Beidou deeply agreed with Han Xiao's statement.

Steamships are powerful and have strong hulls, making them absolute monsters on the sea.

Once it is incorporated into the Qianyan Army, Liyue's maritime armed forces can be said to have become the top level of the Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat.

The only one who can compete with it may be Fontaine.

But Beidou soon came to his senses. After all, the Southern Cross Fleet had now entered a stage that was a matter of life and death.

If she doesn't want to be eliminated by the times, she must gain enough benefits from the next conversation with Han Xiao.

Chapter 383 Non-stick pan Hanxiao

He left the pond and returned to the office in Kuixing Building. As soon as he sat down, Beidou, who had been thinking of words on the way, immediately asked Han Xiao:

Hanxiao, is it possible that the construction of the steamship will start as long as the construction of the layered rock abyss starts?


Hearing Beidou's inquiry, Han Xiao nodded without any hesitation.

The main purpose of his proposed shipbuilding plan this time was that Ningguang and the others wanted to improve the strength of the Qianyan Army.

Among all the equipment, the installation of steel steam ships is definitely the biggest improvement.

After all, although Liyue is a coastal city, its naval strength has always been comparable to that of the Mongolian Navy in its previous life, and it still needs to rely on civilian fleets to control the situation.

As for the equipment on land.

Semi-automatic firecrackers have begun to be produced in the alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town, and Abedo is also researching a new fully automatic firecracker.

In contrast, Han Xiao would choose to build a new steamship as the focus of renovating the Qianyan Army.

If the practicality of steamships is verified, will the next few ships still choose to be commissioned into the navy?

After getting the accuracy, Beidou also knew that the first new steamship would definitely be included in the official name, so she did not argue about this, but directly asked about the ownership of the subsequent ships.

If not, is there any chance for the public to get it?

Sorry, eldest sister, steamships may not be put into the private market in a short period of time.

When Beidou said this, Han Xiao understood that the other party probably wanted to purchase steel steamships for the Southern Cross Fleet as soon as possible, so that the Southern Cross Fleet could continue to ride the wave of the times and grow bigger and bigger.

It's just that his answer is destined to disappoint the other party.

Since the shipbuilding master sent by Ningguang confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the design, the information about the steam ironclad ship was placed on the desks of several Seven Stars.

Soon, Qixing had always determined that this new steam ironclad ship, which completely surpassed the old ships in terms of performance and other aspects, must first be used by the official army.

Only when the military's demand is saturated, or after Han Xiao and Abedo develop a new generation of ships, will they consider introducing steam ironclads into the civilian market.

Before that, private purchase qualifications would never be opened.


Although Beidou didn't have much hope when he proposed his idea, when she heard Han Xiao's firm refusal, she couldn't help but sigh secretly.

Thinking about it, if it were her, she probably wouldn't be willing to see steam ironclads flowing into the people.

Actually, big sister, if you want to get an order for a steamship, it's very easy.

Seeing the disappointed look on Beidou's face, Han Xiao suddenly brought up the past and told him how to get the steamship as quickly as possible.

There are too many restrictions when joining the Liyue officialdom. The Southern Cross fleet has long been used to freedom. I'm afraid it will be difficult to adapt.

Beidou shook his head. She also knew what Han Xiao was talking about, which was to let her bring the entire Southern Cross fleet into the officialdom and accept jurisdiction.

It's a pity that after having tasted freedom, Beidou said that he really couldn't do it if he asked her to adapt to the rules of the army.

If that's the case, I have a solution.

Han Xiao's right hand resting on the desk kept tapping the fingers on the table, and said thoughtfully.

any solution?

Hearing that Han Xiao seemed to have come up with another idea, Beidou, who had already given up hope, suddenly regained hope.

I wonder if the eldest sister is willing to come to Guilicheng and become a consultant for a maritime trade association?


Regarding Han Xiao's meaning, Beidou had a question mark on his face. Shouldn't he still let her join the official team?

No, no, no, there is a lot of knowledge here.

Seemingly sensing Beidou's doubts, Han Xiao raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a meaningful smile.

With this identity, the Southern Cross Fleet is equivalent to accepting my jurisdiction and becoming a force in the hands of Seven Stars.

The quota for the steamship will naturally be obtained.

As he said that, Han Xiao paused for a moment and looked up at Beidou.

After realizing that the other party was not in a hurry to interrupt him but was waiting for him to continue speaking, Han Xiao continued following his previous words:

Advisor, that word can be interpreted in many ways.

In normal times, Sister Tou can still continue sailing on the sea as before, and she can also enjoy benefits similar to those of the Qianyan Army.

It's just that once other countries come to ask for explanations because of the Southern Cross fleet, the consultant is really just a private consultant invited by the official.

If we want to solve the problem, we can only rely on you, the eldest sister, and the Southern Cross Fleet itself.

Is there such a solution?

After listening to Han Xiao's profound explanation, Beidou's eyes flashed with a trace of speechlessness.

In the past, I saw Han Xiao looking like a gentle scholar, but I didn't expect that the calculation in her heart was really no less than that of Ningguang woman.

She knew that no one who could become a Seven Star was simple, and she couldn't play with these bad guys.

You can say this non-stick pan without changing your face or heart.

It's absolutely amazing.

But in the final analysis, I still have the advantage.

After complaining for a while in his heart, Beidou cheered up and asked Han Xiao his questions.

Can you tell me why you chose to help me?

Although the other party has stated that if Southern Cross causes trouble outside, Liyue will never take the blame for it, but compared to the value of the steam ironclad, she has made a fortune, okay?

So while Beidou was happy, he was also a little confused. Logically speaking, as a Qixing, shouldn't Han Xiao be on Ningguang's side?

Why would you give yourself such a borderline excuse?

Sister Beidou, I want to ask you something.

Regarding Beidou's doubts, Han Xiao did not answer immediately, but asked her a question:

How long have you lived at sea, and how many naval battles have you encountered?


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Beidou frowned and recalled it carefully, and then said intermittently:

I have been wandering at sea for almost twenty years, and I have encountered countless dangers during this period.

When it comes to naval battles, there should be hundreds of them if you count them all. However, they are not large-scale naval battles. They are all small treasure-stealing fleets. They are actually not much different from bandits.

By the way, why do you ask?

Recently, Guilicheng School plans to add a theory course on maritime warfare. I wonder if Sister Beidou is willing to explain to the students the various problems they will face in actual combat at sea?

Finally, Han Xiao revealed his true purpose in front of Beidou.

Chapter 384: Equipment generation, research and development generation

You want me to give lectures to the students?

When he heard that Han Xiao wanted him to explain maritime warfare theory to the students, Beidou felt his scalp go numb.

Although she knew that Han Xiao was willing to use loose conditions to obtain the steamship because he must have his own ideas.

But Beidou never expected that the other party's request would be so speechless.

This operation is a bit too sexy.

Who is she?

The captain of the Southern Cross Fleet and the owner of the Death Star with the power to destroy seas and mountains.

As a woman who has been at the bottom of society since she was a child, and even fought for rice nests with wild dogs, it can be said that she has endured all kinds of hardships and misfortunes in society, and she has basically experienced it all before completing her gorgeous transformation.

There was only one thing that Beidou still felt was a pity, and that was that she hadn't read many books, and she only learned how to read when she got rich.

Therefore, she has great respect for educated talents.

The reason why Beidou chose to protect Maplehara Manyo was that, in addition to his consistent chivalrous heart, the other reason was that the other party was a scholar and an educated person.

But what did she hear now?

Han Xiao actually asked her, a person with a low level of education, to give lectures to students?

Don't you think too highly of her?

No, no, it's not possible. If you ask me to teach students, I'm not wasting my time!

Thinking of this, Beidou waved his hands repeatedly, indicating that it was impossible for him to complete such a job.

She suffered a lot from being uneducated when she was young, so like Zhiyi, she admired Han Xiao's ability to open a school in Guili City.

Because of this, Beidou is so cautious about teaching, because he doesn't want to ruin his students because of himself.

Sister, this is wrong.

Seeing that Beidou was unwilling to accept the teaching job because he was worried that he would teach bad students, Han Xiao shook his head. He thought what the other party said was wrong.

In Liyue, I don't think there is anyone who knows more about the sea than you, my eldest sister.


Beidou couldn't help but feel happy after hearing Han Xiao's words.

There are many people in Liyue who have experience in maritime navigation. How come I am the most experienced person in Liyue?

It's simple, because they don't have as much experience in sea battles as you, my eldest sister.

Bonding battles, ship-jumping battles and artillery battles, the skills involved are difficult to understand without a lot of actual combat.

That's true.

Beidou nodded. What Han Xiao said were tactics she often used in actual combat. She still had some experience in this aspect.

After all, there is probably no other fleet in Liyue that has fought at sea more often than their Southern Cross fleet.

Isn't that enough?

Seeing that Beidou admitted that she did have rich experience in maritime combat, Han Xiao immediately spread her hands and said:

The school does teach students sailing knowledge, but practical experience cannot be learned from books alone.

“Without a reliable mentor, students will take many wrong paths.”

All right...

Since Han Xiao said so, Beidou didn't continue to struggle and agreed immediately.

Isn't it just to teach the students practical experience? When the time comes, take them out to sea to destroy the fleet of treasure stealing groups several times, and they will learn everything.

That thing about the steamboat.

After agreeing to Han Xiao's request, Beidou didn't forget about the steamship and asked quickly.

After all, she has taken on all the work, so she has to give her whatever she wants!

The first few steamships must be equipped with the Qianyan Army, but I can guarantee that you will definitely get them before ten ships.

Han Xiao thought for a while and gave the other party an accurate reply.

He can give Beidou one of the steamships provided to Qianyan Army.

Then it's settled!

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