Everyone is worried about their life tomorrow, and the atmosphere on the entire outlying island is quite depressing.

After finally leaving the island with the help of others, I originally thought that the next environment should be better than the island.

But the result is.

As a result, only the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled were left in the huge Kontian Village. The young people in the village were either captured to serve as soldiers or chose to flee to other places.

It can be said that life is worse than that of people living on the island.

Not to mention the miko Hana Sanri I met halfway, which was another sad memory.

Now seeing the bustling scene in Daozuma City, she couldn't help but sigh, even though this was what a city should be like.

The two sighed for a while, and then Paimon got down to business.

Ying, Thomas said he was at the Mu Le Tea Room, right?


Ying hummed softly. When they were on the outlying island, Toma told her that she could go to the Mulao Teahouse to find him next.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to Mulao Teahouse to find him!


Afterwards, the two asked passers-by on the roadside where the Muliao Tea Room was, and then walked towards the place pointed by the other party.

Just as Yingmei and Paimon rushed to Mulao Teahouse to find Thomas.

The shadow looks toward the Narukami Grand Shrine on the top of the mountain.

Has the wind from another world finally reached Inazuma?

Yae Shenzi looked at the information that Shirouying and Paimon had entered Inazuma Castle, with a little joy on his face.

A few days ago, it was time to hold the Great Sakura Festival at Narukami Taisha Shrine.

She was about to take action personally as usual, but she learned from the miko under her that someone had borrowed the commemorative mirror Shenying Dazu needed.

Then Yae Shenzi received the news of the successful completion of Shenying Dazu.

After some investigation, she found out that the otherworldly traveler who had left a very famous reputation in both Mondstadt and Liyue had actually come to Daozhi.

Although the other party came much later than expected, at least he still came.

This makes Yae Shenzi very happy.

Although she chose to die in person, she only cooperated with Kaijijima. She has always been hidden behind the scenes and did not choose to stand on the stage.

If no one can break this situation, Yae Shenzi will really have to count on her to come forward and force Raikage out of Isshin Pure Land.

To be honest, she really didn't have much confidence in facing that brainless General Thunder.

But now, the traveler from another world finally came to Inazuma. The other party is a special case who does not have the eye of god but can use elemental power.

This exception will definitely attract the attention of General Raiden.

When the time comes, there is a high chance that Kage, who is hiding in the Pure Land, will see each other in person.

As long as he can see his own god who is hiding in the Pure Land and cannot come out, Yae Shenzi will be sure to use the facts to make that 'otaku' wake up.

Emmm, as for why she is so sure that Yingmei will confront General Thunder.

The reason is also very simple.

Because Yae Shenzi believed in the other party's ability to make trouble.

After all, according to the information she received, this traveler from another world would be involved in the center of major events wherever he went.

For example, I encountered the Wind Demon Dragon incident in Mondstadt, and I went to Liyue and encountered the King Yan King's fake death.

Now that Inazuma is here, it is difficult to say that the other party will not be involved in the Eye Hunting Order.


Yae Kamiko cast his gaze to where Kamisato Yashiki was, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

In Inazuma, she is not the only one who misses the travelers.

Presumably the shady kid from the Kamisato family has also received the news and is ready to take action.

In fact, it was just as Yae Shenzi guessed.

As soon as Yingmei entered the city, spies from the Kamisato family spread the news to Kamisato Yashiki.

Chapter 413 The experiment begins

Yae Kamiko and Kamisato Ayato plan to use Ying to break the situation, but we will press this matter for now and talk about it later.

Now turn your attention to Han Xiao.

After entering Yuanxia Palace, he quickly found a more ideal experimental location.

Not only is the place remote, but there are no evil figures around, so the concealment effect is very good.

At least when Ying and the apostles of the Abyss Religion entered the Abyss Palace, unless some special circumstances occurred, they probably would not have noticed the existence of a laboratory here.

In addition to being well hidden, this place is also the closest to active ley lines.

So soon, Han Xiao set up a simple laboratory here.

With the completion of the laboratory, the Teyvat version of the Heroic Spiritualization Experimental Plan was also launched.

Today is the moment when Han Xiao starts experimenting for the first time.

At Xingxiao's request, he also turned on the group live broadcast function to broadcast the experiment simultaneously to his group friends.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: “It’s coming, it’s coming, I’ve been waiting for a long time and finally today!”

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Zhuo, can you stop talking about the lyrics? I almost sang it.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Don't make any noise, just watch the experiment quietly. I'm very curious about the results of this experiment now.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Same curiosity.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Speaking of which, Yuanxiao's experimental design was completed by Xingxiao and Xixiao together with you?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Well, the spirit seance ceremony and summoning of heroic spirits is the decisive battle magic in our world, not to mention that what I provide is not a degraded version like the Holy Grail War.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Wait a minute, I remember that the summoning of heroic spirits without downgrade can only be used in the world?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Let's not talk about the downgrade issue first. The key question is where did you get this version?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Oh, there must be an original copy of the summoning ritual that humans degraded. This copy is kept in the Astra Courtyard. I got it back with the loot from the Clock Tower.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Gan! I can already imagine the faces of the monarchs in the Clock Tower turning green when they heard the news.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: There is no problem with this. But what Mo Xiao asked is, can he use the original version of Yuanxiao?

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: Don't worry, the Flower of Heart will derive its authority after its transformation, and don't forget the special nature of Han Xiao's world.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Let me explain!

After completing the preliminary preparations for the experiment, Han Xiao saw that other people in the chat group seemed curious that he, Xing Xiao and Xi Xiao would adopt the original version that could only be used by the world after discussion.

So he told the group what they thought.

If placed in other worlds, even if the Flower of Heart can derive authority after transformation, it will still be difficult to leverage the rules of the world.

After all, the rules of the world are not single. A world is often a complex existence with many kinds of rules intertwined.

But the world of Teyvat, or the entire universe composed of the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Sea of ​​Quantum, is extremely special.

There was a joke in my previous life that ‘Honkai is omnipotent’.

Although it was a joke, it also proved the universality of the power of Han Xiao's universe.

Coincidentally, the power transformed from Han Xiao's Flower of Heart is the most basic and core entropic ability of the universe.

So from a personal perspective, the nature of the power he possesses is enough to move the world.

Therefore, Xixiao and Xingxiao agreed that the Lantern Festival is likely to reproduce the real 'Spiritual Spiritual Summoning Ceremony' on the Tevat continent.

After listening to their thoughts, Han Xiao also felt that she could give it a try.

Anyway, this is just an experiment. Even if it doesn't work, we will choose a downgraded version when the time comes.

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: I see, is it because of the special nature of the world? It seems that you can't reproduce the operation of Lantern Festival here.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Hai Xiao, are you okay with your brain? I remember that you seem to be in the navy, right?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Are you planning to summon Roger or Rocks?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: Actually, I am more inclined to summon scholars from the 100-year blank period, or scholars from the Kingdom of D. Then maybe the origin of the devil fruit can be answered.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: Good guy, you are so courageous!

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: What are you afraid of? It's because I am in the naval laboratory for convenience and no one will bother me. I am still a little worried about Im's unknown information, but as long as the other party does not control the power of rules, , you can tear down Marie Gioia’s if you want.”

[Locus·Hanxiao]; It's swollen, Hai Xiao has swelled. Didn't you say that you are a scientific researcher? Are there any such violent researchers as you?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Uh... I seem to have quite a few here.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Stop crooked, the Yuanxiao experiment is about to begin!

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the chat group stopped chatting, and everyone focused their attention on Han Xiao's live broadcast room again.

After debugging the last machine built with a mixture of alchemy and magic, Han Xiao quickly came to the control console.

As for why it was a console instead of a summoning spell, he said that the spell thing was really inconvenient and too uncontrollable.

After all, the summoning spell is used by the Yusan family to summon heroic spirits that are more consistent with their own compatibility, and if some holy relics have been used by multiple people, there will be a 'card pool' when summoning.

That kind of summoning is like a lottery, too unstable.

It would be better to use semi-technical and semi-supernatural power to achieve precise anchoring.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Well, everyone, I'm going to start!

After leaving a word in the group, Han Xiao put his hands on the summoning machine in front of him, and the blue power gradually poured into the machine.


With the influx of energy, several machines placed in the laboratory according to the summoning circle were activated one after another and began to concentrate the spread of power on one point.

The next moment, the blue light beam turned into a blue light due to the excessive concentration of blue energy and sank silently into the ground, passing directly through the rock formations and reaching the depths of the earth's veins.

Positioning is normal!

Starting to contact the earth veins, invading...

A mechanical sound sounded in Han Xiao's ears. The magic circle inspired by the instrument was amplifying Han Xiao's unique power and invading the earth's veins bit by bit.

Soon, he heard an exciting sound in his ears.

The intrusion was successful and the construction of directional anchor points began.

Chapter 414: Construction of positioning anchor point completed

When the machine reported a successful intrusion sound, the chat group suddenly became lively.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: You can succeed in one go, it's pretty sure!

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: At least Xixiao and I are busy, okay? It would be too embarrassing if something created by combining the technologies of our three worlds can't even do this.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: That's true, but this is only the first step, and the next step is the highlight.

As a user of magic, even though Han Xiao from the world of cleverness is often ridiculed by his friends as a 'fully automatic pile driver obsessed with pile driving', his magical attainments are not low.

Therefore, he also has a certain say in the machines developed by Han Xiao and the others.

It is easy to find the ley lines, and it is not technically difficult to establish an anchor point that can stably input energy to the ley lines.

The key point of this experiment is how to accurately locate the target they need among the vast memories of earth veins.

Jixiao's words quickly received the approval of others in the group.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: Jixiao and the others are right about this. The difficulty of this experiment should be how to accurately find the desired target.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Well... according to the knowledge I have learned, maybe the resonance method is more practical?

[Western Fantasy·Han Xiao]: As expected of someone who plans to enter Aguang's laboratory in the future, Ao Xiao is right to the point. This is how we designed it!

When helping Han Xiao complete the experimental design of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan, Xi Xiao and the others had a heated debate on how to accurately find the accurate target among the complicated information flow in the earth's veins.

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