I've thought about it for a long time, and I don't think so. My friend died in a dignified manner on the duel field, and there was nothing wrong with General Thunderbolt's sword.

My dissatisfaction with her comes from the Eye Hunting Order. No one has the right to deprive others of their wishes, not even gods.

After expressing his thoughts in one breath, Maplehara Manyo picked up another jar of wine on the deck, raised his head and took a big gulp.

The cold wine passed through his throat, bringing a burning sensation, but once it entered his body, it instantly made him feel extremely cold inside.

Putting down the wine jar in her hand, Maplehara Manyo closed her eyes helplessly.

What makes me feel even more confused is that I don't have the ability to solve the crisis caused by the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order to Inazuma.

Even I have to rely on your protection, eldest sister, to escape the wanted order of Tianling.

To be honest, I really can't imagine what kind of desolate scene I will see the next time I come to Inazuma.

Seeing Maplehara Manyo's dejected look, Beidou couldn't help but curl his lips, walked to him, stretched out his hand and patted the other person's shoulder hard:

Boy Wanyo, don't put on such an ugly look for me, cheer me up!

Maybe things will turn around soon!


Ah sneeze!

Just as Beidou was comforting Maplehara Manyo, Ying Leng, who had just walked out of Kuixing Tower, suddenly sneezed several times.

Ying, do you have a cold?

No, I just feel like I'm being talked about.

Hearing Paimon's slightly concerned inquiry, Ying rubbed the tip of her itchy nose and replied with some confusion.

I don’t know what happened just now, but I always felt as if I was suddenly being targeted.

Speaking of which, Ying.

Since it wasn't a cold, Paimon turned the topic to business:

Ina Wife is so dangerous, do we really want to go?

As we all know, Paimon is not very courageous, so after hearing Han Xiao's description of Dao's wife, she felt a little uneasy.

Inazuma's God of Thunder issued an eye-hunting order to capture Inazuma's God's Eye, but it happened that Ying himself could use the elemental power without the God's Eye.

General Raiden would certainly be interested in this exception.

As long as I go to Inazuma, I am afraid that sooner or later I will face Thor for this reason.

Inama is a must go.

In response to Paimon's inquiry, Ying expressed his thoughts without any hesitation.

The reason why she is so determined is that after going to Inazuma, she can touch the Seven Heavens Statue of the God of Thunder to regain some strength.

On the other hand, Han Xiao also said at the beginning that there is a Yuanxia Palace over Dao's Wife, which contains many secrets about the Teyvat Continent.

If she wanted to figure out the secret of the ancient city beneath the giant layer of rock, perhaps only the ancient books collected in the Abyss Palace could allow her to get a glimpse of the truth.

Taking these two aspects into consideration, no matter how dangerous Inazuma's place is, she will still have to go there.

Chapter 375: Qianyan Army’s Combat Strength Issue

At the bottom left of Tianheng Mountain, Mandrill, who had returned from the layered rock abyss, was standing in a brand new temple.

This is the temple of Yaksha Bronze Bird who died in battle.

The reason why the temple is brand new is because he and the traveler accidentally met Wang Ping'an who pretended to be an immortal and cheated at the Wangshu Inn last time. In the end, the prodigal son turned around and renovated it.

Looking at the bronze bird statue in the temple, Mandrill took out the Chihu grilled fish that he had prepared and placed it on the tribute platform.

Then he spoke slowly, as if talking to himself or confiding:

Tongque, I already know the whereabouts of Brother Fushe.

In the war five hundred years ago, he led the Thousand Rock Army to resist the invasion of the Kanria Warcraft, but the group of Warcraft could not advance even half a step and could only stop in the giant abyss of rock.

And in the end, in order to seal the monster, he and Boyang, the warlock of Qianyan Army, were buried in the secret realm below the giant abyss of rock.

Mandrill paused for a moment, then said in a rather complicated tone:

Brother Fushe died in the battle extremely heroically... Perhaps for Yasha, this is the best ending.

Now...I am the only one left among the five great yakshas, ​​but I will still not forget the contract I made with the emperor.

Our Yaksha's mission is to cleanse the world of demons and protect Liyue's safety!

After saying that, Mandrill took one last look at the statue of the bronze bird, and then left the temple without looking back.

He is the hair-protecting Yaksha Jinpeng general. Weakness...never belongs to him!


Hanxiao, do you think we have become weaker?

One day, when Han Xiao was reading ancient books at home, Ningguang suddenly called, her words filled with regret.


Hearing the other party's inexplicable sigh, Han Xiao was immediately stunned, and then asked doubtfully:

Why are you so sad all of a sudden?

This isn't like you!

It's not because I've been reading ancient books these past few days.

In the Qun Jade Pavilion, Ning Guang casually put aside the ancient book he had just received, pinched the bridge of his nose with his other hand, and spoke out his 'feelings after reading'.

Look at the history recorded in ancient books. Every one of the original Ancient Qianyan Army was a supernormal person who could wield the Qianyan Sword to fight and kill the enemy.

The Thousand Rock Army that fought against the Kanria monsters five hundred years ago were also existences with extremely strong will and combat power.

But what now?

Speaking of this, Ningguang's tone also became a little helpless:

The current Qianyan Army cannot hold the Qianyan Sword at all, and their weapons have long been replaced by the White Tassel Gun.

And you also know the performance of the Qianyan Army when Osel broke the seal last time. Many Qianyan Army could not even stand firmly under the pressure of the devil.

That's why you said we've become weaker.

After hearing Ningguang's emotion, Han Xiao still couldn't understand what the other party was thinking.

Didn't the other party just see the ancient Qianyan Army's superhuman combat power, and then see the current Qianyan Army's powerless appearance, and their mentality suddenly exploded.

Isn't it?

Holding the phone tightly in her right hand, Ning Guang spoke into the phone in a faint voice.

You also have to consider the time period both parties are in.

Han Xiao comforted her rather helplessly.

He is not trying to 'whitewash' the current Qianyan Army soldiers. After all, compared with the ancient Qianyan Army, the quality of today's soldiers is indeed much better.

However, the different environments of the times both parties live in are also an extremely important judgment factor.

The environment in the era where the Gu Qianyan Army was located was quite harsh, surrounded by demons, and everyone was in a state of war every day.

In this high-pressure situation, everyone worked hard to train themselves in order to protect Liyue behind them.

Now it's different. Those demon gods entrenched in Liyue were beaten one by one by Zhongli. Basically, they died, some escaped, and the rest were sealed.

The war in the mainland continued intermittently until five hundred years ago when it was completely extinguished.

At this point, the entire Liyue has entered an era of peace.

Without the pressure of the external environment and the threat of death, coupled with the decline of martial arts, it is very normal for the soldiers' quality to decline.

Is there any way to improve it?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, although Ningguang accepted it a little, he was still a little unwilling to face such a fact.

Liyue has been handed over to their seven stars by the emperor to manage, and as a result, the soldiers' combat effectiveness is now worse than before.

And as the actions of the fools become more and more rampant, Teyvat, which has been peaceful for five hundred years, may soon fall into turmoil again.

Therefore, she wanted to find a way as soon as possible to make up for the lack of combat power of Qianyan Army.

Not to mention the combat power of Gu Qianyan Army, this is unrealistic after all, but at least it shouldn't stretch your hips too much.

Physical problems cannot be improved in a day or two.

Regarding Ning Guang's idea, Han Xiao pondered for a moment and gave a negative answer.

Zhongli must have had the training methods of Qian Yanjun back then, but physical fitness requires long-term and persistent training to improve.

As for Qian Yanjun's current combat prowess, it can't be seen at all after just a few years of training.

Not long after, when Ning Guang was a little disappointed, Han Xiao changed the subject:

The physical problem cannot be solved quickly at present, but the problem of improving combat effectiveness can be easily solved.

Oh, do you have any good ideas?

Hearing that Han Xiao seemed to have figured out a way to improve the combat effectiveness of Qianyan Army, Ningguang suddenly became interested.

It's very simple. If your internal strength is not enough, just rely on external strength.

Han Xiao in the office curled her lips and said what she thought of.

His method is very simple, that is, until the Qianyan Army's physical fitness improves, he will rely on a large number of advanced weapons and equipment to build combat effectiveness for the soldiers.

Didn't I produce a lot of advanced weapons? Equipped with new weapons, Qianyan Junlu's combat effectiveness will definitely be much stronger than before.

That's true.

When Han Xiao said this, Ningguang also remembered that before Liyue, a group of Qianyan troops adopted the new weapons developed by the other side.

That group of Qianyan Army also played a role in containing the Fools in the Battle of Osel, and they were considered to be the small group that performed well among all the Qianyan Army.

So you mean to completely change the Qianyan Army's uniforms?

Yes, except for the owners of the Eye of God, when facing ordinary soldiers, cold weapons are not as effective as hot weapons.

And...the Strata Abyss is about to be put back into use, and then the mineral problem will no longer be an obstacle.

To be honest, Han Xiao had actually wanted to change the Qianyan Army's weapons on a large scale a long time ago, but it was only at that time that the Layer Rock Abyss was sealed and minerals suddenly became a scarce item that he temporarily put aside this idea.

Now that Ningguang mentioned the issue of Qianyan Army's combat power, and that the Layeryan Abyss was about to be put back into use, Han Xiao thought of the idea that he had put aside for a long time.

Chapter 376: Liyue’s Maritime Defense

You are right.

After listening to Han Xiao's narration, Ning Guang agreed to his suggestion after pondering for a moment.

Except for those who own the Eye of God, fire guns are indeed much stronger than cold weapons. A complete change of equipment can indeed increase the combat power of Qianyan Army in a short period of time.

Although this relies on external forces, Han Xiao is right. Physical fitness and combat literacy cannot be improved in a short time.

Nowadays, we can only rely on advanced equipment.

How are you going to change your clothes?

This still has to wait until the Strata Abyss is put into use again.

In the office, Han Xiao found the memo he had recorded a long time ago from the pile of documents, found the plan he had written before and said:

The alchemy workshop in Mingyun Town has its own production line for thermal weapons. What it lacks are metal minerals. As long as the Strata Abyss is put back into work, it can start producing weapons directly there.

My suggestion is to first familiarize soldiers with the operation of thermal weapons in training, and then gradually replace them after the weapons are produced.

No problem. I will discuss this with Kaiyang and the others and let them include fire gun training in their training.

Now that he had decided to equip the Qianyan Army with more advanced weapons, Ning Guang was not hesitant and immediately prepared to discuss it with the other Qixings in charge of the army.

She believed that Kaiyang and others also understood the suppression of cold weapons by fire guns, and they would not refuse this proposal.

By the way, Ningguang, what are your plans for coastal defense?

Hearing that Ningguang had made up his mind, Han Xiao suddenly changed the topic to sea defense:

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