The issue of the layered rock abyss cannot be dragged on forever. How about we unlock the sealing circle?

You mean to send someone down to investigate?

Yes, after all, if we don't solve it, who knows if a bigger hidden danger will break out one day.


In the Qunyu Pavilion, Ning Guang listened to Han Xiao's suggestions on the communication device and fell into deep thought.

What Han Xiao said was indeed reasonable. If the problem of the Layer Rock Abyss was not solved for a day, Liyue's safety would always be a concern.

But the situation down there was unknown, and she was worried about whether casualties would result if she entered hastily.

Seemingly sensing that Ning Guang was hesitant, Han Xiao quickly expressed her thoughts:

How about this? I'll ask the immortal about the situation in the giant rock abyss first, and then we can make plans?

Okay, I'll wait for your news.

Ningguang thought carefully and agreed to Han Xiao's suggestion.

Han Xiao is right, they don't know the situation of the layered rock abyss, maybe the immortals do.

After hanging up the communication with Ningguang, Han Xiao in the office shouted softly into the air:


The next moment, with a breeze blowing up, the figure of the Demon-Conquering Great Sage appeared in front of him.

What's the matter?

The Great Sage of Conquering Demons, I would like to ask you how many layers of rock abyss do you know?

You want to investigate the Strata Abyss?

Upon hearing Han Xiao's inquiry, a dark look flashed through Mandrill's eyes, but there was no movement in his words.

I don't know much about the Strata Abyss, but if you want to send people to investigate, I can protect their safety.

... Then I'll trouble the Great Sage of Demon-Conquering.

Just let me know when you go.

Mandrill nodded, then turned into a breeze and disappeared into the office.

Looking at Mandrill's disappearing figure, Han Xiao breathed out softly.

Although there is no information about the layered rock abyss, it would be good news if they can get Mandrill's guard if they send people down there.


A few more days passed.

Han Xiao and Ning Guang met Qixing again. After some discussion, they decided to open the seal and send an experienced exploration team to investigate.

As for who to choose, apart from Ye Lan who was recommended by Ning Guang, Han Xiao would decide the rest.

this day.


With a crisp sound, the door of the office was pushed open. Han Xiao, who was working in the office, couldn't help but raise his head and look at the person, with a look of surprise on his face.

The person who came turned out to be Yan Fei, who had been busy at school.

Yan Fei, why are you here?

I came to see you on business.

Yan Fei, who had not appeared for a long time, walked straight to Han Xiao, pulled out the chair and sat down, then asked seriously:

Are you planning to send someone to investigate the Strata Abyss?

That's right.

Hearing Yan Fei's inquiry, Han Xiao nodded. Most of Liyue's senior officials had already received the news that Qixing was going to send people to re-investigate the Layer Rock Abyss.

As the largest legal advisor in Guili City, it is normal for Yan Fei to know this.

Add me to the exploration team.

Why do you suddenly want to go to the Strata Abyss?

Because I always have an unfinished will in my hand.

Seeing the confusion on Han Xiao's face, Yan Fei took out a rather ancient piece of paper from the Eye of God and placed it in front of him. At the same time, she explained:

This is a will entrusted to me by my father's former friend some time ago. Many years ago, my client gave the magic weapon Taiwei Instrument Pan to aspiring people.

According to eyewitnesses, the person who received the magic weapon took it to the Strata Abyss, and his whereabouts are unknown since then.

There have been many wars in the Strata Abyss in history, but even if that person dies in the war, I still hope to do my best to find the magic weapon and fulfill the client's wish.

That's it, that's okay. I'll let you know when the time comes.

After listening to Yan Fei's story, Han Xiao nodded thoughtfully and agreed to the other party's request.


After getting a satisfactory answer, a smile appeared on Yan Fei's face, and then she waved to Han Xiao and left the office briskly.

Let me see, the Great Sage Conquering Demons, Ye Lan and Yan Fei.

After Yan Fei left, Han Xiao muttered while holding a pen and writing the names of the team members on the paper.

At the end of writing, he added the name of the doll Hanxiao, who was also Roman.

As for Ying and Paimon, Han Xiao planned to wait for the other party to come back and ask them personally to see if they were willing to take the risk and go down to the layered rock abyss.

But according to his estimation, there is a high chance that Ying will agree.

After all, among Han Xiao's few memories of revelations about the ghosts in the Strata Rock Abyss, there seemed to be the shadow of the Abyss Cult below the Strata Rock Abyss.

He believes that this is definitely a clue that cannot be missed for Ying who wants to meet Sora again.

Chapter 354: Mobile phones go on sale

The junction of Mondstadt and Liyue.

Due to the construction of a cement road between the two countries and the dangerous contact of the Wind Demon Dragon, this slender trade road has been revitalized.

At this time, the narrow road was full of vehicles, most of which were trucks driven by businessmen traveling between the two countries.

Because he was keenly aware of business opportunities, Diluc obtained the national agency rights for electric vehicles from Hanxiao and transformed the open space near the lake outside Chenxi Winery into a large-scale service integrating parking, rest and other functions. district.

This move not only made use of the wasteland that had little use before, but also added a large amount of assets to the Legenfund family.

It can be said that after Diluc's operation, Dawn Winery, which already controlled most of Mondstadt's economic lifeline, became more and more important in this free country.

Master Diluc, let's take our leave then!

In front of Chenxi Winery, Paimeng flew beside Ying, waving goodbye to Diluc who came out to see them off with a smile on his face.

Be safe on the road. Mondstadt welcomes you back at any time, travelers and Paimon.

Hearing Paimon's farewell, Diluc nodded slightly to the two of them and said farewell blessings, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

If it were according to his own wishes, it would be best to leave the two sisters in Mondstadt. Unfortunately, it seemed that Liyue was quicker to take action.

It was obviously the traveler they met first, and it was they who formed a bond with him first.

The guys in the Knights didn't know how to work hard, but Han Xiao from Liyue took the lead and made them more inclined to settle in Liyue.


Diluc couldn't help but feel a little upset when he thought of this.

He really can't lead this group of teammates.

Well, we will come back when there is time.

Naturally, she didn't know what Diluc was thinking. When she heard the other party's blessing, she responded with a smile.

Then Ying took out the armored cavalry from Brother Cheng's pot under Diluc's gaze, and then stepped on it.

Then Master Diluc, let's take our leave.

Bon Voyage.


stone gate.

After bidding farewell to Diluc, Ying drove the armored cavalry quickly on the concrete road, while Paimon was in Ying's arms to avoid the oncoming wind.

Her speed didn't slow down until she passed through the narrow road of Shimen and saw the familiar bay of Dihuazhou.

And Paimon had just revealed his little head from Ying's arms.

It's time to go back to Liyue. I didn't expect that we would encounter so many things when we went to Mondstadt to participate in the Wind Flower Festival.


Ying nodded while driving the armored cavalry slowly.

Originally, they just planned to go to Mondstadt to participate in the Wind Flower Festival, but the result was not good, not only did they encounter a meteor shower across the two countries.

I also met another executive officer of the Fools and a fake 'Fontaine' man whose origins I didn't know.

This festival was so exhausting.

After complaining to Ying for a while about this terrible festival trip, Paimon suddenly thought of what to do. He quickly raised his head and looked at Ying and said:

By the way, Captain Qin said that Han Xiao and Abedo seem to have developed something good again. Let's go back and take a look.

It's that communication tool called a mobile phone.

After hearing Paimon's suggestion, Ying looked very calm.

Yes, after all, she is also a traveler across many worlds, and she still knows about things like mobile phones.

There's no rush for that thing. It seems it hasn't been officially released yet. We should be able to catch it when we return to Guili City.

I don't know if there is a smaller mobile phone. I want one too.

Although Ying was not ready to rush back to Licheng, Paimeng had already begun to think about whether to ask Han Xiao to customize a smaller model of mobile phone.

After all, many things were still too big for her before.

Obviously she also wants to experience new things, I hope Han Xiao can think of her!

I guess not.

As for Paimon's thoughts, Ying could only shrug and said that she really had a lot on her mind.

With Paimon's size, there are not many that are the same in all of Teyvat.

The mobile phone must be mass-produced, and there will definitely not be a model like hers. Instead of looking forward to it, it is better to go back to Han Xiao and customize one directly.


The next day.

Just when Ying and Paimon were about to arrive at Guili City, the residents of Guili City and Liyue Port were already in a commotion.

Because just last night, they heard the host announce on the radio that the official launch day of the mobile phone was today.

So early in the morning, many residents who had reserved mobile phones before came to the square, looking forward to buying mobile phones as soon as possible.

As time went on, everyone’s faces were filled with excitement when a staff member drove a truck to the temporary sales window.

Here it is, the mobile phone they have been waiting for for a long time is finally here 1

Upstairs in Kuixing, looking through the window at the long queue of people in the dark square outside, Han Xiao leaned on the edge of the bed and said to the communication device in his hand:

Sales have started here, Ningguang, how is the situation over there?

It's the same start. The General Affairs Department is already full of people.

It seems that the public's acceptance of new things is quite high.

Han Xiao was quite satisfied with the result that both parties fell into a buying frenzy.

It is said that the people of Liyue are relatively conservative, but it seems that is not the case now.

That's because you have left a good impression on the residents of Liyue.

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