It's just that although these forces can play a role in fighting the world to a certain extent, they are not strong enough after all.

This also led to the ancient country of Snow Mountain, the unknown country of the Great Rock Abyss, and Kanreia being successively destroyed by the maintainers of heavenly principles.

After seeing the entity of Hantian Nail, Han Xiao became quite curious after calming down.

So he brought the topic to the ancient country of Snow Mountain.

Go see the real thing with your own eyes, Mr. Roman, what do you mean?

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly strange remarks, Ye Lan and others couldn't help but look at each other, and there was a vague premonition in their hearts.


Aren't we here just to explore the secrets beneath the giant rock abyss? There's no point in pretending not to see it.

After hearing Han Xiao's words, everyone fell silent for a long time.

Finally, Ying opened his mouth to break the silence among several people:

Where is the place?

Just follow me.

The puppet Hanxiao stood up and walked in a certain direction, waving at the same time for several people to follow.

Seeing this, Yingmei didn't hesitate, got up and chased after him.

Ye Lan?

Looking at Han Xiao and Ying heading into the distance, Yan Fei couldn't help but turn her gaze to Ye Lan, hoping to hear the other person's opinion.

Let's go, let's follow.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Lan chose to follow Han Xiao to see the so-called real thing.

After all, the other party was right. Since they had discovered clues to something, there was no point in pretending not to see it.


Seeing that Yelan's attitude was also to check the truth of the matter, Yanfei had no choice but to sigh and choose to listen to the opinions of the majority.

In this way, under the leadership of Han Xiao, several people quickly passed through the intricate mine tunnels and came to a fluorescent cave.

Oh my's really the Nail of Hantian!

As soon as he saw clearly what was going on in the cave, Paimon covered his mouth and let out a exclamation, while a flicker flashed in his eyes.

Although both of them had some vague premonitions before, when they saw the real thing with their own eyes, they were still quite shocked.

The bottom of the layered rock abyss actually had a cold nail nailed into it just like the Snow Mountain Ancient Country.

And compared to the one in Longji Snow Mountain, the Hantian Nail in front of me is obviously quite intact, and its whole body is still emitting a mysterious blue light.

Looking at this strange pillar in front of her, Ye Lan couldn't help but feel ripples in her heart.

First there was an upside-down city, and then there was a cold nail carrying mysterious power.

Ancestor, ancestor, what exactly did you encounter under the giant abyss of rock?

Just when everyone was silent, the puppet Hanxiao walked to the platform at the nail tip, and then chopped off a few feet with force.

Dong dong dong——

What was surprising was that a dull knocking sound echoed from the ground.

There is a hollow beneath the ground!

For a moment, everyone reacted, and then everyone had a speechless look on their face.

Their trip to the Strata Abyss was really full of variables.

I originally thought that the entire layered rock abyss was only divided into two layers: ground and underground. However, I didn't expect that there was still space under the mine, and I came here twice.

After such a calculation, judging from the current situation alone, the entire layered rock abyss is divided into four layers.

As for whether there will be a deeper level, no one is sure.

Seeing that everyone seemed to have reacted, the puppet Han Xiao looked at a few people with a smile and said:

How about it? Are you interested in continuing the investigation?

Shen He, please.

Ye Lan did not answer Han Xiao's question, but turned around and asked Shen He.


Shen He nodded, then used his elemental power with all his strength under the gaze of everyone, and then jumped high into the air.

Seeing this, the puppet Han Xiao teleported back to Ying, watching Shen He falling from the sky with a knight's kick.


With a loud noise, the entire ground trembled under Shen He's huge impact, and the surrounding dust was spread all over the sky by the vibration.

It wasn't until the smoke dissipated that Ye Lan and others could clearly see the situation in front of them. Shen He's figure was standing where the puppet Han Xiao had been.

At her feet, a hole about five meters wide appeared in the eyes of several people, and below the hole was endless darkness.


Just as a few people approached the entrance of the cave, Yan Fei suddenly let out a strange sound of surprise.

What's wrong Yanfei?

Seeing something wrong with Yan Fei's face, Ye Lan asked quickly.

Yan Fei did not speak, but took out a glowing jade pendant, and then explained:

Before coming here, my client gave me this jade pendant. When it senses the presence of the Taiwei instrument panel, it will glow as it does now.

In other words, the Taiwei instrument panel that was lost under the giant rock abyss is here?

Ye Lan raised her eyebrows. There was one thing she didn't tell Yan Fei, and that was that she actually knew a lot about the Taiwei instrument panel. This magical instrument was originally in the hands of her ancestors.

Since the aura of Taiwei Yipan was found here, doesn't it mean that his ancestor Boyang disappeared down here that year?

It seemed like she couldn't go down this time.

Chapter 369 The Ancient Secret Realm

Just after Yelan and others chose to jump down, the Dudu communication device that had been in contact with Paimon made a buzzing noise again, and then there was no movement.

Lost signal again.

Seeing this, Ning Guang couldn't help but reach out and pinch the bridge of his nose, his face full of helplessness.

Why is it so complicated underneath this rocky abyss? Even communication can be interfered with twice.

Didn't they all discuss it just now? There are too many strange powers contained under the rocky abyss. It is normal for it to be disturbed.

Han Xiao was not too anxious about losing communication with Yingmei and others again, after all, things were familiar again.

But having said that, you should have heard their conversation just now.

Ningguang didn't dwell on the communication interruption for long, and quickly looked at Han Xiao with a serious face:

How much do you know about the ancient snow-capped mountain country of Fendenir?

From the communication just now, she had already heard that Roman probably knew a lot of secret information about the ancient Snow Mountain Country and the Nail of Cold Sky.

However, even Yan Fei, who is half-human and half-immortal, or Shen He, who is a disciple of the Xian family, knows only a little about this news. Does the other party know a little too much?

Considering that Roman was recommended by Han Xiao, Ningguang now suspected that the other party got all these secrets from Han Xiao.

As for the reason for such speculation, don't forget that the other seven stars in Liyue have known about the close relationship between Han Xiao and Lord Yan a long time ago.

Maybe he learned this information from the emperor.

Findenir, I just have a rough idea.

Regarding Ning Guang's inquiry, Han Xiao gave a relatively vague answer after thinking for a moment.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

The information about Fendenir was collected bit by bit in the game in his previous life.

Han Xiao also learned about what happened on Zhongli Snow Mountain, but unfortunately the other party was too tight-lipped about these old things.

What about you, Ningguang? How much do you know about the ancient Snow Mountain Country?

I may not know as much as you do.

Hearing Han Xiao's rhetorical question, Ningguang sighed softly.

Compared with the information the other party could get from the emperor (she thought), the information she herself collected was much less.

Most of their sources are fragments of ancient books, or rumors circulating in the market that are uncertain whether they are true or false.

It is too difficult to piece together these fragmentary clues.

If it weren't for the news he heard from Roman today, Ningguang might still not be able to figure out the development and decline of the ancient Snow Mountain country.

Now she at least knows that Fendenir was once a country favored by the gods, but because it violated certain taboos, 'God' sent down the nails of cold weather for punishment and directly destroyed the entire ancient snow-capped mountain country.

And there is actually one of these cold-sky nails used to destroy kingdoms in the Layer Rock Abyss. It is indeed the most mysterious area in Liyue.

In that case, let's just wait for the good news about them.

That's all it can do.


Turn your gaze back to the bottom of the rocky abyss.

After descending to the deepest part of the pit, Ye Lan and his party walked along the dark path for about tens of meters before arriving at an open field.

Between a pile of messy old objects and rocks, a dilapidated secret entrance appeared in front of them.

It's incredible that there is an entrance to a secret realm in a place like this...

Looking at the entrance to the secret realm where the blue vortex was constantly spinning, Paimon said with a surprised look on his face.

The surrounding rocks seem to be some old Liyue rocks, similar to what I saw in the book.

Yan Fei looked around at the surrounding environment, and finally focused on the entrance to the secret realm:

The secret realm here should have existed for a long time.


A breeze suddenly blew by, and a figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was the Great Sage who had never appeared before.

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons?

Seeing Mandrill finally appearing, Yan Fei quickly asked:

You finally showed up!

It's very dangerous here. You've already found a lot of information. It's better to go back as soon as possible.

Nodding to Yan Fei, Mandrill looked around at everyone present. When his eyes passed over the puppet Han Xiao, he subconsciously paused for a moment. Then he retracted his eyes without leaving a trace. After leaving a word, he turned into a ball of breeze and disappeared again. In front of everyone.

It's really quite mysterious.

Seeing that Mandrill appeared and disappeared within a few words, Paimon couldn't help but 'complain' to Mandrill.

There is no way. The style of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons is relatively fast.

Yan Fei embarrassedly defended Mandrill Xiaoxiao, and then immediately changed the topic:

Ye Lan, what should we do now? Should we listen to the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, or...

To be honest, I have some things that I haven't told you.

Seeing that everyone in the team was looking at her, Yelan, who had already finished thinking, told the story about her ancestors Boyang and Rong Zhao.

The Taiwei instrument panel that Yan Fei is looking for is in the hands of ancestor Boyang, so I must continue to search for it.

If you choose to leave, I won't object.

It turns out that the Taiwei Dashboard is in the hands of your ancestors, so let me explore it with you.

Hearing Ye Lan's story, Yan Fei was a little surprised, and then made the decision to continue exploring. After all, she came down this time for Taiwei Yipan.

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