It's really weird. What's the use of Yaegomiya of Narukami Taisha Shrine giving me this thing?

Looking at the small box in his hand, Maplehara Manyo couldn't help but murmured softly.

Obviously he and Yae Shenzi don't know each other at all?

Why would the other party specially send someone from Daozhu to send him a little black boy?

Full of doubts, Maplehara Manyo reached out and opened the lid of the box.

However, he was disappointed.

There seemed to be nothing else in the box except a small mirror.

Maplehara Manyo who couldn't figure out what Yae Kamiko was doing was just about to close the lid of the box when a slightly frivolous and charming female voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Oops, I haven't used this spell for a long time, and I'm a little shaky. Don't be so anxious, Maplehara-kun.

The next moment, in Maplehara Manyo's shocked eyes, ripples suddenly appeared on the small mirror in the box.

Immediately afterwards, the beautiful face of Yae Shenzi, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, appeared on the mirror.


It's me, Maplehara-kun, are you surprised?

What's going on, and what do you want to do?

Looking at the Yae Shenzi in the mirror, Maplehara Manyo couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and asked calmly.

Chapter 390: Pill’s Rice Wife

Oh my, are the descendants of Kaedehara Kagemitsu so impatient? Obviously swordsmiths need to be calm and patient. Kaedehara-kun, you don't look like the heir to one of the five thunder and lightning traditions.

The Isshin Chuan has long existed in name only, and I have not inherited my grandfather's sword forging skills.

When Yae Kamiko mentioned the ancestors and history of the Maplehara family, Manyo Maplehara lowered his eyelids and tried to reply in a calm tone.

Master Yaegongji, you and I don't seem to know each other. If you have anything to say, please tell me quickly.

What a very unfunny man.

Seeing the impatient look on Maplehara Manyo's face, Yae Shenzi deliberately clicked his tongue, his tone full of charm.


Since the other party wanted to hear the truth, she would satisfy his request.

Fengyuan-kun, you are in Liyue now, right?

What you are saying is nonsense, Mr. Palace Secretary.

Maplehara Manyo looked at the female fox in the mirror quite speechlessly. If someone else was not in Liyue, how could they have gotten this thing from Zhuzi.

So Mr. Fengyuan, is Liyue fun?

It depends on how you define the limit of fun, Miyaji-sama.

Maplehara Manyo naturally understood the hidden meaning of what Yae Kamiko said about 'fun', so she deliberately changed the subject to the other party.

I know even if you don't tell me.

It's a pity that Maplehara Manyo was facing Yae Shenzi, the fox who had truly become a spirit. She brought the situation back with a simple sentence.

Because I think you look very bad, Mr. Fengyuan. Are you frightened by Liyue's colorful world?

It seems that Mr. Palace Secretary knows a lot about Liyue.

After Maplehara Manyo reacted, he didn't want to continue talking with the other party, so he simply made it clear.

Let's get straight to the point. Lord Palace Secretary must also be aware of Liyue's situation. He specially asked someone to find me this time. I'm afraid he is here for Dao Wife.

This time you finally look like your ancestor Jing Guang.

Seeing that the other party guessed his purpose, Yae Shenzi suppressed his smile and put on a serious look.

Fengyuan-kun, since I am in Inazuma, the information sent back by my subordinates must contain ominous records and distortions.

So I want to hear your opinion as a Dao Wife in Liyue. How far behind is Dao Wife in Liyue?

If I say Dao Wife is far behind Liyue, would you believe it, Mr. Gong Si?

I believe.

What Maplehara Manyo expected was that as soon as he said his words, Yae Shenzi opposite him nodded very solemnly.

As a member of the Demon God, her status in Inazuma is indeed quite high, so those messy things will naturally not be spread to Narukami Taisha Shrine.

Even though Shadow had been hiding in the Pure Land for five hundred years, she still followed Zhen's orders and kept sending intelligence agents to inquire about the situation in various countries.

Therefore, Liyue's reformed Eighth Level Godson also knew about it.

But as she said herself, the intelligence she received was compiled and written by intelligence personnel themselves and then sent back.

As for whether there are errors and omissions in the intelligence, it depends on the professionalism and acumen of the intelligence personnel themselves.


When he thought about the performance of the group of intelligence personnel he had sent out before on the incident of Lord Rock King's fake death, Yae Shenzi could not believe the intelligence sent back by these people.

Think about it, after the death of the Demon God Orobus, the disaster on Hachi Island has continued to this day. Most Inazuma people know that the death of the Demon God will cause huge disasters to the surrounding lands.

But these people seemed to have collectively lost their minds. Without thinking, they swore in the intelligence that Yan Shen was dead.

God knows how angry Yae Shenzi was when he saw the information in his hand.

That is to say, she can't see those intelligence officers in Daozhu, otherwise she will definitely give these guys a thoughtless drag!

It was precisely because he didn't trust those intelligence agents who had bad ideas that Yae Shenzi deliberately rescued Zhuzi who fell into the water and prepared to change people.

Originally, she planned to ask the other party to record the changes in Liyue truthfully for her so that she could judge the situation on the mainland.

However, when he heard the news that the wanted criminal Maplehara Manyo captured by Tianling was saved by Captain Beidou of the Southern Cross Fleet, Yae Kamiko immediately paid new attention.

Although she had some doubts about the information sent back by the intelligence agents, every information mentioned that Liyue was developing rapidly.

So there should be no doubt about this.

Liyue is developing in a good direction, but Ina Wife is taking big steps back, which makes Yae Shenzi feel more and more that if the trouble continues, Ina Wife is a real pill.

So, she first asked Ma Ji to go to Liyue as an envoy before the Southern Cross Fleet.

Then he handed the magic box to Zhuzi for safekeeping, and asked him to hand it over to Maplehara Manyo who arrived in Liyue.

Lord Palace Secretary, why do you do this multiple times?

After listening to Yae Shenzi's explanation, Maplehara Manyo felt a little puzzled even though he was suddenly stunned.

Obviously she has sent her witches to Liyue. If you want to know the information about Liyue, you can just listen to the witches.

Why do you have to go through such a big circle to contact me?

Of course I do this because of your identity, Maplehara-kun.

Seeing that Maplehara Manyo was confused as to why she made things so complicated, Yae Shenzi raised the corner of her mouth and said with deep meaning.

My identity?

Regarding Yae Shenzi's answer, Maplehara Manyo frowned slightly, and a less clear look flashed across his face.

He probably guessed why the other party went out of his way to contact him in such a large circle.

Thinking of this, Maplehara Manyo looked at Yae Shenzi who was still smiling in the mirror, and asked in a low tone:

Miyaji-sama, are you doing this for the sake of society, or... Umijishima?


Seeing that Maplehara Manyo guessed the real purpose of contacting him, Yae Shenzi readily admitted it.

The reason why she deliberately made a very simple thing so complicated was to avoid the eyes of most interested people.

The purpose is naturally to connect Maplehara Manyo to the two lines of Shōsuke and Kaijijima.

After all, in the current situation, if she goes to the Shenli family openly, it will easily attract the attention of Tianling Fengxing and Appraisal Fengxing.

This is extremely uneconomical for Yae Shenzi who wants to let Kage lift the National Lockdown Order and the Eye Hunting Order.

Not to mention the residents of Kaiji Island who are now regarded as rebellious by Inazuma's main island.

If you want to contact these two parties without everyone's attention, Maplehara Manyo is a very good choice.

Then, Lord Palace Secretary, can you tell me what you are planning now?

After understanding Yae Shenzi's thoughts, Maplehara Manyo did not directly agree, but carefully asked the other party's purpose of doing so.

Chapter 391 Behind the War

Oh, Maplehara-kun, are you worried that I will be harmful to your friends?

Seeing that Maplehara Manyo still looked cautious, the smile on Yae Shenzi's face became even wider, and the tone of his words became more and more disdainful.

Am I just going to make you worried like that?

After all, you are the general's family member, so you should be careful.

Faced with Yae Shenzi's teasing, Maplehara Manyo remained unmoved at all.

The fox on the opposite side is a subordinate of General Raiden. Who knows why the other party wants to contact Haijijima through him.

Now Goro and the others are leading the Kaiji Island resistance army in a stalemate with the army led by Kujo Sora at Nashi Nada.

If Yae Shenzi uses himself to gain access to the secrets of Kaiji Island, and then attacks Kujo Sora from both sides, the resistance will really be attacked from both sides.

He didn't want to cause Haiji Island to suffer heavy losses because of himself.

What if I say that I also want our Lord General to lift the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order?

Seeing Maplehara Manyo's unmoved look, Yae Shenzi suddenly said something that shocked the other party.

Lord Palace Secretary, are you kidding me?

Hearing that Yae Kamiko actually said that she also wanted to oppose General Raiden, Maplehara Manyo immediately narrowed her eyes and sounded more wary.

That's your god!

The other party was a retinue of General Thunder and Lightning, and as a retinue, he actually said that he wanted to resist his boss in front of him.

This had to make him extremely vigilant, fearing that the other party would dig a hole and wait for him to jump into it.

No, no, no, Maplehara-kun, you are wrong about this!

Yae Kamiko in the small mirror suddenly raised his right index finger towards Maplehara Manyo, then kept shaking it, and said something that he did not understand.

My god is Inazuma's thunder god, not a cold shogun.

Isn't this nonsense?

Regarding Yae Shenzi's remarks, Maplehara Manyo didn't understand the premise under which the other party gave such a strange explanation.

Isn't Inazuma's God of Thunder the Shogun?

He had never heard of Inazuma and other thunder gods.

You will understand later, Maplehara-kun.

Seemingly seeing Maplehara Manyo's inner confusion, Yae Kamiko took a deep look at him. General Raiden was just a puppet made by his own god to replace him.

Inazuma's real God of Thunder has been hiding in his own pure land for more than five hundred years, and he is a proper super dead man.

If it weren't for the purpose of forcing him to come out of that no-nonsense place, she wouldn't have made such a choice.

Our General is a stubborn person. Unless we can refute her, it is simply impossible to make the other party change their mind and cancel the Eye Hunting Order.

Having said this, a trace of helplessness flashed across Yae Shenzi's eyes.

If the situation hadn't become more serious, she wouldn't have ended up personally.

After receiving the news from Mondstadt that the Wind Demon Dragon incident was solved by a person from another world, Yae Shenzi felt that the opportunity had come.

People from other worlds who can cross the star sea are all powerful beings, and it seems that the traveler can use elemental power without the eye of God.

This is definitely an exception among the exceptions for the shadow who pursues eternity.

She had already planned it. As long as a traveler sets foot on Inazuma's land, there is no need to make any arrangements. The other party will naturally become the target of General Raiden.

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