With Abedo's help, Han Xiao was freed from the complicated research and development work and had a lot of time to fish.

After talking about the reasons why Abedo cannot go to Mingyun Town, the next step is Han Xiao.

The reason why he didn't go to Chengmingyun Town was actually very simple, that is, when the steamer was launched, he was probably controlling the puppet's consciousness to conduct experiments in Yuanxia Palace.

According to his original estimate, given Teyvat's poor industrial standards, it would probably take several years to build a ship.

But then he remembered that wasn't the case.

Nearly two years have passed since Han Xiao became the Tianshu Star and established Guili City on Guiliyuan.

During this time, he made great contributions to Liyue's industrial development.

For example, the first machine tool, industrial assembly line system, etc...

It can be said that Liyue's industrial level has already been qualitatively improved.

In addition, Liuyun Jiefengzhenjun continued to make magical changes to the original machine tool after joining, and the iteration speed was beyond Han Xiao's expectation.

Of course, don't forget to mention that Watt himself has a lot of black technology, as well as differences in physical fitness and other aspects.

With so many bits and pieces of conditions added up, the shipbuilding task that originally took several years to complete can now be completed in only a few months according to the shipwright's estimate.

Considering that he might be manipulating a puppet to conduct experiments on Inazuma, even if his skills of segmentation consciousness shouldn't hinder him, Han Xiao still didn't want to keep himself too busy.

If you have already reached the top level, it would be great to find a bunch of capable people to help you and just propose the development direction yourself. Why do you need to do it yourself?

this is not good...


A few more days passed.

As usual, Han Xiao was in the office of Kuixing Building dealing with some documents that he needed to review. After the approval was completed, the rest of the time was at his own discretion.

Just when Han Xiao was about to go to Zhongli to drink tea and chat after approving the documents, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Then Beidou's voice came from outside the door.


The door to the office was pushed open, and Beidou strode in. He directly found a chair and sat down.

Sister, didn't you go to school to teach students today?

Hi, I have encountered a little problem recently. The students have too little practical experience. I plan to take them to experience the wind and waves on the sea in a while.

After hearing Han Xiao ask about his teaching status of students, Beidou immediately waved his hand.

If you don’t teach, you don’t know. If you teach, you will be shocked.

Most of the students in the school have never actually been on a ship. This situation is the key point that she should pay attention to at sea, but the students cannot fully understand it.

So Beidou has planned to take some time to let the Southern Cross fleet sail to Guili City, and then take these students to experience what the sea really looks like.

You must know that the real sea is not as peaceful as what you see on the beach.

Practical experience, it's a good decision.

Knowing Beidou's plan, Han Xiao reached out and rubbed her chin with a look of approval.

Sometimes it is impossible to understand just by rote memorization. It is better to let these students really experience it as Xiang Beidou decided.

By the way, eldest sister, why did you come to see me today?

After deciding on the matter, Han Xiao asked the other party about the purpose of coming here this time.

Oh, I'm here to ask for leave.

Ask for leave?

Well, in a few days the Southern Cross Fleet will set sail from Liyue Port to Daozu, so I came to tell you to take a break from teaching.

Didn't you just come back not long ago? Why so fast?

Han Xiao looked at Beidou with some confusion. He remembered that the Southern Cross Fleet had returned to Liyue Port for rest for less than half a month.

Why are you leaving so soon?

Is such that.

Seeing Han Xiao's expression of confusion, Beidou quickly explained the reason.

When she was teaching at school, a traveler who had made great contributions to Liyue came to visit her, hoping to take a boat from the Southern Cross fleet to Daozhime.

Beidou also roughly got some inside information about what happened at the Fairy Ceremony from Ning Guang, so when the other party came to the door, she naturally agreed.

And it seems like that kid Manyo has been a little wandering recently. It's probably his first time abroad and he misses his hometown.

For various reasons, she decided to leave for Inazuma again today.

Okay, I get it.

After listening to Beidou's story, Han Xiao also remembered the last time he met Ying near the Plaza Adventurers Association, and immediately agreed to the other party's request.

Chapter 394 The puppet comes to rice wife

Sometimes, time really can’t stand talking about it.

About a month has passed quickly since Han Xiao agreed to Beidou's request for leave.

During this period of time, while he and Abedo were deciphering the heart of the Chaos Furnace, they never gave up their attention to Mingyun Town.

According to the news from Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, the keel of the steamship has been basically formed. All that is left to do is to strengthen the keel by raising the ribs across the ship to complete the first step of ship construction.

Due to the large size of the steamship and its steel shell, Hanxiao's original suggestion was to build it in sections, which would avoid building a huge keel that runs through the hull and greatly improve efficiency.

Unfortunately, the shipwrights agreed after discussion that they did not have much confidence in the metal welding work. In order to ensure that the ship would not break at sea due to weak welding joints.

In the end they chose to build the ship using the traditional keel construction method.

Moreover, with Liuyun borrowing Zhenjun Feng's immortal power to help them, the time they spent on the dragon bone was actually not very much.

Knowing that the shipwrights had completed the construction of the steamship's keel in just over a month, Han Xiao could only say that it was worthy of the Teyvat continent with extraordinary power and black technology.

This speed was quite fast even in his previous life.

At least it is much better than the third in the world that was approved for construction in 1999 and did not lay the keel until 2009 for sea trials.

In addition, this was the first time that the shipwrights had started building a large steel ship, and they were a little too cautious at the beginning.

As the keel took shape, these people gradually let go of their hands and feet.

According to Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun’s prediction, when the keel is formed, the subsequent outfitting, painting, welding and precision management may be completed faster than they expected.

It is very likely that in two or three months, Liyue will welcome the first steam ship made of steel.


While paying attention to the accuracy of ship construction in Mingyun Town, Han Xiao also did not forget to improve himself.

During this time, he was not only chatting with himself in other worlds in the chat group every day, but also been watching Xixiao's live broadcast.

After all, if the flower of the heart wants to improve, it must constantly observe the world with different rules and authorities as nutrients.

In the chat group, only the world where Xi Xiao lives can satisfy this point. Who makes the world where the other party lives be a super western fantasy world that spans the multiverse?

So most of the time, Han Xiao and the others spent time blowing water while watching Xi Xiao's live broadcast.

After more than a month, they followed each other's live broadcast and saw a lot of strange worlds.

For example, the world of elemental creatures, the world of strangely painted monsters, and other worlds without humans.

They are also not uncommon in worlds with human existence. They have seen at least several ancient, modern and even interstellar science fiction ones in the past month.

Thanks to Xixiao's blessing, each of them has benefited greatly, and the flowers of their hearts have been irrigated with nutrients to varying degrees.

On this day, Han Xiao returned home after processing the files, and opened the chat group as usual to watch Xi Xiao's live broadcast journey around the world.


Just as he was looking at it, a sudden vibration interrupted his thoughts.

Looking in the direction where the vibrations came from, sure enough, a small black device on the table not far away was shaking back and forth, with a conspicuous red light flashing above the box.

It seems that Ying has finally arrived at Inazuma.

Looking at the box that was vibrating and flashing on the table, Han Xiao subconsciously narrowed her eyes and murmured to herself.

The reason for this judgment is that the table and the small box are a receiving device for the locator. When the locator reaches the designated location, the box-like receiver will issue a prompt.

As for when he installed the locator on Ying's body, it goes back a long time.

When the strange meteor shower fell on Liyue and Mondstadt some time ago, Han Xiao controlled his puppet clone to have an unexpected encounter in Mondstadt and Mondstadt.

At that time, the swirling stone that he controlled the doll clone and gave to Ying contained a miniature positioning device purchased from the chat group and modified by himself.

The modified positioning instrument has only one function, which is to send a message to the receiver after the locator reaches the set designated location.

The destination that Han Xiao set for the locator was exactly where Dao's wife was, so when Ying arrived at Dao's wife, the magically modified locator sent a message to the receiver in his hand as preset.

After closing the chat group, Han Xiao stood up and walked to the table, picked up the signal receiver that was still vibrating and flashing, and walked towards his secret alchemy room.

After a while he came to the secret room.

In the center of the secret room, the figure of the puppet Roman was lying quietly on the experimental table, waiting for the next start.

In the corner of the secret room, there was a strange small circular platform, with pillars made of metal erected on both sides of the platform.

This is a device he specially built to enhance spatial connections in order to better capture positioning information.

After entering the secret room, Han Xiao placed the signal receiving device next to the experimental table, and then skillfully controlled the puppet Roman.

As the puppet Roman opened his eyes, he picked up the signal receiver on the side and jumped off the experimental platform. Then he stood on the device platform in the corner, and at the same time, he put the signal receiver in his hand on the platform and preset it. Among the good slots.

After doing all this, the puppet Roman closed his eyes and began to activate the magic circuit of the spatial attributes in his body.

With the help of the device, he quickly determined the location.

At the same time, Han Xiao's body immediately poured a large amount of energy into the metal pillars of the installation platform.

After a while, with the influx of energy, the two metal pillars began to vibrate regularly. Countless energy lines followed the lines set by the pillars and gathered on the platform at the feet of the puppet Roman, eventually forming a strange magic circle. .

Seeing the formation of the magic circle, the puppet Roman directly activated all his spatial abilities.


As the magic circle erupted with a burst of intense light, the figure of the puppet Roman instantly disappeared from the platform.


At the same time, in a remote cave below Inazuma Island, a twisted light group suddenly appeared in the sky of the previously uninhabited cave.

And the light group grew longer and longer, eventually forming a stable rectangular light gate.

The next moment, the figure of the puppet Roman slowly walked out of the light door, and when his feet stepped on the solid ground, the light door behind him also disappeared.

The cave returned to its former peace.

Is this the rice wife?

After looking around, Han Xiao's mouth corners slightly raised, his long-distance teleportation device was successful.

Chapter 395: Trip to the Island

Exotic scenery always makes people happy.

Since traveling to Teyvat, Han Xiao rarely chose to leave Liyue in the past ten years because she did not have the Eye of God.

Because he knew very well that the monsters in the wilds of Teyvat were not as easy to kill as in the game.

For example, the Qiuqiu people, especially those who form small tribes, most adventurers will choose to go around. Only the owner of the Eye of God has the ability to clean them up.

Therefore, even if he has to go out, Han Xiao's childhood sweethearts and bamboo horses, namely Yun Jin and Xing Qiu, will always accompany him intentionally or unintentionally, in order to protect their little friends.

This situation lasted for a long time. It was not until the chat group arrived and Han Xiao had enough ability to protect himself that he set foot on the land of Mondstadt.

That could be regarded as Han Xiao's first time setting foot on the territory of another country after arriving in Teyvat Continent.

And it was an extremely novel experience for him to cross the vast ocean and come to a foreign country like today.

Walking out of the cave along the soft dirt road, Han Xiao's vision suddenly opened up, and the blue sea occupied his entire field of vision.

Turning around, you can vaguely see the red maple trees not far away and the port where ships are moored.

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