You'd better accept this Eye of All Things first and treat it as the reward I paid you in advance.

Seeing that Zheping agreed to his suggestion, Han Xiao first motioned to him to put down the Eye of All Things, and then gave some instructions:

But there is one thing I want to remind you first. Regarding the Eye of All Things, you cannot tell the truth to anyone.

This is the 'eye of god' you get when you get the attention of the gods. Brother Zheping, do you understand?

This...I understand.

After hearing Han Xiao's request, Zheping thought for a moment and then agreed.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of the Eye of All Things. Just as he had thought before, if others knew that Han Xiao had a treasure in his hand that allowed ordinary people to use elemental power, there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

Since the other party is willing to sell this treasure to himself at a 'cheap price', he cannot cause unnecessary trouble to others.

Very good. I saw that General Goro's Eye of God is of rock attribute, so I chose a rock-attributed Eye of All Things for you. With its help, you should be able to better help General Goro of your resistance army. ”

After briefly explaining the properties of the Eye of All Things, Han Xiao asked Zheping with a smile:

Now, I wonder if Brother Zheping is still willing to be my tour guide on Haiji Island.

Mr. Roman, don't worry, we'll leave now!

Chapter 404 The scenery of Haizhi Island

After sailing toward the southwest side of Bazhong Island for some time, Hanxiao soon saw the outline of Haizhi Island under Zheping's guidance.

The two continued to move forward along the scattered small islands, and finally landed on the coast next to Wanglong Village.

After landing on the island, Han Xiao and Zheping soon reached a high place, and the scenery of the entire Haiji Island came into view.

Is this Haji Island? It is indeed as beautiful as the rumors say!

Looking at the scenery in front of him that was completely different from Inazuma's other islands, he couldn't help but admire it.

Unlike Haeung Island and Cheong Lai Island, which are often exposed to harsh environments such as thunderstorms, Haeji Island has quite a bright appearance.

The terrain here is towering, and there are waterfalls of various sizes everywhere. The large amount of water vapor rising makes many water bubbles floating in the air.

Under the sunlight, these bubbles cover the entire island with dreamy colors.

In the center of the island, a huge palace is standing in the center of the island, surrounded by many shell-shaped decorations.

There is the Coral Palace, the highest power center on Haiji Island.

It is also the residence of Coral Palace Xinhai, the current supreme leader of Haiji Island.

The shape of the entire Coral Palace is full of the feeling of the sea. In Han Xiao's previous life, he might have been able to compete for an underwater dragon palace city.

Yes, our Kaiji Island is the most beautiful in the whole Inazuma!

Hearing Han Xiao's approval, Zheping raised his head proudly.

He is very confident in this matter. After all, you can see the situation on Inazuma's other islands.

Qinglai Island didn't know when the entire island was filled with thunderstorms, and the environment was extremely harsh, making it uninhabitable. Most of Qinglai Island had long been moved to several other islands.

And Ba Ling Island is not much better. Originally there were many villages on the island, but since the lockdown began, the entire Ba Ling Island has also been shrouded in thunderstorms.

This resulted in most villagers being forced to move away from their homes where they had lived for generations.

As for Heguan, it is shrouded in fog all year round and is probably the first island to be abandoned.

So after calculation, in the entire Inazuma, only their Haiji Island and Narukami Island, where the main city of Inazuma is located, can be inhabited.

Compared with the scenery of Narukami Island and Haji Island, there is still a certain gap.

That's not bad.

Regarding Zheping's statement that Kaiji Island is still the most beautiful of Inazuma Islands, Han Xiao nodded in agreement.

That is to say, Haiji Island is surrounded by the sea and the transportation is not convenient. If it were placed in Liyue, he would definitely build it into a tourist attraction and ensure a large flow of people.

In fact, there are many such beautiful places in Liyue, such as Luhua Pond and the strange mountains and rocks among the clouds.

It's just that Jueyunjian is the place where immortals live, and few people go there on weekdays. Luhua Pond has been washed away by sea water all year round, causing large areas of flower beds to disappear. It will take time to restore it to its once beautiful appearance.

By the way, little brother Zheping.

After looking at the scenery for a while, Han Xiao suddenly turned her head to Zheping and asked:

How do you feel about using the Eye of All Things these days?

Very good, Mr. Roman, thank you very much.

When Han Xiao asked him about his thoughts on using the Eye of All Things these days, Zheping's face was filled with excitement, and his eyes were full of gratitude to Han Xiao.

Because he was an ordinary person before, it was difficult for him to resonate with the spirit of the Eye of All Things at the beginning.

However, under Han Xiao's guidance in the past few days, he has basically mastered the use of the Eye of All Things, and successfully used his own hands to perform elemental skills.

When the khaki rock element gathered in the palm of his hand, Zheping even shed tears of excitement.

He can finally use the elements at will like the owner of the God's Eye, and can make greater contributions to Umijishima.

The Eye of All Things still has a power limit, so you have to act within your capabilities.

After listening to Zheping's experience of using it, Han Xiao thought about it for a while and then gave the other person a word of worry.

In the game, Zheping's unrestrained use of the evil eye to gain a battle advantage for the resistance eventually led to his own aging and death.

Although the use of the Eye of All Things does not put his life in danger, he is also afraid that the other party will take on many tasks beyond his ability because of his ability to use elemental power.

The purpose of giving Zheping the Eye of Everything was to make up for past regrets. Han Xiao didn't want to put the other party into greater danger because of herself.

Don't worry, Mr. Roman, I know.

With the success of lighting up the Eye of All Things, Zheping looked at Han Xiao with more respect. Hearing the other party's instructions, he nodded very solemnly.

After experiencing the use of the Eye of All Things in the past few days, Zheping also found that using the Eye of All Things requires a lot of energy.

And due to his physical condition, he cannot use elemental bursts like those who possess the Eye of God.

To put it simply, if placed in the game, Zheping's character model would probably be a semi-finished product with only the small skill of elemental combat skills and no ultimate elemental burst.

It is indeed weaker than the owner of the Eye of the Comparison, but compared to him who was just an ordinary person before, he is definitely more than a star and a half stronger.

Therefore, Zheping still has some idea of ​​his current level.

Moreover, Han Xiao was the great benefactor who allowed him to successfully use elemental power even though he had not received the attention of the gods.

In his heart, his status has surpassed that of General Goro and is second only to Lord Coral Palace.

Therefore, he will definitely keep Han Xiao's advice in mind.

Well, let's go to the Coral Palace to meet your miko-sama.

Mr. Roman...

Seeing that Han Xiao was planning to go to the Coral Palace to meet Master Xinhai, Zheping looked at the other party and hesitated to speak.

Soon, his performance attracted Han Xiao's attention.

What's wrong, Brother Zheping?

Mr. Roman, are you really a businessman who comes to Haiji Island to do business?

Finally, under Han Xiao's gaze, Zheping thought for a long time before gritting his teeth and asking out his doubts.

If at the beginning he thought the other party was just an ordinary businessman from Fontaine.

So ever since Han Xiao took out the Eye of All Things, Zheping knew that the person in front of him could never be an ordinary businessman.

You must know what a precious treasure the Eye of All Things is, but looking at the other party's attitude, it seems that he doesn't care much about the Eye of All Things. Obviously, this is not in line with the businessman's profit-oriented character.

In this case, there is only one explanation. Treasures like the Eye of All Things are actually not precious in Han Xiao's eyes.

The other party with such an attitude is likely to be the creator of the Eye of All Things.

For a time, Han Xiao's figure became more and more mysterious in Zheping's eyes.

Chapter 405 Five-star ornamental fish

After realizing that Han Xiao was probably not a businessman as he said, Zheping had been hesitating whether he should explain the matter clearly.

You must know that the reason why he can use elemental power is because of the eye of all things given by Han Xiao.

From this point of view alone, he owed the other party a huge favor.

Therefore, since getting the Eye of All Things, Zheping has always had a very respectful attitude towards Han Xiao. After all, this is the benefactor who made his dream come true for many years.


Zheping felt a little embarrassed when he thought that Han Xiao could give him an extremely precious treasure like the Eye of All Things at will, which meant that the other party's identity was more than just a businessman.

Haiji Island is his hometown and the place he values ​​the most.

Nowadays, Han Xiao, a big boss with a mysterious identity, is doing business, and no one would dare to believe him.

After struggling for a long time, Zheping still felt that even at the risk of offending Han Xiao, he had to confirm that the other party was indeed just coming to Haiji Island to do business and had no other ideas.

Of course, I'm here to do business.

Hearing Zheping's question, Han Xiao raised her eyebrows and said without changing her expression.

Although he did have another purpose in coming to Haiji Island this time, this purpose had nothing to do with the current Haiji Island, so the other party did not have to worry about what harm he would cause to Haiji Island.

...That's good.

Zheping, who had been observing Han Xiao since he asked his question, did not find any suspicious expression on the other person's face, so he finally chose to believe it for the time being.


After finishing the conversation on the top of the mountain, Zheping took Hanxiao along the road above Wanglong Village, and soon passed through the undulating plank road and arrived at the location of the Coral Palace.

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of Coral Palace, Shibata, the soldier guarding the entrance of Coral Palace, greeted the two of them.

Zheping, this should be Mr. Roman whom General Goro mentioned, right? Mr. Coral Palace is already waiting for you two inside.

Thanks, Shibata!

After briefly thanking the soldier Shibata, Zheping led Han Xiao into the Coral Palace and saw the heart of the Coral Palace that he had been waiting for for a long time.

Zheping-kun, thank you for your hard work.

Seeing the two people coming to him, Coral Gong Xinhai first nodded to Zheping, then bowed elegantly to Han Xiao, and introduced himself:

The Coral Palace Shinkai, the 'Miko who appears as a human god' on Kaiji Island, has met Mr. Solomon.

You're welcome, Miss Coral Palace, just call me Roman.

Then Mr. Roman, just call me Xinhai.

Oh, this ornamental fish is very playful!

When she heard the other party asking her to call her name directly, Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, and a hint of understanding flashed in her eyes.

Rice Wife has the same custom as Neon in her previous life. Only very familiar friends will call each other's names.

Coral Palace Xinhai obviously met him for the first time, so she used this 'little trick' to bring the two of them closer.

It seems that the five-star ornamental fish in reality may be much smarter and more decisive than the mentally retarded strategist in the game.

Although the clothes are just as astringent.

Ahem, let’s skip this point and get to the point.

Since Coral Palace Xinhai wanted to get closer to each other as soon as they met, Han Xiao also wanted to see what the other person's reasons were for doing this.

With this thought in mind, he got down to business directly:

Miss Xinhai, General Wulang must have informed you of my intention.

Yes, I have received the flying eagle message from Wu Lang.

Coral Palace Xinhai nodded slightly. She was indeed very clear about Han Xiao's purpose. She took it very seriously but was also a little troubled.

After all, five hundred tons of supplies is not a small amount. It is enough food to feed more than 30,000 people for a month.

Nowadays, there are only more than 20,000 rebels in Haiji Island. If you save some food with this batch of supplies, you can definitely last for three months.

Not to mention that this is the first batch of supplies mentioned by the other party, and there may be a second and third batch in the future.

This is also the reason why Coral Palace Xinhai wanted to closer the relationship between the two when they first met.

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