Glancing at Maplehara Manyo who was still leaning near the cabin, Beidou raised his hand and waved to him, signaling the other party to wait for her to leave.

I'll take you around Liyue.

Then I'll trouble my eldest sister.

Hearing Beidou's invitation, Maplehara Manyo put away the flute in his hand, nodded with a smile, and then followed the other party down the Death Star.

Looking at the Liyue Port built against the mountains not far away, Maplehara Manyo stopped and watched for a long time. Then he looked at the lively crowd at the pier, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh.

If there was no national lockdown, Inazuma would probably be so prosperous.

Chapter 378 Maplehara Manyo’s plan

Following Beidou out of the pier, Maplehara Manyo looked around all the way. It was obvious that the exotic scenery attracted his attention as he walked out of Inazuma for the first time.

Soon, the tall wooden poles erected at regular intervals on both sides of the street and the trumpet-shaped objects hanging downward from the top of the wooden poles attracted his attention.

Looking at these uniform shapes, which were obviously uniformly equipped with wooden poles and horns, Maplehara Manyo's eyes flashed with thought.

The wooden pole should be used to hang lanterns and serve as street lights, but what is the purpose of the speakers hanging on the wooden pole?

With some doubts, Maplehara Manyo quickened his steps and walked to Beidou, asking in a low voice:

Sister, why are there so many speakers hanging on the street lights on both sides of Liyue?

That's not a horn, that's a lampshade.

Hearing Maplehara Manyo's question, Beidou turned his head and explained to him.

Before I set off to Daozhu, electric lights were used here in Liyue. If you look carefully, you will find light bulbs under the lampshades.


It was okay if Beidou didn't explain, but Maplehara Manyo was even more confused when he explained.

After living for so many years, he had never heard of an electric light.

But after all, he was considered a down-and-out aristocratic child. After a little thought, he roughly understood that the so-called electric light should be the new thing in Liyue that replaced candlelight lighting.


Just as Maplehara Manyo was thinking about the electric light, a horseless vehicle drove towards them, blaring a loud horn at the same time.

Watch out for the car!

Beidou reached out and pulled Maplehara Manyo, who was still thinking, out of the way. After the vehicle left, she couldn't help but complain:

It's not good to have too many cars. You have to pay attention to traffic rules at all times when walking on the road.

Maplehara Manyo who was on the side didn't say anything, his eyes were still fixed on the car that was going away. After it was completely out of sight, he turned to look at Beidou on the side and asked in a rather difficult tone:

Is this another new invention of Tianshu Star?

Yeah, electric car.

Beidou hummed, and then explained:

It has more power than a horse-drawn carriage and is faster. Although the price is a bit expensive, most chambers of commerce in Liyue have bought several of them for hauling goods. They are now fully replacing the role of horse-drawn carriages.

After listening to Beidou's introduction, Maplehara Manyo was speechless for a moment, and a strange haze flashed in his eyes.

Everything Liyue saw and heard was novel to him, and various new inventions that were beneficial to people's livelihood were gradually replacing old products on the market.

Whether it's a street vendor or a passerby, everyone's face is filled with hope for tomorrow.

It can be said that Liyue is undergoing earth-shaking changes today.

In contrast, the people of Daoji who are under the national lockdown are almost unable to live a normal life.

If this continues, will Ina Wife really have a future?

In this regard, Maplehara Manyo thought for a long time but could not come up with an answer.

The only thing he could firmly confirm was that the eternity of the General would be a disaster for the people of Inagata.

The so-called eternity means never losing what you already own, but from another perspective, it also gives up more possibilities.

Because of the national lockdown, Ina's wife gave up keeping up with the times and communicating with the outside world.

I'm afraid that Rice Wife will soon be out of touch with the Teyvat continent and completely decline.

Thinking of this, a thought flashed through Maplehara Manyo's mind.

Maybe it's time to contact Kamisato's family.

Although Maplehara Manyo sold his family property very early and chose to become a ronin, he was born into a noble family.

As the heir to the Maplehara family, one of the Five Thunderbolts under the jurisdiction of the society, he still has the contact information of Kamisato Ayato, the current head of the Kamisato family.

It's just that it has never been used.

However, after witnessing the rapid development of Liyue, Maplehara Manyo's sense of responsibility as a noble suddenly broke out.

He planned to use what he saw and heard to get the Kamisato family, one of the three clan members, to speak to the shogun and request him to lift the lockdown order.

Captain Beidou!

Just when Maplehara Manyo was thinking about writing a letter to the head of the Kamisato family, a woman in a red gown and skirt in the distance was running towards their direction with small steps, calling Beidou's name.

Hey, Baiwen?

Hearing someone calling him, Beidou quickly looked around and recognized the identity of the person at a glance. It was Baiwen, one of Ningguang's personal secretaries.

Ning Guang has something to do with me?

When the other party came to his side, Beidou folded his hands on his chest and directly asked his guess.

Yes, Captain Beidou, Master Ningguang invites you to go to Qunyu Pavilion.

Baiwen nodded.

That woman, shouldn't she want to talk to me about that matter again?

Seeing this, Beidou couldn't help but murmured quietly, and the expression on his face wasn't very good.

She had just landed, and Ningguang couldn't wait to send someone to ask her to go to Qunyu Pavilion. I'm afraid she still had to discuss with him the proposal to merge the Southern Cross fleet into the official one.

While mentally calculating what to say when they meet later, Beidou turned to Maplehara Manyo and said:

Wanye, you can take a stroll around Liyue Port first. I'll go to Qunyu Pavilion first and I'll be back soon.

No problem, eldest sister.

Then let's go, Baiwen.

Having said that, Beidou immediately strode towards the direction of Yujing Terrace, and Baiwen on the side quickly followed after seeing this.

Watching the two people leaving, Maplehara Manyo didn't stop and walked forward along the street, finally arriving at the lively Chitora Rock.

Then he sat down at an outdoor dining table outside the Wanmin Hall, which was the most crowded place, and started chatting with the guests next to him.

Soon, Maplehara Manyo, who was well versed in conversational skills, heard many of the latest rumors about Liyue from the guests nearby, and also heard many new things coming from Guili City.

Such as radios, radio stations, phonographs, etc.

Among them, the one that surprised him the most was the mobile phone, a long-distance communication tool called Thousand Miles of Sound by the people of Liyue.

Some of these new things have brought more interest in life to the people of Liyue, while others have greatly improved their quality of life.

It can be said that the more they talked, the more Maplehara Manyo was shocked inside, and at the same time, the more determined he was to send a message to Kamisato's family.

All the changes in Liyue prove that if Dao's wife continues to cling to the old rules, sooner or later she will be out of touch with the Teyvat continent.


What kind of inner changes Maplehara Manyo experienced, we will not care about him for the time being.

On the other side, Beidou, who was in the Jade Pavilion, looked very ugly at this time, because she heard an unpleasant topic.

Ningguang, what do you mean?

Looking at Ning Guang sitting at the desk with a cigarette rod in one hand, Beidou couldn't help but ask.

Chapter 379 Conversation between Ningguang and Beidou

Obviously, literally.

Faced with Beidou's question, Ningguang brought the cigarette rod to his mouth, took a small puff, and then exhaled a long stream of smoke.

After all this was done, she explained calmly:

Seven Stars decided to rectify maritime transport a long time ago. At that time, all merchant ships going abroad were required to apply for official permission to go to sea.

Just because I don't want to join the officialdom, you do this?

It was okay for Ning Guang not to explain, but Beidou felt very unhappy when he explained.

When do I need to apply to go overseas?

This is definitely aimed at her Southern Cross fleet!


Seeing that Beidou seemed very dissatisfied, Ningguang sighed helplessly.

Do you know why Qixing made such a proposal?

It's because of you, because of the trouble your Southern Cross fleet caused in Daozhu this time.

Originally, Qixing turned a blind eye to the Southern Cross Fleet because of their guarantee.

Although he persuaded Beidou to join the officialdom, his attitude was not particularly strong.

It would be nice if it stayed like this.

But Beidou did not give any face to the wanted criminals he was pursuing this time in Inazuma's upright Rongtian territory.

That is to say, Dao's wife has many problems now, and the other party did not want to conflict with Liyue, so she chose to give in.

If this were another country, how much diplomatic pressure would they have to endure?

It can be said that it is precisely because of this incident, coupled with Beidou's repeated refusal to incorporate the Southern Cross into the official old account, that Kaiyang and other Qixings in charge of Liyue's army have very strong opinions on the Southern Cross fleet.

As for Han Xiao and Ke Qing, they had reservations and neither agreed nor objected.

After several conversations, Kaiyang and others even vaguely reached a consensus, which was to ban the Southern Cross fleet and impose penalties, or even ban the fleet directly.

Fortunately, they all know the unclear relationship between Ningguang and Beidou, so this measure is still in the discussion stage and has not been implemented immediately.

But from Ningguang's point of view, the management of Liyue Shipping is indeed a bit chaotic, and this regulation will be introduced sooner or later.

Haven't you already settled this matter?

Hearing Ningguang mention Dao's wife's affairs, Beidou's face changed slightly, and then he looked at the other party.

Previously, Kanding Fengxing and Tianling Fengxing had not returned the goods they had seized, but also gave up the pursuit of Maplehara Manyo.

Logically speaking, this matter should be considered in the past. Why did Qixing pull this matter out and use it as a raft this time?

Hearing this, Ning Guang couldn't help but give Beidou a blank look.

That's right...

Just like Beidou said, the issue of the other party taking in Inazuma's wanted criminals did end with Inazuma's concession.

But this also made Kaiyang and others wary.

Today, Beidou can blatantly conflict with Inazuma's top local administrator, San Fengxing, in Inazuma, and the day after tomorrow, it can provoke Fontanata and other countries.

They are Seven Stars, not nannies who deal with Beidou's aftermath.

That's why Kaiyang and the others brought up the audit of Liyue's trading ships at the meeting, just to prevent Qixing from bearing huge diplomatic pressure from happening again.

In short, the Southern Cross fleet may need to report when going to sea in the future, so you must be mentally prepared.


Hearing what Ningguang said, Beidou immediately clicked his tongue.

It's not that she doesn't understand the meaning of this. As a person who has worked hard from the bottom up, how could she not understand these twists and turns.

Just how to say it.

Beidou has developed an unruly style of behavior after years of freely sailing on the sea, and it was really uncomfortable for her to join the officialdom.

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