
After receiving an ambiguous reply from the puppet Hanxiao, the soldier shook his head helplessly, and then said to himself:

That Harlequin guy, by entrusting me with this kind of task without warning of possible discovery in advance, did he want to scare me on purpose?

As he spoke, the soldier turned around and looked at the puppet Han Xiao and Yingmei. He stretched out his hand and gently pressed down the brim of his hat to cover his face:

I have to confirm the truth now. See you next time.

As the words fell, the skirmishers left Musk Reef without paying attention to the reactions of everyone present.

He just left?

Looking at the backs of the stragglers leaving, Mona's little face turned red. She was not taken seriously by anyone before, and then she left on her own. Now she really wanted to hit someone.

Mona, don't worry.

Ying raised her hand to hold down the agitated Mona, turned her head and focused her gaze on the puppet Han Xiao beside her:

Mr. Roman, I am Ying, and these two are Paimon and Mona.

I wonder if Mr. Roman can explain to us what the skirmishers said just now?

Yes, there is another person who may know the situation now.

Hearing Ying's words, Mona and Paimon immediately realized that not only the skirmishers here knew the truth of the matter, but there was also a man named Roman who might also know the truth.

Ask me?

The puppet Hanxiao pointed at herself and said with a smile on her face:

Okay, but what exactly do the two ladies and this little lady want to know?

Of course it's the so-called starry sky and lies that the skirmishers talked about just now.

This matter, Miss Mona should be very clear about this matter.

I am clear?

Mona was stunned when she heard the puppet Hanxiao's reply, and then her eyes froze as she thought of something.

I remember what Master said about the false sky when he taught me astrology. Does it have other meanings?

But she still couldn't draw a conclusion from it. After all, her master only told her the term False Heaven.

“Sometimes the truth is not only unbeautiful, it’s also hurtful.”

Seeing that Mona kept thinking about the meaning of her master's words, the puppet Hanxiao suddenly interrupted her thoughts.

The information you have received now is very little. When you know more in the future, you will naturally understand the meaning.

After saying that, the doll Hanxiao took out a strange stone from his pocket and threw it towards Yingmei. After seeing the other party catching it in a hurry, he continued:

Miss Ying, please accept this. Next time we meet, you can use this item to ask me a question.

As for today, I won't disturb you in dealing with the meteor shower incident.

The puppet Hanxiao once again made a gentleman's courtesy to Yingmei and others, and then disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.


Looking at the place where the doll Hanxiao disappeared, Paimon's tone was filled with surprise. It turned out to be an extremely rare space power on the continent of Teyvat. She had only seen this kind of ability in the immortals of Liyue before.

...What a strange stone?

Unlike Paimon who was surprised by the disappearance of the doll Hanxiao, Ying looked at the stone in his hand with a puzzled look.

This is a gray-white stone with an irregular shape. The only strange thing is that there is a semi-whirlpool blue mark carved on the surface of the stone.

She had a vague hunch that she might really meet the other party again.

Really, I don't understand everything.

Looking at the place where the doll Hanxiao disappeared, Mona crossed her arms across her chest and complained angrily.

Her master, skirmishers and the guy named Roman just now, she has already met three Riddlers, which is really annoying.

Forget it, Ying... let's deal with the meteor shower incident first.


Yingmei, who had been looking at the stone for a long time but didn't find anything strange about it, immediately snorted after hearing Mona's call, and then put the stone into her arms.

We can investigate the stone matter later. For now, solving the meteor shower incident is the most important thing.


While Ying and Mona began to deal with the meteorite core on Musk Reef, the figure of the doll Hanxiao appeared on the top of the Oath Cape.

Looking towards the direction of Musk Reef, he closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a smile.

Things were pretty much what Han Xiao had imagined. Sure enough, he could vaguely feel the connection with the hearth stone in Ying's hand.

Yes, Hearthstone.

It's the famous teleportation tool back home in World of Warcraft.

The reason why Han Xiao chose to give the hearth stone to Ying was because he needed to use this vague connection to allow him to directly cross the space barrier and reach Daozhu's land without going through a thunderstorm.

But these things are just trivial matters. Now Han Xiao is more concerned about the problems in the deep spiral.

Since there was only one person, he didn't go down many floors and only reached the fourth floor.

But Han Xiao was still aware of the subtle changes in the rooms on each floor.

It seems like we have to find an opportunity to team up with someone to explore here.

Looking at the endless sea below her feet, Han Xiao secretly remembered this matter in her heart.

Chapter 349 Different Moons

Hanxiao, all the unconscious people have woken up now, and we have recovered all the meteorites that fell in the mountains.

Yingmei and the others moved very quickly. In less than half a day, Hanxiao received a call from Xingqiu.

Thank you for your hard work.

After giving some verbal praise on the phone, Han Xiao hung up the phone and sat on a chair and began to think about the fragmentary information he had previously obtained from the Abyss Spiral.

Although there are not many levels to go down, it is obvious that the further you go down, the closer the abyss spiral environment is to night.

This reminded him of the speculations about the continent of Teyvat by those online primitives in his previous life.

Among them, the one that concerned Han Xiao the most was his view on the moon in the abyss spiral.

From the sixth level of the Abyss Spiral, night begins to fall, and at the same time, a full moon can be seen appearing in it.

However, as the number of layers gradually increased, after arriving at the Abyss-Moon Spiral, the distance between the moon suddenly seemed to be close to the face.

Han Xiao didn't have any doubts about this at first. It wasn't until a primitive scientist pointed out that the moon's texture was different that he realized something was wrong.

Because in reality, due to the principle of tidal locking, the side of the moon facing humans is always the same side. At most, six percent more of the surface can be observed due to the movement of the scales.

But generally speaking, humans always see only one side of the moon.

The same goes for the moon on Teyvat.

However, in the abyss spiral, the moon on the sixth to eighth floors is far away from the platform, and the shape of the moon has not changed much.

Once it reaches the ninth layer, not only does the moon become larger, but even the craters on the moon's surface change.

If the negligence of the art in the game is excluded, then it can be considered that the first eight floors and the last four floors are not in the same area.

To put it simply, the first eight layers of the abyssal spiral see one side of the moon, while the next four layers of the abyssal spiral see the other side of the moon?

So, wouldn't it mean that the Abyssal Moon Spiral is not on the Teyvat continent?

Could it be that the area between the Abyss Spiral and the Abyss-Moon Spiral is the so-called false sky?

Was it because Leonard discovered the truth that he fell into fear?

For a moment, Han Xiao fell into deep thought.

He had a vague premonition that he was gradually getting closer to the truth. The reason why he could not draw a conclusion yet was that he might have to wait until he stepped into the Abyss-Moon Spiral in person.


A few days passed quickly.

With the end of the meteor shower incident, Liyue has once again returned to its former peace.

On this day, Han Xiao was as usual, controlling his clone Roman to wander around the Teyvat continent while handling the official duties of Guili City in an orderly manner.

As for the problem of the abyssal spiral, he currently has no good solution.

There is no way, Han Xiao's clone alone cannot break through the layers of the abyss spiral.

It's not that he doesn't have enough ability, it's just that two roads need to be opened at the same time to open the next level of the mechanism, which is really difficult for him.

Of course, there is actually another way to find out about the abyss spiral, and that is to ask Wendy.

After all, the other party was the party involved in moving the Pointed Hat Peak in the first place. If he said he didn't understand the problem of the abyssal spiral, he would be lying.

It was just something that made Han Xiao quite helpless. In the past few days, he had approached Wendy with wine, but when he mentioned Musk Reef, the other party immediately pretended to be drunk and did not give him a chance to ask questions.

Seeing that Wendy couldn't ask Chou Yin Mao, and he lacked manpower to help him break through the abyssal spiral, Han Xiao had no choice but to put the matter of the abyssal spiral on hold until he could find a reliable helper later.

Dong dong dong——

Just as Han Xiao was handling official duties, there was a sudden knock on the office door.

Please come in.

As Han Xiao finished speaking, there was a creak, the door of the office was pushed open, and Ke Qing's figure walked straight in.

Seeing that the person coming was Ke Qing, Han Xiao quickly put down the pen in her hand and asked with a smile:

You're back, how did things go?

Signal relay towers have been built in most areas.

Walking to Han Xiao's desk, Ke Qing pulled out a chair and sat down, reporting the current work progress to him.

After traveling back and forth non-stop for more than half a month, she and her construction team had visited the entire Liyue area.

Except for some remote areas where construction has not yet been completed, signal relay towers have been built in relatively important locations.

After a brief report, Keqing got down to business:

Didn't you say before that you still need to bury the wire for a landline? This is why I came back this time.

Albedo and I have prepared the circuits and materials that need to be buried. You can just send someone to the alchemy workshop to pick them up later.

Knowing that Ke Qing came here for this matter, Han Xiao quickly gave an answer.

Since Abedo developed the optical fiber, he notified Liuyun Jiufeng Zhenjun and asked the Mingyun Town workshop to work overtime and produce a large number of optical fibers.

For this reason, Hanxiao also stopped several mobile phone production lines.

After all, the production of mobile phones is here, and it cannot be increased. It is better to use all the production capacity on fiber optics first, and then directly lay landline phones.


Keqing nodded. She was quite satisfied with Han Xiao and Abedo's prepared behavior, which saved her a lot of trouble.

By the way, Han Xiao, when do you plan to release the news about your mobile phone?

After talking about the landline issue, Keqing immediately changed the topic to mobile phones.

After more than half a month of personal experience, she spoke highly of the convenience of the mobile phone.

Therefore, Ke Qing hopes that Han Xiao can use mobile phones as soon as possible. In this way, even if she is supervising work from afar, she can still use her mobile phone to arrange and handle internal government affairs in Liyue Port.

emmm, to have such an idea, I can only say that he is indeed a workaholic Yu Hengxing, who never misses any opportunity to improve work efficiency.

It's coming soon. It will be ready for release after the last round of testing.

Upon hearing Ke Qing's inquiry, Han Xiao didn't hide anything and directly gave the approximate release time.

He has already discussed the release of the mobile phone with Ningguang, and has made corresponding plans for some possible impacts in the future.

Next, they only need to test the signal relay tower once, and after confirming that there are no problems, they can launch the product on the market.

Then I'll go to the alchemy workshop to get the materials first, so I won't disturb you for now.

After receiving a relatively accurate reply, Ke Qing stood up with satisfaction, said goodbye to Han Xiao and left the office.

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