No need, I just don't want the person I just rescued to die again within a few days.

Raising his hand to stop Nicholas from thanking him, Roman changed the topic to business:

What are you going to do next?

Your Excellency Luo Man should be sent by Liyue to solve the black disaster, right?

When talking about business, Nicholas slowly calmed down his excitement, and then told his guess.

Since the Qianyan Army withdrew from the Layer Rock Abyss, he had not seen anyone else at the bottom of the mine except for the Fools.

Roman's appearance showed one thing, that is, the seal at the entrance of the Layer Rock Abyss should have been opened. However, Liyue chose to open the seal when the black disaster problem still existed. Obviously, there was a way to solve the black disaster.

That's why Nicholas guessed that the other party was most likely someone sent by Liyue to solve the black disaster.

My mind is spinning pretty fast.

Roman glanced at Nikolai in surprise. He really didn't expect that the Foolish Soldier he saved would have such accurate judgment.

I can tell you the truth. The fools above were all expelled from the Seven Stars of Liyue for meddling in Liyue's internal affairs. You are already abandoned.

As expected, I asked myself how the supply could be cut off.

Nikolai had already speculated that the Ninth Company was being treated as abandoned sons, so he was not surprised when he heard Roman's words. He just sighed softly and expressed his plan:

Next, I should go find my sister, and then leave the Strata Abyss and return to Winter with several other soldiers of the 9th Company.

fair enough.

Seeing that the other party had already thought of returning to Zhidong, Roman nodded slightly. Although there was some disagreement between the two countries, he would not point his finger at a soldier who was regarded as an abandoned son.

After extinguishing the bonfire, Roman walked to Nikolai's side with a flashlight. Before the other party could react, he tapped his toes on the ground, and the two of them disappeared in an instant.

The next moment, they appeared in an abandoned camp.

Then Roman took out a large amount of supplies from the second space jade Perry obtained from Liu Yun Jiefeng Zhenjun and placed them in front of Nikolai who was full of astonishment.

This is enough supplies for you for a month. Once your injury is healed, take your sister and leave Liyue.

...I understand, Mr. Roman.

Nicholas, who suddenly enjoyed a space transfer, was stunned.

After all, he had never seen such a magical scene before. After being stunned for a few seconds, he finally remembered to thank Roman.

Then I'll take my leave.

Seeing that the other party accepted his opinion, Roman stood up and patted the dust on his palms, and then disappeared again under Nicholas's gaze.

After seeing the way Roman disappeared clearly, Nicholas understood why Liyue invited him to come to the bottom of the Layeryan Abyss Mine to solve the black disaster problem.

With this kind of mysterious space method, coupled with the potion that can purify the black energy, where did the other party come from?

Roman, who said goodbye to Nicholas, didn't go too far, but returned to the place where he met the knight's armor just now.

Following the armor pieces scattered on the ground, he quickly found a crack where black mud was gurgling out.

This is it.

Taking out the map in his hand and comparing it, Roman muttered something in a low voice, then took out Pulshina's nail, and then activated the mechanism.

As the instrument started, he also took out a sharp knife and waited quietly for the monster to come.

Chapter 362 Broken Communication

Han Xiao separated her consciousness to control Roman and began to clean up the monsters that gradually gathered after Purshina's light nail was activated, while watching the Yingmei's actions on the curtain.

Like Roman, after arriving at the designated location, Ying also took out the Purshina light nail from Brother Cheng's pot and started the instrument.

Your equipment is working.

When he saw that with the activation of Purshina's light nail, the force of the black mud that had been continuously gushing out from the crack gradually weakened, Ningguang's hanging heart finally relaxed.

Although Han Xiao had promised her that it could be solved, she really didn't dare to take it lightly until she saw the actual results.

It's good now. Pulshina successfully solved the problem of black mud with light nails, and reopening the layered rock abyss will no longer cause trouble.


Just when Han Xiao was about to open her mouth to take over Ning Guang's words, a burst of harsh sounds suddenly came from the curtain, and then she heard a snap, and the curtain that originally showed the scene of Yingmei completely darkened.

How is this going?

Seeing the screenless scene on the curtain, Ningguang's brows instantly furrowed and he looked at Han Xiao with confusion.

Is it because the distance is too far and the signal cannot be received?

I'm afraid not.

Han Xiao took out the Dudu communication device and tried to contact Yingmei, but after contacting her for a long time, the communication device was still silent.

There must be something interfering with the communication.


I'm afraid there are many secrets beneath the rocky abyss.

Putting away the unresponsive Dudu communication device, the expression on Han Xiao's face looked a little solemn.

Forget about the camera, after all, he and Abedo didn't install an anti-interference device on it, so there's nothing wrong with it being interfered with.

But the Dudu Communicator was designed by Alice and made using many precious alchemical materials. Not only did the call signal be very good, but its anti-interference ability was also first-rate.

Unfortunately, the communication device also lost its function like the camera. This cannot be due to the distance.

The only explanation is that there is some kind of powerful signal interference source beneath the rock abyss.


Ying, the camera seems to be broken?

After Ying had dealt with all the gathered monsters, Paimon noticed that the camera in his hand had stopped working at some point.


Hearing Paimon's call, Ying put away Xia Ming Zhaoshuang and took out the Dudu communication device to contact Han Xiao, but what she got was a series of silence.

It seems that the camera is not broken, but something is interfering with the signal.

As someone who has traveled far across the stars, Ying roughly understands the working principles of communication devices and cameras.

So she soon confirmed that something beneath the rocky abyss was interfering with the signal, and that's why the communication device and camera failed.

Oh, what should we do?

Put your things away first. You won't need them for the time being.

Putting the communication device back into Brother Cheng's pot, Yingmei took the camera from Paimeng's hand and put it in together.

Now these things are useless unless they can find the source of signal interference.

Let's go take a look around.

After saying that, Yingmei turned around and walked towards Purshina's light nail that had stopped working. After putting it away, she called Paimon and then walked along the steep mountain wall into the rugged stone hall.

Wait for me, Ying!

Upon seeing this, Paimon shouted quickly and hurriedly chased after the opponent.

Soon, a huge hole appeared in front of them.

Oh my god, those miners in Liyue are so good at digging!

Looking at the hole dozens of meters deep in front of him, Paimon's little face was filled with shock.

Although I had heard from Han Xiao before coming here that the layered rock abyss had been dug by the Liyue people for thousands of years, so the area might be quite large.

But the digging was too big. It was already underground, but I didn’t expect there was still something below.

How many layers have been dug?

Let's go down and have a look.

After taking a look at the wooden plank road going down on the rock wall at the entrance of the cave, Ying jumped towards the entrance of the cave, then immediately unfolded the wings of wind and slowly fell towards the bottom of the cave.


At the same time, the other people completed the activation of Purshina's light nails and also dealt with the monsters contaminated by the black plague.

Oh, no, one person hasn't finished yet.



In a certain cave in the giant rock abyss, the entire ground was shaking, and huge rocks rolled down the rock wall due to the sudden vibration, making a huge noise.

And in this rain of falling rocks, a faint blue shadow was moving forward at high speed, turning from time to time to avoid falling boulders.

It was Yelan who went to the cave to investigate.

Damn, what the hell is going on.

While running the elemental power to make herself run at high speed, Ye Lan also looked back at the dark cave behind her, with a very irritable expression on her face.

She was indeed here to investigate the monster that was rumored to appear under the giant rock abyss, but this monster was probably too big.

Ye Lan never expected that the monster the miners talked about would be a giant machine snake more than 20 meters long.

Especially the gear at the snake's head, which operates like a sharp saw blade and can cut even hard rocks in an instant.


Just when Ye Lan was still thinking about how to get rid of the giant snake, there was another loud noise behind her, and the giant snake chased after her with its rotating gears cutting all the objects blocking its way.


Seeing the giant mechanism snake chasing after her again, Ye Lan couldn't help but clicked her tongue, her body still moved forward at high speed, then she raised her bow with her backhand and shot three water element arrows backwards in a difficult posture.

Dang Dang Dang——

Three water element arrows pierced the air and hit the giant snake's face accurately, making three crisp impact sounds.

Unfortunately, after only a moment's pause, the intact giant snake rushed towards Ye Lan again.

Get out of the way!

Just when Ye Lan couldn't figure out how to deal with the giant snake's pursuit, a cold shout suddenly came from the rock wall not far away.

Then she saw 'Shen He' made of ice elements flying over from a distance holding a talisman.

Seeing this, Ye Lan dodged and jumped onto the small platform three meters high next to her.

Immortal Technique: The True Art of Punishing Spirits!

The next moment, a huge cold air swept through the entire mine, instantly freezing the giant mechanism snake in place.


A sound of breaking through the air rang in Yelan's ears, and she looked closely and saw that it was Shen He.

Are you OK?

After taking a look at the giant mechanism snake that was frozen into a big block of ice, Shen He turned to look at Ye Lan and asked.

It's okay, thank you very much.

After simply thanking Shen He, Ye Lan raised her bow and arrow and aimed at the giant machine snake, and said at the same time:

Do me a favor and tear it down with me!


Chapter 363 The Upside Down City

With Shen He joining in, Ye Lan stopped running and directly stood still and output. The intertwining of water and ice kept the poor mechanism snake frozen in place, unable to move even half a step forward.

Finally, under Ye Lan's powerful attack with arrow after arrow, the parts on the giant mechanism snake finally reached the upper limit of the damage it could withstand, and fell off one by one, turning into scraps on the ground.


Seeing that the mechanism snake was completely destroyed, Ye Lan put down the bow and arrow in his hand and exhaled softly.

Fortunately, she met Shen He while running away, otherwise it would be difficult for her to deal with him alone.

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