In other words, he is used to being wild.

Judging from Ningguang's attitude, Qixing's plan to rectify Liyue's shipping system is probably on the agenda and is just waiting for implementation.

If he does not make a decision, the Southern Cross fleet may not be protected by Liyue in the future because there is no warning.

This is especially important when sailing at sea.

The reason why Beidou can lead the Southern Cross fleet across the sea is that she is very capable and her crew members are also capable.

But on the other hand, it is also because there is a powerful country as a backer.

The most obvious thing is that Inazuma saved Manyo Maplehara this time. If it weren't for the Liyue platform behind her, how could the Southern Cross fleet alone be able to compete with the military force of a country.

If it loses Liyue's endorsement, the future of the Southern Cross Fleet will be difficult.

After thinking about this, Beidou knew it was time to make a decision, but before that, there was still one doubt in her heart that had not been resolved.

The Southern Cross fleet is currently the largest fleet in Liyue. Without them to escort Liyue merchant ships, Qixing would have no confidence in replacing the fleet in his own hands.

With doubts in his heart, Beidou said to Ningguang:

The Southern Cross Fleet can accept applications and reports for sailing. As for the issue of joining the official fleet, I will consider it for the time being.

She is totally fine with the poster preparation and application. She will probably be more restrained in the future, but when it comes to joining the official list, she should put it off as long as possible.

I'm afraid that by the time you think about it, the Southern Cross Fleet will no longer be Liyue's strongest maritime force.

Facing Beidou's dragging technique, Ningguang suddenly smiled like a flower, and then said something meaningful.


After hearing Ningguang say that his Southern Cross fleet would probably no longer be the strongest maritime fleet in Liyue, Beidou immediately gave a puzzled hum and then quickly asked:

What do you mean?

I don't know much about the specific situation.

In response to Beidou's questioning, Ningguang first spread his hands to indicate that he was not particularly clear. Then he raised his right hand and pointed in the direction of Guilicheng and said:

But Han Xiao mentioned something to me a few days ago. He and Abedo are developing a new type of ship.

According to the reports from the shipwrights I sent there, they feel that the new ships are very feasible, and they say that it is no surprise that the new ships will completely disrupt the existing shipbuilding industry.

The new ship developed by Han Xiao and Abedo?

Hearing what Ning Guang said, Beidou's expression immediately changed.

If someone else had talked about a new type of ship that could change the shipbuilding industry, she would have just smiled indifferently and done whatever she had to do.

But if this person were replaced by Han Xiao and Abedo, the situation would be different.

Because these two people can really come up with new ships that can change the existing shipbuilding industry.

After all, mobile phones, electric cars, radios, etc., every new invention of Han Xiao and Abedo has had a huge impact on Liyue's old industries.

Therefore, it is impossible for Beidou to ignore the new ships mentioned by Ningguang.

Chapter 380 Maplehara Manyo: If you can’t beat me, just join.

Can you tell me what kind of new ship it is?

Beidou, who had been struggling in his heart for a long time, finally couldn't help but be curious and asked Ningguang his doubts.

She had to find out what kind of ship Han Xiao and Abedo had developed before it could be called the ship design that changed Liyue's shipbuilding industry by craftsmen at the shipyard and Ning Guang.

I couldn't explain what you asked me to say at the moment.

I don't know much about ships. I can only say that the design of the new ship is very shocking. Even a layman like me would find it incredible when I see it.

After hearing Beidou's inquiry, Ningguang thought about it carefully and did not say anything about the new ship being made entirely of steel. He just used a lot of exaggerated adjectives.

The main reason why she didn't say anything was that she wanted to see the other party's surprised expression when he saw the design of the giant steel ship for the first time.

In this way, with full of doubts, Beidou left Qunyu Pavilion with a heavy heart.


Sister, what's wrong with you?

Aboard the Death Star, Manyo Maplehara walked out of the room with the written letter. As soon as he walked to the deck, he saw Beidou leaning on the railing and looking at the sea in trance.

After carefully folding the letter in his hand and stuffing it into the Eye of God, he walked up to Beidou with curiosity and asked.

Beidou, who was in a daze, suddenly heard a voice in her ear, which made her look inquiringly, and then she saw Maplehara Manyo who appeared next to her at some point.

It's Manyo.

Why are you here alone in a daze, eldest sister?

Just thinking about something.

Beidou's eyes flickered for a few times. After returning from Qunyu Pavilion, Ning Guang's words were like a huge boulder, which made her a little upset.

It seems that big sister, what you are thinking about is a little troublesome.

Seeing that Beidou's face was not very good-looking, Maplehara Manyo smiled softly and said with gentle relief:

Everyone has their own worries. If you don't mind, eldest sister, I can be your audience.


Seeing that Maplehara Manyo was willing to listen to his story, Beidou first sighed, and then asked in a faint tone:

You also visited Liyue Port today. What do you think of the new things developed by Han Xiao and Abedo?

Pretty awesome.

When Beidou mentioned Hanxiao and Abedo, Maplehara Manyo, who had heard their names from many people all afternoon, nodded without hesitation.

The new inventions in Liyue Port shocked him, who had never had a rice wife before.

Thinking about it, if it weren't for being too shocked, Maplehara Manyo wouldn't have been prepared to write a letter to the Kamisato family that she hadn't contacted for a long time.

Yeah, it's a bit too powerful.

Beidou nodded slightly, agreeing with Maplehara Manyo's evaluation of Han Xiao and Albedo, and then she told the facts she heard in Qunyu Pavilion today.

Ningguang told me something today. The two of them are designing a new type of ship.

“Even the masters at the shipyard commented after seeing it that it was a great invention that could change Liyue’s shipbuilding industry.”

I see.

When Beidou said this, Maplehara Manyo understood why the other party looked a little upset.

He found out a lot of news in Liyue Port today, and also got a general understanding of Han Xiao and Abedo.

Although the two people's inventions have greatly improved people's quality of life, behind each invention there are also many old industries that have been impacted.

For example, the emergence of radio and broadcasting had a huge impact on storytelling, music, opera and other industries.

Except for a small number of talents at the top of the industry, most middle- and low-end practitioners have either chosen to start over in a new industry or change careers due to this impact.

The same is true for electric vehicles. Many grooms who used to drive for others are now learning to drive.

There are also mobile phones. As soon as this big killer appeared, it dealt a devastating blow to the post office industry.

All in all, the new things developed by Han Xiao and Abedo have had an increasingly severe impact on Liyue's traditional industries.

If the emergence of new industries had not brought about many jobs, these people who were forced to become unemployed due to the impact of the industry would have chosen to cause trouble long ago.

Now these two big guys have begun to have ideas about the shipbuilding industry again, and they have also come up with design drawings that even masters who have been immersed in shipbuilding craftsmanship for decades have praised. It is no wonder that Sister Beidou has been interested in the shipbuilding industry since she came back from Qunyu Pavilion. Somewhat irritable.

I have something to note. I wonder if you, eldest sister, would like to hear what I have to say.

After understanding what Beidou was worried about, Maplehara Manyo suddenly thought of something.

What are you paying attention to? Let me tell you!

Hearing this, Beidou immediately became interested. He immediately turned around and looked at Maplehara Manyo with curiosity, intending to hear what the other party had to say.

Sister-in-law, your relationship with Tianshu Xing is pretty good, right?

My relationship with Han Xiao is indeed going well, so what?

Then big sister, why don't you go find the other party and book a boat?

Maplehara Manyo said her plan with a smile on her face.

Now that Tianshu Xing and Abedo have started designing a new ship, and the design drawings have been approved by the master.

Then the launch of new ships is a matter of time.

Considering that these two big guys always like to use new things to crush the old industry like dimensionality reduction, he thinks it is better to follow the pace of the times.

There is a saying that says that if you can't defeat someone, then join them.

Well, the key now is that this is difficult to handle.

After listening to Maplehara Manyo's advice, Beidou couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

She had thought of the other party's idea before, but she could tell from Ning Guang's tone that the new ships would be given priority for official use.

Not seeing the shipbuilding location, Hanxiao did not start construction at the shipyard at Liyue Port Pier, but deliberately chose to build it at the newly opened wharf in Mingyun Town.

Where is Mingyun Town?

The previously abandoned mining area has now transformed into a large-scale production base controlled by the Qianyan Army.

It is estimated that it will be very difficult for the private sector to obtain ships produced in such a place.

Therefore, if you want to order a new ship from Han Xiao, the only way at present is to merge the Southern Cross fleet into the Liyue official.

It just so happened that Beidou himself was used to freedom and found it difficult to adapt to official restrictions, so he was not very willing to do so.

So things are completely stuck here.

If you don’t want to be bound by the authorities, you won’t be able to get new ships. The Southern Cross Fleet will have to face the impact of new ships on the entire maritime industry.

If you don’t want your years of hard work to be ruined by the impact of the industry, you can only choose to join the official team.

Sigh... It would be great if there was a way to get the best of both worlds.

Thinking of this, Beidou couldn't help but sigh again.

Chapter 381 Steamship Model

Sister, I think you might as well ask and see Tianshu Xing himself?

Seeing that Beidou seemed to be very confused about joining the officialdom, Maplehara Manyo tilted his head and thought about it carefully, and then gave a suggestion.

The designers of the new ship are Han Xiao and Abedo. Perhaps the other party can come up with a relatively best-of-both-worlds solution.

Go and ask Han Xiao.

Hearing Maplehara Manyo's suggestion, Beidou's eyes that were not covered by the blindfold narrowed slightly. After thinking about it for a while, he felt that this was indeed a good idea.

It's not a problem for her to struggle alone here. It would be better to go to Guili City to see whether the so-called new ships are as shocking as Ningguang said.


Early the next morning, Beidou found an acquaintance in Liyue Port, took his electric car and drove towards Guili City.

Since the road was a cement road and traffic regulations were in place, the electric car drove at high speed and delivered her to Guili City in the afternoon.

After bidding farewell to the acquaintances who sent him to and from the city, Beidou asked the guard at the door and walked straight to Kuixing Tower along the street.

Sister Beidou, why are you here?

After receiving the report from his subordinates, Xingqiu hurried to the hall. As soon as he saw Beidou sitting on the chair in the hall waiting, he immediately greeted him.

Xingqiu, where are the Hanxiao people?

Sister, you are looking for Han Xiao. He should be in the alchemy workshop now.

Knowing that Beidou came to Guilicheng to find Han Xiao, Xingqiu didn't even have any ink, so he directly told the location where he grew up.

Then you get busy first, I'll go to the alchemy workshop.

Hearing that Han Xiao was now in the alchemy workshop, Beidou immediately stood up and nodded to Xingqiu, then left Kuixing Tower in long strides and headed towards the location of the workshop.

When Beidou just arrived at the alchemy workshop, Han Xiao, who had already received the news, was waiting for her at the door of the workshop.

Long time no see, Big Sister Beidou!

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