After all, the experiment of the Heroic Spirit Transformation Plan itself was very dangerous, and Han Xiao didn't want to be stared at with suspicion by Coral Palace Xinhai while doing the experiment.

Knowing that Han Xiao came to Haiji Island to do business of living supplies, the expressions on the faces of the two Haiji Island soldiers became much better. The soldier who asked him before also introduced himself:

Hello Mr. Roman, I am Teppei, a soldier from Kaiji Island.

After introducing himself, Zheping very politely put forward his suggestions to Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, you said you were here for business. I wonder if you would like to go with us to meet General Goro?

If the general knows that Mr. Roman is here to do material business, he will definitely be very happy.

Han Xiao's eyelids twitched slightly when she heard the other party say her name was Zheping.

Zheping... is really a familiar name.

Compared with him, the other person is the one who is not really watched by the gods.

With a little sigh in his heart, Han Xiao's expression did not change at all, and he still nodded with a smile on his face:

Of course, please lead the way.

Mr. Roman, please come with me.

Seeing that the other party agreed to his suggestion, Zheping first whispered something in the ears of his colleagues, and then led Han Xiao towards the resistance camp above Tengdou Village.

By the way, Mr. Roman, how did you come to do business with Dao Wife?

On the way to the resistance camp, Zheping suddenly turned his head and looked at Han Xiao and asked his question curiously.

You must know that Daowu under the national lockdown is extremely unfriendly to foreigners, and many businessmen have chosen to leave.

He wanted to know why the other party chose to come to Daozhi at this time.

The reason is very simple, Mr. Zheping, if there is a need, I will come naturally.

What does this mean?

Seeing that Zheping didn't seem to understand his answer, Han Xiao didn't care and explained it in detail in a kind manner.

Although the daily necessities of Haiji Island are scarce, there are actually many extremely precious specialties on the island.

For example, the coral pearls from Haiji Island are very precious in the other six countries.

Since Inazuma issued a national lockdown order, coral pearls have become increasingly rare in the six countries, and their prices have become more and more expensive.

As the saying goes, if there is demand, there is a market. It just so happens that Haiji Island is currently in a situation of material shortage. Being able to exchange daily necessities for expensive coral pearls is naturally an excellent deal.

I see.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Zheping suddenly understood and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

As expected of a businessman, he dares to ignore any danger as long as the profit is sufficient.

After figuring out why Han Xiao was going to Haiji Island to do business, Zheping stopped talking and walked faster towards the camp.

He didn't care whether what the other party said was true or false. He just needed to know that the other party might have a sum of urgently needed living supplies for their Haiji Island.

After all, what their Haiji Island is currently short of is daily necessities such as food and cloth.

The rest can be left to Mr. Goro and Mr. Coral Palace to judge.


After passing several secret sentries, Zheping led Han Xiao to the gate of the resistance camp.

After informing the guards, he said to Han Xiao:

This is the camp where Master Wulang is stationed. Mr. Roman, please come in!

Chapter 401 Humanitarian Rescue

With Zheping leading the way, Han Xiao soon saw Wulang who was instructing his men to build fortifications in the camp.

General, this is Mr. Romani Solomon, a businessman from Fontaine. Is he coming to Haiji Island to sell daily necessities?

After Wulang finished giving orders to his men, Zheping immediately brought Han Xiao to him and introduced him.

A businessman from Fontaine?

After hearing Zheping's introduction, Wulang looked at Han Xiao calmly, with a faint smile on his face, and at the same time stretched out his right hand:

Hello, Mr. Romani!

I am Goro, the general of Kaiji Island.

Mr. Goro, just call me Roman.

Han Xiao stretched out her hand and shook the other person's hand, and directly stated the 'purpose' of her coming.

I brought a lot of supplies this time to do a business deal with Haiji Island.

Mr. Roman, could you please explain it to me in detail?

When Han Xiao said that he came to Haizhi Island to do business, Wu Lang showed a look of interest on his face.

Although he didn't believe Han Xiao immediately, he also wanted to hear what the other party had to say.

After all, Haiji Island is really short of various supplies now.

Of course you can.

Han Xiao smiled and nodded, taking out the 'False God's Eye' that had been prepared for a long time.

This is the equipment he specially customized for the doll.

After studying alchemy with Abedo for so long, Han Xiao has become increasingly sophisticated in the technique of imitating the Eye of God.

And in order to simulate the spatial ability of the trance eye, he also specially found a piece of Cuijue Rock and asked Zhongli to perform magic on him.

Therefore, except for the fact that the elemental power is weaker than the genuine version due to the built-in elemental circuit, the rest of this fake Eye of God is basically the same as the real thing, with a similarity of 99%.

What's more, Han Xiao's version of God's Eye may not be as powerful as the Evil Eye created by the doctor, but at least it is much safer than the Evil Eye that extracts the user's life force.

In front of Wulang, Han Xiao opened the built-in space and took out a large wooden box and placed it in front of Wulang and Zheping.

This is a sample of the supplies I plan to sell on Haiji Island.

With that said, Han Xiao opened the lid of the wooden box, revealing the stuffed rice.

Seeing that the box contained rice, Zheping lay down beside the box with an excited look on his face, carefully picked up some with his hands, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it, then turned to Goro and said:

General, the rice has a slightly stale taste, but it has not spoiled and is completely edible.

Well, I understand.

Wulang had already been prepared for the fact that Han Xiao brought old rice instead of new rice and didn't care.

What's wrong with Chen rice? It's not like I can't eat it.

Things are in short supply on Kaiji Island. Isn't it too much of a luxury to want to eat new rice?

And to be honest, Fang Wulang was relieved to see that what Han Xiao brought was old rice instead of new rice.

The other party should not be an undercover agent sent by Dao's wife.

Because he knows one thing very well. Due to a series of problems caused by the national lockdown, the grain production of Daozhu has been greatly reduced, and the old rice in the granary has long been gone.

Therefore, taking out Chen Mi's Hanxiao actually reduced the possibility that he was an undercover agent of Narukami Island.

Of course, there is a more important reason, and that is the Eye of God in the opponent's hand.

It turns out that Mr. Roman is also a user of the Eye of God.

After taking a look at the Eye of God in Han Xiao's hand, the smile on Wulang's face became much more sincere:

No wonder Mr. Roman dared to come to Daoqi alone from Fontaine to do business.

General Wulang was joking. When doing business outside, you must have some ability to protect yourself.

Han Xiao responded with the same smile, then hung the 'Eye of God' on his waist, and then got down to business:

Although what I brought this time was all old rice, the first batch was 500 tons.

I wonder if General Wulang is willing to do this business?

Five hundred tons?

Wulang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard the numbers reported by Han Xiao.

This amount is really quite a lot, why is the other party so generous?

You must know that the average person consumes only about one kilogram of grain every day. Five hundred tons is equivalent to one million kilograms of rice, which is enough to feed more than 30,000 people for a month.

The population of Haiji Island is not particularly large. Coupled with some of the food originally produced, five hundred tons is enough to solve their urgent needs.


Wulang still asked hesitantly:

Mr. Roman, five hundred tons is not a small amount. Inazuma is currently under a national lockdown, and few foreign ships can approach Inazuma's main island.

Are you really sure that you will send 500 tons of grain?

Don't worry about this. I have already reached a trade agreement with Liyue's Southern Cross Fleet, and the food will be transported to Haizhi Island.

Regarding Wu Lang's question, Han Xiao gave her own answer very readily.

emmm, some people may ask whether this counts as interfering in other countries’ internal affairs.

In this regard, Han Xiao said that he provided assistance to Haiji Island out of humanitarianism and was not interfering in internal affairs.

If that's the case, then Haiji Island can discuss this business with you, Mr. Roman.

Knowing that the other party had entrusted Maplehara Manyo's current Southern Cross fleet, Goro immediately felt relieved.

They were familiar with the Southern Cross Fleet, and they had helped them deliver food before.

Thinking of this, Wulang immediately asked Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, what does Haiji Island need to pay to buy these 500 tons of grain?

Of course it is a specialty unique to Kaiji Island.

Hearing that Goro had already planned to make a deal, Han Xiao directly reported many specialties unique to Haiji Island.

For example, coral pearls, floating crystallization cores, and rejection dew, etc.

These are relatively rare alchemy materials, and the market prices have been rising due to the national lockdown.


Regarding the transaction content proposed by Han Xiao, Wulang himself felt that the business could be done, but he did not agree immediately. Instead, he changed the subject and continued:

Mr. Roman, five hundred tons is not a small amount. Just my promise is not enough. I need to report this matter to Mr. Coral Palace and ask him to make a decision.

I wonder if Mr. Roman is willing to go to Haizhi Island to talk about it?

Hajijima Island?

Seeing that Wulang invited him to Haizhi Island as expected, Han Xiao felt happy, but the expression on his face did not fluctuate at all. He nodded quite calmly:

Of course, no problem. I would be happy to see the rumored beautiful Haji Island.

That's good!

Seeing this, Goro turned his head to Zheping and ordered:

Zheping, please take Mr. Roman to Haiji Island.

Yes, General!

After hearing Wulang's instructions, Zheping nodded vigorously, and then said to Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, please follow me.

Chapter 402 Han Xiao: Brother Zheping, do you want to buy the Eye of God?

Under the leadership of Zheping, Han Xiao and the other party soon left Tengdou Village along the downhill road and came to a small dock.

Near the pier, a wave boat had already docked on the shore.

After leading people to the wave boat, Zheping reached out and took out a chart from his arms and handed it to Han Xiao:

Mr. Roman, this is the nautical chart to Haiji Island. Just follow the direction marked on it to reach Haiji Island.

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