When introduced, she only needs a little guidance, and she can pry open the door of Yixin Pure Land at the right time and see the autistic shadow.

emmm, Yae Shenzi's idea is very good, and the opponent did succeed in the previous game.

Unfortunately, this is reality and not a game.

Due to the variable Han Xiao in Liyue, Yingmei's stay in Liyue was extended a lot.

Now not only has the person not arrived, but Ina Wife's condition has become more serious.

Seeing that the war in Nashiina could not be stopped, Yae Shenzi had no choice but to take action himself.

After all, if she didn't take action, Ina Wife would really be torn apart.

Is that why you plan to cooperate with Kaijijima?

Maplehara Manyo was a little skeptical about Yae Shenzi's explanation.

Although what the other party said seemed to be fine, he always felt that something was wrong, and it took him a long time to find out the weirdness.

Is it possible that the Palace Secretary can't see the General either?

As I said before, you will know later.

Yae Kamiko once again brought up the topic in an understatement, and then turned the topic to Umijima.

Maplehara-kun, let's go back to the issue of Kaiji Island. Do you feel that this war is a little strange?

Have it?

Maplehara Manyo asked with some confusion:

Isn't the reason why Kaijijima is resisting because of the Seclusion Order and the Eye Hunting Order?

You misunderstood me, Maplehara-kun. I just want to ask what you think of Kaiji Island's current leader, Komiya Shinkai. Is she the kind of person who takes the initiative to start a war even though she knows she is outmatched?

When the lockdown order was issued, both sides were obviously very restrained and trying to avoid war. Why did the war start all of a sudden?


After hearing Yae Kamiko talking about the current leader of Kaiji Island, Komiya Shinkai, Maplehara Manyo thought carefully about the bad things between the two parties.

At first, he thought it was quite normal.

After all, the residents of Kaiji Island believed in the serpent Orobas, and the main god of the other party was killed by General Raiden. The grudge between the two became great.

Therefore, there has always been friction between Kaiji Island and Inazuma Island.

But soon, Maplehara Manyo noticed the subtleties in this.

The Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order have been issued for almost two years. In the early stage, both parties were indeed trying their best to avoid them, just as Yae Shenzi said, lest things go into an uncontrollable situation.

However, just over a year ago, the war between the two sides broke out without warning.

Is it because Haiji Island finally couldn't stand it anymore, so Coral Palace Xinhai chose to use force?

I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Maplehara Manyo couldn't help but shook his head. The other party was not a fool. With Kaijijima's size, if he really provoked General Raiden to strike Wu Xiang again, then he would be a real loser.

So there may be another force behind this that contributed to the escalation of the war.

Thinking of this, he looked directly at the Yae Shenzi in the mirror and asked in a solemn tone:

Master Palace Secretary, are there other forces behind this war?

Recently, I unexpectedly discovered that there are many more fools in Rice Wife.

In response, Yae Shenzi smiled and told the information he had obtained.

Chapter 392 The Construction of Steamships

Are you sure it's Foolish People?

After hearing from Yae Kamiko that the fools in Inazuma were frequently active, the expression on Maplehara Manyo's face was not very pretty.

Although he had just arrived in Liyue a few days ago, he had already heard the news during his daily chats with the people of Liyue. There were rumors that the Fools were behind the major events that happened in Mondstadt and Liyue during this period.

In order to prove that what they said was true, many people even used the complete withdrawal of the Fools from Liyue as evidence.

In their opinion, if it weren't for the unhappiness between Qixing and Zhidong, how could these greedy fools have completely withdrawn from Liyue, leaving only a few diplomats.

In this regard, Maplehara Manyo also agreed with these people's judgment.

So when he heard Yae Kamiko saying that Inazuma's fools started to move around frequently, how could his face look good?

Absolutely. Anyway, the Foolish People, Tianling Fengxing and Determining Fengxing have been quite close recently.

Faced with Maplehara Manyo's doubts, Yae Shenzi smiled noncommittally.

Those crazy guys are acting more and more recklessly, and they don’t know who gave them the courage.

Master Gongji, regarding your request for me to contact Kaijijima, I agree. Tell me what you want me to tell you.

Knowing that today's Inazuma is not only an internal problem, but may also be driven by external forces, Maplehara Manyo decided to agree to help Yae Kamiko as the middleman after some careful consideration.

After all, both Yae Shenzi and Coral Palace Heart Sea are too conspicuous, so it is most appropriate for him to convey the information.

Feng Yuan-kun really understands justice.

Seeing that Maplehara Manyo agreed with his suggestion, Yae Shenzi quickly revealed his plan.

First, she will give the magic mirror used for communication as a gift to Kamisato Ayaka, the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family who is about to be born.

At the time of introduction, Ayato Kamisato must have been able to guess what she meant based on his wisdom of being able to develop steadily under the pressure of the other two.

After the things are sent to Kaiji Island, Maplehara Manyo can use the magic mirror as a contact between her and Coral Palace Heart Sea.

There is only one purpose of cooperation, and that is to let General Leiden revoke the national lock-down order and the eye-hunting order.

As for the subsequent conflict between Kaijijima and Inazuma Island, it depends on the methods of Coral Palace Shinkai.

Okay, there's no problem with me.

He was still prepared for the fact that the other party knew that Sha Mongye had a private connection with Umijima, so after hearing Yae Shenzi's plan, Maplehara Manyo nodded in agreement.

That's good.

Hearing Maplehara Manyo's answer, Yae Kamiko showed a happy smile on her face.

She could have contacted Coral Palace Xinhai directly through the magic mirror.

The main reason why we don’t do this is because we are afraid that directly contacting Coral Palace Xinhai will create a sense of distrust in the other party, resulting in poor communication and inability to cooperate.

In order for them to cooperate faster, Yae Shenzi chose to use Maplehara Manyo as a buffer between the two.

Fengyuan-kun, first of all, what I want you to tell Coral Palace Xinhai is that I hope she can contain the current situation and not let the war situation continue to expand.

At the same time, please also tell the other party the news about the fools.

Okay, Lord Palace Secretary.

Maplehara Manyo first agreed to the other party's request, and then said:

I also have something that I can help you with, Lord Palace Secretary.

Oh, what's the matter?

I will tell you everything I saw and heard in Liyue, please be sure to tell the Lord Palace Secretary to the head of the Shenli family.

Do you want that boy Ayato Kamisato to stand firmly on the side of lifting the national lockdown order?

Knowing that Maplehara Manyo actually asked him to do such a thing, Yae Shenzi couldn't help but shook his head.

That kid is not a good person, he won't agree.

She was not very optimistic about the other party's plans.

After all, Kamisato Ayato is famous for playing both sides, and it's rare to see him firmly choosing one side.

On a normal day, this kind of behavior would be seeking death.

However, the other party relied on this method to suppress the joint efforts of Tianling Zongxing and Kanding Zongxing as well as the covetousness of the following families, thereby stabilizing the status of the Shenli family's leading society.

Therefore, Maplehara Manyo's attempt to use Liyue's development to stimulate Kamisato Ayato to side with the lifting of the lock-down order may not work.

But among the three pursuits, currently only the social pursuits are the political force we can fight for.

Seeing that Yae Shenzi was not optimistic about his idea, Maplehara Manyo reluctantly explained his opinion.

The highest ruling group in Inazuma is the three major executions. Now, it is clear that the Locking Order and the Eye Hunting Order are the good things caused by the conspiracy of Tianling executions and Kanding executions.

If you want to fight against the two lords who control almost half of Inazuma's power, currently only the Kamisato family, one of the three lords, plus the Narukami Taisha Shrine represented by Yae Kamiko can compete.

After all, if they want the general to lift the lock-down order and the eye-hunting order, they must first meet him, so they cannot lose their power in the political arena.

What you say makes sense.

After listening to Maplehara Manyo's explanation, Yae Shenzi pondered for a while, and then agreed with his idea.

Let's do this. I will convey your thoughts to that boy Kamisato Ayato. As for what the other party will choose, I can't control it.


With the cooperation between Maplehara Manyo and Yae Kamiko established, the situation on Inazuma's side is about to enter a white-hot stage.

Han Xiao didn't know that Yae Shenzi had already begun to take action personally and planned to unite with Shejijia and Haijijima to compete with the two major religions.

But even if he knew it, he might just feel a little pity in his heart, and then he wouldn't pay attention to it anymore.

Because Yingmei had already made up her mind to go to Inazuma, even if Yae Shenzi didn't end up, after the other party went to Inazuma, I'm afraid the lock-up order and the eye hunting order would be resolved.

And there is another very important point.

That is, whether Dao's wife is stable or not, Liyue can get enough benefits from the other party, the only difference is how much she earns.

If the rice wife situation is chaotic, they may earn a little more.

When the situation of Dao Wife stabilizes, Liyue's caravan can continue to set sail and start trade, and it can also make a fortune from Dao Wife, who is waiting for something to be done.

Therefore, Han Xiao is not concerned at all about how Inazuma's situation will develop in the future. He is more concerned about the construction of steamships now.

Qixing has made preparations to restart the stratigraphic abyss, and a large amount of the minerals obtained by Huishan Hall after the shallow construction have been transported by water to Mingyun Town.

The shipyard has started building the hull according to the drawings designed by him, Abedo and Liuyun Jifengzhenjun.

Chapter 393: Teyvat’s shipbuilding speed is a bit fast

As the steamship began to be built, Han Xiao and Abedo temporarily put down their work and focused all their attention on Mingyun Town.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng even volunteered to go and supervise.

In her words, the design of the steamship was the hard work of the three of them, and there were many parts installed on the steam engine.

If the shipbuilders who built the ship made an installation error and the entire machine could not operate, wouldn't it be a waste of time?

Therefore, in order to ensure the smooth construction of the hull, it is better to let her supervise from the side.

Although in the eyes of Han Xiao and Abedo, this was probably an excuse Liu Yun borrowed from Feng Zhenjun to make up casually. The real purpose was probably to see the launch of the steamship as soon as possible.

But since the other party wants to go, let her go.

Anyway, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng spent most of his time at the alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town, which happened to be not far from the shipyard.

To be honest, Han Xiao and Abedo also wanted to witness the completion and launching ceremony of Liyue's first steamship.

It's just that they both had their own reasons and ultimately did not go to Chengmingyun Town.

The first was Abedo. He couldn't go because he was too busy.

From deciphering Kanria's technology in the heart of the Chaos Furnace to designing blueprints of small household appliances used by Liyue residents, there is simply not much work in his hands.

If all kinds of large and small R\u0026D tasks are added up, they should be able to be scheduled until next year.

It can be said that the most profitable thing Han Xiao did was probably hiring Abedo.

In fact, without Albedo, it's not that he wouldn't be able to develop it.

After all, after superimposing the learning talents in the group, Han Xiao's ability is actually very strong. At present, it is probably only slightly inferior to Abedo.

Not to mention that in terms of knowledge, he is not even a bit better than the other party.

Of course, if you can do research and development, you can do it, but if Han Xiao is allowed to devote himself to research and development like Abedo, he can still persist in ten and a half months.

If he worked continuously for a year and a half, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

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