Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun was even more powerful, relying on the immortal's strong physique, he didn't sleep for several days.

Facing these two researchers who fell into crazy, Han Xiao maintained a stable work and rest habit despite admiration.

Emmm, some people may ask, hasn't Han Xiao's life level already reached the level of a demon god, why is he still sleeping?

In this regard, Han Xiao said that even if he doesn't sleep for a few days now, it will not cause harm to his body, and he can't even think of depriving him of the pleasure of sleeping.

What he slept was not sleep, but life.


Just as Han Xiao was walking along the road next to the square towards the alchemy workshop, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

Following the direction of the sound, Han Xiao turned around and looked.

Not far away, he saw Ying and Paimon looking at him at the entrance of the Adventurers Association, and Pamon waved hello to him.

Seeing this, Han Xiao turned around and walked in the direction of the two of them.

Good morning, Hanxiao!

Ying and Paimon, good morning.

After saying a simple hello, Han Xiao asked her with some confusion:

Haven't you guys made a lot of money recently? Why are you still accepting quests from the Adventurers Association?

Who says it isn't?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Paimeng held his hands angrily and looked at Yingmei with a resentful look on his face.

Someone woke me up from bed early in the morning, just to come to the adventurer to pick up a mission.

That's because you've been eating and sleeping these past few days. If you continue like this, you won't be able to fly.

Ying glanced at Paimon sideways and said angrily.

Due to the rise of mobile phones, their previously tepid takeout business has become more and more prosperous recently, especially after cooperating with the government, they have made a lot of money.

But when he got rich, Paimeng immediately developed into a lazy person, doing nothing but eating and sleeping all day long.

Seeing that he was making various preparations for his trip to the rice field, this little thing seemed to have gained weight, so he thought it would be better to take her out to run more tasks as a weight loss exercise.

Don't wait until we actually set off for Rice Wife. It would be funny if Paimon couldn't fly because he ate too much.

Hearing Ying's complaints, Han Xiao couldn't help but look at Paimon carefully, and then said something 'heartbreaking' under the other's nervous gaze:

Well... Paimon, you are really much older now than when I first saw you!

Oh! No way!

Seeing Han Xiao's serious look, Paimeng suddenly panicked and quickly stretched out his hands to touch his belly, then kept turning his head and looking around.

It's over, I really have some fat!

When he felt that there was a small 'swimming ring' on his originally flat belly, Paimon felt as if he was struck by lightning.

She actually gained weight!

Let me tell you, if you eat sweets every day like this, how can you not get fat?

Regarding the fact that Paimon had really become fat, Ying suddenly curled her lips. Her eyes were indeed right, this little thing was really fat.

Anyway, Paimon isn't your emergency food. When Dao's wife gets hungry, she can just use it to eat.

Seeing this, Han Xiao immediately looked at Paimon with a smile and started joking.

Well... you're right, it's time to kill.

A smile flashed across Ying's eyes, and he echoed in agreement.

Hey, Hanxiao!

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Paimon instantly became furious and looked at him with a dissatisfied look on his face and shouted:

I'm not emergency food!

Then she turned her little head to Ying and said pitifully:

Ying, you don't really want to eat me, do you?

Of course...I lied to you!

Ying deliberately lengthened her tone, and spoke the last few words under Paimon's panicked expression.

Humph, you are all bad people, I will ignore you!

Knowing that the two of them were joking with him on purpose, Paimon pouted and flew directly behind Ying to hide.

Looking at Paimon hiding behind Ying, Han Xiao looked at Ying's sister with a smile and asked:

By the way, do you have something to say to me?

Well, I heard that Captain Beidou of the Southern Cross Fleet is back?

Chapter 387: Gathering the Rice Wife’s Wool

Hey, you are quite well informed!

Han Xiao was still a little surprised when she saw that Beidou had led the Southern Cross fleet back to Liyue.

After all, the other party has been staying in Guili City during this period and has never been to Liyue Port, and Beidou has only been in Guili City for less than two days.

Being able to get news so quickly, Ying's intelligence capabilities have greatly improved!

No, no, it's just a coincidence!

In response to Han Xiao's praise, Ying repeatedly waved her hands to indicate that her intelligence ability was not as strong as the other party said.

The reason why she knew that Beidou came to Guili City was mainly due to her contribution to the food delivery platform she opened.

Since the takeout business was improving quite a lot, Ying specially recruited a lot of waiters in Guili City, and one of the people she recruited had met Captain Beidou before and had bought Inazuma's specialties from the Southern Cross Fleet.

Yesterday, when this guy was delivering food outside, he happened to see Beidou entering the city, and then told Ying about it.

Because all the workers in the store know that their big boss has been busy preparing to go to Inazuma recently, and the Beidou boss of the Southern Cross Fleet has been the person the other party is waiting for.

That's quite a coincidence.

Hearing that this is how Ying knew Beidou's traces, Han Xiao also felt that sometimes the development of things was quite a coincidence.

The Southern Cross Fleet should be resting in Liyue for a period of time recently. As for Big Sister Beidou, she should be giving lectures to the students at school during this time.

If you want to find her, just go to school and look for her.

Thank you. I'll take my leave now!

After learning the traces of Beidou from Han Xiao, Ying quickly thanked him, then stretched out his hand to pull out Paimeng who was hiding behind him, and ran straight towards the school.

She had to ask Beidou as soon as possible when he would go to Inazuma next time.

Rice wife...

Looking at Ying Mei's back dragging Paimon and flying away, Han Xiao's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but mutter the name of the country where the God of Thunder was.

To be honest, he actually didn't want his sister to leave for Daozhi so early.

This time it's not like before to create more ties between the other party and Liyue.

After all, Yingmei now not only has a house and a car in Guili City, but also has a business that can provide her with a steady stream of funds.

To a certain extent, the other party is already half-Liyue like Abedo.

Today, Han Xiao is not worried at all about her father going to another country and not coming back.

The reason why he didn't want Yingmei to go to Daozhu prematurely was mainly because he wanted Daozhu's national lockdown order to be delayed longer.

In this way, Liyue can gain greater benefits from Dao's wife.

You must know that the Southern Cross Fleet only went to Daozhi a few times this year, but in these few times, Ningguang used the old rice and other grains in the Liyue granary to exchange for jade steel and other materials that were more than ten times the price of the materials. Strategic military supplies.

During this period, Qixing can be described as the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers, and everyone is trying their best to catch up with Daodao's wife.

Emmm, how should I put it, Liyue Qixing, apart from Han Xiao, is a group of big businessmen with good business sense.

Even Han Xiao asked Beidou to buy a lot of electrical crystals for him at low prices using food from Dao Wife.

Therefore, if the lockdown is prolonged a little longer, Dao's wife may not really be skinned by this group of people.

Don't blame Han Xiao and the others for being ruthless. This is the real continent of Teyvat, not the original 12+ game.

There has never been a lack of competition between countries.

Even if Mondstadt wasn't so close to Liyue, and if Wendy and Zhongli were old friends for thousands of years, the relationship between the two countries might not be as harmonious as it is now.

Therefore, taking advantage of the civil strife in Daozhi, it is normal for Han Xiao and other Qixing to choose to earn more strategic materials for Liyue.

And there is one more crucial point. Inazuma's current situation may have been fueled by the fools, but most of it was done by herself.

As the saying goes, it is God who cannot take it, but he is to blame.

Faced with this perfect opportunity to strengthen Liyue, how could Han Xiao, Ning Guang and others let it go.

They don't have much friendship with Inazuma.

By the way, Ganyu has a good relationship with Yaegamiko, the Omiyaji of Inazuma Narukami Taisha Shrine, and the other party also raised objections to Qixing for this reason.

However, in the face of Han Xiao and others' explanation of facts and the sight of so many strategic materials flowing into Liyue warehouse, Gan Yu gradually felt that Liyue's weight in his heart overshadowed his friendship with the Yae Shenzi, and finally chose to turn a blind eye. net.

Anyway, with the emperor's abdication, Qixing now has the final say in Liyue, and her power is not as big as before.

Even if she meets Yae Shenzi in the future, this reason will be enough for her to explain.

As for whether Gan Yu's power has become smaller...

Well, I'm afraid only Han Xiao, Qixing, and Gan Yu himself know about this.

It has to be said that classmate Wang Xiaomei, who has always been gentle and sweet, also has a lot of evil intentions when it comes to dealing with Liyue.


On the way to the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao was thinking about how to make Yingmei stay in Liyue for a longer period of time.

No way, over the past year or so, Liyue has collected a lot of good things from Dao Wife, such as electrical crystals that are urgently needed for the power system, jade steel used to make weapons, and a large number of special products.

And what they paid was only a trivial amount of daily necessities.

Even these daily necessities are grains that Ningguang spent money to buy from other countries in the past two years. They have been stored and turned into old rice.

Uh...this matter went around and around and finally seemed to involve Han Xiao again.

Because the food and other daily necessities sent out by Ningguang were originally intended to be provided to the people of Liyue.

However, as Guili City's food supply was sufficient to be self-sufficient, this batch of supplies immediately saved a million people.

Therefore, based on the idea that food should not be wasted, Ningguang and others smoothly sent these supplies to the Southern Cross Fleet.

Everyone knows what happened next, and Liyue finally won.

Not only did they dispose of old rice and other daily necessities that had been stored for nearly a year, they also exchanged military supplies that far exceeded their value.

Then they sold a batch of unused military supplies to the countries that had previously bought food, basically filling the food bill at that time.

In this way, there is still a large amount of jade steel and other extremely valuable materials left. Isn't this Liyue a winner?

Unfortunately, such good days are coming to an end.

When she thought that Ying was about to leave for Dao Wife, Han Xiao knew that Dao Wife's country-locking order would probably come to an end, and Liyue's happy days of shedding wool would not have much time left.

And he seemed to be unable to think of any other way to make Ying Zaiyue stay longer in Liyue.

With some regret, Han Xiao walked to the alchemy workshop.

Chapter 388 Canrea’s chip technology

Entering the alchemy workshop, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun were sitting on both sides of the table, discussing something in front of the documents on the table.

Apparently, the two of them had started their day's work a long time ago.

Abeido, Master Liuyun.

Seeing that Abedo and the others had started their research work so early, Han Xiao, who had slept soundly last night, couldn't help but said helplessly:

The construction of the steamship has not started yet. We have plenty of time to research the next generation power system. There is no need to work so hard, really!

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