Upon seeing Beidou's arrival, Han Xiao smiled and greeted him, then welcomed him into the workshop.

Long time no see, Hanxiao.

As Han Xiao walked into the workshop, the two of them sat on the chairs one after another.

After sitting down, Beidou did not directly explain the purpose of his visit, but first reported the business to the other party.

The batch of electrical crystals you want has been shipped back from China. Chongzuo and the others will load the goods over today.

That's great, I've been waiting for this shipment.

When he heard that the electrical crystal he ordered had arrived, Han Xiao's face suddenly showed a happy smile.

Due to the rapid development of the electrical industry recently, the price of electrical crystals has been rising all the way, so high that Yingmei wanted to return to her old business after seeing the mission in the Adventurers Association.

It can be seen how tight the electric crystal market is in Liyue.

Now that Beidou has returned the shipment he ordered, it can be regarded as saving a lot of money for Guilicheng.

Oh, by the way, I almost forgot!

Before Beidou could speak, Han Xiao suddenly seemed to think of something, and quickly reached out and took out a brand new mobile phone and a key from Yu Perry.

In order for us to cooperate and communicate better in the future, this is an electric car and mobile phone that I personally give to you, eldest sister. Please accept it.

That...thank you very much.

Looking at the electric car keys and mobile phone handed over by Han Xiao, Beidou thought for a moment before taking the things over with a smile.

After putting the keys and mobile phone into the Eye of God, she turned to look at Han Xiao and explained her purpose.

Han Xiao, actually there is one more thing I want to ask you when I come today.

What's the matter? Please tell me.

Ningguang said that you and Abedo are designing a new type of ship, and it is also said to be the type that will cause changes in the shipbuilding industry?

Saying that, Beidou paused, subconsciously licked the back of his dry lips and then asked slightly nervously:

If it's true, I wonder if I can see it with my own eyes?

I'm afraid this isn't enough.

Knowing that Beidou came to Licheng this time specifically for the steamship he and Abedo were designing, Han Xiao couldn't help but shrugged, spread his hands helplessly and explained to him:

Since the Strata Abyss has not been officially unsealed, the steamship currently only exists on the design drawings.

That's it...that's really a pity.

Hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Beidou couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

She originally thought she could see the so-called new ships here in Guili City, but she didn't expect that there were no real ones yet.


Just when Beidou was about to stand up and leave, Han Xiao suddenly spoke and asked her to stop her actions.

Abedo and I made a scaled-down model. I wonder if you want to take a look?

If it's possible, of course I want it.

Beidou nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

Although the model does not represent the real thing, if the new ship can really have an impact on the current shipbuilding industry, just looking at the model is actually enough.

Then come with me.

Since the other party was willing to look, Han Xiao stood up and motioned for Beidou to follow him.

Seeing this, Beidou also stood up from his chair and followed Han Xiao's footsteps out of the alchemy workshop.

After walking along the wide street for more than ten minutes, the two came to an artificial pond.

At this time, Albedo was standing on the shore next to the pond, holding a notebook in one hand and a quill in the other, constantly recording something. From time to time, he would raise his head to look at the water of the pond.


When he heard someone calling him, Abedo didn't ask for his name.

He saw Han Xiao walking towards this side with a tall woman he didn't recognize. He couldn't help but asked with some confusion:

Hanxiao, who is this?

Let me introduce to you, the leader of Liyue's famous Southern Cross Fleet, Big Sister Beidou.

It turns out to be Captain Beidou who once killed the sea of ​​monsters. I have long admired his name. I am the alchemist Albedo. Please give me your advice.

Knowing that Han Xiao had brought the famous Captain Beidou, Abedo first complimented him and then introduced his family.

I have also heard of Master Abedo's alchemy skills.

Facing Abedo's greeting, Beidou skillfully started the Liyue people's unique greeting mode, and even said a series of good words.

After the two of them were almost familiar with each other, Han Xiao finally interrupted the pleasantries between them:

Albedo, I brought Captain Beidou here to see our steamship model.

You said Huang Hu, wait a moment.

Hearing that Beidou came here specifically to see the steamship, Abedo walked to the side of the 'hill' filled with objects and pulled out a wooden box about three meters long.

Then he personally opened the lid of the wooden box in front of the two people.

Inside the wooden box, a two-meter-long ship model was lying quietly inside.

Chapter 382 Beidou: I want this ship too!

Is this a model of a new type of ship?

Looking at the two-meter ship model in the wooden box, Beidou couldn't help but murmured to himself, and a thoughtful expression flashed on his face.

What Ningguang said is indeed right. Anyone who sees it at first glance will feel that it has changed a lot compared to the old ships.

One of the most obvious changes is that the new ships do not have sails.

Only strange metal mechanisms and a towering cylindrical metal tube are installed in the center of the deck.

There seemed to be traces of paddle wheel propellers installed on both sides of the hull, but now they are gone, leaving only a smooth surface.

This kind of design is really unheard of.

Beidou had many doubts about the model of this new ship.

There were no sails, which meant that the new ships did not rely on the wind to move forward.

There are no paddle propellers or small openings for releasing oars on both sides of the hull, indicating that it is not powered by human power.

So the entire ship is powered by that strange metal mechanism on the deck?

It seems Captain Beidou is curious about how this ship works?

Seeing Beidou's thoughtful look, Han Xiao immediately guessed what Beidou was thinking and quickly asked with a smile.


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Beidou pointed at the metal mechanism on the model deck and said:

If my prediction is correct, this metal mechanism should be the device that powers the entire ship.

Captain Beidou has good eyesight.

Abedo on the side echoed, then bent down and took out the ship model from the wooden box.

Only then did Beidou see that there was a fan blade device somewhat similar to a twisted windmill and a movable rudder at the bottom of the stern.

This is the ship's power system.

Abedo first pointed to the metal device on the nail plate, then pointed to the fan blades and rudder and explained:

Han Xiao and I designed interlocking metal rods in the hull to link the steam power system and the propeller for propulsion.

There is also a pilothouse above the rudder. At that time, the mechanism can be used to control the steering or manpower can be used to turn the ship.


Perhaps seeing that Abedo seemed to be interested in continuing to explain, Han Xiao quickly stopped him:

Instead of explaining it in words, why don't you actually do it and show it to Sister Beidou?

Is it practical? No problem.

Hearing that Han Xiao wanted Beidou to see the steamship in action, Albedo immediately carried the model ship to the water's edge and placed it on the water.

Under Beidou's gaze, the two-meter-long ship made of metal floated steadily in the water, with a shrunken iron anchor firmly pulling the ship in place.

Then Abedo squatted by the water, reached out and took out the flammable substance extracted from the Flame Flower from the Eye of God.

Then he opened the metal mechanism on the ship's deck, put the flammable substance in, and then adjusted it again.

After making all preparations, Abedo closed the cover of the metal mechanism and activated the mechanism from the outside.

With the sound of gurgling, the desalination equipment installed at the front of the deck began to suck in seawater and convert it into fresh water and flowed into the boiler.

After waiting for about a while, the steam with a puffing sound flowed into the steam engine along the pipe.

Driven by the steam engine, the metal mechanisms inside the entire hull slowly began to work.

Seeing this, Abedo fished the anchor out of the water and placed it casually on the deck.

Without the anchor, under everyone's gaze, white smoke emitted from the metal pipe erected on the deck, and the two-meter-long metal hull began to sail forward slowly.

And it's getting faster and faster.

Ningguang didn't lie to me. This was indeed a new type of ship that would have a devastating impact on the existing shipbuilding industry.

Looking at the ship model that had already traveled some distance, Beidou's eyes flashed with shock.

Although she has never actually built a ship, her years at sea have given her a good understanding of the structure of ships.

The superiority of this ship's power, which can move at high speeds on the water, is obvious.

Coupled with the metal keel hull, if a few cannons are installed, it will become a maritime military fortress for the ships of Teyvat countries.

Even worse, if this big metal ship were to hit it, not all wooden ships would be smashed to pieces by it.

When Beidou thought about that scene, he couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

If all resources are in place, doesn't it mean that Liyue officials will incorporate this kind of ship into the maritime defense armed system.

With these new ships, can the Southern Cross fleet still be competitive?

While Beidou was in a daze, Han Xiao controlled the elemental power and turned it into a long whip to retrieve the model ship that was still moving forward on the water.

After Albedo extinguished the fuel inside the steam engine, he turned to look at Beidou and asked with a smile:

Sister Beidou, how are you?

This new type of ship is quite eye-catching!

“It’s not just eye-catching, it’s simply enlightening.”

Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Beidou shook his head repeatedly, his tone filled with wonder.


After saying goodbye to Albedo, Han Xiao and Beidou walked towards Kuixing Tower.

Along the way, Beidou didn't say a word. He seemed to be stuck in some kind of problem.

It wasn't until she entered Han Xiao's office that she asked him a question that she had been thinking about for a long time.

Hanxiao, I wonder what you are going to do with the steamship after it is built?

Seeing Beidou asking where the steamship would go after it was built, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and bluntly told Qixing the plan that he had discussed long ago.

I have discussed this with Ning Guang and others. As long as the ore from the Strata Abyss is in place, the shipbuilding project will start at the Mingyun Town dock.

After the ship is launched, it will be given priority to equip the Qianyan Army.

After saying that, Han Xiao gave Beidou a meaningful look.

Sister, you also know that Liyue has a very long coastline, and maritime defense has always been a problem that Liyue Seven Stars want to solve.

And steamships meet all needs.


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