Although the Fools had done a lot of bad things in Liyue, Han Xiao heard from the descriptions of Katarina and Nicholas respectively that the Ninth Company seemed to really want to solve the black disaster problem for the people of Liyue. And down to the bottom of the mine.

To be honest, even Han Xiao himself couldn't believe it when he came to this conclusion.

After all, a not-so-bad Ninth Company suddenly appeared among the fools of a bunch of bad guys, and this company also paid the price of almost total destruction for investigating the black disaster.

Even Han Xiao couldn't do anything to these surviving Fool soldiers.

That's why he decided to escort these fools and soldiers back to the ground safely, which could be regarded as a thank you for their sacrifices for the people of Liyue.

With this idea in mind, Han Xiao controlled the puppet and took Catalina directly to teleport to the temporary station where Nicholas was before.

Sir Roman, your...sister?

The first time he saw the doll Hanxiao appear, Nicholas, who was leaning in a corner of the camp to recuperate, noticed the other party's arrival. Just as he was about to ask the other party why he suddenly came back, he saw Ka who appeared with the doll Hanxiao. Talina.


Seeing Nicholas leaning in the corner of the camp with his body covered with bandages, Katarina immediately ran all the way to him and squatted down in front of him, looking anxiously at the injuries on his body:

Are you injured? Is it okay?

It's okay, sister.

Nicholas raised his hand and pressed Katarina's outstretched hand, and said with a smile:

Your Excellency Roman has already taken care of my wound. I just need to recover for a while.

That's good, that's good.

After learning that Nikolai's injury was not too serious, Katarina's anxious heart was finally relieved.

Miss Katarina, your brother has also seen it. Now go find the others and I will send you out together.

Okay, Mr. Roman.

Hearing Roman urging her, Katarina quickly stood up and walked to the other party to go find Anton and the others.

This time the mission of their ninth company was a complete failure, but fortunately, his brother was still alive, which was considered a blessing in misfortune.

Chapter 365 The End of the Requiem

With Katarina's guidance, Han Xiao quickly found the four Antons who were already very hungry. Without giving them time to react, Han Xiao directly teleported them to Nicholas' camp at the same time. .

As for why Han Xiao's teleportation ability can support his multi-person teleportation, it is also thanks to the help of Mo Xiao, who used a large amount of supplies to obtain the unique skill of group teleportation from Jaina.

You just rest in the camp, and I will take you out later.

Looking at Anton and the others who had obviously not recovered yet, Han Xiao left the camp without saying a word. Just now he discovered several more cracks spewing black mud, and now he had to deal with them quickly.

Katarina, who is that person?

After the puppet Hanxiao left, Anton, who had come to his senses, turned around and cautiously asked Katarina.

It was obvious that they were just sitting there waiting for death to come, but they were suddenly moved to a temporary camp.

Where did Katarina meet the boss?

Your Excellency Luo Man was invited by Liyue to solve the black disaster. He has a device in hand that can solve the black mud problem.

Upon hearing the inquiry from Anton, her temporary company commander, Katarina told what she knew very simply, and Nicholas on the side also added a lot.

From the two people's mouths, Anton and others learned that the reason why their ninth company was cut off from supplies was because the Fools on the ground had a falling out with Liyue. No wonder Qianyan Army chose to evacuate before.

After Liyue was sure of solving the black disaster, she allowed people to enter the layered rock abyss again to solve the problem.

In that case, let's evacuate back to Solstice.

After understanding the whole process of the matter, Anton sighed deeply, declaring that the Ninth Company's mission was a complete failure.

Anton, come and eat, there are a lot of delicious food here!

Unfortunately, the atmosphere he deliberately created was quickly broken by Radomir.

It turned out that while Anton was talking, Radomir, Timor and others, who had been extremely hungry for a long time, had gathered around the supplies and started swallowing like crazy.

It wasn't until Anton finished speaking that Radomir waved to him to hurry up and have dinner.


Looking at the few people who didn't listen to him at all, Anton was stunned for a moment with an expressionless expression, and then gave up struggling. He quickly came to Radomir's side, picked up a piece of sweet bread, opened his mouth and bit into it.


At the same time, Ying, who followed Deinsreib into the ruins of the city, experienced an extremely unsettling adventure.

During this period of time, she not only saw the Qiuqiu people who were approaching the end of their lives and chose to hide in dark corners and slowly wait to die, but also saw a group of palace guards who had long since turned into monsters but still maintained their duty to protect their people. .

At the same time, Ying also learned the real name of the flower ornament on her head - Intivat.

Of course, in the process of exploring the ruins of the city, she and Dainsreb also discovered the plan that the Abyss Order wanted to implement.

The other party actually planned to use the device of this ruins to try to purify the curse from the Qiuqiu people.

In order to destroy the Abyss Order's plan, Ying and Dainsreb, with the help of Halfdan, who had already turned into a monster, finally succeeded in destroying the purification device.

In the end, the two also sent away Halfdan's soul, which had been trapped in the Black Snake Knight's body and could not be freed.

Dyne, is it really okay with you?

After witnessing Halfdan's departure, Paimon looked at Dainsreb, who was standing silently, and asked cautiously.

The burning sensation has disappeared, and it will be fine after a few days of rest.

Looking at the place where Halfdan's soul disappeared, Dainsreb slowly shook his head.

The purification device just now indeed caused the curse in his body to violently move, and also intensified the erosion of his body.


Being able to see my old friend again after five hundred years, there is no need to worry about the injuries on my body.

Pressing down the complicated emotions in his heart, Dainsreb turned around and looked at Ying:

There is more than one weird power gathered here. If you want to continue exploring, you should be careful.

Well, we'll be careful.

Paimon nodded his little head, and then asked:

By the way, Dain, aren't you coming with us?

No, the Abyss Order's Destiny Loom plan is still in progress. I will continue to pursue it after I recover from my injuries. I suspect that the purification device here is also related to that plan.

As he spoke, Dainsreb couldn't help but pause, and then continued:

And there are probably a few people coming down with you. I don't really want to meet strangers.

When you recover, I will have a good chat with you again.

After hearing Dainsreib's reasons, Ying remained silent for a moment, and then made an appointment with the other party to meet next time.

This trip to the ruins of the city not only did not allow her to solve the mystery of the Abyss Order, but it also gave her a lot of doubts.

For example, the national flower of Kanria called Intivat on her head and so on.

Thank you for your consideration, employer.

Dainsreb performed the ritual of Canria at the screen, then turned and walked away.

Before leaving, he also left a very concerning word.

I just hope that next time we meet, you won't be on that side.

Hey... Dain, isn't he a bit vindictive? What do you mean by standing over there?

Looking at Dyne's leaving figure, Paimon turned around and crossed his arms on his chest, looking at Ying Xiaoxiao with a speechless face and making a complaint.

Is the other party so worried that Ying will choose to walk away and stand on the other side of the abyss?

Thinking of Kong, Paimon immediately changed the topic:

Although we didn't meet your brother this time, we learned a lot of useful information.

As long as you keep traveling, you will eventually meet and reconcile, right?


Hearing Paimon mention Kong, Ying subconsciously tightened her grip on Xia Ming Zhaoshuang's hand, revealing a different kind of 'murderous intent' in her tone.

She will naturally reconcile with her brother, but before that, she will never be able to escape if she beats him up hard.

Let's go, we've been delayed for a long time, let's deal with the black mud problem.


The surface mining area of ​​the stratified abyss.

Following a twisted halo of light, the puppet Han Xiao appeared on the ground with Anton and others.

As soon as they touched the solid earth, Anton and the others instantly collapsed to the ground like mud. The dazzling sunlight made each of them lower their heads subconsciously.

After hanging up the communication with Han Xiao, the doll Han Xiao put away the communication device and walked to Katarina and others, and said slowly:

I have informed the Qianyan Army and they will take you to the embassy of the Fools.

Let's go back to Solstice in a few days.

Chapter 366 The ancient country at the bottom of the mine

Kuixing Tower.

Look at Ning Guang, I said they are fine at the bottom of the mine.

After having a double-act conversation with his puppet clone, Han Xiao put down the communication device in his hand and said to Ningguang with a smile.

Pulshina's light nail has successfully purified the black mud, and Roman even rescued several Fool soldiers trapped at the bottom of the mine.

As expected of the person you recommended.

After hearing Han Xiao's words, the expression on Ningguang's face relaxed a lot, and she couldn't help but sigh.

This time, thanks to Han Xiao, he recommended space users like Roman to the investigation team.

If it weren't for the other party, they would probably have to wait a long time before they could learn the news about the bottom of the layered rock abyss.

Of course, what made Ningguang even more happy was that the Purshina light nail created by Han Xiao and Abedo completed the task perfectly and cleared away the black disaster at the bottom of the mine.

It seems it's time for us to discuss the issue of fully restarting the Strata Abyss.

There's no rush, I'm afraid it's not possible yet.

Hearing that Ning Guang had the idea of ​​fully restarting the Layer Rock Abyss, Han Xiao immediately shook his head and signaled to the other party that there was no need to be in such a hurry.


Seeing Han Xiao's objection, Ning Guang was slightly puzzled.

It was because of an unknown black disaster that they sealed the Strata Abyss in the first place. Now that all the black mud has been purified by Purshina's Nail, it stands to reason that there should be no problem in fully reopening the Strata Abyss.

Why did Han Xiao persuade him not to rush to unlock the blockade of the layered rock abyss?

Don't forget, the investigation team went down to the bottom of the mine not just to solve the black disaster.

Regarding Ning Guang's doubts, Han Xiao quickly gave her own explanation.

The investigation team went down to the bottom of the mine this time not only to solve the problem of the black disaster, but also to unravel the mystery that has always existed in the layered rock abyss.

Throughout the history of Liyue, many wars have broken out in the Stratayan Abyss area, so there are many secrets hidden in them that may not have been handed down.

The most typical example is Ye Lan, the temporary captain of this investigation team. Her ancestors once participated in the war in the Strata Abyss. After returning, they went crazy and died of illness not long after.

As for what the other party went through in that war, no one knows.

The ancestor of Yelan?

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation, Ningguang remembered that he was in the investigation team at the bottom of the Layer Rock Abyss Mine. Apart from Ye Lan, there seemed to be a few people who had chosen to join the team for some other purpose.

For example, the Great Sage of Conquering Demons has not shown up since the investigation team was assembled. He is obviously investigating other matters.

And Yan Fei, she joined the investigation team because of the will.

Thinking of this, Ning Guang couldn't help but fell silent. Perhaps as Han Xiao said, there might be more secrets hidden in the rocky abyss than she imagined.

Hey... Hanxiao, can you hear me?

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