Sir Hiiragi Shinsuke, something big happened on the remote island yesterday.

In the living room, Ms. Rosalin was sitting on a chair and looked at Shinsuke Hiiragi, whose face changed slightly, her tone full of teasing.

It seems that your men were injured by outsiders on your territory. I heard that they were asking for trouble. It really opened my eyes.

I'm sorry, I was lax in my duties and made you laugh, madam.

Hearing the lady's words teasing him, Shinsuke Hiiragi flashed a hint of embarrassment in his eyes and quickly apologized to the other party.

Master Hiiragi, you can handle your own affairs. I just hope that our cooperation will not be disrupted because of a trivial matter.

Ms. Rosalin didn't bother to care about the stupid things done by Shinsuke Hiiragi's men. She only cared about whether this matter would affect the actions of their fools.

The traveler left the island smoothly because of your daughter. Now another foreigner injured one of your men in public and then walked away.

Master Hiiragi, your behavior really makes me worry about your ability to cooperate with the Fools.

Please don't worry, madam, I will catch that person soon.

I hope so.

After hearing Shinsuke Hiiragi's assurance, the lady smiled incredulously.

Although the other party was very determined in her promise, she was not optimistic that these rice wife soldiers could catch the man named Romani.

She also knew roughly what happened.

Without weapons, both hands are suddenly broken off, which is definitely not something ordinary people can do.

Chapter 399 The Ying of Kontian Village

It has to be said that Inazuma's officials may be so slow on other matters that people can't help complaining, but when it comes to posting wanted notices, their efficiency is quite high.

On the second day after Han Xiao walked around the shoal between Guntian Village and the outlying island, rented a boat and set off for Baling Island, the wanted notice with his face on it had been sent out by the soldiers on the outlying island.

Moreover, he traveled 800 miles specifically to rush, and it was estimated that the wanted order would be delivered to Inazuma's main city in a few days.


Han Xiao set off for Baling Island, and Yingmei was not idle either.

She arrived at Inazuma slightly earlier than Hanxiao. Although she was also detained on the remote island for a few days, with the help of Qianli Hiiragi, they successfully left the remote island.

However, Ying originally planned to go directly to Inazuma Ojo, but as soon as she and Paimon arrived near Konda, they were stopped by a mysterious masked miko.

Yingmei, who had full Toolman attributes, skillfully followed the masked witch's request and began drilling wells in Konta Village to break the barrier and perform the work of purification.

After several days of running back and forth, she finally solved the barrier at the bottom of the well in Konta Village.

Ying climbed up from the bottom of the well with a tired look on her face. She had just sat down to rest for a while, when Paimeng's peripheral vision glanced at the wanted poster posted on the wall of the house not far away.

Feeling a little curious, she immediately flew to the house and carefully looked at the portrait on the wanted poster.

It doesn't matter if you don't see it, you will be shocked when you see it.

Looking at the familiar figure on the portrait of the wanted poster, Paimon quickly flew to Ying's side and took the other person's little hand. While holding it back, Paimon shouted loudly:

Ying, get up quickly, something big happened!

What can happen?

Seeing Paimon's anxious look, Ying first sighed helplessly, then stood up from the ground and let the other party pull her forward.

In a few steps, the two of them arrived in front of the house.

Look, isn't it the mysterious guy Roman who is on this wanted poster?'s true!

When she saw the portrait on the wanted poster, Ying couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and a look of surprise flashed in her eyes.

Roman, that guy, had disappeared since they parted ways in the Strata Rock Abyss. She couldn't find his whereabouts, so it turned out that Dao Wife was here.


Looking at Roman's portrait on the wanted poster, the corners of Ying's mouth suddenly couldn't help but raise, revealing a shallow smile.

I didn't expect that mysterious guy to be on Inazuma's wanted notice. It's really surprising.

Let me see what's on the wanted poster...

Paimon didn't know what Ying was thinking, nor did she notice it. Now she was even more curious about the reason why the mysterious Roman was wanted by the Ina Wife official.

Brazenly committed an attack on Keijiro Kasada, the leader of Kasada, and then escaped?

After reading the reasons for Roman's arrest written on the wanted poster, Paimon's little face almost wrinkled up, and he couldn't help but scratch his hair with one hand.

Ying, Keijiro should be the bad guy who deliberately made things difficult for Kurisu and also made false accounts, right?

It's him.

Hearing Paimon's question, Ying nodded and said that she was right. She was the little bureaucrat who deliberately made things difficult for the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations.

It turned out that he was the one who had the conflict with Roman.

Thinking that she had wanted to give the guy named Keijiro a sword before, Ying instantly understood the general process of the matter.

I'm afraid that the other party deliberately wanted to cause trouble for Roman, but in the end, he hit the iron plate and suffered a big loss.

That bad guy is really brave.

After hearing Ying's guess, Paimon immediately curled his lips, seeming to be very disdainful of Keijiro's stupid behavior.

Although I haven't seen Roman actually take action a few times, the opponent's appearance can make the Fools' executors fearful, so his strength must not be weak.

Moreover, when they were under the rocky abyss, the opponent's space ability was very slippery.

If you really want to fight, you will definitely be hard to guard against.

As for Roman, who exudes a mysterious aura and seems to be untouchable, where does that bad guy named Keijiro get the confidence to cause trouble for him?

This is not seeking death.

It's simple, it's too inflated.

Regarding Paimon's doubts, Ying quickly understood.

Because of the relationship between the Suoguo Order and the Eye Hunting Order, most of the people who had the Eyes of God in Inazuma were forced to hand over their Eyes of God.

The rest also fled Narukami Island and tried their best to avoid the pursuit of Tianling.

Without the possessor of the Eye of God who transcends ordinary people, petty bureaucrats like Keijiro will naturally become bolder.

Perhaps these people would act very cautiously at first, but now it has been almost two or three years since the national lockdown order and the eye hunting order were promulgated.

As the saying goes, time can dilute all fears.

After discovering that the owners of the Eye of God, who were usually vaguely superior to others, had basically disappeared in Inazuma territory, people like Keijiro naturally swelled.

But Roman, is he really okay?

Paimon first nodded to Ying to show that she understood. Then she changed the topic to Roman and asked with a worried look on her face.

During these days in Guntian Village, they had also heard about the power of Tianling's practice.

So many Eyes of God owners obediently handed over their Eyes of God in front of Tian Ling Zongxing, and the rest did not dare to resist and chose to escape from Narukami Island.

It can be seen that there must be a very powerful character in Tianling Shuxing. Can Roman really leave Dao Wife smoothly under the pursuit of Tianling Shuxing?

With Roman's space ability, it's not a big problem.

Hearing Paimon's concern, Ying tilted her head and gave her answer without any hesitation.

As for Roman's spatial ability, after she came out of the layered rock abyss, she had actually mentally calculated her chances of winning if she faced such an enemy.

According to Ying's estimation, Roman's spatial ability is probably stronger than Paimon imagined. Even in her heyday, if the opponent wanted to escape, she might not be able to defeat him.

That was her ability in her prime.

After this period of travel, Ying had long understood that he was definitely at the level of a demon god, and even slightly stronger.

Even like this, I have no confidence in taking down Roman. Even if the people who follow Tianling are powerful, can they still be more powerful than the devil?

I'm afraid Roman would have been able to escape if Inazuma's God of Thunder hadn't taken action himself!

Don't worry about Roman, maybe we will meet him later.

Seeing that Paimon seemed to want to continue on this issue, Ying quickly interrupted him and turned to the main business:

Let's deal with the tasks assigned by Miss Hua Sanli now.

Chapter 400: Contact with the Resistance Army

Regarding Han Xiao's puppet clone Roman being wanted by Inazuma, Ying and Paimon briefly discussed it and then put the matter behind them.

They believe that with Roman's ability, Tian Ling Fengxing still can't catch him.

Moreover, Ying and Paimon have a more important thing to deal with right now, which is to help Miss Hanasanri complete the mission of Shenying Dazu.

If the contaminated parts of the sacred cherry tree are not purified in time, Inazuma will face a huge disaster.

Therefore, it is more important to complete the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Sakura first.


The days flew by like this, and a few days passed by.

While Ying and Paimon kept running around Narukami Island in order to complete the Great Sacrifice of the Divine Sakura, the boat Han Xiao was sitting on also rode the waves to the Bayeng Island.

The main reason why he did not choose to sail directly to Haiji Island was because he did not know the specific location of Haiji Island.

After all, this is not a game like before. You can see the location of your destination by opening the map.

Without an accurate nautical chart, and there are not many iconic places on the sea, it is easy to get lost at sea if you drive randomly.

That's why Han Xiao chose to stop at Ba Ling Island, and his purpose was obvious.

The Nashii Beach on Hachijima Island was the scene of the most intense fighting between the Kaijijima rebels and Inazuma's army.

Here, he could easily meet the rebels, and it was not difficult to get a chart to Haizhi Island from these people.

As for how to get the sea map from the rebels, Han Xiao said that he was already prepared.

After docking the ship in a shoal far away from the battlefield and stepping onto solid land, Hanxiao flashed all the way to the vicinity of Nashi Nada.

At this time, Nashi Beach was completely silent. Although no soldiers were seen, the broken weapons scattered everywhere showed that many fierce battles had broken out here.

Since no one could be found here, Han Xiao didn't stop too much and walked directly towards Tengdou Village where the resistance army was located.


After walking along the road for a while, Han Xiao arrived near Tengdou Village.

Suddenly, two soldiers wearing Haizhijia's red armor jumped out of the grass on the side of the road and stopped him. They held their guns with vigilant faces and shouted at him:

Stop, who are you?

Sure enough, it came!

Seeing the Haiji Island soldiers who suddenly appeared, the corners of Han Xiao's mouth raised slightly, and a smile appeared on his face naturally.

Hello, I am Romani Solomon, a businessman from Fontaine. You can just call me Roman.

I came to Inazuma this time to do some business on Kaiji Island.

Doing business?

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, the two Haiji Island soldiers looked at each other in surprise. It had been almost three years since the country-locking order was issued, and the trade routes on Haiji Island had been cut off for who knows how long.

Why have so many groups of businessmen suddenly arrived recently?

What business are you going to do on Haiji Island?

One of the two soldiers looked at Han Xiao with a serious face, and then asked his question.

Now he is a little doubtful whether these businessmen who suddenly appeared are real businessmen. Could they be pretending to be people from Narukami Island?

Of course it's a business of people's livelihood.

Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to believe her, Han Xiao calmly told her the excuse she had thought up early in the morning.

Haiji Island has been trapped under the national lockdown order for nearly three years, and all kinds of living supplies are in extremely short supply.

If he provided living supplies to the rebels, he would be able to easily obtain the map to Haiji Island, and he could also establish a good relationship with the senior officials of Haiji Island such as Coral Palace Xinhai and reduce unnecessary suspicions.

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