Now that she felt that something was in the secret realm, she wanted to try it first even if it was dangerous.

Me too, the mystery beneath the rocky abyss is right in front of me, and I don't want to give up just yet.

Compared to Yan Fei and Ye Lan who had reasons to go, Ying didn't have such a burden.

But she doesn't like the feeling of giving up halfway, and she also wants to get to the bottom of the mystery beneath the abyss.

So Yingya chose to continue exploring.

I listen to everyone.

Shen He said something concisely and then kept silent, obviously not planning to leave the investigation team.

I received the money, so I will naturally accompany you to the end.

The puppet Han Xiao on the side quickly expressed his thoughts. Ever since he saw Hantian Nail, he really wanted to know what happened here.

Mandrill's advice could not dissuade him from exploring the truth of the matter.


Seeing that everyone was ready to continue exploring, Ye Lan said solemnly:

In that case, please pay more attention to your surroundings from here on out.

No one knows what will be on the road ahead, so you must be prepared to deal with dangers.

After saying that, Ye Lan took the lead and stepped into the entrance of the secret realm.

Then let's go too.

Looking at Ye Lan disappearing into the secret realm, Yan Fei followed her without saying a word.

Soon, a group of people stepped into the entrance of the secret realm.

Chapter 370 The Disappearance of Taiwei Dashboard

A few days later.

The calm surface of the layered rock abyss suddenly opened a huge hole, and the next moment Yan Fei and others appeared out of thin air on the ground.

Close the crack quickly, don't let those resentful spirits come out!

As soon as he landed on the ground, Mandrill immediately rushed to the crack, took out a round magic weapon and pointed it at the crack, and poured all the wind elements in his body into the disc without hesitation.


With the infusion of wind elements, the disk shook violently.

At the same time, a sealing circle emitting blue light covered the entire crack.

Bang - Bang

Just as the magic circle was used to seal the cracks, a continuous sound of impact was heard, and countless black resentful spirits attacked the magic circle like crazy.

Ye Lan quickly came to Mandrill's side and quickly used the sealing spell that had been passed down in her family for many years.

With the help of Ye Lan, the sealing formation that had originally been opened by them was closed again, suppressing these resentful spirits under the giant rock abyss again.

Your responsibilities have been completed and it's time to rest in peace.

Looking at the resentful spirit that was about to attack the magic circle even if it was completely purified by it, a trace of sadness flashed in Ye Lan's eyes, and she couldn't help but murmur to herself.

The predecessors of those resentful spirits were all Qianyan Army who died in battle under the giant abyss of layered rocks.

The reason why they are so desperate to intercept them is because they only have one obsession left, not to let anything break through the seal and threaten Liyue.

Hearing Ye Lan's muttering, Mandrill couldn't help but remain silent.

He has been searching for Fushe's whereabouts for hundreds of years, and now he finally got the whereabouts of him.

Although he had been mentally prepared, he learned that even if he lost his mind, Fushe was still fighting on the front line of the Liyue battlefield, and in the end he was willing to be sealed in the underground palace for Liyue.

Even the stern Demon-Conquering Great Sage felt a little uneasy for a while.

But soon, Mandrill returned to his usual composure and said very solemnly:

I will contact the immortals and find a way to save these undead...and Brother Fushe.

The only thing he can do now is to find a way to send these resentful spirits who have been trapped under the giant rock abyss for hundreds of years to the afterlife.

As for Fushe...he fulfilled his contract with the emperor and protected Liyue from beginning to end.

Maybe this is Yaksha's fate.

Thank you, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons.

Ye Lan nodded slightly to Mandrill, then turned around and walked to Roman's side, saying thank you sincerely:

Thank you to Mr. Roman for your help in getting us out of trouble safely.

If the investigation team did not have Roman, a space user, they would probably have to activate the Taiwei instrument panel to break through the seal and break out of the ground.

And activating the Taiwei instrument panel requires the joint efforts of humans and immortals. She and Mandrill are the only humans and immortals in the team who know how to use magic.

When the time comes, she and Mandrill will activate the Taiwei instrument panel. If Yanfei and the others face so many resentful spirits alone, they will probably suffer casualties in the end.

That's why Ye Lan thanked Roman in words, because with his intervention, they and their group could be said to have avoided the battle with the resentful spirit.

You are Welcome.

Roman waved his hands repeatedly to indicate that the other party did not need to salute so much, and then he put his hand on his chest and saluted everyone.

This mission has ended, please allow me to take my leave first.

After saying that, along with a spatial distortion, Roman's figure disappeared in front of everyone.

He just left like that?

Seeing where Roman disappeared, Paimon stretched out his hand and scratched his little head, then looked at Ying and spread his hands and said:

Although we still don't understand the origin of this guy, he shouldn't be a bad guy, right?


Ying nodded, agreeing with Paimon's judgment.

From the first day they met Roman, he helped them 'force back' the executive officer of the Fools, and then helped them a lot during their trip to the Strata Abyss.

Just like Paimon said, they may not know Roman's origin yet, but for now, he doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

I will check the information about Mr. Roman.

After hearing the conversation between Ying and Paimon, Yelan opened her mouth to take over the matter.

After all, thanks are thanks. As the head of Liyue's intelligence, she couldn't give up investigating someone like Roman who had weird abilities and didn't have much information.

Regarding Roman's matter, Mandrill was just about to talk about his discovery, when out of the corner of his eye he unexpectedly saw two figures standing side by side on the top of a mountain in the distance.

For an instant, a flash of realization flashed across Mandrill's eyes, and he immediately fell silent.

Everyone must have exhausted a lot. Just rest here for a while. There is no need to leave here in a hurry. I will check if there are any other abnormalities nearby.

After looking around at the people present, Ye Lan gave some instructions, then turned and left the place. She had to check the condition of the seal carefully to prevent any omissions.

Hey, look, the Taiwei instrument panel...

Looking at Ye Lan's leaving figure, Paimon turned around and was about to say something to Ying, but she saw a rather surprising scene, which made her couldn't help but scream.

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the Taiwei instrument panel in Mandrill's hand suddenly emitted an illusory light, and the originally solid disk also gradually disappeared in the light.


Yan Fei frowned and looked at the Taiwei instrument panel that gradually turned into nothingness, and quickly gave her guess:

It should be that the secret realm below the underground palace is not real, but an illusion from five hundred years ago. With our escape, time has truly flowed, and the Taiwei instrument panel in the illusion naturally no longer exists.

What about the will in your hand?

After listening to Yan Fei's speculation, Paimon looked at the other party with some concern.

Yan Fei will join the exploration team this time just for the Taiwei dashboard in the will.

Doesn't this mean that the will cannot be completed?

It doesn't matter.

Yan Fei smiled and shook her head, signaling Paimon not to worry about her.

The will only wanted to know the whereabouts of Taiwei Instrument Pan. It is a miracle that we can find Taiwei Instrument Pan.

Now that we know that the Taiwei instrument panel was used on the battlefield and played a huge role, the drafter of the will must also be pleased.


Just when Ying and Yanfei were gathering together to rest and talk, the two figures Mandrill had seen before on the top of the mountain in the distance were also paying attention to them condescendingly.

Mr. Zhongli, did you come here because you were worried?

Looking at Zhongli who was holding his arms and saying nothing, the doll Hanxiao couldn't help but joked.

So be it.

Regarding the puppet Hanxiao's joke, Zhongli hummed noncommittally, and then turned his attention to the puppet Hanxiao:

But you gave me another big surprise.

This technique is no less than that of Balzebub.

Chapter 371: The Origin of the Strata Rock Abyss

As early as Mandrill learned from Han Xiao that Qixing was planning to send an investigation team to investigate the black disaster problem under the layered rock abyss, and invited him to go with him, Mandrill went to Zhongli to seek permission from him.

After all, he had asked Zhongli many times to let him investigate the nameless Yaksha in the Layer Rock Abyss, but unfortunately he was rejected by the emperor.

Now facing Han Xiao's invitation, this seemed to Mandrill to be a God-given opportunity.

In the end, unable to resist Mandrill's repeated requests, Zhongli finally agreed.

Facts have proved that it is very useful to report to your elders when you go out.

Who knows that compared to Yelan and Ying, he is the one who knows the most details about the issues below the layered rock abyss.

In order to prevent the investigation team from having any accidents under the giant rock abyss, Zhongli had been keeping his spiritual thoughts here these past few days, just to detect abnormalities as soon as possible. At the same time, he was also prepared to take action secretly.

It wasn't until he saw the puppet Han Xiao and several people successfully escaping from the bottom of the layered rock abyss that Zhongli gave up his plan to take action.

As a god who has lived for a long time, he could tell at a glance that Roman's body was different from that of ordinary people, and he also guessed the other person's true identity.

And the reality was not beyond Zhongli's expectation. After the puppet Han Xiao said goodbye to everyone, the other person appeared next to him the next moment.

Mr. Zhongli, what is going on in the ancient country under the giant layer of rock abyss? Can you tell me?

Hearing that Zhong Li recognized him early and gave him an evaluation that his skills were no less than those of the God of Thunder, Han Xiao didn't pay too much attention, but asked about the doubts in his heart.

Since the game version only opened the Abyss Palace at the time of the time travel, the Strata Rock Abyss still existed in the mouth of the ghost uncle. His understanding of the affairs below the Strata Rock Abyss was actually not much different from that of Ying and the others.

So when Han Xiao saw the ruins of the upside-down city at the bottom of the Layer Rock Abyss Mine and the Nails of Hantian that were not much different from those on Longji Snow Mountain, he himself was quite surprised.

There is also an ancient country on the ground in Liyue from an unknown era?

And he also got a nail smashed into him?

This is incredible.

That ancient country is too long ago. Would you believe me if I said I didn't know it?

Regarding Han Xiao's question, Zhongli's eyes stared at Mandrill, who seemed to have partially untied the knot in his heart, and he asked a faint question.

Uh, don't fool me.

Seeing Zhongli suddenly let herself play a 'guessing game', Han Xiao immediately curled her lips.

There are very few records of the Great Strata Abyss in ancient books, and most of them are still spread among rumors and unofficial histories.

The person who currently knows the most secrets in Liyue is Zhongli, the Rock King who has been in charge of Liyue for thousands of years.

If the other party says he doesn't know, how can he guess?

Okay, let me think.

Withdrawing his gaze from Mandrill and the others, Zhongli turned his head to look at Han Xiao. After a moment of reflection, he gave an answer that was still somewhat of a riddle.

You can go and read Jueyun Jiwen and Moonlight Night in the Bamboo Forest as well as the stories recorded in the Legacy of the Yang Bridle. Maybe you will gain something new.

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