Thinking of this, Ye Lan turned around and looked at Shen He who was standing not far away, and thanked him again:

Thanks a lot this time.


By the way, aren't you supposed to be in the underground swamp? Why are you here?

This is the underground swamp.

Hearing Yelan's inquiry, Shen He pointed at Purshina's light nail that was vaguely visible in the distance.

Looking in the direction of Shen He's finger, Ye Lan immediately twitched the corner of her mouth.

Well, it turns out that it wasn't Shen He who left the underground swamp, but that she ran all the way from the cave where the giant snake was staying here?

Quickly ignoring this somewhat embarrassing topic, Yelan quickly asked:

How effective are Pulshina's light nails?

It's very useful. All the black mud has been absorbed.

Then let's go to the cave and continue processing the black mud.


Soon Ye Lan and Shen He put away Purshina's light nail, and then walked towards the cave where the giant snake was.


At the same time, Yingmei was controlling the balance of her body while slowly descending while operating the wings of wind, her vigilance in her heart was also raised to the highest level.

Because as she descended, she felt the abyss aura she had encountered at the Liyue border ruins before.

And the further down you go, the stronger the uncomfortable smell becomes.

Soon, the sight of Yingmei floating in the air suddenly became clear.

It was different from what she had imagined. Although the atmosphere here was uncomfortable, there were many luminous stones around, much like street lamps.

From the perspective of sight, it is much better than when we first descended to the bottom of the mine.

Of course, compared to the problem of vision, what shocked Ying more was the scene before her.

It turned out that there was a ruined city hanging upside down on the rock wall above the bottom of the cave.

One by one, the spiers went vertically downward from the top. If the tallest one hadn't been cut off at the waist, it might not have been able to hit the ground directly.

With a shocked expression, Yingmei slowly fell to the ground.

As soon as she set foot on solid ground, she couldn't wait to put away her wings of wind, and then climbed to the rock platform closest to the Hanged City.

What a weird city...

Looking at the dilapidated hanging city in front of him, Paimon stretched out his hand to scratch his head and looked at Ying thoughtfully:

Looking at this city, Ying, have you ever thought about... uh, what is it?

Filthy reversed idol.

Hearing Ying say what he wanted to say, Paimon couldn't help but nodded his head vigorously:

That's right, that's it. It's weird, inverted, and a little shocking.

If you put it this way, is it really possible that the bottom of the giant rock abyss is related to the Abyss Order?

Not impossible.

Looking at the strange city ruins in front of her, Ying did not deny Paimon's guess. After all, she felt an abyss-like aura when she just flew down.

Therefore, Ying, like Paimon, also believes that this is the fault of the Abyss Order.

Just as the two were preparing to investigate the ruins of the city, a dark blue light suddenly lit up behind them.


After reacting, Ying quickly pulled out Xia Ming Zhaoshuang and looked behind her with a wary expression.

Just the next second, she was stunned.

Because a familiar figure suddenly emerged from the dark blue portal. It was Dains Reb who disappeared after chasing the Abyss Apostle last time.


Not only was Ying stunned, but Dainsreb also didn't expect that he would meet the other person under the rock abyss. He stopped directly on the spot with a look of surprise on his face.

Daine, why is it you?

I didn't expect to meet you here either.

Upon hearing Ying's inquiry, Deinsreib covered his forehead with his hands and couldn't help but sigh.

He was obviously chasing the Abyss Apostle, but he didn't expect to meet the traveler the next second.

This is really an unexpected encounter.


Han Xiao didn't know that Ying and Paimon had met the Riddler, Deinsreib, under the rocky abyss. He was using the puppet Han Xiao to search for areas contaminated by black mud.

Every time he found a place, Han Xiao would put Purshina's light nail out to work, and after the black mud was absorbed, he would continue to the next location with the light nail.

However, what he didn't expect was that on the way to deal with the black mud, he rescued a lone fool at the bottom of the mine.

Looking at Warlock Lei Ying who was crazily stuffing food into his mouth like a hamster about to prepare for the winter, Han Xiao couldn't help but sigh.

What's going on today? Why did he meet all the Fool soldiers who were alone?

With a hint of helplessness, Han Xiao asked Warlock Lei Ying who was pouring tons of water:

May I have your name?

Soldier of the Ninth Company, Katarina Schneitsvna

Hearing Han Xiao ask her name, Katarina quickly put down the water bottle in her hand, swallowed the fresh water in her mouth and immediately reported her name.

Besides you, are there any other surviving Fool soldiers?

Yes, there are four more people.

Because the man named Roman had saved himself by performing the 'Great Tear Technique' on the monster before. Katarina, who also had certain spatial abilities, was very honest at this time and answered whatever the other party asked her.

Then why did you choose to leave the team alone?

I came out to look for my brother. He has been separated from us for three days.

Your brother...couldn't he be called Nicholas?

Thinking of the Fool soldier he saved first, Han Xiao twitched the corner of his mouth and expressed his guess.

You have met my brother, please tell me where he is now?

Suddenly hearing her brother's name from Han Xiao's mouth, Katarina was stunned and turned her little face over.

Under the wide hood is a pitiful face.

I placed him in a camp and left a lot of supplies.

Raising his hand to push the other person's head away, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly told Nikolai's whereabouts.

Thank you very much for saving Nikolai.

Knowing that her younger brother was also rescued by the big boss in front of her, Katarina quickly stood up and bowed to the puppet Hanxiao.

Chapter 364: Han Xiao and Ying strayed

Because she met Deinsreib, in order not to give up this golden opportunity, Ying chose to put the task aside for the time being. She had many things to ask him.

For example, the matter of Kong, and the Sword of the End of Light in Kanrea.

Facing Yingmei's inquiry, Dainsreib briefly summarized some of the things he experienced after the last separation.

At that time, in order to catch up with Kong and the apostles of the abyss, he rushed directly into the portal, but when he later found that he had appeared alone in Tevalin's lair.

At the same time, Dainsreb also explained to Ying the origin of his title of Sword of the End of Light, which was the title he received when he served as the captain of the Camria Palace Guards for five hundred years.

Unfortunately, as a person who witnessed the destruction of Camrea, Dainsreb felt that the name Sword of End Light was more like a curse, or a kind of irony.

As for his relationship with Sora, they were once traveling companions. It was a journey of constantly searching for destiny with pain in mind.

Unfortunately, both of them failed to reach the so-called ‘end’ together in the end.

The end of the journey?

Hearing the words from Deinsreib's mouth, Ying seemed extremely concerned, because the last time she saw Sora, the other party had told her that she would know everything until the end of the journey.

However, in the face of Ying's questioning, Deinsreib did not continue to answer, and just said lightly:

Before you continue to ask endless questions, I need to remind you...

The Abyss Religion probably has some kind of teleportation network similar to a leyline anchor point. I happened to be teleported here just now, which proves that in the eyes of the Abyss Religion, there is value in establishing a teleportation node here.

So, there are indeed shadows of the Abyss Cult's activities under the giant layered rock abyss.

After Dainsreb finished speaking, Paimon quickly turned to look at Ying.

They had speculated before that the problems under the giant layer rock abyss were probably related to the Abyss Order, and Dyne's words obviously proved this.

I'll just trust you. Do you want to investigate together?

After only thinking for a moment, Ying raised his head to look at Deinsreib and extended an invitation to investigate together.

Wise choice.

Dainsreb nodded slightly to agree with Ying's suggestion, and then turned to look at the rock wall not far above.

There seems to be fire near the rock wall over there. Let's go over and have a look.



After solving the giant snake, Ye Lan and Shen He quickly used Purshina's light nails to treat all the black mud in the cave where the snake was originally.

Then the two of them followed the map's instructions and followed the road to the main mining area, where they found Yan Fei resting in a temporary camp in the mining area.

The first time she saw the other person, Ye Lan asked him about something serious:

Yan Fei, how is the treatment of Hei Ni?

You are finally here.

Seeing Ye Lan and Shen He arriving hand in hand, Yan Fei stood up from the chair in the camp and said hello with a smile.

I have cleaned up all the black mud in the main mining area.

Why didn't you see the traveler and Roman?

Looking around the camp, Ye Lan was a little confused when she found that Yan Fei was the only one there.

The effect of Pulshina's light nail is very good, and the efficiency of processing black mud is very high. Ying and Roman's own strength is not bad. Logically speaking, both of them are not bad in strength. They should have completed the task long ago and gathered here in the main mining area. That's right.

Could it be that they, like me, also encountered certain delays?

It's not clear, the communication tool can't contact them.

Upon hearing Ye Lan's inquiry, Yan Fei spread her hands helplessly.

After she cleaned up the black mud in the main mining area, she tried to contact several people using communication tools, but she couldn't contact anyone.

So I had to stay in the temporary camp in the main mining area and wait for their arrival.

Communication tools malfunctioning?

Ye Lan took out the communication tool from her God's Eye space and tried it. Sure enough, just as Yan Fei said, there was only a sizzling noise.

Forget it, let's wait here.

Since they couldn't get in touch, Ye Lan thought for a while and decided that the few of them would stay in this temporary camp for the time being, waiting for Ying and the others to come and join them.

However, considering that both Ying and Han Xiao have encountered unexpected events, they may have to wait here in the camp for a while.


Unlike Ying who followed Dainsreb to investigate the ruins of the city hanging upside down in the rock formations, Han Xiao met two lone Fool Soldiers in a row. He decided to find all these unlucky guys first and then send them back. ground.

emmm, how should I put it?

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