Mr. Zhongli, I know you think it's not good to disturb the dead, but the Grass God's Heart of God is very important to me and to Liyue, so I must get it.

If you want to get the Heart of God from Sumeru Peace, this plan seems to be the most effective at present.

I still say the same thing, as long as the experiment is not held in Liyue, the rest of the place is up to you.

On the other side of the phone, Zhongli also said the same words as last time.

He knew very well that Han Xiao's ultimate purpose for doing this was for Liyue, so as long as he didn't disturb the dead in Liyue, he would let the other party go.

But having said that, Han Xiao, have you and Xumi reached a deal?

Currently, the great sage from Xumi only has the intention to cooperate. We can't say it has been reached until we see the results.

Seeing Zhongli asking about the situation on Xumi's side, Han Xiao also briefly described the agreement reached between him and the great sage Xumi.

As long as his experiment in Yuanxia Palace is successful and the results are displayed before their eyes, the Great Sage of Xumi promised to give him the Heart of God once the consciousness of King Daci Tree is recalled.

You wait a moment, I agree to the contract.

After listening to the agreement between Han Xiao and Great Sage Xumi, Zhongli suddenly remembered something that he had to let the other party know.

But before that, he had to deal with the contract first.

As he spoke, Zhongli activated his authority as the God of Contract and agreed to the contract signed between Han Xiao's puppet clone Romani Solomon and the living god witch Coral Gong Xinhai on Haiji Island.

After doing all this, he continued to say to Han Xiao:

Han Xiao, there is something I think I should let you know.

What's the matter? Tell me.

King Daci Shu did not die in Kanreia.

Alas, didn't King Daci Shu die in the battle of Kanria five hundred years ago?

Han Xiao was quite surprised when she suddenly learned that the Great Ci Tree King was not Kanreya who died five hundred years ago.

From the intelligence he collected, it was clear that the other party had indeed died during the Great War of Kanria five hundred years ago.

Why did Zhongli say that?

Because there was no Great Merciful Tree King among the demon gods who participated in the destruction of Kanria.

On the roof of the school, Zhongli raised his head and looked at the sky in the distance, and said in a faint tone:

During the expedition to Kanria, Xumi's World Tree suddenly suffered a large area of ​​pollution, and she died due to the pollution.

Pollution...such a coincidence?

Hearing Zhongli's explanation, Han Xiao's brows instantly knitted together.

Vaguely, he had a very likely guess.

Mr. Zhongli, is the pollution of the World Tree also related to Kanreia or the abyss?

I think so.

Zhongli expressed his affirmation of Han Xiao's speculation.

The World Tree is related to the safety of the entire Teyvat, and its power level is also quite high. It can infect the power of the World Tree. Currently, only the power of the abyss can do this in the Teyvat continent.

“Then it’s basically Kanriya’s fault and he didn’t run away!”

Han Xiao said categorically immediately, and at the same time, he quickly figured out the connection in his mind.

Five hundred years ago, in order to fight against the laws of nature, Kanreia chose to make a desperate move and attracted a very high-level power of the abyss to pollute the World Tree.

Once the World Tree is completely infected, the entire Teyvat continent may be buried with Kanria.

Therefore, in order to solve the pollution problem, King Daci Shu did not go to Kanria to participate in the war, but stayed in Sumeru to try to solve the problem of World Tree pollution.

But in the end, although the other party controlled the pollution, it also fell into Xumi.

After thinking about this, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue and asked Zhongli in a tentative tone:

So, there is still pollution in the consciousness and soul fragments of King Daci Shu?

If you have been to Sumeru, you will know that there is an environment called the dead zone in Sumeru, which is extremely harmful to the forest.

What's more coincidental is that the Death Realm also suddenly appeared five hundred years ago, and after that, the incurable Demon Scale Disease broke out in Sumeru.

Zhongli told Han Xiao everything he had learned when he went to Xumi hundreds of years ago, and then he slowly said in a meaningful tone:

Han Xiao, if you really want to awaken the consciousness and soul fragments of the Great Ci Tree King sleeping in the earth's veins, then the first thing you have to do is to find a way to solve the pollution problem.

Fortunately, your power to repair wear and tear is quite advanced and you can do this.

Otherwise, I would have stopped you when you proposed this plan.

I understand, I'll try to resolve this issue before planning begins.

Han Xiao solemnly agreed to Zhongli's warning.


At the same time, on Haiji Island, the transaction between Han Xiao's clone and Coral Palace Xinhai also came to an end.

Chapter 408 The goods arrive

As the exclusive mark of Morax on the contract document lit up, Coral Palace Xinhai suddenly felt a lot more stable.

Because there is no habit of using contract documents, Haiji Island was once cheated by a businessman.

That was when the national lockdown order had been implemented for almost a year, and the supplies on Haiji Island were about to be exhausted.

In order to ensure the logistics of the resistance army, Coral Palace Xinhai could only send people to buy food from smugglers who came illegally.

As you can imagine, the people she sent out were completely deceived by those cunning smugglers.

The large wooden boxes used by the other party to store food are all specially made. There are partitions inside the box that divide it into two layers.

The upper layer is rice, and the lower layer is filled with heavy objects such as sediment to increase the weight of the box.

The person in charge sent by Coral Palace Xinhai to purchase food did not know this trick, so he was naturally deceived miserably, and even Haiji Island lost a lot of alchemy materials in stock.

So in order to prevent this from happening again, after careful consideration, Coral Palace Xinhai finally decided to use Liyue's contract documents as a guarantee.

Facts also proved that her decision was correct.

Ever since the contract documents from Liyue were adopted, Haiji Island has never been defrauded of materials by merchants.

Mr. Roman, if you don't mind, you can stay temporarily on Haiji Island during this period and enjoy our scenery.

After confirming that the contract came into effect, Coral Palace Xinhai extended his invitation to Han Xiao.

Before the food arrives, I also need to inventory the alchemy materials.

no problem.

Coral Palace Xinhai's invitation suited Han Xiao's wishes, so he nodded quickly and agreed to the other party's suggestion.


As the two reached an agreement on the deal, Han Xiao temporarily lived in Haiji Island. Coral Palace Xinhai also specially sent the miko Luko to accompany him to visit Haiji Island.

As for Zheping.

Because of the All-Seeing Eye given to him by Han Xiao, after a few days of familiarizing himself with the use of elemental power, he said goodbye to Han Xiao, and then hurried back to Tengdou Village where the resistance army's frontline camp was located.

After all, the war on the front line has been in an anxious state. If he can go back earlier, he can share some of the pressure for General Goro earlier.

One day, the miko Luko came to the door of Hanxiao's temporary residence and knocked on the door, just like the previous days.

Mr. Roman, where do you plan to go shopping today?

After seeing Han Xiao open the door and come out, she greeted him in a familiar tone.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Luzi felt very fond of this businessman from Fontaine. After all, he not only looked good, but also spoke very nicely.

Who doesn’t like this kind of handsome, sweet-mouthed guy!

I won't go out today, Miss Luzi.

Hearing Luzi's question, Han Xiao shook her head and explained:

Miss Xinhai sent someone to inform me last night. There was news from General Goro on the front line that the Southern Cross fleet will arrive at Haizhi Island in the afternoon.

I have to go and hand over the cargo to Captain Beidou.

That's it.

Seeing that Han Xiao had something serious to do, Luzi sighed regretfully.

It's rare to meet a handsome guy who is very interested in these ancient histories and is also a good talker. She is also going to continue chatting with him about the history and legends of Haiji Island.

Looking at Luzi leaving with some regret, Han Xiao turned around and closed the door behind her, then walked towards the Coral Palace.

In the past few days, he was not in a hurry to go to Yuanxia Palace. Instead, he and Luzi had been visiting various parts of Haiji Island.

However, relying on her good speaking skills, Han Xiao also became familiar with the witch who held the key to the Moon Bath Abyss.

I learned a lot about the history and legends about Haiji Island.

After cutting through some of the exaggerated rhetoric, he found that Kaijijima didn't seem to know much about Auchiya Palace.

It can even be said that there is not as much information as he got in the game.

But after thinking about it, Han Xiao understood why Haijidao didn't know anything about the situation in Yuanxia Palace.

Orobas, the Orochi, was on Tianli's blacklist because of the book Before the Sun and the Moon. In the end, he had to resort to dark tactics and successfully gained the safety of his people at the expense of himself.

Before that, Orochi should have taken the initiative to erase the historical records of that period in order for his own people, that is, the ancestors of the current residents of Haiji Island, not to be liquidated later.

Of course, the biggest loser among them may be Lei Movie, who had no idea about this matter.

After all, when Orobas took the initiative to invade Yaoji Island, she lost another friend, the Great Tengu Yuri Sasa.

Although he didn't learn much information about Yuanxia Palace from Luzi, Han Xiao didn't gain anything.

At least the type and solution of the seal at the entrance to Yuanxia Palace were figured out by him during his chats with Luzi in the past few days.

So when the deal with Coral Palace Xinhai is completed, he can openly 'leave' Haizhi Island, and secretly sneak into Yuanxia Palace to conduct his own experiments.


Soon, Han Xiao arrived at the Coral Palace.

As soon as he entered the reception room of Coral Palace under the leadership of the guard soldiers, he saw Coral Palace Xinhai and Beidou talking there.

Miss Xinhai, Captain Beidou!

Han Xiao greeted the two of them with a smile on her face.

You're here, Mr. Roman!

Seeing Han Xiao walking into the living room, Coral Palace Xinhai stopped talking to Beidou and returned the greeting with the same smile.

You are Roman, right.

After the two of them greeted each other, Beidou stood up from his chair and walked over to Han Xiao, took out a delivery note and handed it to him.

The goods Hanxiao asked me to transport for you have been placed at the Haizhi Island pier. Just come with me to sign for them later.

Thank you Captain Beidou.

Although it was a little strange to hear his name from Beidou, Han Xiao still reached out to take the delivery order from the other party without changing his expression and thanked him.

The goods have been delivered. I don't have anything to do here. You two, please take your leave now!

Seeing that Han Xiao and Coral Palace Xinhai might have something to discuss, Beidou also had the foresight to choose to leave first.

After seeing off Beidou, Han Xiao sent the delivery note in her hand to Coral Palace Xinhai:

Miss Xinhai, my goods have arrived. I wonder if Haiji Island has prepared the alchemy materials I need?

Coral Palace Xinhai reached out and took the delivery order and checked it carefully. After confirming that it was correct, she nodded to Fang Hanxiao:

Don't worry, I have sent someone to count the alchemy materials for the transaction.

In that case, how about we trade at the dock. I can entrust Captain Beidou to transport the goods out of Inazuma.

Chapter 409 Entering Yuanxia Palace

After confirming the transaction method, Coral Palace Xinhai directly called the soldiers and ordered them to carry the alchemy materials that had been counted to the dock.

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