the specified information.


Confirm the construction target-Kanria!

Following Han Xiao's concise and powerful instructions, the entire machine group immediately started running at full speed.

Soon, he heard the answer he wanted to hear most.

The information flow Kanriya has been established. Has it started to spread?


Propagating, please wait...

Under Han Xiao's command, the illusory anchor point floating in the earth's veins suddenly glowed brightly, and then the faint blue light swayed around like water ripples, and gradually spread towards the depths of the earth's veins.

These 'water ripples' are the embodiment of the consciousness resonance method designed by Hanxiao and the others, and they all carry the message of Kanria.

As long as any of the remaining conscious memories and soul fragments in the earth's veins respond to this information, it means that their experiment will most likely be successful.

Only then, after confirming that the information flow was successfully transmitted, did Han Xiao have time to look at the chat group.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: It seems to be going very smoothly so far. Let's see if we can resonate with consciousness and information flow.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: If we can find a resonant consciousness or soul fragment, then this experiment will be considered a success.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Yuanxiao, how long do you estimate it will take for the information flow to spread?

[Original God·Hanxiao]: It's hard to say, the earth veins are really too complicated, and there are too many things mixed in. I guess it will take several days to get the results.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: It all depends on luck. If you are lucky, you can find it very quickly. If you are not lucky, you may not be able to find it in a few days.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I have a question, why did you use Kanreia as the first choice for the experiment for the first time?

Hai Xiao asked the doubts that many people in the group had. Didn't Yuan Xiao say before that the agreement he reached with Great Sage Xumi was to bring back Abatui?

Why didn't they choose Abatuyi for this experiment, but chose Kanria?

[Original God Hanxiao]: Because the ground of Yuanxia Palace has been disconnected from Teyvat for a long time, there is no news about Abatui here.

Han Xiao quickly explained Hai Xiao's doubts.

Abatuyi's remnant soul consciousness must have been absorbed by Teyvat's earth veins, and Yuanxia Palace had long been cut off from the connection between the two because it was sunk into the abyss.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to find information about Abatui in the leylines of Yuanxia Palace.

As for why Han Xiao knew the problem of Yuanxia Palace's earth veins but still chose to conduct the first experiment here, his main purpose was to hide it.

After all, the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan needs to go deep into the earth's veins. In order to ensure concealment, he must first carry out the operation in a place where it will not attract attention.

Only when Han Xiao was sure that his operation would not awaken the sleeping Tianli, could Han Xiao safely start his own experiment on the Teyvat continent.

Chapter 415 Search with no news yet

In addition to the reason of concealment, the reason why Han Xiao chose Kanria as the 'keyword' for this information flow is actually very simple.

That is, the directivity of Canrea is very high.

Compared to keywords such as Abe Ryaku, Son of the Sun, and Dainichi Yugo, the word Kanreya appears only a handful of times in Byakuya Kingdom.

According to the information Hanxiao received in the game in his previous life, Kanriya once sent envoys to the White Night Kingdom to borrow the record The Past of the Sun and the Moon.

It was also hundreds of years ago, if he could accurately find a soul fragment recording Kanria in the leyline of Yuanxia Palace.

The chances of finding the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King himself will increase.

After ensuring this, Han Xiao had the capital to make a deal with the great sage in Xumi, and then get the heart of God he wanted from the other party.

Anyway, Zhongli said that the demand for the Heart of God among the seven rulers in the world is actually not very big, and getting the Heart of God by himself will have no impact on Sumeru.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, everyone in the chat group also understood why the three of them used Kanria as the 'keyword' for the first experiment.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: There is a lot of information in the earth veins. It seems that Yuanxiao and your experiments will have to continue searching for several days.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: There is nothing we can do about this. You should understand the term Akashic Records.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: The Book of Life, the legendary universe life information database, is a universal archive system that records all thoughts, words and actions that occur at every moment. It is a universal archive system that is stored in A collection of mystical knowledge within the ether.”

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: After our discussion, we all agreed that the ley lines of Teyvat are quite similar to the Akasha records. Simply put, the ley lines are the archives of all information about Teyvat.

[Genshin Impact Han Xiao]: So our experiment is simply to get the ISBN of a book from the administrator, and then find the book with the ISBN imprinted on it in the huge archives.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: It seems that we can't wait for the result for the time being, so I'll withdraw first.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I've slipped away too. I'll come back when the results come out.

After learning that it would take some time to see the results of the experiment, some people in the chat group immediately left.

After a while, most of the people left.

There are only a few people left who often gossip in the group.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Really, are these people so busy? How could they slip away so fast?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Please, not everyone is like you, Jixiao, who basically has no goals and can only drive piles, okay?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: How can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air? I have worked hard, okay?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Are you working hard to create new dolls?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Uh...that's not important! What's important is that Akabane Raijin came to school.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Oh, it looks like your place is going to be lively.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Jixiao, you don't seem to have mentioned your ranking in the night club?

[World of Wisdom·Hanxiao]: Hey, didn't I tell you, I'm ranked 60th, long live the passing score!

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, you didn't even make it to the night party with your gloves?

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Why should I wear gloves? That would be so tiring!

In response to Han Xiao's ridicule, Ji Xiao said that the research on the sensitivity of the doll's skin was not good enough, or that it was not irritating to make a new doll for himself, so why did he have to go through the thankless work of being a glove holder.

Besides, with his current strength, the entire Walpurgis Royal Academy of Artificial Intelligence, from the students to the principal, together they are not enough for him to defeat.

There is also the divine ingenuity thing. After learning the technology from himself in other worlds for so long, he has already cracked it and mastered it.

So for Jixiao, he has cleared the whole world, and he is too lazy to participate in the plot. He just waits for the night party to start and finds an opportunity to quit.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: It's really amazing, I'm so envious!

Although Jixiao behaves very unmotivated, the other party can't help but worry about any danger and can still hang out with the girl, which makes Guixiao really envious.

That's not the case here. The leader of the association has been leading the great changes in the entire continent of Samlia in order to reshape the world.

And even if Gui Xiao now has mastery of the Flower of Heart, the power of the Seven Supreme Treasures also belongs to the rules system, and there is also an alliance leader whose strength is unknown and whose whereabouts are hard to find.

Therefore, Gui Xiao had calculated that unless he could quickly transform into the second stage of the Flower of Heart and master multiple powers, he could face the leader of the seven treasures.

As for now, let’s keep messing around.

The Lingbi plan has not been implemented yet, and there is still a certain amount of time.

The only thing that made Guixiao unhappy was that his beautiful master, the seventh sister, stopped taking him because he had already graduated.

Perhaps this is what Guixiao really envies Jixiao.


Five days passed in a flash.

During these five days, Han Xiao stayed in the laboratory and didn't go anywhere. When he was bored, he chatted with his friends in the group and listened to their current situation.

Of course, other people in the chat group did not forget to pay attention to Han Xiao.

It's just that although the machine on his side has been running, the illusory directional anchor points in the earth's veins are also constantly vibrating outwards with 'ripples' containing information.

But unfortunately, after five days, there was no reaction at all.

No, the chat group started talking again today because of this matter.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: It's been five days and there's still no news at all. Could it be that the keywords you set are too harsh and the search can't be done at all?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Although this possibility is indeed possible, logically speaking, it shouldn't be right?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: When Kanria went to White Night Kingdom as an envoy to Before the Sun and Moon, there was a lot of commotion. This was definitely a very impressive event. How could there be any clues? Can’t even find it?”

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I don't think you need to worry. The earth veins are so big and there is a lot of information recorded. It seems that it won't be a problem if it takes a longer time.

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: Keep waiting and see. Mo Xiao is right. The earth veins themselves record a lot of information, so there is nothing wrong with searching a little slower.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Wait another week. If we still can't find it, then we have to consider redesigning the keywords of the directional anchor point.

Chapter 416 Thanks to Brother Thomas for providing access

Neither Xingxiao nor Xixiao had any objections to Hanxiao's decision.

If they can't find any clues after searching for half a month, then they may really want to consider changing the 'keyword'.

You must know that the earth veins of Yuanxia Palace and the earth veins of Teyvat Continent have been severed for hundreds of years.

Although there is a lot of information in it, the 'information amount' is already small compared to the ley lines that run through the entire Teyvat continent.

If precise positioning cannot be achieved even in a leyline with a small amount of information, then Han Xiao must consider whether there is a problem with the machine design that prevents retrieval.

So he first needs to change a broad 'keyword' to confirm whether the machine can successfully retrieve the target.

If it is possible, it means that there are too few records about Yuanxia Palace in the Yuanxia Palace terrestrial veins, and it will take more time to search.

If it still cannot be done, it means there is a problem with the machine design and needs to be redesigned.

Faced with these two results, Han Xiao naturally hopes that the current result is caused by the first reason.

At least in this case, it can only be said that the retrieval efficiency of the machine is not fast enough, not that there is a problem with the machine design itself.

In this dilemma, he began another week of long waiting.


While Han Xiao was waiting for the results of the experiment alone in Yuanxia Palace, huge chaos also occurred in Dao's Wife on the ground.

The center of this chaos is naturally our travelers.

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