The next second, two bloody palms fell to the ground.

Ahhhh!! My hand!!

It was only then that Keijiro noticed the severe pain coming from his wrist. He collapsed on the ground and huddled in a ball, letting out painful wails from his mouth.

The wound on his wrist was so gushing out blood that it flowed all over the floor after a while.

You're so bold, you dare to commit murder on the street!

Chapter 397: Armed with sharp weapons and murderous intentions

Han Xiao's sudden move shocked everyone.

After he reacted, the soldiers who had been malicious to him before immediately shouted and surrounded him.

Just when these people were holding long guns and preparing to take down Han Xiao, a foreigner who dared to commit murder on the street, they suddenly heard the sound of cracking wood breaking in their ears.

The next second, the spears in the soldiers' hands suddenly broke apart, and the metal spear points fell to the ground with a clanging sound.


Seeing this, many soldiers swallowed subconsciously, with horrified looks flashing in their eyes.

Damn it, they can't even see how the other party takes action?

For a moment, these soldiers stopped in unison because they had no weapons.

Ignoring the soldiers who were standing still, Han Xiao squatted down and looked at Keijiro who was still wailing, and asked softly:

Excuse me, do I still have to go through the formalities now? If I delay it any longer, you won't be able to pick it up.

No... no need... I'll have someone make it up for you!

Looking at Han Xiao who asked him in a 'gentle' tone, Keijiro felt that the person in front of him was such a complete devil.

When he heard that the other party was still mentioning the document, he endured the severe pain and shook his head repeatedly.

It depends on my mood. If I remember it, I'll come and get it from you.

Seeing that the other party was no longer as arrogant as before, Han Xiao stood up after saying a word, and then disappeared in front of everyone.

Until then, the soldiers who were frightened by Han Xiao hurriedly ran to Keijiro's side, lifted him up with all their hands, and hurried towards the medical center with his two severed hands.


Han Xiao, who used space transfer to leave the remote island, was walking on the river beach outside the remote island. He was walking on the soft soil towards Konta Village while telling others in the chat group about his encounter on the remote island. to things.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Good guy, Yuan Xiao, when did you become so murderous?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Yes, I specifically asked the other party if he wanted to apologize to me, but as you saw, the other party had no such intention at all.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Actually, I'm also quite curious as to why these people are so malicious towards me. There are people who come here to make things difficult for me when I'm walking on the road.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: I think you were tricked by Yingmei.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Huh?

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I remembered that the little bureaucrat named Keijiro was the one whose account book was found by Yingmei.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: I understand, because Yingmei, a foreigner who just came to the outlying island, was caught, and then he lost face in the World Chamber of Commerce, so when he met Yuanxiao, a strange foreigner like you, the other party I just want to vent my anger on you.

[World of Wisdom·Hanxiao]: It should be about the same. Hiiragi Chisato, who was determined to follow the plan, let Ying go. Hiiragi Shinsuke must be very angry, but he can't get angry at his daughter, so he uses his subordinates as punching bags.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: These appraisals and other petty bureaucrats had no choice but to suffer from the master's anger, and then you happened to arrive on the outlying island.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: It's connected, everything is connected.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Yes, because of a foreigner, these people were punished. Yuanxiao, you happen to be a new face who came to the outlying island, so you are the perfect punching bag!

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Am I taking the blame for my younger sister?

[One Piece: Hanxiao]: It's a pity that when he met Yuanxiao, it was like kicking the iron plate. It can also be regarded as retribution for doing too many evil things in daily life.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: But having said that, Yuanxiao, your murderous intention is indeed much stronger than before.

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: I probably understand what's going on, and I will adjust my mentality directly.

Seeing that other people in the group thought that he had been a bit murderous recently, Han Xiao thought about it and understood what was going on.

This is a typical symptom of him possessing a sharp weapon and having a murderous intention.

To put it simply, Han Xiao himself was just an ordinary person in his previous life.

Although later I encountered the unscientific matter of traveling through time, and the continent of Teyvat with extraordinary power came.

But in the first ten years or so, because he did not have the Eye of God, he could only learn some boxing and kicking skills, which were basically of no use.

It wasn't until the arrival of the chat group that Han Xiao was qualified to appear on the big stage of Teyvat.

After gaining the extraordinary power he once dreamed of, he didn't change much at first. He was basically the same as before.

After all, Han Xiao knew very well that there was a big boss at the level of the Demon God pressing down on him. If he was too out of touch, he would be easily taught how to behave.

Han Xiao had just gained strength and felt that he had the capital to save his life. He chose to go to Mondstadt for a while, but he was taught a lesson by Brother Kong who suddenly appeared halfway through.

Even though Han Xiao later informed Yingmei of Kong's whereabouts and moved back 10%, it also reminded him that there were still many hidden masters on the Teyvat continent.

His strength is not enough.

So Han Xiao waited and waited, and finally accumulated enough points to drag Xi Xiao into the chat group, so he took off directly and was successfully promoted to the level of Demon God.

Now that Tianli is asleep, he can be regarded as the first echelon of Teyvat.

Just when Han Xiao was preparing to have a good fight, something embarrassing happened. He seemed to have no opponent to fight.

The only two people who can fight with him are Zhongli and Wendy.

But this one is Prince Yan, who has protected Liyue for thousands of years. If he can't fight, he may not be able to defeat him. The other is Prince Yan's old friend for thousands of years. Mond and Liyue have always been on good terms, so they can't do anything.

It's not easy to find a Dardalia who can take action, but hitting the opponent feels like hitting a child, and there is no sense of accomplishment at all.

As for Sora's whereabouts, it was difficult for even Deinsreib to find him, let alone block him.

Those who can compete with him are either unable to fight or cannot be found.

So Han Xiao's promotion to the Demon God was completely equivalent to being promoted to a lonely person, and his days were still the same as usual.

Generally speaking, everyone has a desire to show off to some extent. Even a certain overlord once said that wealth cannot be returned to its hometown, just like walking at night in brocade clothes.

Hanxiao, who had mastered extremely powerful force, could not find a stage to display it until he came to Inazuma and met Keijiro who deliberately caused trouble for him.

The other party wanted to take it out on him because of their relationship, but Han Xiao had been holding it in for a long time and wanted to 'vent' it too.

Then, there was a conversation where people in the group ridiculed him for his murderous intentions.

Chapter 398 Han Xiao is on the wanted list

After some 'venting', Han Xiao's inner emotions gradually relaxed. After continuing to chat with other people in the group, he went to the pier openly and rented a wave boat.

Then Han Xiao set off in the direction of Ba Ling Island.

Well, without the remote transmission device, it would be more difficult for him to use his space ability to cross the sea.

It's not that Han Xiao can't teleport directly to Ba Ling Island, the main reason is that he can't figure out the direction.

Moreover, Inazuma's land is made up of islands, so it would be a bit troublesome if it fell into the sea during teleportation.

So Han Xiao did not choose to use space ability to teleport herself, but chose to take a wave boat.

Anyway, I still have plenty of time now, just in time to relax.


Just as Han Xiao was leaving the outlying island in a wave boat and determining the location of Zeng Xing, Shinsuke Hiiragi also learned about what had just happened in the city.

He looked at Keijiro, who was lying in a coma on the living room floor, and his hands that were wrapped by doctors with splints, bandages and a series of medicinal materials.

Hiiragi Shinsuke's expression was extremely ugly.

Are you saying that a foreigner actually committed a murder in public on an offshore island?

Yes, Master Hiiragi.

A soldier who witnessed the whole incident stood up quickly after hearing Shinsuke Hiiragi's inquiry and told what happened.

Of course, what he was talking about was the process after 'processing'.

Regarding the trivial matter of Keijiro blocking the provocation and tearing up the other party's landing procedures, the soldier believed that there was no need to inform Lord Shinsuke Hiiragi.

Humph, you really think I don't know what you are hiding!

Seeing that the soldier deliberately concealed the cause of the matter, Shinsuke Hiiragi snorted quite dissatisfied.


Hearing Shinsuke Hiiragi's very dissatisfied tone, the soldier suddenly panicked and quickly prepared to explain in fear.

The cause of the matter is no longer important!

Before the soldier could explain, Shinsuke Hiiragi interrupted him with an impatient wave of his hand:

Keijiro did make a mistake, and he must learn a lesson.

He first characterized Keijiro's problem, stopped others without any reason and tore up the other party's formal documents.

This is completely against the rules.

Even though Shinsuke Hiiragi knew that many of his subordinates were deliberately raising handling fees, the issue of how much handling fees to charge was still within the rules, so he would not care about it.

But what Keijiro did was not within the rules, and it would damage Inazuma's face, so it was necessary to accept punishment.

However, at the next moment, Hiiragi Shinsuke changed the subject and pointed the finger directly at Han Xiao, who openly 'committed murder'.

If you do something wrong according to the rules of Kan Ding, I will naturally punish you.

But a foreigner dared to openly attack Daozhime's law enforcement officers in public. This is simply outrageous!

Thinking of his men being taken off their hands by others on his own territory, a flash of anger flashed in Shinsuke Hiiragi's eyes.

His people don’t tolerate outsiders teaching them!

Thinking of this, Shinsuke Hiiragi turned to look at the soldier with his head lowered and gave instructions coldly.

Have you figured out the identity of that person?

Sir, we have figured it out from the spliced ​​together formalities!

Seeing Hiiragi Shinsuke asking him about Han Xiao's identity, the soldier quickly told him the information he had.

The man's name is Romani Solomon, and he is a tourist from Fontaine.

Very good, notify us and put this person on the wanted list!

After doing all this, Hiiragi Shinjie left the living room and walked towards the back room without looking back.

As for Keijiro who was sleeping on the ground, haha, he didn't bother to care about such a bloated idiot.


Following Hiiragi Shinsuke's order, the soldiers assigned to carry out the mission immediately took action.

The next day, a wanted notice featuring the doll Hanxiao was posted all over the streets and alleys of the outlying island. At the same time, more notices are being sent to Inazuma's main city and Yaojima Island.

I'm telling you, this is the man who chopped off Keijiro's hand yesterday. He's so cruel!

As soon as the soldiers who posted the notice left, the residents of the outlying island gathered together in twos and threes.

Many people who witnessed what happened yesterday began to vividly describe the scene at that time to those who did not understand the situation.

I saw it too. I didn't even see how the other party made the move. Keijiro's hand fell off. It was very scary!

That's right, if you ask Keijiro to make trouble, deliberately tearing up other people's island landing procedures, I would be angry too.

Hey, that guy Keijiro is used to being domineering, but now he has kicked the bucket!

Regarding the fact that Keijiro had his hands removed by Han Xiao, many residents of the outlying islands showed happy expressions in private.

After all, they have long been dissatisfied with Keijiro, who usually gets carried away with a little power, but because of the pressure of life, they can only endure it silently.

Now Han Xiao took action for them and understood the hatred in their hearts. If it weren't for the fact that the people who carried out the assignment took this matter very seriously, they would have set off firecrackers to celebrate.


On the other side, inside the commissioning office, Shinsuke Hiiragi was receiving a distinguished guest in a secret reception room.

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