For some strange reasons, he had some business dealings with the Eighth Hall opened by the other party, and he had dealt with the other party several times.

The unpredictable character of Yae Kamiko was really difficult for Goro to deal with.

Can you imagine that he, a dignified general of the Kaiji Island Resistance Army, was actually made into a 'girly' version of Miss Hina by the other party?

Anyway, since he knew the truth of this matter, Goro didn't dare to tell anyone about the fact that he had a column to answer questions for others in Yaedo Hall.

It was because he was afraid that others would connect Miss Xina with him.

It's so embarrassing.

As long as the other party really wants to let the general lift the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order, then we can cooperate with her.

After listening to the two people's opinions on Yae Shenzi himself, Coral Palace Xinhai made a decision after some thought.

The reason why Kaijijima rekindled the war with Inazuma this time is actually that old grievances only accounted for a very small part of it.

It is more because of the relationship between the Locking Order and the Eye Hunting Order.

Several generations have passed since the death of Orobus the Orochi. Before the lockdown order was issued, the relationship between Kaiji Island and Inazuma Island was relatively cold at best.

But there was no disobedience to Inazuma Island's arrangements, and trade was still going on.

However, once the Suoguo Order and the Eye Hunting Order came, Haiji Island lost its largest revenue line from maritime trade with other countries, and it can be said that Haiji Island suddenly fell into an extremely difficult situation.

This was the main reason why they finally chose to resist Dao Wife.

After all, they can't even live anymore. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, Haiji Island might as well fight hard.

Of course, Coral Palace Xinhai also knew very well in his heart that Kaijijima Island actually did not have the ability to engage in a full-scale battle with Inazuma Island.

Wuxiang Basama is a living example.

So even if she chose to resist, she always tried her best to prevent the battle from getting out of control.

Moreover, the slogans they raised were only against the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, and did not mention a word about escaping from Inazuma's jurisdiction.

Chapter 411 Coral Palace Heart Sea: Is the Rock God dead? FakeNews!

By the way, Miss Xinhai.

Seeing that Coral Palace Shinkai had decided to cooperate with Yae Shenzi, Maplehara Manyo did not forget to convey an extremely important message to the other party:

According to Yaegomiyaji's investigation, there seems to be a third party involved in the war between Inazuma and Kaijijima. There is a high possibility that it is Foolish People.

Third party force?

No wonder I always feel that the recent war situation has become more and more difficult to control. Many times, the soldiers seem to be crazy and fight for their lives with Inazuma, and they can't stop them.

After hearing what Maplehara Manyo said, Goro suddenly understood some of the troubles he had encountered recently.

During this period, the mood of his soldiers became more and more irritable. Sometimes they would even choose to disobey the orders of him and Coral Palace Xinhai and start a dispute with Inazuma without permission.

Originally, Goro only thought that this was caused by the feud between Kaijijima and Inazuma over the years. Now it seems that this third party force may be the 'culprit' of everything.

They don't want the conflict between Kaijijima and Inazuma to remain small, but they want the war to escalate and make Inazuma as chaotic as possible.

Only in this way can the third-party forces hidden behind the scenes have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

I'll pay attention to this.

Different from Goro's reaction, Coral Palace Xinhai quickly made a guarantee when he heard that there might be a third party in the conflict between Kaiji Island and Inazuma Island.

Next, she will pay close attention to this aspect, hoping to find any clues that the third party forces are disrupting the situation behind the scenes.

After all, allowing the war between the two sides to escalate is actually not good for Kaijijima.

If General Thunder and Lightning is really lured out and they are given a knife, Haiji Island will really be in trouble.

In that case, isn't the identity of the businessman named Romani who left before very suspicious?

Wulang couldn't help but think of Han Xiao who had just left.

The other party suddenly appeared in Inazuma, which blocked the border, and brought a large amount of supplies. In addition, he was also the owner of the Eye of God.

If there really is a third party between Kaijijima and Inazuma, then this Fontaine businessman who suddenly appeared is highly suspicious.

Mr. Roman?

Coral Palace Xinhai frowned slightly, it shouldn't be...

Goro, there shouldn't be any problem with that businessman's identity.

You should know that I stayed in Liyue for a period of time with Big Sister Beidou. During this time in Liyue, due to the return of the soul of Yan Shen to Gao Tian, ​​the relationship with the Fools has dropped to a freezing point, and a comprehensive expulsion was made. Measures to keep fools out of the country.”

Seeing that his good brother Goro had doubts about Han Xiao, Maplehara Manyo shook his head and expressed his opinion.

During this time in Liyue, Beidou went to Guilicheng to teach students, while he kept hanging out among the people and inquiring about a lot of news.

Naturally, Maplehara Manyo also understood a little bit about the feud between the Fools and Liyue.

In addition, the hottest topic in Liyue recently is the imminent unsealing of the Layer Rock Abyss, which has been sealed for nearly two years.

The list of members of the exploratory team was also revealed.

Not only were there travelers with very good reputations in Mondstadt and Liyue, as well as people from the General Affairs Department of Liyue, there were even immortals accompanying them.

Coincidentally, this person named Romani Solomon was also on the list.

Considering that the relationship between Liyue and the Fools was at a freezing point at that time, the other party should have nothing to do with the Fools.

Wait...Manyo, what did you say?

However, what Maplehara Manyo didn't expect was that after listening to his explanation, Coral Palace Xinhai did not care about Roman's identity. Instead, she focused all her attention on another issue.

The rock god of Liyue...has his soul returned to heaven?

Why, Miss Xinhai, you don't know?

Maplehara Manyo was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted.

Daozhi has been under a national lockdown for a long time. There have been basically no outsiders coming in the past few years, so news from other countries will naturally lag behind.

It's normal for the other party not to know what happened in Liyue.

Then he told Wulang and Coral Gong Xinhai in detail some of the major events that had happened in Liyue recently.


After listening to Maplehara Manyo's explanation, the corners of Coral Palace Xinhai's mouth couldn't help but rise. She already understood the 'mystery'.

Wanye, has any place in Liyue suffered from large-scale disasters recently?

Just like Hachi Island.

Of course there is no such thing...wait!

At first, Maplehara Manyo didn't understand why Coral Palace Shinkai asked this, but as soon as he said the words, he reacted and raised his head and looked at the other party with a surprised expression:

The Rock King Emperor is not dead!

It seems that there is indeed no place in Liyue that was hit by the disaster.

Seeing Maplehara Manyo's reaction, Coral Palace Xinhai immediately knew that his guess was indeed correct.

This is simply fake news, FakeNews!

You must know that after the death of the Orobus Orobus, the entire Yashiro Island has been experiencing constant disasters. During this period, if Harunosuke Yuigami had not used magic to suppress the resentment of the demon god, this island would have been uninhabitable for a long time.

In addition, Coral Palace Xinhai also noticed from the recent intelligence that something is not quite right about the situation on Baling Island recently, and there is a feeling that the disaster is reappearing.

Now that I think about it, this may have something to do with the ‘third-party forces’ mentioned by Yae Shenzi.

After all, the battle between Kaijijima Island and Inazuma Island took place on Yashiro Island. If a third party wanted to secretly escalate the war, what could be more covert and faster than using the resentment of the devil to make people lose their minds?

Liyue's Yanwang Emperor was the Martial God of Orobas who was able to defeat them on Haiji Island. How could the death of a demon of this level not cause the slightest movement?

It's my problem. I didn't react to something so obvious.

Thinking of the situation on Hachi Island, Maplehara Manyo couldn't help but look embarrassed.

He actually forgot about this before!

This is not your problem Manyo.

As for Maplehara Manyo's failure to think of this immediately, Coral Palace Xinhai immediately offered words of comfort.

In the environment where people in Liyue spread word of mouth about the death of Emperor Yanwang, Maplehara Manyo was not a professional intelligence officer, and was less sensitive to information. It was normal that he did not think about the incident on Ba Yu Island.

But what's going on with Liyue's Rock God?

Wulang on the side couldn't help but express his confusion. He was a little confused about the meaning of Liyue's Yanwang Emperor designing his own fake death.

Who knows, we mortals can't understand the thoughts of gods.

Hearing Wu Lang's doubts, Coral Palace Xinhai shrugged helplessly and sighed with meaning:

It's like we don't understand the general's thoughts.

Chapter 412: The Yingmei who is cared about by all parties

Maplehara Manyo and others would never have dreamed that Liyue's King of Rocks faked his own death, but it was just a big job that an old man who had worked for thousands of years wanted to retire.

On the contrary, Coral Palace Xinhai took advantage of Zhongli's fake death and sighed, The thoughts of gods are incomprehensible to mortals.

Hmm... It can be said to be quite targeted, basically just pointing at Lei Movie's nose and complaining about the other party's strange brain circuit.

Wu Lang, you need to pay more attention to the matter of the Fools.

After using Maplehara Manyo's remarks to suspect the identity of the puppet Hanxiao, Coral Palace Shinkai turned to Goro and gave instructions.

In addition, what Wanyu mentioned also gave me some inspiration. I will also send someone to check the town property situation on Yaoji Island later.

After all, just as she had thought before, if the 'third-party forces' mentioned by Yae Kamiko wanted to escalate the war between Kaijijima and Inazuma.

The suppressed resentment of the demon god on Ba Ling Island is definitely the most covert and most effective method.

Okay, Lord Coral Palace.

Wulang nodded. Although there were many things in the army, fortunately Zheping recently obtained the Eye of God to help him share a lot of things.

Note that the problems of fools can be left to the other party.


After giving orders to Goro, Coral Palace Shinkai immediately asked Maplehara Manyo:

Did Yaegomiya tell you what to do if you want to contact the other party?


Hearing Coral Palace Xinhai's inquiry, Maplehara Manyo directly took out the small wooden box containing the magic mirror from the God's Eye space and handed it to the other party.

By the way, he also told Coral Palace Xinhai how to use the magic mirror and the instructions of Yae Shenzi.


At the same time, Inazuma Castle.

After Ying was sad for a few days after completing the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Sakura and sending away the miko Hanasari herself, he regained his composure and set out from Konta Village all the way to Inazuma Castle.

“It’s finally a lot of fun!”

After entering Inazuma Castle, Paimon looked at the long-awaited crowds in the city and couldn't help but sigh with his mouth open.

Since entering Inazuma's land, they have encountered a series of bad things.

First, he was inexplicably stopped from leaving on an outlying island, and then he saw the current situation of Konta Village where only old people were left.

Of course, Miss Huasanli, who was purified for the sake of Shenying Daizu, is also indispensable.

It can be said that the desolation and depressing atmosphere in various places in Inazuma made the usually lively Paimon feel a little depressed.

Now that I see the relatively normal and prosperous scene in Inazuma Castle, the pressure that has been hanging on me is much relieved.


After hearing Paimon's sigh and looking at Inazuma Castle, which had a relatively small flow of people, Ying nodded in agreement.

The Inazuma Castle in front of him now looks like the atmosphere that a city in a normal country should have.

What were those places called before?

The survey of outlying islands imposes arbitrary fees, which has caused constant complaints from all residents on the island, especially the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations.

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