At this moment, the Dudu communication device on the table suddenly rang, and it was Paimon's voice that came from it.

Paimon, is that you?

Almost instantly, Han Xiao grabbed the communication device on the table and responded.


It's me, great, communication has been restored!

When he heard Han Xiao's voice coming from the communication device, Paimon finally showed an expression of relief on his face.

If Ying hadn't accidentally connected to the communication just now when he took out Purshina's light nail from Brother Cheng's pot, they wouldn't even know that the communication had been restored.

Paimon, why was the communication device disconnected just now?

Soon, Han Xiao's inquiry came from the communication device.

It's such a cold night...

Taking the Dudu communication device from Paimon, she concealed the news that she had met Dainsreb, and simply said that she saw the ruins of a city under the bottom of the Abyss Mine.

There was an energy core in the center of the ruins. After she destroyed the core, communications returned to normal.

A ruined city and an energy core that radiates mysterious power?

In Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao and Ning Guang looked at each other after hearing Ying's explanation, and they both saw surprise in each other's eyes.

There is actually a ruined city beneath the Great Strata Abyss?

This is really a surprising discovery.

Can the camera be turned on?

Although he was surprised that there was a ruined city under the layered rock abyss, Han Xiao still put it aside for the time being and asked Ying if the camera could work again.

After all, sometimes you can make a better judgment only by seeing it with your own eyes.

It doesn't seem possible.

Ying glanced at Paimeng subconsciously and found that no matter what the other party did, the camera was still in a black screen.

Obviously, unlike the Dudu communication device, even if the energy core in the city ruins was destroyed, other strange forces in the rock abyss still seemed to interfere with the camera.

Ying, take Paimeng to meet Yelan and the others first. If there is no danger, try your best to explore the ruins of the city and see if you can find any clues.

After thinking for a moment, Han Xiao gave her own suggestion.

Now that the communication device has restored communication, the first thing to do is to meet up with others, and then use the power of everyone to explore the secrets of the city's ruins.


After hearing Han Xiao's suggestion, Ying nodded, then hung up the communication and contacted Ye Lan and others.


On the other side, as soon as Han Xiao put down the communication device in his hand, Ningguang couldn't help but shook his head and joked:

Sometimes your mouth is really smart.

We were just saying that there are many secrets under the giant layered rock abyss, and then the secrets really came.

It can only be said that there are too many secrets in the giant layered rock abyss, and we know too little.

In response to Ning Guang's teasing, Han Xiao just shrugged and gave her own answer.

The Great Strata Abyss has existed for a very long time, and countless secrets have been buried during these thousands of years, so it is not surprising that they discovered some secrets.

What do you think of the ruins of the city that Ying mentioned?

Seeing that Han Xiao's expression didn't change much, Ningguang turned to talk about business, and the expression on his face became solemn unconsciously.

The Layer Rock Abyss has always been a place where Liyue people mined, and now they discovered the ruins of a city in it. Naturally, she attached great importance to this information.

Since becoming the Tianquan Star, Ningguang has also collected a lot of ancient books and unofficial histories of Liyue, but neither of those books recorded that there was an ancient city under the giant layered rock abyss.

Albedo mentioned something to me before. There used to be an ancient country called Fendenir on the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain in Mondstadt.

You mean that the ruins of the city under the Great Strata Abyss are also the ruins of an ancient country?

It's hard to say, but it's very likely.

Chapter 367 Ancient Country Ruins

Because the communication was restored, after hanging up the communication with Han Xiao, Ying immediately used the communication equipment to contact Ye Lan and others one by one.

After receiving Ying's communication, everyone gathered in Ying's direction according to the map.

After waiting for about half a day, Yelan Shenhe, Yan Fei and Luo Man arrived at the location agreed upon by everyone.

“This is the city you’re talking about.”

In the temporary camp, Ye Lan clasped her hands on her chest and raised her head to look at the ruins of the city hanging upside down on the top of the rock wall not far away, with a hint of wonder on her face.

After receiving Ying's communication and learning that the other party had discovered the ruins of an ancient city further below the bottom of the Great Abyss Mine, her first thought was that she couldn't believe it.

But when she saw the ruins of the upside-down city in front of her, Yelan had no choice but to believe the facts before her.

The upside-down city is really strange. Why haven't I heard my grandma talk about it?

Yan Fei, who was sitting next to the bonfire, rested her elbow on her knee and her chin in her palm. She looked at Shen He aside with confused eyes and asked:

Shen He, have you heard from Zhenjun Liuyun about the situation in the giant layered rock abyss?

Master never said that.

Hearing Yan Fei's question, Shen He shook her head. Although her master was talking nonsense, she had never heard him mention the ruins of a city in the layered rock abyss.

Doesn't even Zhenjun Liuyun know?

Yan Fei's delicate eyebrows almost squeezed together when she learned that even Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun didn't know the specific situation under the layer of rock abyss.

It seems that the ruins of this city may have existed earlier than I thought.

Yelan looked around at the people present. Except for Luo Man, who didn't know the details, Yan Fei and Shen He were the ones who knew the most about it.

After all, one of them is half-human and half-immortal, and the other is a disciple of the Immortal family. The immortals have been guarding Liyue for so many years, so they should know a lot of secrets.

However, even the immortals don't know that there is a city ruins at the bottom of the mine of the Strata Abyss.

The only reasonable explanation is that the ruins of this city located deep in the giant rock abyss were probably completely abandoned as early as the founding of Liyue.

But I remember that Liyue was founded more than 3,700 years ago, right?

Regarding Ye Lan's judgment, Paimon stretched out his little hand and scratched his cheek, his words full of confusion:

“Is it really possible for thousands of years of people to build an upside-down city?”

Regarding Paimon's doubts, Yan Fei and others fell silent one after another.

Yes, if there really was such a powerful country thousands of years ago, how could they not leave any ripples in history?

At this moment, the puppet Han Xiao, who had been the audience, suddenly laughed, and then broke the silence between the few people with some weird words.

Who knows, maybe the power of people at that time was stronger than you imagined.


Hearing this, Ye Lan couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, and her eyes turned to the puppet Han Xiao with a mysterious smile on her face. A look of inquiry flashed in her eyes:

It sounds like Mr. Roman knows some secrets that we don't know?

To be honest, she was very interested in this member recommended by Tianshu Xinghanxiao. Not only did he have rare spatial abilities, but there was also too little information about him.

This made Ye Lan, who had been dealing with intelligence, very confused as to where such a master came from.

I wonder if you have ever heard of a name like Fendenir?

Not paying attention to Yelan's probing eyes, the puppet Hanxiao said a relatively unfamiliar name.

I know, it's the ancient country of Snow Mountain!

Unlike Yanfei and others, Paimon couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard Fendenir's name, and then quickly looked to the side of Ying, who also looked a little surprised.

I have heard a little bit about the ruins of an ancient country on the snowy mountains of Mondstadt. It turns out that the name of the ancient country is Fendenir.

Hearing Paimon's exclamation, Ye Lan reached out and pinched her chin in deep thought.

Because she had come into contact with a lot of secret information, she had indeed received a lot of news about adventurers discovering ancient ruins on Longji Snow Mountain.

It was just because the information was too scattered that Ye Lan didn't understand until just now that the ruins in the snow mountain were left by an ancient country called Findnir.

Ying, can you tell me about Fendenir's situation?

Compared to Ye Lan, who had only heard of it, Yan Fei was relatively unfamiliar with Findnir, so she wanted to hear Ying's explanation and try to analyze why Roman would specifically mention this ancient country on the snowy mountains.


Glancing at the puppet Han Xiao who was still smiling, Ying nodded, and then told some things she and Paimon encountered on the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

Among them, Ying focused on the prophecy about the princess of the ancient country of Fendenir.

When they heard that Fendenir's princess had predicted the emergence of the demon dragon Dulin a long time ago, the expressions of Ye Lan and others also changed.

Prophecy, this is a power even rarer than space ability.

What's more concerning to them is that Ying said that she once found a note-taking box on the snowy mountain, and there was a sentence engraved in it to let everyone understand that things were not simple.

I heard that someone is building a godless country somewhere, so maybe they also have the power to fight against the world?

Yan Fei couldn't help but whisper the words engraved in the recorder's box, and then thought of Yingmei's mention of a huge Hantian Nail she saw on the top of the snow mountain.

This made her subconsciously raise her head and look at the sky, but unfortunately the thick rock wall blocked her view.

Don't mention this matter again.

Lowering her head, Yan Fei looked around at everyone present and said solemnly.

Fendenir's matter obviously involves the heavens. This is not a secret that they can touch now.

As for why Yan Fei knew the secret of Sky Island, it was because she had overheard some of the words Grandma Ping had let slip.


Seeing Yan Fei's solemn look, Ye Lan knew that the other party must have thought of something. Although she wanted to find out the reason, seeing Yan Fei's seriousness, she did not choose to continue asking, but nodded in agreement. .

Everyone else also agreed with Ye Lan's opinion.

After seeing everyone's statements, Yan Fei turned her gaze to Roman and asked in a stiff tone:

Mr. Roman, I don't know what you want to say, but please don't tell others about this. This is not a good thing.

Is it...

The puppet Han Xiao tilted her head and looked at Yan Fei. Under the gaze of everyone, she raised her finger and pointed in a certain direction and said slowly:

Then do we want to see the real thing?

Chapter 368 The intact Hantian Nail

The reason why Han Xiao suddenly mentioned the ancient country of Snow Mountain was very simple.

After receiving the communication from Ying before, he rushed towards the meeting point, but encountered a cave emitting blue light halfway.

Out of curiosity, Han Xiao stopped for a moment to check.

It doesn't matter at this glance, good guy, a bright Hantian Nail appeared in front of him.

Although I know in the game that there is a broken Hantian Nail on Longji Snow Mountain, I have never seen the real thing with my own eyes.

So when she saw the Hantian Nail in front of her, Han Xiao was stunned for a long time.

After he regained consciousness, a lingering doubt lingered in his mind.

When Sky Island lowered the Cold Sky Nail to punish Fendenir, the ancient Snow Mountain Kingdom was destroyed by ice and snow.

According to this situation, the Strata Rock Abyss should be covered in ice and snow like the ancient Snow Mountain Country.

But the fact is that the layered rock abyss has not been greatly affected.

Originally, Han Xiao had some doubts as to whether there was something wrong with Hantian Nail that caused it to not work. It was not until he heard Ying's description of the ruins of the upside-down city that he came to a new conclusion.

There was nothing wrong with the Cold Sky Nail. The reason why it didn't work was probably because it was blocked by the city hanging upside down on the rock wall.

At the same time, this also proves that the words engraved in the recorder's box of the ancient Snow Mountain country are indeed true. These ancient countries that once existed on the continent of Teyvat all have more or less mastered some power against the world.

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