Because the supplies Han Xiao brought were most urgently needed on Haiji Island, which was currently short of resources, she would naturally eat them all if she could.

However, the price offered by the other party was not low, and they were all extremely precious alchemy materials.

Inazuma has been locked down for almost three years, and Haiji Island has used up a lot of its inventory in exchange for supplies.

The materials left now may not be enough to pay the price of all supplies.

But facing these supplies, Coral Palace Xinhai didn’t want to give up.

That's why she wanted to get closer to Han Xiao, so that when the two of them got to know each other later, the other party could get a slightly cheaper price.

emmm... that is to say, our ornamental fish is still a little reserved. If it were a red and white witch with exposed armpits, she would probably hold Hanxiao's lap and perform the witch maiden's family plan.

Mr. Roman, I wonder what the price you are offering is?

While feeling troubled, Coral Palace Xinhai remained calm on the surface, but began to ask Han Xiao what price he planned to sell the supplies for.

Miss Xinhai, please rest assured, because this batch of grain is all old rice, the price will definitely be much lower than the market price.

Han Xiao made a little calculation in her mind.

Judging from the current market price of rice, five hundred tons of molas require at least hundreds of millions of molas. Even if there is a discount due to old rice, it will still cost around tens of millions of molas.

This is no small sum of money.

In Liyue, five million molas can monopolize an industry. If an ordinary person can earn more than 100,000 molas a month, it is considered a high salary.

Don't look at Ning Guang who frequently spends hundreds of millions of molas. That's because he is really not short of money and he is a truly wealthy businessman.

Those who can compare with her wealth are the only rich people on the continent of Teyvat among the fools.

Hmm... Sumeru's Dolly might also qualify.

Apart from this, there are really not many people who can spend so generously.

Didn’t even Ying choose to pay in installments for a three million house?

So after some thought, Han Xiao quoted a price that he thought was suitable.

Miss Xinhai, for 500 tons of grain, I only need about 50 million molas of alchemical materials. This price is sincere enough.


Hearing Han Xiao report the figure of fifty million molas, Coral Palace couldn't help but lick her bitter mouth, and a hint of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Five hundred tons of grain costs 50 million, which means one pound is only 50 molars on average.

The price is indeed not expensive.

But the other party offered a sufficiently favorable price, and she still seemed unable to afford it.

Chapter 406: The Contract between Liyue and Daozhi

Mr. Roman, I'm afraid that with Haiji Island's current material reserves, we won't be able to buy all your goods.

Facing Han Xiao who gave the price, Coral Palace Xinhai was silent for a while and then chose to tell the truth.

If it had been when the national lockdown order had just been promulgated, Haiji Island's material inventory would have been able to absorb this batch of supplies.

However, in order to maintain Haiji Island, which was in a shortage of supplies under the national lockdown order, she had long ago exchanged the alchemy materials in her inventory for daily necessities.

After more than two years, there are not many alchemy materials left in the inventory. It should be impossible to eat all the goods in Han Xiao's hands.

It's not that Haiji Island can't even get the alchemy materials worth five hundred tons of food.

If Han Xiao only sold 500 tons of grain, Coral Palace Xinhai would grit his teeth and buy it.

The most important thing is that these 500 tons of grain are only the first batch in the hands of the other party, and there may be a second and third batch in the future.

Anytime you do something you need a plan.

Judging from the current situation, the hope of lifting the national lockdown order is still very slim, so she must be prepared to continue to live a hard life on Haiji Island.

At this time, a large-volume food supplier like Han Xiao was naturally the most valued partner of Coral Palace Xinhai.

Therefore, she naturally wanted to eat all the goods in the other party's hands to prevent Haiji Island from falling into a desperate situation without food.

So how much alchemy materials can Kaiji Island currently buy?

When Han Xiao heard Coral Palace Xinhai say that Haiji Island couldn't afford all the supplies he had, Han Xiao didn't really care.

After all, it was just a superficial reason for him to come to Haiji Island to sell daily necessities.

To put it bluntly, even if this batch of food was given to Haiji Island for free, it would not be a loss for him.

First of all, this batch of food was originally allocated by Ningguang to Guili City.

As Guilicheng began to produce its own grain, this batch of old rice came out, and it was only a matter of Han Xiao's words to deal with it.

Secondly, everyone in Liyue Qixing has already earned back the money they spent to buy this batch of grain by profiting from Daoqi.

At worst, he can just use the profits to directly purchase this batch of materials. I think Ningguang and the others will definitely have no objection.

Anyway, Han Xiao is not short of money now.

It's only tens of millions of molas, and he can't stand a chance of defeat.

Don't forget, although Han Xiao doesn't do much business, he has a lot of unique businesses that even Ning Guang would be jealous of.

For example, cement, electric vehicles, etc. have been used in large quantities in Liyue and Mondstadt.

Coupled with the dividends given to him by Yingmei's takeout platform and Wanmintang and other stores, Han Xiao's current assets are actually astronomical.

Hmm... If you put it this way, it seems that he can also be ranked among the top wealthy businessmen in Teyvat.

Of course, saying that, Han Xiao would not really give away the supplies for free.

Unless he can exchange this batch of supplies for a five-star ornamental fish, he can still consider it.

Coral Palace Xinhai didn't know that he had been evaluated by Han Xiao in his heart as a five-star ornamental fish that could be exchanged for thousands of tons of food.

Hearing the other party's rhetorical question, she was thinking about how many tons of grain she could buy with the current inventory of Kaiji Island.

Soon, Coral Palace Xinhai came up with the answer, which was about fifteen hundred tons.

After completing the calculation, she looked at Han Xiao and gave a number:

Mr. Roman, currently we can only purchase about 1,000 tons of alchemy materials on Haiji Island.

Yes, you read that right, Coral Palace Xinhai underreported about 500 tons of grain worth of alchemy materials.

The reason why she underreported it was because she had to reserve some alchemy materials to make weapons, so she couldn't exchange them all for supplies.

A thousand tons, that's fine.

After hearing the amount posted by the Coral Palace Heart Poster, although Han Xiao had far more than a thousand tons of supplies, he readily agreed to the deal.

After all, doing business was just a side trip, and his real goal was the Yunxia Palace under Haiji Island.

Mr. Roman doesn't know how long it will take for your supplies to arrive at Inazuma.

Seeing that Han Xiao agreed to the deal, Coral Palace Xinhai breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked the other party about the time when the supplies would arrive at Inazuma.

I have entrusted the first batch of 500 tons of grain to the Southern Cross fleet in Liyue. Currently, Captain Beidou is leading the fleet to Haiji Island. It will arrive in about ten days.

As soon as the Southern Cross fleet arrives, five hundred tons of grain worth of alchemical materials will be delivered.

With that said, Coral Palace Xinhai took out a contract document that was very familiar to Han Xiao from his God's Eye space.

Then Mr. Roman, let's sign the contract.

Miss Xinhai, does Haiji Island also use Liyue's contract?

Seeing that what the other party took out was indeed Liyue's document, Han Xiao couldn't help but ask her doubts.

This is Inazuma. Even though Haiji Island has never believed in the God of Thunder, they openly use things from other gods. Have the people of Haiji Island always been so brave?

The guarantee of Liyue's God of Contract is very reassuring. If it's easy to use, why not use it?

Regarding Han Xiao's doubts, Coral Gong Xinhai revealed a sly smile.

The gods believed in on Kaiji Island have long been killed by General Raiden. Over the years, there has been a lot of friction between them and Inazuma's native land.

Therefore, for the current Haiji Island, the rock god Morax, who attaches great importance to contracts, is their best choice when doing business.

You must know that the Martial God left a famous saying during the Demon God War: Even if the sky falls, the contract must be completed.

Miss Xinhai really worked hard to protect the interests of Haiji Island.

This fish not only knows how to play, but also has many tricks.

Regarding Coral Palace Xinhai's move, Han Xiao estimated that the reason why the other party did this was probably because someone had deceived Haiji Island in this regard before, so the other party had to choose this method to protect Haiji Island's interests.

Soon, Coral Palace Xinhai drafted the transaction contents on the contract document and signed her name. Then she handed the document to Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, this is the content of the transaction, please take a look.

After taking the contract document, Han Xiao read it carefully and then took a pen and wrote down Romani Solomon's full name.

The contract has been made. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks!

After confirming that there was no problem, Coral Palace Xinhai and Han Xiao faced each other and said the words that Liyue people often talked about at the same time.


Return to Licheng, on the roof of the school building.

Well, a foreign contract?

Zhongli, who was drinking tea, suddenly felt that there was a contract thousands of miles away waiting for his approval. Using the power of the God of Contracts, he sensed the contents of the contract.

Cough cough cough...

The next moment, when he saw the names signed on the contract, Zhongli choked on his tea and coughed several times.

The expression on his face is also quite strange.

Isn't this name the pseudonym of Han Xiao's puppet clone? When did the other person go to Dao Wife?

No...what the hell is this kid doing?

Chapter 407: The pollution problem in Xumiru

Looking at the name on the contract that made him feel inexplicably unhappy, Zhongli frowned and took out his cell phone from the space, then dialed Han Xiao's number.

Just as the call tone rang, the call was connected on the other side.

Han Xiao, what are you doing?

Why did your doll clone appear in Inazuma and seem to have signed a contract with the living god miko of Kaiji Island?

Mr. Zhongli, I'm just doing a small humanitarian relief effort.

In the office of Kuixing Building, Han Xiao was looking at the document in his hand and explaining it briefly to Zhong Li on the other side of the phone.

Stop talking nonsense to me, here's the real purpose!

Zhongli didn't believe even half of Han Xiao's explanation. This kid had been full of bad ideas since he was a child. He was partly responsible for why Hutao became so difficult to deal with now.

That's why he didn't believe that Han Xiao would go to Inazuma and Kaiji Island to start a business because of some humanitarian relief.

And judging from the content of the contract, it was obvious that this kid was at a disadvantage.

It would be strange if there were no ghosts here.


Hearing that Zhongli didn't believe his explanation at all, Han Xiao could only choose to smile, and then said what he really thought.

My purpose is actually very simple. It is Yuanxia Palace, the intersection of the three realms.

Because of that plan?

As soon as Han Xiao said the words Yuanxia Palace, Zhongli immediately thought of the heroic spirit transformation plan that the other party had shown to him and Wendy before.

The core focus of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan is to awaken the consciousness and souls sleeping deep in the earth's veins.

At present, if you want to find a ground on the Teyvat continent that is not regulated by heavenly principles, only Yuanxia Palace is the easiest to access.

It seems that you are planning to start experimenting with the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan.


Han Xiao in Kuixing Tower hummed softly, and then explained again seriously:

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