You're here, sit down first.

Seeing a familiar person coming to his office, Han Xiao put down the government affairs in his hands, smiled and stretched out his hand to make a gesture to sit down.

When the other party pulled out a chair and sat in front of him, he asked:

Are you planning to leave for Inazuma?


Hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, Ying nodded and expressed her thoughts.

This trip to the Strata Abyss not only brought her many mysteries, but also made her clearly aware of her current lack of strength.

My elder brother and the Abyss Cult have obviously developed some ideas about the power of the Strata Abyss.

In order to understand Sora's purpose, it is most important to find a way to find out the secret of the mysterious space in the Strata Abyss.

However, the mysterious space of the Rock Abyss is extremely dangerous, and Yingya knows that she cannot escape from that space unscathed just now.

Therefore, it has become her first choice to restore her strength to its peak as soon as possible.

First tell me how much you know about Rice Wife.

After listening to Ying's story, Han Xiao asked him directly what he knew about Dao's wife.

rice wife...

Ying glanced at Paimon next to her, and then told them the information they had collected during this period about Rice Wife.

Currently we know that Inazuma's master is the God of Thunder, known as the Raiden Shogun.

Also, Inazuma seems to be under a state of national lockdown, closing all contacts with other countries.

And the Eye Hunting Order!

Paimon on the side quickly added:

General Raiden seems to have begun to collect all the God's Eyes in Inazuma for the sake of eternity.

It seems you know a lot.

Seeing that Ying Ying and Paimon already had a general understanding of Dao Wife, Han Xiao gave a detailed introduction to Dao Wife's current situation:

Let's talk about General Raiden first. Her force value is also at the forefront among the demon gods. She has a sword called Wu Xiang. It is said that the Wu Xiang Blade Hazama was the wonder created when the Thunder God killed the giant snake demon god.

And what General Thunder and Lightning is chasing is the eternity you mentioned. More than a year ago, in order to pursue eternity, she issued the national lock-down order and the eye-hunting order.

Why did Chasing Eternity issue these two laws?

After hearing Han Xiao's explanation, Paimeng reached out and grabbed his hair and asked in confusion.

They had heard about the contents of the Eye Hunting Order and the Locking Kingdom Order from the rice merchant who could not return home in Guili City, but she still didn't understand what it had to do with eternity.

In response, Han Xiao just shrugged, saying that it was not easy for an outsider to evaluate him:

I don't know much about eternity, but Inazuma once circulated a statement that was said to be General Raiden's declaration about eternity.

What declaration?

This body promises the subjects a dream that will be unchangeable and eternal for thousands of generations.

I always feel that something is weird and I can't understand it at all.

Paimon and Ying looked at each other, their eyes filled with speechlessness.

Why is General Raiden's behavior so incomprehensible?

For the sake of eternity, if you don’t allow change, isn’t this really a waste of time?

Not paying attention to the confusion in their eyes, Han Xiao said with a serious face:

Ying, I know you want to see General Thunder, but you have to be mentally prepared first.

Are you saying I'm not worthy of Thor's eternity?

Ying was not a fool. After listening to Han Xiao's description of the God of Thunder, she certainly understood what he meant.

General Raiden issued an eye hunt order to collect the Eyes of God throughout Inazuma for the sake of unchanging eternity.

It just so happens that she is someone who can use elemental power without the eye of God.

Perhaps in the eyes of the God of Thunder, she is a spirited 'God's Eye'. I am afraid that when the two meet, the other party will choose to attack her because of this special case.

Yes, so if you want to meet General Thunder, you must be fully prepared.

After Jian Ying understood that there was a possibility of fighting between himself and the Thunder God, Han Xiao immediately comforted him:

Fortunately, General Raiden rarely leaves the castle tower, so you don't have to worry about being put on the wanted list as soon as you step into Inazuma.

Wow, that scared me to death.

Hearing Han Xiao's comfort, Paimeng quickly reached out and patted his chest with his little hand, and said happily.

Just now, she thought that as soon as Ying and she entered Inazuma, they would confront the God of Thunder.

You rarely leave the castle tower?

On the contrary, Ying frowned at this moment and looked at Han Xiao with a questioning look on her face:

Then how does the God of Thunder manage the whole rice wife?

This is about Inazuma's political system.

Han Xiao pulled out a piece of white paper, then picked up a pen and scribbled a few names on the paper, then handed it to Ying.

The determination is followed, the society is followed, and the heavenly leader is followed.

After whispering the three names written on the white paper, Ying understood what Han Xiao meant.

It seems that these three major sects should be the same organizations as the Knights of the West Wind and the Seven Stars of Liyue.

Han Xiao stretched out the index finger of her right hand, tapped the names of Kanding Fengxing and Tianling Fengxing, and then said:

The Eye Hunting Order seems to be the suggestion put forward to Thundergod by Kanding Fengxing and Tianling Fengxing.

And according to the information I have received, these two major sects are likely to have secret dealings with the Fools.

Another crowd of fools.

After hearing that the two great disciples might be related to the Fools, Ying couldn't help but raise her hand to touch her forehead, with a look of helplessness on her face.

As expected, these guys causing trouble everywhere are indispensable.

So in Inazuma's land, the only one you can trust a little bit is the Kamisato family's shrine.

Seeing the helpless look on Ying's face, Han Xiao didn't say anything. He was just here to educate her about Dao's wife's general situation today.

The specific thing is for you to experience it yourself.

It would be pointless to spoil all of it.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao suddenly remembered that there was another place that she had not introduced, so she quickly added:

I almost forgot, there is an island called Kaiji Island on Inazuma's land. Although the islanders there are under Inazuma's jurisdiction, they do not believe in the God of Thunder.

Due to the Eye Hunting Order, there is currently a state of war between the residents of Kaiji Island and Inazuma's homeland.

I always feel that Rice Wife is a pit of fire. Why is there such a mess everywhere?

After listening to Han Xiao's general description of Dao's wife's current condition, Paimon said that he was going numb.

The Eye Hunting Order, the Lockdown Order, the internal war, and the external fools.

It is a pure debuff that is fully stacked.

Can she really come out alive after she and her husband die?


Facing the information Han Xiao put in front of her, Ying sighed slightly.

It seems that I have to be extremely careful during this trip to Inazuma.

Chapter 374 The Southern Cross Fleet is returning

After listening to Han Xiao's general introduction to Dao's wife's current situation, Ying felt a headache.

She just wanted to go to a rice wife and touch the statue of the Seven Heavens God!

This is both a national lockdown order and an eye-hunting order. Also, there are civil strife and fools. Why is my trip so difficult every time?

Although Yingya knew that going to Inazuma this time was likely to cause a lot of trouble, and he might even have a direct conflict with the God of Thunder.

But in order to regain her strength as soon as possible, she still had to go there.

Thinking of this, Ying raised her head and looked at Han Xiao and asked:

Hanxiao, is it true that the only remaining ship to Inazuma is the Southern Cross fleet?


Han Xiao nodded. Due to the national lockdown, the business dealings between Liyue and Dao's wife had been suspended for more than a year.

Moreover, in order to prevent outsiders from coming, there are thunderstorms rolling around the islands of Inazuma day and night, basically preventing the entry of most outsider caravans.

Only the top maritime force like the Southern Cross Fleet has the ability to break through thunderstorms and enter Inazuma's land.

Then when will the Southern Cross Fleet return to Liyue?

Han Xiao confirmed from Han Xiao that if you want to go to Inazuma now, you can only take the big ship of the Southern Cross Fleet, Ying immediately asked about the exact time of the fleet's return.

You should be on the way already, right?

Listening to Ying's question, Han Xiao calculated the time in her mind and answered with some uncertainty.


The endless sea.

The Death Omen took the lead and sailed on the sea, followed by several large ships filled with supplies.

It's time to leave Dao Wife!

On the deck, Beidou took a big sip of wine quite generously, and he didn't forget to sigh while drinking.

How should I put it, since the lockdown order was promulgated, she disliked going to Daozhu less and less.

It's not that I'm afraid of thunderstorms, it's mainly that the atmosphere in Inazuma is really getting worse at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before the lockdown, although the residents of Daozhu were not particularly wealthy, they still had enough food and clothing.

But since Thor issued the order to lock down the country, Beidou found that every time he came to Inazuma, the living standards of the island residents dropped a lot.

Especially this time, most of the villages in Inazuma were almost at the end of their rope.

Not to mention the Eye Hunting Order targeting the owners of the Eye of God, which made even outsiders like them aware of the many contradictions within Inazuma.

Alas... Ina-wife!

Hearing Beidou's sigh, Maplehara Manyo who was sitting on the ground beside him couldn't help but lament.

Nowadays, even he, a native of Daozu, feels oppressed by the internal environment in Daozu, and he even has to face the pursuit of Tianling soldiers.

If Big Sister Tou hadn't saved her, Maplehara Manyo didn't know how long she could have persisted.

Boy Wanyo, you are still very reluctant to leave Ina-wife!

Yes, after all, that is the country where I was born. Now that I am forced to leave, naturally I am still a little bit reluctant to leave.

After hearing Beidou's words, Maplehara Manyo didn't show any pretense and simply admitted that he was indeed reluctant to leave Inazuma.

But soon, his eyes became firm and the conversation changed:

But I also know that Ina-wife is in a precarious period now.

Unless the General can lift the Eye Hunting Order and the Lockdown Order, sooner or later there will be more wanted criminals like me.

Beidou held the wine jar in one hand and leaned carelessly against the mast in the middle of the deck, staring at Maplehara Manyo with his eyes not covered by the blindfold.

It seems that you are dissatisfied with General Thunder, is it because of your friends?


Maplehara Manyo shook her head decisively, denying Beidou's guess.

I have asked myself many times, does my dissatisfaction with General Thunder stem from that royal duel? Does it stem from the knife she fell on her friend?

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