Although you can't get it as soon as it comes out, you can get one for yourself in the first batch, and Beidou is already very satisfied.


After Beidou left, Han Xiao picked up her cell phone and told Ningguang the situation.

So you convinced Beidou with the conditions of mentor?

This condition is too loose.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, after listening to Han Xiao's story, Ningguang felt quite helpless.

She was not opposed to Beidou owning a steamship, but she thought the conditions given by Han Xiao were too simple.

This is a steamship that crushes old ships.

It is just a condition to be a practical teaching instructor at sea. If it were her, the opponent would not be able to get it if Beidou didn't give more blood to the steamship.

Because it's not necessary.

Hearing that Ningguang thought that the conditions he offered were too few, Han Xiao explained in a calm tone:

Maybe you think steamships are very advanced ships, but they are not.


Han Xiao's words immediately aroused Ning Guang's interest. The other party didn't even like steamships. Could it be that Albedo and him had made some big news?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask:

Do you have a new design?

Almost, thanks to Master Liuyun's help.

Hey, there is something about Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, can you tell me more about it.

No problem at all.

Soon, Han Xiao explained to Ningguang in detail some of the details of how he and Abedo developed steamships together.

They designed the steamship and put it aside temporarily after conducting simple model experiments.

It wasn't until later that Ningguang and the others needed to change the uniforms of Qianyan Army that they turned over the design drawings.

As the saying goes, one generation of equipment and one generation of research and development.

After confirming that the steamship was about to be put into construction, Han Xiao and Abedo also started new research on the design of the next generation ship.

At the same time, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, who had obtained the steamship design drawings from Mingyun Town, also flew to Guili City because he was very interested.

Seeing that the two of them had begun designing a new generation of ships, she immediately participated enthusiastically.

Due to his experience in the research and development of the final machine, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun quickly proposed to replace the kinetic energy system in the design of the new ship.

After all, steam engines are bulky and not very efficient. It is better to use electric motors as the power core of new generation ships.

But it is a pity that Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun's suggestion was immediately rejected by Abedo and Han Xiao.

The reason is also very simple. Currently, Teyvat's electric motor is not powerful enough to propel large ships.

However, small offshore vessels can consider using electric motors.

With Liuyun Borrowing Wind's advice, Han Xiao and Abedo designed several electric propellers for use on small ships.

Although his suggestion was rejected, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng didn't care. Instead, he made a new suggestion after careful consideration.

This time, her suggestion was unanimously approved by Han Xiao and Abedo.

And based on each other's suggestions, the two of them also roughly completed a new generation of power system.

Chapter 385: Changes in the College

As mentioned before, it is precisely because Teyvat’s current power level cannot create an electric propulsion system that can move large ships.

So Han Xiao and Abedo settled for the steam engine.

After understanding this, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun thought about it and thought that there was something that could perfectly replace the steam engine as the power system of the next generation ship.

That is the heart of the Chaos Furnace.

For this reason, she also flew to the wild to find a ruins guard that had been active for more than five hundred years, dismantled and brought back the other party's Chaos Furnace Heart, which was still in working condition.

It has to be said that some of Canria's technologies are still at the ceiling of Teyvat technology even after five hundred years.

The Chaos Furnace Heart, which can continuously provide energy for the ruins guards for five hundred years, is one of them.

Moreover, the Chaos Furnace is compact in shape and has better performance than a steam engine. It perfectly meets the requirements of Albedo and Han Xiao for the transformation of the next generation of ships.

So, after the two of them obtained the Chaos Furnace Heart, they began to design the next generation power system.

Although Han Xiao and Abedo don't understand Kanria's technology very well, they can still do it with the physical imitation of the Chaos Furnace Heart.

After deleting some unnecessary functions on the Chaos Furnace Core and retaining only the energy output, the two men built an electric thruster with the Chaos Furnace Core as the energy core.

And it passed the test of model actual machine testing.

How did the test work?

After listening to Han Xiao's narration, Ningguang also roughly understood the changes made in the new generation power system.

But what she is most concerned about is who has the advantage compared to the new generation of electric propulsion power system and steam engine.

The efficiency is about three times that of a steam engine, and the volume is much smaller than that of a steam engine.

Regarding the results of the comparison between the two, Han Xiao said very confidently.

Now that you have tested the new generation of electric propulsion power system, why not just use electric propulsion?

Ning Guang seemed confused when he learned that the electric propulsion system was much more powerful than the steam engine.

After all, the construction materials required for the steam ironclad are still being transported to Mingyun Town. Logically speaking, wouldn't it be better to directly use a more advanced electric propulsion power system.

Why are Han Xiao and Abedo still planning to follow the plan?

Because the new generation of electric propulsion power system currently still has many problems.

Facing Ningguang's question, Han Xiao simply stated the reason why they didn't do this.

Electric propulsion power systems are indeed superior to steam engines in performance, but they are currently not popular.

You must know that in order to make a new chaos furnace core for testing, he, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun worked hard together, and finally completed the replica of it.

Although they have also deleted certain functions of the new Chaos Furnace, no one can guarantee whether there is a backdoor left by Kanreia in the core program of this thing.

There is no problem in using it for testing, but if it is used directly as the power core of the ship, the hidden dangers will be much greater.

Therefore, considering safety issues, they have to wait for a few people to fully understand the technology and ensure that the new chaos furnace only has the function of energy output before it can be used as a propulsion device for ships.

In addition, because the new Chaos Furnace Core involves a lot of high-end technologies, there are also many Kanreia technologies that cannot be leaked at will.

If you want to achieve large-scale production like a steam engine, the difficulty will be more than doubled.

Based on these two points, Han Xiao and Abedo decided that the ship would continue to use steam engines as the core power.

As for when the electric propulsion power system made from the chaos furnace core can be used, we can wait until the safety is verified and it is sufficient for large-scale production.

I see.

After learning that there were still many problems with the electric propulsion system, Ningguang's doubts disappeared and he immediately said:

Then follow your plan. I will find a way to unseal the layered rock abyss as soon as possible.


In the next few days, Han Xiao and Abedo stayed in the alchemy workshop every day to study the technology involved in the Chaos Furnace.

The Chaos Furnace Hearts they made before were mostly replicas of the real thing, with only a few modifications.

In order to fully understand these technologies, the two of them can be said to have put in a lot of effort.

emmm, it seems that I can’t say that.

Because this research seems to have greater sacrifices than Han Xiao and Abedo, and that is the ruin guards, ruin hunters, and ruin heavy machines wandering in the wild.

During this period, in order to fully understand the technology of the Chaos Furnace Heart, they disassembled many Chaos Furnace Hearts for research.

And these Chaos Furnace Hearts were all taken out of those machines by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun claw by claw.

One can imagine how many ruins guards throughout Liyue suffered from their poisonous hands.

Han Xiao was doing research and development on the next power system, while Beidou on the other side also abided by their agreement.

After arranging for the temporary rest of the Southern Cross fleet, she drove to Guili City and entered the school. She began to explain the common sense that needs to be paid attention to at sea to the older students in the school who planned to engage in sea-related careers in the future.

At the same time, we did not forget to teach students how to deal with combat crises at sea.

Speaking of school, there have been huge changes in the past year, and the reason for this is actually Han Xiao's own good deeds.

At the beginning, his purpose of building the school was mainly to provide enlightenment education for the children of most people in Liyue.

After all, it's not a bad thing to learn some knowledge at any time, especially in the continent of Teyvat, where the educational foundation is not particularly developed. In many places, most people can't even read the words.

It's just that, whenever Han Xiao saw talents, he wanted to keep them in Guili City to promote the development of the city. At the worst, he would have to hold a part-time job or something.

After going back and forth, there were many more boss-level teachers in the school.

For example, Yan Fei teaches law, Bai Shu teaches medicine, Abedo teaches alchemy, and Zhongli teaches everything.

After recruiting so many big guys, you can't let people teach children. This really feels like overestimating talents.

As a result, Han Xiao opened a number of professional courses in the school, and at the same time recruited teenagers from Liyue who were fifteen or sixteen years old and who had just entered society and were in the period of strongest learning ability.

Oh, I almost forgot.

Fifteen or sixteen years old is considered an adult in Teyvat.

After passing the entrance examination, Han Xiao found a group of smart and studious apprentices for these industry giants.

Therefore, after more than a year of development, the school in Guilicheng is no longer the educational place dedicated to enlightening children.

Instead, it became a multi-vocational college with enlightenment education?

Chapter 386 Paimon gained weight

Han Xiao had noticed the changes in the school a long time ago, but he was quite satisfied with them.

Children's enlightenment education will not yield any results within a few years.

Now with the teachings of industry leaders like Yan Fei, young people in Liyue who have just entered society can enrich themselves.

After all, sometimes the more skills you learn, the more employment options you will have.

Especially as Han Xiao has been struggling for nearly two years, Liyue is now in a period of rapid development, and many emerging industries are short of people. He has opened up part of the upward path.

Moreover, these ‘adults’ aged fifteen or sixteen are the period when they have the strongest learning ability. At this time, if you have a little professional knowledge, you can easily reach a position that may have taken more time to climb before.

In this regard, Han Xiao is very much looking forward to the learning achievements of these young people. Maybe there will be some top talents among these people.

At that time, the Seven Stars will be able to select some of these talents to enter the official organization, and if not all are guaranteed, there will be good candidates who are qualified to be Seven Stars.

Although with the abdication of the previous generation of Tianshu Star and Uncle Tian, ​​the Qixings of this generation are generally not too old.

But now that Zhongli has finally abdicated, the arduous task of selecting a capable next generation has fallen to Qixing.

Moreover, the Zhiyi incident that occurred during the last Tianshu Star selection also reminded them that the next generation of Seven Stars must have both ability and political integrity.

Otherwise, if one has talent but no virtue, Liyue will easily fall into turmoil.

Han Xiao understood this clearly, and he had added a lesson on ideological and moral character to his enlightenment education a long time ago.

Maybe the effect may not be as good as imagined, but at least it can reduce the possibility of growing crookedly.


A few more days passed.

On this day, as usual, Hanxiao got up, washed up, and walked towards the alchemy workshop after breakfast.

After intensive research in the past few days, he, Abedo, and Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng have now roughly understood some of the operating procedures of the Chaos Furnace Heart.

After trying to decipher part of it, they found that things were exactly as they expected. In the heart of the Chaos Furnace, there were some back-up plans left by Kanria.

In the past few days, in order to find a way to eliminate these unnecessary backdoors while ensuring that the Chaos Furnace Heart can be used normally, Han Xiao and the others have really been thinking a lot.

For the purpose of research, Albedo even began to prepare himself with refreshing alchemical potions.

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