Watching Ke Qing's leaving figure, Han Xiao picked up the cell phone beside her and dialed Ning Guang's number.

Now that the signal relay tower problem has been solved, he has to set a date with Ningguang to release the mobile phone.

Chapter 350: An announcement will be inserted below

After Keqing brought back the news that the signal relay tower was roughly completed, Hanxiao quickly sent someone to complete the final test of the mobile phone.

After confirming that it was correct, he and Ningguang decided to launch the mobile phone on the market before the Hai Lantern Festival.


One day.

Tea Doctor Liu Su got up early as usual.

Due to the rise of entertainment methods such as radio, Heyu Teahouse's storytelling industry has fallen into a state of decline.

Therefore, after Liu Su learned that Guilicheng was recruiting people, he decisively resigned from his position as Dr. Tea and chose to go to Guilicheng to work hard.

Fortunately, his storytelling skills were profound and his basic skills were extremely solid. It took almost no effort for him to be noticed and absorbed by the broadcasting department of Guilicheng, and he became the host of a program.

Liu Su expressed that he was very satisfied with this. After all, compared with before, he could now be regarded as an official employee of Liyue.

After taking the prepared breakfast from his family, Liu Su reached out and pressed the switch of the radio and adjusted it to the music band.

Accompanied by a burst of classical and elegant guqin sound, he picked up the Liyue Daily and read the newspaper leisurely while eating breakfast unhurriedly.

Now that his working hours are stable, all he has to do is go to the broadcast department and sort out today's manuscripts and wait for the show to start.

Blooming beautifully, listen carefully, this is the Liyue Broadcasting Center!

An official announcement will be inserted next.

At this moment, the melodious sound of the guqin suddenly stopped, and the magnetic voice of the news program host came from the radio.

This is surprising!

Liu Su put down the newspaper in his hand and turned his eyes to the radio, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

He is also a member of the broadcasting department. Since the birth of radio, the program has not been changed as long as it is confirmed. It seems that the official announcement to be inserted next is probably very important.

Like Liu Su, most families in Guilicheng and Liyue Port who owned radios and were listening, no matter which frequency band they were listening to, were all attracted by this announcement.

Following the curiosity of these people, the host's voice on the radio spoke slowly and unhurriedly about the specific content of the announcement.

It is reported that Tianshu Star Han Xiao teamed up with the immortal mechanism master Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun and the alchemist master Mr. Abedo to jointly develop a portable remote communication tool.

This tool has been named a mobile phone. It can easily facilitate remote conversations between Qingcezhuang and Liyue Port, allowing travelers from far away to contact their families in other places at any time.

Tianquanxing Ningguang stated that the mobile phone will be released on the eve of the Hai Lantern Festival, and users who need it can purchase it at designated departments in Liyue Port and Guili City.

For more details, please contact the Information and General Affairs Department and Kuixing Building.

“That’s today’s announcement, thank you all for listening.”

As the host's voice disappeared, the sound of the previous program sounded again on the radio.

But at this time, everyone's thoughts are no longer on the show.

cell phone?

Listening to the still melodious sound of the guqin in his ears, Liu Su couldn't help but mutter to himself, and didn't bother to read the newspaper in his hand.

He was now more interested in this so-called portable telecommunications system.

Thinking of this, Liu Su stopped eating breakfast, stood up and walked out the door. He had to go to Kuixing Tower to ask about the specific situation.

There were many people like Liu Su who heard the news, and many of them, like him, chose to go to the official department for information.

Not long after, many residents gathered in the square outside Kuixing Tower to watch the excitement.

Fortunately, the staff were well prepared and set up a temporary information window in the square early.

There is a high platform next to the window. On the high platform stands the curtain used by Han Xiao during the live broadcast of the Salt in the Earth archeology.

In front of the curtain, a staff member was holding a mobile phone and standing in front of the loudspeaker to give a detailed introduction to the onlookers:

Everyone, please pay attention. Look at the picture on the curtain behind me.

After hearing the host's question, Liu Su, who was standing among the crowd of spectators, turned his attention to the curtain together with everyone else.

The next moment, the curtain lit up, and the appearance of Qing Cezhuang appeared in their eyes.

Not only that, in addition to the scene of Qingcezhuang, Ruo Xinzheng was standing with another staff member and a group of children, and everyone's face was full of smiles.

Then next, please witness the effectiveness of the mobile phone!

Seeing that everyone was aware of the situation in front of them, the staff member immediately raised his mobile phone, pressed a series of numbers while speaking, and then placed the handset of the mobile phone at the speaker.


As a series of beeps sounded, the staff behind the curtain took out his mobile phone and connected the communication.

Hey, can you hear me?

The next moment, the staff's voice came from the microphone, and it was also mixed with the voices of many children.

Oh my God!

Is this a mobile phone?

Thousand-mile sound transmission, this must be the immortal family's thousand-mile sound transmission technique!

When the facts were placed before his eyes, everyone present was in an uproar, and the scene instantly became lively.

Everyone's faces were full of excitement, surprise and joy.

In Liyue, Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission has always been one of the spells that appear most frequently in story books. Usually, they have also imagined that they can also have the ability of Thousand Miles of Sound Transmission.

I never expected that Master Hanxiao would join forces with Immortal and Master Abedo to actually turn this spell in the storybook into a real product that everyone can use.

This is simply amazing!

For a moment, everyone was excited about it. There was no need for any explanation from the staff, and everyone rushed to the temporary window set aside.

I want to register to buy!

I also want!

Give me one, no, two!


The grand event in Guili City was also staged in Liyue Port. Most Liyue people who understood the use of mobile phones chose to order a mobile phone as long as they had a certain amount of savings in their pockets.

They are too rare for this kind of product that can realize the technique of transmitting sounds across thousands of miles only in the storybook.

The General Affairs Department and Kuixing Tower quickly made new announcements.

Yuhengxing Keqing is leading a construction team to build a new telephone line in Liyue. By then, landline phones that are cheaper than mobile phones will appear.

Therefore, she didn't grab a mobile phone, or there weren't many people at home, so Maura didn't have much disappointment on her face.

Although compared with mobile phones, landline phones have lost a certain degree of convenience, but they are more affordable and can also achieve long-distance communication.

They certainly preferred to wait for the arrival of landlines.

The rest of the operation will be left to you, Ning Guang.

In Kuixing Building, Han Xiao looked at the grand event in the square through the window and said to the communication device with a smile on his face.

give it to me.

Ning Guang's calm voice came from the communication device.

Chapter 351 Wendy was serious for less than two seconds

Unlike ordinary Liyue people who still need to make reservations, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun had already prepared everything for Wendy and Zhongli when the mobile phones were produced.

No, Wendy was playing with the phone in her hand nonstop at this time, and said to Zhongli sitting opposite with an admiring look:

Hey, this thing is really good. Han Xiao and Abedo did a really good job.

It should be Alice who taught me well.

In response to Wendy's praise, Zhongli held the tea in both hands without any change in his expression. At the same time, he placed the main credit on Alice.

This is also true. The reason why Han Xiao was able to create this remote communication tool called a mobile phone would have been impossible without the support of Alice's theory.

You can't say that, old man.

After hearing Zhongli's explanation, Wendy waved her hands repeatedly.

Although Alice provided the theoretical basis for the birth of mobile phones and also made the Dudu communicator, its cost was too expensive and could not be afforded by ordinary people.

After all, as a well-known adventurer in Teyvat and a veteran of the Witches Guild, the opponent never lacks alchemy materials.

Han Xiao and Abedo were able to use cheap materials to produce effects similar to those of Dudu communicators, while also achieving mass production.

For that alone, they both deserve praise.

That's true.

After hearing what Wendy said, Zhongli put down the tea cup in his hand and nodded slightly, indicating that he agreed with the other party's point of view.

The emergence of mobile phones has reduced the barriers for people to communicate in different places. Although it may have some impact on Liyue's existing social structure, overall the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

I wonder when Han Xiao and the others will arrange for Mond to have a mobile phone too?

Putting her phone away in her personal space, Wendy lay on the table and muttered to herself thoughtfully.

Emmm, although Wendy has always been indifferent, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about Mondstadt's development.

The emergence of mobile phones, a convenient communication tool, is bound to bring about rapid development in Liyue, and Wendy naturally wants Mond to take this opportunity to reap some benefits.

Liu Yun said that the Knights seem to be negotiating with Han Xiao.

Seeing that it was rare for an alcoholic poet to seriously consider his country, Zhongli was quite pleased to tell him the news he heard from Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

It seems that Qin and the others reacted very quickly!

After learning that Qin had started negotiating with Han Xiao, Wendy immediately returned to her usual carefree self.

I can rest assured that.

...I shouldn't have told you this news.

Seeing Wendy who had returned to her normal state in less than two seconds, Zhongli couldn't help but touch his forehead with his hand, his face speechless.

He also knows a little about the situation in Mondstadt. Currently, the entire Mondstadt relies on the acting captain Qin to maintain it.

That hard-working attitude is comparable to the combination of Gan Yu and Ke Qing.

After all, although Gan Yu and Ke Qing had a lot of work, Liyue at least had Han Xiao and Ning Guang, seven stars, to share a lot of government affairs.

What about Mondstadt?

He, Barbatos, is really kind.


While Wendy and Zhong Li were chatting, the negotiation between Qin and Han Xiao was coming to an end.

The two parties have already negotiated the purchase of various parts for the construction of signal relay towers and the dispatch of technical guidance to assist in the construction.

Only in terms of manpower, Han Xiao said she was helpless.

Captain Qin, there is no problem in laying the signal relay tower in Mondstadt.

In the office of Kuixing Tower, Han Xiao held a Dudu communication device and said to Qin who was far away in Mondstadt:

But we don't have enough manpower and can only send people to guide. The knights will organize the construction team themselves to do the rest.

“Where are those workers who paved the road last time?”

On the other side, in Mond's captain's office, Qin couldn't help but frown when she heard Han Xiao's answer.

Since Albedo and Wendy are currently staying in Guili City, the Knights are paying a lot of attention to Guili City.

This is why they can get the message on their mobile phones so quickly.

Lisa next to Qin is also a knowledgeable boss. Under the other party's explanation, she naturally understood the changes that a communication tool such as mobile phones will bring to a country.

Therefore, Qin immediately contacted Han Xiao and started negotiations about the mobile phone.

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