Stop, who are you!

Just as Han Xiao was walking along the shoals on the seaside towards the port, an Inazuma soldier holding a long gun suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his way.

Looking at the doll Hanxiao's blond hair and foreigner's attire, Guanghai, the Daotsuma soldier who happened to be here, tightened the spear in his hand, pointed the tip of the spear directly at the opponent, and shouted with a vigilant look:

I don't seem to have seen you before. Please show your landing procedures and stay procedures.

Oh, that's a little nerve-wracking.

Seeing that she was stopped and asked for the procedures for landing and staying on the island, Han Xiao reached out and grabbed her hair and smiled awkwardly.

He had forgotten that due to the national lockdown, the procedures for landing on the island are now very strict.

Oh, no, it should be said that the charges are very expensive.

I remember it was like one million molas per person.

It seems you came here illegally, right?

Seeing that Han Xiao was just smiling at him, but never took out the formalities, Guang Hai's face became serious, and he immediately moved the spear forward a few points, directly pressed it against the opponent's chest and said:

Then please come with me!

Sorry, little brother, I don't want to spend this wasted money.

Hearing that Guanghai asked him to follow him, Han Xiao immediately shook his head. Although he was not short of money, it would be a loss no matter how much he thought about giving one million molas to Kan Ding for free.

He didn't want to be taken advantage of.

It's not up to you!

Seeing that the other party was not going to follow him, Guang Hai frowned and immediately reached out to grab Han Xiao with one hand, preparing to capture him.


The next moment, a scene that shocked Guang Hai happened.

He only heard a shout in the air, and Han Xiao, who was standing in front of him a second ago, disappeared.

Did I...go to hell?

Looking at the empty scene in front of him, Guang Hai fell into a state of confusion.

And high up on the mountaintop he couldn't see.

Han Xiao was standing on it, looking down at Guang Hai, who was still in a daze, and whispered:

I'm sorry, little brother Guanghai.

Yes, he had already remembered who the Inazuma soldier was who stopped him. The other person was the Guanghai guy who often received daily duels in the game in his previous life.

At the same time, he is also the one who has a somewhat unclear relationship with Yan'er, the Liyue treasure stealing group.

However, speaking of Yan'er...

Han Xiao remembered that the other party seemed to have changed his ways.

Ever since he built Guili City in Guiliyuan, he has been trying his best to crack down on the activities of the treasure stealing group, and Zhiyi did not stop after he took over the secret team.

Facing the continuous attacks from Qianyan Army, the size of Liyue's treasure stealing group has been continuously shrinking.

Most of the arrested members of the treasure thief group were sent to the construction site by Han Xiao and others to build coastal dams, which was roughly equivalent to an alternative type of labor reform.

Later, after they were released from prison, they happened to encounter a large area of ​​​​recruitment in Guili City.

The members of the treasure thief group are a mixed bag. Except for a few who are naturally interested in seeking excitement, the remaining members are poor people who cannot live a stable life.

So when they saw the stable jobs provided by Guili City, most of the members of the treasure stealing group who had undergone labor reform chose to quit the treasure stealing group and live a stable life again.

Rouge seems to be one of them.

If I remember correctly, the other party seemed to be doing well in Guili City recently. Some time ago, when Yingmei was expanding its recruitment, he jumped to the other party's food delivery platform and became a small supervisor.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at Guang Hai below with pity.

It will be difficult for this unlucky child to see each other in the future.

Because if nothing unexpected happens, Yan'er will probably choose to settle in Guili City in the future.

With a little sigh, Han Xiao turned around and activated her space ability to disappear again.

The next moment, he appeared inside the house where the island check-in procedures were carried out.

Quietly avoiding the patrolling soldiers, Han Xiao quickly found the place where the registration documents were stored. Then he found a blank registration form from the pile of documents nearby, picked up a pen and filled in Romani Solomon according to the template next to it. 's famous name.

Looking at the document with his name written on it, Han Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

It is absolutely impossible to pay one million molas. Anyway, this is just a charging standard established by a clever name. It is better to let him have a free prostitution.

After all, under the lockdown order, no matter where you go to Inazuma, you need to show complete procedures.

Although Han Xiao has spatial abilities and can go anywhere he wants at any time, he still has experiments to do here and is expected to stay for a while.

It is relatively safe to obtain an official entry and exit procedure.

After doing all this, Han Xiao folded the formal documents and put them in his arms, and then a space was transferred to the statue of the Seven Heavens high on the island.

Walking along the road down the mountain, he soon entered the city on the outlying island.

Walking on the streets of Lidao City, Han Xiao was keenly aware that people were paying vague attention to her along the way.

It didn't take much to figure out that the owner of these sights was the soldier assigned to patrol under his command.

Apparently his sudden appearance as a foreigner attracted their attention.

Well... the atmosphere here is really not very good.

Along the way, Han Xiao could feel that the whole city was enveloped in a solemn atmosphere, and there was no smile on everyone's face.

Especially those foreigners with tired faces revealed the depressive atmosphere in the island city at this time.

Chapter 396 Han Xiao: I want your hand

Because of the national lockdown, no foreigners have entered the country, especially the outlying islands, which are the first stop for foreigners entering Inazuma, for more than a year.

After all, the commission was so outrageous that the handling fee for landing on the island alone was one million molas per person, not to mention the series of big pitfalls that would follow.

Therefore, most of the businessmen from the six countries left long ago.

Anyway, for them, Rice Wife is just a market in their business. If you give it up, just give it up. It's no big deal.

As for the remaining foreigners who have not left, most of them were mainly born in Inazuma.

Giving up Inazuma's market would be equivalent to bankruptcy. As a last resort, they stayed on the outlying islands to form the World Chamber of Commerce.

It's a pity that these people never dreamed that their current life might be even worse than if they just packed up and left.

At the beginning, the offshore islands only made it more difficult to get in and out of the islands, and at the same time increased the prices of some handling fees.

Faced with this situation, the merchants of the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations at that time felt that it was still acceptable, and in addition, the market left behind by many merchants after they withdrew was divided up by them.

Therefore, during the initial period, these businessmen not only did not lose money, but also made a fortune.

As the saying goes, if there is evil in the house, there must be a ghost.

In less than half a year, Inazuma's situation took a 180-degree turn.

The first is that the fees charged by the appraisers are getting higher and higher, from a few hundred molas at the beginning to tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands later!

These are all secretly promoted by the little bosses under the designated executioners.

Secondly, in addition to handling fees, taxes are also getting heavier and heavier.

Not only did many merchants from the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations pay back all the money they had earned before, but they also began to add money to their taxes.

Soon, many businessmen declared bankruptcy because they could not afford the high fees, and even had to rely on other people from the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations for relief.

The president of the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations, Jiuri, had to negotiate with the officials responsible for the designation and implementation many times, hoping to reduce some taxes. Unfortunately, the answers he received were all rejections.

Not only that, the tax collection system has suddenly changed in recent times.

They no longer charge mola, but instead charge tax credits on a rare mineral called crystallized marrow.

The mineral crystallized bone marrow itself is extremely rare, and its price has increased rapidly as a tax-deductible item.

It can be said that in recent months, the taxes paid by the owners of the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations have been higher month by month, and the number of bankruptcies is gradually increasing every month.

Now, the entire Chamber of Commerce of All Nations is on the verge of collapse. At this time, when Han Xiao appears openly and openly on the outlying island with a strange foreign face, the soldiers patrolling the island can't help but pay attention.

This feeling is really unpleasant.

Walking on the streets of the outlying island, feeling the slightly scrutinizing gazes of the soldiers around him, Han Xiao walked with an unchanged expression, but a cold light flashed in his eyes.

These soldiers may have become accustomed to being arrogant on the outlying islands in the past two years. Just now, he had noticed that the eyes of several soldiers were full of malice.

Han Xiao was already prepared. As long as these people dared to come up to deliberately cause trouble for him, he would dare to tear them down in public.

Maybe this doll's body is not as good as Thor in terms of combat ability, but as long as he wants to leave, the Thunder movie can't stop him. Who knows that space ability is so unreasonable.

Just as Han Xiao was walking along the street near the Chamber of Commerce of All Nations, a man suddenly appeared in front of him and blocked his way, shouting arrogantly:


Oh, there are really some people who are not afraid of death.

Looking at the soldier standing in front of him with his hands on his chest, wearing a bamboo hat with a disgusting expression on his face, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows and asked in a calm tone:

Excuse me, what's the matter?

I am Keijiro Kasei, the head of Kasei. I see that you are quite unfamiliar. Have you brought the procedures?

This is my procedure.

Han Xiao took out the procedure documents he had obtained before and handed them to the appraiser named Keijiro. He really wanted to see what tricks the other party wanted to play when he suddenly stopped him.

Things did not go beyond Han Xiao's expectation. After taking the formalities and scanning them roughly, Keijiro made a rather surprising move.

With just a tearing sound, Han Xiao's formalities were torn into two halves.

Then Keijiro tore it several times in succession until the document turned into thin ribbons, then he crumpled the scraps of paper into a ball and threw it aside. He said in a rather arrogant tone:

This document is incorrect and needs to be processed again.

you sure?

Hearing Keijiro's words, Han Xiao had already narrowed her eyes, and there was a hint of coldness in her tone.

He copied it according to the approved template, and it is absolutely genuine.

The other party, a low-level official, dared to act like this. He was really a villain who became rampant when he got his way.

At this time, the confrontation between Han Xiao and Keijiro had attracted the attention of many people who showed up. Some Inazuma vendors quietly took a few steps back upon seeing this, only daring to look through the store windows.

On the other hand, those soldiers who had harbored ill will toward Han Xiao gathered together happily, talking and pointing.

Obviously intending to see his joke.

I told you that this document is incorrect and I asked you to pay for a replacement. That will cause so many problems.

Seeing that Han Xiao dared to continue questioning him, Keijiro replied impatiently.

What if this is a real document?

Even if it's true and it's gone now, you still have to reissue it.

In other words, if this document is true, you are not going to compensate me?

Huh? What did you say?

Hearing Han Xiao's question, Keijiro seemed to have heard a big joke, and couldn't help but show a disdainful smile on his face.

If it's true, then I'll just apologize and go and complete the procedures quickly.

It seems you don't intend to compensate me for the formalities.

So what.

Not at all...

Han Xiao shook her head, pointed at the other person's hands and said:

I don't want your apology anymore, I want your hands to shred my documents.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Keijiro could react, there was a sound of tearing the air in the air.


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