The negotiation went very smoothly, but the manpower issues raised by the other party still made her feel quite embarrassed.

There is no shortage of labor in Mondstadt, and it is not difficult to form a construction team.

But the most critical issue is efficiency.

Compared with the Liyue workers who came to help lay the cement road last time, the Mondstadt construction team's efficiency seemed much slower.

So after hearing Han Xiao's proposal to let Mondstadt do the construction themselves, Qin naturally wanted to continue the construction method last time where the hard-working Liyue workers rolled up the Mondstadt people to work together.

Without the workers in Liyue for comparison, the lazy nature of the Mondstadt people would be revived, greatly slowing down the construction progress.

Guili City really can't find any more labor force, Captain Qin.

Hearing the difficulties faced by Qin, Han Xiao understood and said that there was really nothing she could do to help her this time.

Most of the labor force in Guili City is currently in the workshops of Mingyun Town, producing various alchemy mechanism creations.

In order to expand the production line, he even recruited farmers who had just harvested grain to work in the factory as short-term workers.

It is basically impossible to send out a large number of construction teams to take over orders from the Knights like last time.

But I do have an idea.

Just when Qin felt a little disappointed, Han Xiao suddenly thought of something and said something that cheered her up.

What's the idea?

Captain Qin is just worried about the efficiency of Mondstadt's construction team, right?


That'll be easy.

After confirming this, Han Xiao raised his eyebrows and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

The construction team can sign a contract and confirm the completion date limit, and then how about I send you a few supervisors?

Is this okay?

Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem. The supervisors I selected are all talents who can work under Keqing for more than two years.

Is that Yu Hengxing's subordinate?

In the office of the leader of the Mondstadt Knights, Qin's brows relaxed a lot after hearing Han Xiao's explanation, and a thoughtful expression appeared on her face.

According to the information she had, Liyue's Yuhengxing Keqing was the same kind of person who was extremely serious and responsible about her work, and she acted vigorously and resolutely.

If it were the staff under her, they might really be able to supervise Mond's construction team to complete the project on schedule.

Thinking of this, Qin made up his mind and said to Han Xiao:

Then it's settled. The specific contract will be signed by Abedo and you.

“A pleasure to work with.”

Chapter 352 Discussion on the Strata Abyss

After completing the negotiation with Qin, Han Xiao moved quickly, notifying Keqing directly and then transferred several of the other party's subordinates from Liyue Port.

Then Albedo arranged for the knights of the West Wind Knights to invite several people to Mondstadt.

Before leaving, these Keqing's subordinates also promised Han Xiao that they could definitely roll up Mondstadt's side.

Han Xiao was quite relieved about this. After all, anyone who could persist under Ke Qing for more than two years without applying for transfer would be the top one.

I believe that Captain Qin will definitely envy Keqing for having such a subordinate.

After handling Mondstadt's diplomatic affairs, Han Xiao and Ningguang made industry adjustments regarding certain impacts that might occur after the release of the mobile phone.

The biggest impact is naturally on the postal department.


At the same time, Han Xiao's puppet clone had wandered into Mondstadt.

It's completely different from the last time I came here.

At the table outside the Cat Tail Tavern, the puppet Hanxiao was enjoying the special concoction from Diona while looking at the busy Mondstadt city.

This is the power of Teyvat's Valentine's Day, which can actually make the lazy people of Mondstadt instantly become industrious.

It is indeed Qin's legal holiday.

While the puppet was having a late night drink, Ying and Paimon were observing him at the outdoor dining table of the Deer Hunter restaurant, taking advantage of the height difference.

Ying, he must be the guy we met before.

After secretly glancing at the puppet Hanxiao who was drinking, Paimon quickly leaned into Ying's ear and asked in a low voice.

It's him.

Ying nodded. It had only been a few days since the meteorite incident, so she wouldn't have forgotten the guy who gave her a strange stone so quickly.

Since the other party claimed to be an adventurer at Musk Reef, after returning to Mondstadt last time, Ying and Mona went to the Adventurers Association to get some information from Catherine.

From Catherine's mouth, they learned a piece of news. The man who called himself Romani Solomon had indeed registered his identity as an adventurer with the Adventurers Association, and his registered identity was from Fontaine.

But just after coming out of the Adventurers Association, Mona said that this information must be false because she herself is from Fontaine.

At the same time, Mona also gave her own reasons. With the other party's unique ability and ability to compete with the Fool Executives, it is impossible for the gossip section of Steam Bird News to be devoid of any news.

But she had never heard of Roman's name when she was in Fontaine, which proved that the identity of the other person from Fontaine was 80% forged.

After learning this information from Mona, Ying kept it in mind.

She originally thought that it would be difficult for her to meet the other party again, but she did not expect that the other party would come to Mondstadt during the Wind Flower Festival.

Should we inform Kaiya and ask him to be careful?

Paimon, who also knew that the other party's identity might be fake, asked with some worry. This person's identity is a mystery and he is very powerful. What if he wants to cause trouble in Mondstadt?


After hearing Paimon's suggestion, Yingmei stared at the little thing speechlessly.

They are not space-time police. The other party is just drinking in the Cat Tail Tavern. Why don't people come to Mondstadt to travel?

Hey, isn't it my best to be careful?

Paimon stuck out her tongue and turned her head to take another look at the situation in the tavern. However, when she saw it, she immediately exclaimed:

Ying, the person is missing!


Ying quickly turned her head and looked in the direction of Mao Tail Tavern.

Sure enough, there was only an empty wine glass and a few moras left on the table outside the tavern, and the man named Roman had long since disappeared.

What's going on, Ying?

It seems that the other party has discovered us a long time ago.

After understanding that her surveillance might have been discovered long ago, Ying immediately shrugged and said helplessly.

Outside Mondstadt, the puppet Hanxiao that Ying and Paimon discussed has appeared in the Whispering Forest.

Oh, it's a pity that I still want to participate in the Wind Flower Festival.

Looking up in the direction of Mondstadt, the puppet Hanxiao whispered.

He originally planned to visit Mondstadt and participate in the festival, but he didn't expect to be watched by Yingmei and Paimon as a bad guy.

In order to avoid trouble, he could only leave first.

Since I can’t participate in the festival, let’s do something serious first.

For example, if you do a few adventure commissions and become familiar with the Adventurers Association, then you can have a relatively reasonable excuse to go to Inazuma.


Hanxiao, have you received any news recently?

After discussing with Han Xiao how to adjust the postal and other departments in the face of the impact of the mobile phone industry, Ningguang suddenly asked.

what news?

Han Xiao, who was about to hang up the communication, immediately stopped what she was doing and couldn't help but ask a question.

It seems that your family hasn't mentioned this matter to you yet.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't know yet, Ningguang informed him of the information he had just received.

It turns out that Qixing previously agreed to the joint request of Huishan Hall and Shenglu Hall, allowing them to send people to cooperate with the Fools to explore the situation below the giant layer rock abyss.

But later, a series of major events happened in the Qingxian Dianyi, so this matter was put aside.

In the past few days, news has come from Huishan Hall. The advance team of Fools who went down to the bottom of the layered rock abyss before the Immortal Ceremony has long lost contact. They think they should send someone to find those people.

Of course, while explaining this matter, Huishan Hall could not help but repeat the old tune and once again requested the reopening of the Strata Abyss. This time, it also roped in many families related to the mining industry.

Among them, the Yunhan family heard that they were also attracted by Huishan Hall and Shenglu Hall.

So that's it.

After listening to Ningguang's story, Han Xiao just remembered that Liyue seemed to have an unresolved problem with a layered rock abyss.

If Ning Guang hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten about it.

Then what are you going to do Ningguang?

It's not good to keep it pressed like this all the time, so I think we can let a group of miners mine minerals in the shallow range under the protection of Qianyan Army.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, Ningguang slowly expressed his thoughts.

It has been more than a year since the Strata Abyss was sealed, and Liyue's official storage of minerals has indeed begun to bottom out. It is normal for Huishan Hall to be anxious.

In this case, it might as well agree to the Huishan Office's request and open up small-scale mining in shallow areas, which can also alleviate the consumption of ore reserves.

And anyway, a large number of miners have changed their jobs long ago. There are not many miners left, and Qianyan Army can take care of them.

I agree, but I have one more question.

what is the problem?

What exactly is going on underneath the giant rock abyss? Haven't you found out yet?

Chapter 353 Exploration Team

Since the game in the previous life only played the Abyss Palace, the plot of the Strata Rock Abyss still only existed in the mouth of the ghost uncle.

So Han Xiao really didn't know what the problem was down there.

The only thing that is known is that some unknown changes caused the Seven Stars to block the layered rock abyss.

Hearing Han Xiao ask about the situation below the layer rock abyss, Ningguang quickly told her all the information she knew.

Ever since the incident in the Strata Rock Abyss, she had used a magic circle to completely seal the entrance.

Later, Shenglu Hall and Huishan Hall, together with the Fools, asked to go down to investigate. Because the emperor's fake death had not happened yet, Ningguang agreed to the request, opened the seal, and allowed the Fools' advance team to go down to the mine bottom of the Strata Rock Abyss. .

The purpose is also to use fools to explore the situation below.

However, a series of major events that happened in Liyue later brought the relationship between the Fools and Liyue to a freezing point, and these Fools who entered the layered rock abyss were forgotten by her.

Thinking about it now, more than two months have passed, and those fools who were 'abandoned' under the rocky abyss must have been cold by now.

Uh... I remember that you sent a capable assistant to investigate?

Are you talking about Yelan?

Seeing Han Xiao mentioning Ye Lan, Ning Guang sighed slightly.

The entrance to the Layer Rock Abyss was blocked by my magic circle. Even Yelan couldn't draw a conclusion if she couldn't get in, so I asked her to go to Qiaoying Village to inspect.

That is to say, none of us know what is going on under the giant rock abyss now?

That's pretty much it.

After listening to Ningguang's information about the layered rock abyss, Han Xiao couldn't help but scratch his head. This was really a difficult thing to handle.

However, the matter in the Layer Rock Abyss cannot be resolved. Not only do the people of Liyue lose many sources of profit, but there is always a time bomb hanging above their heads. It is better to resolve it this morning.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao put forward her own suggestions to Ningguang.

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