The response from Big Sister Beidou is that you still don't want to join?

Don't mention it, you don't know that guy's attitude.

In Qunyu Pavilion, when Han Xiao talked about Beidou, Ningguang's brows also gathered together, with helplessness written on his face.

She, Kaiyang and others had hinted to Beidou a long time ago, asking the other party to incorporate the Southern Cross fleet into Liyue's official armed forces.

Later, he explicitly explained it to Beidou several times.

But it turned out that the Beidou woman had never cared about incorporating the Southern Cross fleet into Liyue's official armed forces.

In other words, they are just not willing to accept control.

Condensation is also a headache for this point.

emmm, how should I put it?

The Southern Cross fleet's armed force at sea is too powerful, and it can basically be said to be Liyue's only maritime force.

However, the Southern Cross fleet is more inclined to the style of the smuggling fleet.

If she hadn't tried her best to mediate for Beidou among the seven stars, the Southern Cross fleet would have been listed as a key target of attack by the other seven stars.

After all, a country's maritime power is actually a civilian power. How could Qixing not keep an eye on each other?

Liyue's coastline is not short, and it is time to put the development of the navy on the agenda.

After listening to Ningguang's explanation, Han Xiao thought for a while and gave her own thoughts.

From Liyue Port to Guiliyuan, the entire coastline of Liyue is very long.

If there is no reliable maritime force to defend the coastline, it will be easy for the enemy to seize this weakness in the event of war.

Simply building land defenses on the coast is like defending against sea attacks, and the investment is huge.

Therefore, even if Han Xiao and Beidou get along well, he has to consider threatening the development of the Southern Cross Fleet.

Letting the other party continue to expand and develop like this is not a good thing after all.

It seems that you already have a mature idea.

On the other side of the phone, Ning Guang was slightly silent. She could tell that Han Xiao had probably had his own detailed plan for Liyue's army a long time ago.

Roughly the same.

Then what exactly are your plans?

I plan to open another shipyard in Liyue Port.

But there are many shipyards in the port?

Hearing that Han Xiao was planning to open a shipyard at Liyue Port, Ningguang was immediately confused. There were already several large shipyards at the port.

All maritime trade ships of the Chamber of Commerce are built and shipped by them, and this industrial chain is basically mature.

Han Xiao wants to get involved in this, but she's afraid she won't get any benefits.

Don't worry about that. I already have a plan, and I promise to surprise you.

Hey, are you so confident?

of course!

In the office, Han Xiao thought of some drawings he and Abedo had drawn before, and a confident smile appeared on Han Xiao's face.

There are indeed several large shipyards in Liyue, and the technology is indeed good. If he opens an ordinary shipyard, it will indeed be as Xiang Ningguang said, and he will not be able to squeeze into this market.

But what if his ship was more advanced, more powerful, and loaded with more cargo?

Han Xiao and Abedo had already involved steam devices when they were researching power generation equipment. At that time, they had many ideas about this kind of power.

Especially when Han Xiao described to Albedo the picture of a giant steel ship traveling on the sea using steam power, the other party was even more interested in researching the steam kinetic energy device.

To this end, the two also specially made a scaled-down model ship for experiments.

The conclusion reached is that with Liyue's current technological reserves, it is very possible to realize large steel ships that use steam as power.

However, because the Strata Abyss was under lockdown at the time, the lack of raw materials caused them to temporarily shelve the design.

It's fine now, and soon the Strata Abyss will resume production. Han Xiao thinks it's time for the people of Liyue to see what a real giant steel ship is.

Can a ship made entirely of steel really float?

After hearing Han Xiao's idea, Ning Guang on the other side of the phone couldn't help but be stunned.

This was really beyond her imagination.

After imagining the steel ship described by Han Xiao, Ningguang's heart was full of questions.

By the way, can the water surface alone really hold up such a big ship?

In fact, this is not to be blamed on Ning Guang. No matter how smart and capable she is, she is still limited by the era of Teyvat.

Don't worry about this. Abedo and I have done calculations, and there is absolutely no problem.

Han Xiao didn't care about Ning Guang's worries at all.

When steel ships were first born in the previous life, many people doubted this.

The reason why ships made of steel can float on water and not sink is also very simple.

The buoyancy of water is no small force.

The cabin of a large ship made of steel is a large empty shell. It has a large space, which is filled with air. The weight of the hull plus the weight of the air is much lighter than the weight of the same volume of water.

In this case, you can build one first and let us see the situation.

Although Han Xiao sounded extremely confident, Ningguang was still a little doubtful.

In the end, she decided to trust the other party and see the finished product first.

After all, Han Xiao and Abedo have developed so many products before, and they are all good things. Maybe it will be the same this time?

Chapter 377 The Death Omen Star returns to Hong Kong

So Ningguang agrees with your proposal to build a steamship?

In the alchemy workshop, Abedo carefully placed the test tube in his hand on the experimental table, and then turned to look at Han Xiao who was standing behind him.

To be honest, it was an accident that they drew the design of the steamship.

The previous research on steam was mainly for generating electricity, but later they found a better way to generate electricity and did not use the steam model.

The steamship blueprints were also an unexpected product of the research and development of the time.

Abedo didn't expect that Han Xiao came to him today for the steamship design they had put aside for a long time.

Didn't we conduct experiments before, so I want to expand the armaments on the Liyue Sea.

Regarding Abedo's questions, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly told her plan.

Although in terms of nationality, Abedo is currently affiliated with Mondstadt, but since signing a long-term employment contract, the other party can basically be regarded as half Liyue.

And how can I put it, Abedo's ability is too easy to use, and many researches need him to advance.

Naturally, some core technologies are indispensable for this.

If you guard against the other party because of this, then most of the work will not be able to advance.

In addition to the above reasons, there is another more important factor.

The relationship between Mondstadt and Liyue has always been very good, and Fengshen and Yanshen have been friends for thousands of years, so a lot of bad things between the two countries have been avoided.

Based on these two reasons, Han Xiao still has a high level of trust in Albedo.

And the other party did not live up to his expectations. Not only did he try his best to complete the assigned tasks, but he also took the initiative to extend the employment period so that Mond could keep up with Liyue's development.

Where can I find such good employees who are very capable and yet don't cause trouble?

Besides, not every country can pull out a large and hard-working engineering team like Liyue at once.

Therefore, Han Xiao is not worried about Mondstadt, but is more defensive about Zhi Dong.

According to Zhi Yi's report, the Guili City secret investigation team has been able to intercept a lot of information privately transmitted to Zhidong by Zhidong merchants almost every few days since he took over.

Wait a minute, let me find where the drawings are.

Seeing that Han Xiao had made up his mind, Abedo immediately walked towards the warehouse.

After a while, he returned to the workshop hall with a few drawings.

Here, here are the drawings of the steamship.

Handing the design drawings in his hand to Han Xiao, Abedo did not forget to say:

Han Xiao, we just did a model experiment before. We don't know yet whether other problems will arise after scaling it up.

You'd better verify it a few more times when you're ready to build it.

The main reason why Abedo warned Hanxiao so much was that the last experiment they did was just to build a model ship to verify whether it could float in the water.

But after all, they are not professional shipbuilders, and no one knows whether the hull they designed can withstand the huge waves at sea.

No problem, I will find someone to verify it.

Hearing Abedo's instructions, Han Xiao nodded. He planned to take the drawings to the old masters in Liyue Port who had been involved in the shipbuilding industry for many years.

After getting the blueprints, Han Xiao quickly contacted Ningguang and asked her to help find a few shipbuilders in Liyue Port who had chosen to retire because of their age.

Some people may ask, Han Xiao can just ask someone in the chat group to ask for the design drawing of the ship, so why bother?

The answer is very simple, it is an old Chinese saying, it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish.

It is very easy to get blueprints from friends in the chat group. Whether it is the modern society of wandering or the industrial revolution period, it is a good choice to get steamship blueprints.

Han Xiao had adopted this method before in Guilicheng in order to develop quickly.

But soon, he discovered that although this method could help the city develop rapidly in a short period of time, those alchemists were really unable to keep up.

In other words, they do not have Abedo’s divergent thinking and strong research spirit.

Although these people figured out how to assemble the machine after getting it, they didn't understand the underlying principles at all.

This made Han Xiao very helpless. He brought these alchemists here to cultivate talents, not to find skilled assemblers.

So in order to change the situation where these alchemists knew what was happening but didn't know why, Han Xiao later changed his approach.

He no longer asked his friends for already designed drawings, but instead found a lot of basic knowledge for these people to start learning from scratch.

Fortunately, Guili City has gone through the primitive accumulation stage, and these alchemists have slowly mastered a lot of new knowledge through learning.

Now that Han Xiao has given the drawings, these people can at least speak with the drawings.

When the time comes for him to accumulate more knowledge, he believes that this group of alchemists will bring him more surprises.


A few days later, we arrived at Liyue Port Pier.

The pier was crowded with people early in the morning. The Qianyan Army patrolling the coast had previously sent back news that the Southern Cross fleet had sailed into the offshore area of ​​​​Liyue.

We should arrive at the pier today.

Therefore, people who have business dealings with the Southern Cross fleet came to the dock early in the morning just to wait for the fleet to return to port.

Come on, come on, I see the fleet!

When the Death Star's figure appeared above the sea, someone on the dock suddenly shouted excitedly.

Everyone line up and pay attention to order!

Seeing the crowd commotion caused by the appearance of the Southern Cross Fleet, Qian Yanjun, who was maintaining order at the dock, quickly shouted to command the crowd.

Soon, under the command of Qianyan Army, the crowd separated on both sides of the pier, forming two winding 'long dragons'.

After a while, the leading ship, the Death Omen, led the Southern Cross fleet into the dock berth.

Little ones, unload the goods!

Beidou stood on the ship's armor, looking down at the anxiously waiting crowd on both sides of the dock. With a smile on her face, she shouted loudly for the crew to start unloading the cargo.

Following Beidou's order, the already prepared crew members lifted up the packaged goods in their hands and delivered them to the dock one after another.

Soon, the entire pier turned into a lively market.

Man'yo, let's go.

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