One more thing to tell you, that Nail of Layer Rock may not be the Nail of Punishment that you think.

After saying that, Zhongli walked directly over Han Xiao, who was lost in thought, with his long legs and walked towards Liyue Port.

Now that the matter is over, it's time for him to drink tea and listen to music.


I never thought that Grand Marshal Teng She would eventually be buried in the Rock Abyss.

In the alchemy workshop, after listening to Han Xiao's summary of a series of major events that happened to the investigation team at the bottom of the Stratayan Abyss Mine, Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun, who was studying the design drawings of a new generation of concept mobile phones with Abedo, put down the tools in his hands. , couldn't help but let out a rather sad sigh.

Back then, the Yasha clan was brave and good at fighting, and had always been the vanguard to protect Liyue's safety.

It's a pity that now only the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is left.

Master Liuyun, Senior Mandrill would like to invite you to go to the Strata Rock Abyss to redeem the resentful spirits trapped in it.

Those Qianyan troops who still stick to their duties, alas... I know it.

Regarding Han Xiao's narration, Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng nodded very solemnly, saying that he would go with the immortals to save the resentful souls of the Thousand Rock Army who were trapped in the layered rock abyss.

These mortals who died fighting for Liyue's safety deserve her respect.

After briefly recounting Mandrill's request, Han Xiao left the alchemy workshop and returned home, where she began to read Jueyun Jiwen and Moonlight Night in the Bamboo Forest.

After all, according to Zhongli, these two books may contain some secrets that can explain the secrets of the Strata Abyss.


A few days later, in the study room of Han Xiao's home.


Sun carriage?

What the hell is this!

After reading the two books carefully several times, Han Xiao closed the book and took the Legacy of the Yang Bridle that he had specially obtained in his hand. His brows were tightly knitted and his eyes were full of doubts.

Jueyun Jiwen is a collection of many legends about monsters and legends circulated in Liyue. It contains many short and concise anecdotes that touch people's faces.

Moonlight Night in the Bamboo Forest is a short story.

But the strange thing is that the story recorded in Jueyun Jiwen Yu Dun and the story told by the woman in white with golden eyes in Moonlight Night in the Bamboo Forest seem to be mysteriously connected with the secrets recorded in the Legacy of the Yang Bridle.

The disaster overturned the king's carriage and destroyed Xingluo's palace. The three moon goddesses turned against each other.

Then the star fell, and the wasteland facing the impact turned into a huge and deep abyss. Beautiful jade, gold and stone grew out of it, inexhaustibly, forming the current layered rock abyss.

Is this what Zhongli wants to tell me?

Putting down the Legacy of the Yang Bridle in his hand, Han Xiao felt for a moment that the amount of information was too large and he could not sort out the context.

The only thing that can be determined is that if these records are true, wouldn't it mean that the layered rock abyss was formed due to a huge impact?

And the ‘celestial star’ that caused this impact is the sun carriage mentioned in The Legacy of the Yang Bridle?

It seems that we still need to continue investigating the Strata Rock Abyss. It is impossible to draw a conclusion based on the existing information alone.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao took out her cell phone and dialed Ning Guang's number.

Hanxiao, what do you want from me?

Soon, Ningguang's voice came from the phone receiver.

Are you going to start dealing with the layered rock abyss?

The Great Sage of Demon-Conquering and the Immortal Masters have sent all the resentful spirits of the Qianyan Army who died in the battle to the afterlife. The mysterious space underground has also been sealed and reinforced. At the same time, I also sent people to seal off that area.

In addition, Huishan Hall has also sent the first batch of technical safety personnel to inspect the bottom of the Strata Rock Abyss. After they confirm that it is safe, the Strata Rock Abyss should be reopened.

Chapter 372: Ying intends to regain her strength as soon as possible

You have no plans to continue investigating that mysterious space?

After hearing that Ningguang just asked the immortals to strengthen the seal of the mysterious space and exclude the permanent presence of the Qianyan Army, Han Xiao immediately asked curiously.

Of course I have thought about it. Not only did I think about it, but Yelan also applied to me to continue the investigation after she came back.

In the Jade Pavilion, Ningguang held a jade cigarette rod in one hand and a mobile phone in the other. He leaned on the window sill and looked at Liyue Harbor below, while slowly explaining to Han Xiao:

It's just that the Liu Yunxian family thought the space was too dangerous and rejected my proposal.

Is this so...

Knowing that it was Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and the others who stopped Ningguang's plan to continue the investigation, Han Xiao also expressed his understanding.

After all, the investigation team was able to escape from that space, partly because of the spatial ability of the puppet Roman, and partly because of Taiwei Instrument Panel.

After the doll came out of the layered rock abyss, he temporarily put it away and was currently taking some rest.

As for the Taiwei dashboard, it has long since disappeared.

From an immortal's point of view, when neither of these two things are available, it would be better for Liyue not to rush into that space rashly, so as not to end up with no return.

After understanding the concerns of the immortals, Han Xiao knew that it was temporarily impossible to enter the mysterious space under the rock abyss to investigate.

Thinking of this, he immediately changed the topic to Ningguang:

I have collected some information here that is likely to be related to the birth of the Strata Abyss. Do you want to listen to it?

Oh, tell me?

Hearing that Han Xiao had found information about the layered rock abyss, Ningguang suddenly became interested.

The immortals did not allow anyone to investigate that space for the sake of Liyue's safety, and she agreed in this regard.

But if Ningguang wanted to figure out the problem of the Rock Abyss, he certainly wanted to.

Now Han Xiao may have found some information related to the birth of the layered rock abyss, and Ningguang will naturally not let it go.

The specific situation is this...

Hearing that Ning Guang's curiosity had been aroused, Han Xiao simply stated a possibility that she had deduced based on Zhong Li's prompts.

A long time ago, probably even earlier than the Year of the Burial Fire, an ancient kingdom was established above the giant abyss of rock.

With the advent of the age of burials, an unprecedented drastic change caused the ancient country and the continent to sink to the bottom of the sea, and the rocky abyss also turned into an ocean.

It wasn't until the fall of the Sky Star or the Sun Chariot mentioned in Jue Yun Ji Wen that the great layered rock abyss that became the ocean was once again impacted, forming the current landscape and continuously producing minerals.

Then a thousand years ago, the Dragon King Ruotuo and the Emperor Yanwang fought on the surface of the layer of rock, fighting all the way to Nantianmen.

The war was extremely destructive, but it also revealed some ruins buried beneath the abyss.

Interesting inference.

After hearing Han Xiao's hypothesis, Ningguang couldn't help but raise her eyebrows because she found that the other party's speculation sounded reasonable.

About a few years ago, when the stratiform abyss was not sealed, miners dug up many fossils of marine life in the stratiform abyss.

In addition, she has also read Jueyun Jiwen and Moonlight Night in the Bamboo Forest, but before, she only regarded them as unofficial legends.

If the two are combined, it seems that Han Xiao's inference can really be proven.

You mean that mysterious space originated from the ancient stratiform country before eternity?

Not impossible.

I will tell Yelan your hypothesis and ask her to check it carefully.

After thinking for a moment, Ningguang decided not to give up on the clue given by Han Xiao, and asked Yelan to follow this line of thought to see if she could find any clues.


Just as Han Xiao and Ning Guang were discussing how to continue exploring the Strata Rock Abyss based on their speculations, Ying and Paimeng, who had accompanied Ye Lan and the others to Liyue Port, passed by and finally returned to their home in Guili City. small villa.

As soon as he stepped into the door, Paimon couldn't wait to fly to the recliner, and his whole body collapsed on it like a puddle of mud, with a pleasant smile on his face:

I'm back now. This adventure is really thrilling!


Hey, weird?

Why didn't you answer my question?

After waiting for a long time, Paimon couldn't help but sit up and turned his gaze to Ying's direction.

I saw Yingmei sitting on a chair, supporting the table with one hand, looking out the door, looking like she was in a state of wandering mind.


...What's wrong, Paimon?

Ying, whose thoughts were interrupted by Paimon's continuous shouts, couldn't help turning her head to look at the other party and asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Ying, what are you thinking about that makes you so lost in thought?

Nothing...just thinking.

Is it about your brother?


Seeing that she couldn't hide it from Paimon, Ying hummed softly, admitting that she was thinking about Sora's question just now.

This trip to the Strata Abyss brought her too many doubts.

The last place with so many mysteries was Longji Snow Mountain.

It happened that these two places also had the Nail of the Ancient Kingdom and Han Tian. This strange coincidence made Ying feel that her brother was preparing a bigger plan.

Although Ying often said that she didn't want to care about this brother, she actually cared about Sora quite a lot.

The power of the abyss is too dangerous. My brother is now associated with this power. How can she not be worried?

Then what are you going to do?

After hearing Ying's worries, Paimon also frowned.

After this period of adventure, they also saw the danger of the power of the abyss, but now Ying's brother has made it clear that he wants to use the power of the abyss and the laws of heaven to start a war.

Even if they wanted to persuade them, they probably wouldn't be able to do so.

I intend to regain my strength as soon as possible.

Ying directly told Paimon her plan.

Does this mean we have to continue our journey?

Well, I plan to go to Han Xiao and ask about Dao's wife's general situation, and then take some rest before setting off.


The next day.

After a good night's rest, Ying got up early. After breakfast, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Han Xiao's number under Paimon's gaze.


As the ringtone was answered, Han Xiao's voice came out from the microphone:

Ying, why did you remember to call me so early in the morning?

I want to ask you something.

whats the matter?

I want to ask about Ina Wife.

The situation of Rice Wife... I won't be able to explain this issue for a while.

Hanxiao’s home.

Hearing that Ying wanted to ask him about Dao Wife's situation, Han Xiao thought for a while and gave her own answer:

You come to Kuixing Tower to see me later, and I will explain it to you in detail.

Chapter 373 The Current Situation of Rice Wife

Kuixing Tower.

Two hours later, after tidying up a bit, Ying took Paimeng to Kuixing Building and found Han Xiao working in the office.

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