Chapter 343: Feel Hanxiao from a new perspective

As expected, when the casting material was integrated into the doll's body, it quickly merged with the elemental circuits in the doll's body.

Then Han Xiao took out the crystal containing space ability that she found while scanning goods from Xi Xiao, put it into the heart of the doll, and then connected it to the elemental circuit.


With the faint flash of blue light, new elemental circuits were quickly formed on the crystal at the heart.


Looking at the crystal that had stabilized, Han Xiao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The new space circuit he developed in cooperation with several people in the group who are good at magic can be said to have lived up to expectations and was successfully lit up the first time.

And when Han Xiao succeeded, the chat group became quite lively.

[World of Jiji·Hanxiao]: Suddenly, I feel like my unique skills have been learned by others. I am in despair, my family.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Pull him down, you've been studying the efficiency of the pile driver.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Xingxiao, I understand. Besides being able to drive piles, what else can Jixiao do? Join the night party and become the devil?

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: Don't mention it, although I am in the night party now, I really have no interest in the so-called Demon King.

What Jixiao said was true. After all, after learning the Flower of Heart, his power directly exceeded the top level in the world of Jiji.

This made him suddenly lose interest in being a demon king.

To use Ji Xiao's original words, he is just a demon king and a divine ingenuity. They are completely meaningless and are all scum.

As a result, he lived a life of a shameless pile driver in advance, and the focus of his research turned to strange directions such as how to make the doll more sensitive.

It can be said that Ji Xiao took the lead and lived the corrupt life that all Han Xiao in the group had most wanted to do before traveling through time.

Seeing that the topics in the group were getting more and more biased, Han Xiao had to speak in the group to try to change the topic:

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Thank you Xingxiao, Xixiao, and Moxiao for this time. If I had to study it alone, it would probably take me a long time.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: I also made quite a profit this time, and I plan to try to see if I can use this puppet technology to save some tragedies.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Like Mo Xiao, I have gained a lot. At least the puppet information I bought from Chengzi at a big price is somewhat useful.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Hey, I'm different. I got the core of an intelligent AI in a certain world, and I plan to be a personal maid.

[jojo·Hanxiao]: ??? There is such a good thing, can you give me one too?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: I want it too. There must be a lot of technology recorded in the intelligent AI core. Southwest Associated University has just been established, and there are many future technology giants gathered there. I plan to open a cheat .”

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Let me ask you how to make it after I activate the intelligent core. If possible, you will each have one by then.

[Locus·Hanxiao]: Thank you, boss, for the gift.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Uh, do you want me to try to sneak into A Guang's laboratory and get you some good stuff?

[Genshin Impact Hanxiao]: Wait, what's going on? Didn't you say you're still studying at Ultra School?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: I am from the Blue Clan. I am responsible for the scientific research of the Kingdom of Light. I will definitely go to the research institute for an internship in the future.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: The school will hold a visit to the Academy of Sciences in a month. It will be okay to ask Aguang in person for some study materials.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Okay, the more information like this, the better!

Even when the group was noisy, Han Xiao did not stop working. After the elemental circuits were completely circulating in the doll's body, he used alchemical methods to close the doll's chest very skillfully.

Now it’s time to test the performance of the doll.

Looking at the puppet lying on the experimental table, Han Xiao reached for a chair and sat down, then put his right hand on the puppet's arm and closed his eyes at the same time.

As mentioned before, he himself mastered the technology of consciousness transfer, and the basis of this technology was the materials that Kaingya purchased at a large price from the outstanding puppet master Aozaki Yuko.

Emmm, as for why Aozaki Orange would sell his housekeeping skills, it is naturally because Xingxiao gave too much.

For Xingxiao who robbed the clock tower, he had too many good things in his hands. Faced with these good things that he had never had access to before, Aozaki Orange, as a magician, would naturally be moved.

Hence the previous transaction.

Back to topic.

Han Xiao's consciousness transfer method is based on Aozaki Orange's technology, and then modified using Teyvat alchemy.

The final effect is probably similar to the effect of Harry Potter force extracting memories and putting them into a pensieve.

As Han Xiao closed her eyes, the motionless puppet on the experimental table suddenly started to tremble with its fingers, and then its palms, toes, and other parts began to tremble regularly.

The next moment, the doll's eyes opened.

Should I say, familiar ceiling?

Looking at the crystal lamp emitting soft light above the head of the secret room, Han Xiao subconsciously complained, and then sat up.

This feeling is really amazing.

Han Xiao first lowered his head and looked at his hands, then looked around, and finally his eyes rested on the main body who was sitting on the chair and didn't know when he opened his eyes to look at each other.

Thanks to Atlas Institute's thinking method of dividing consciousness, Han Xiao felt very special at this time. They were obviously two different bodies, but he was able to control them simultaneously.

that is...

The puppet Hanxiao jumped off the experimental table, looked up at the body that stood up from the chair and was taller than his own head, and his delicate little face suddenly fell.

Why is this inferior perspective so uncomfortable?

Then the puppet Hanxiao felt a warmth covering his head. It turned out that the main body was rubbing his head with his hands.

Very good, the experiment was completed well.

At the same time, Han Xiao himself and the puppet Han Xiao spoke at the same time.

Then the puppet Hanxiao's eyes flashed, and his whole body immediately collapsed, and his eyesight returned to a familiar height.


After regaining consciousness, Han Xiao exhaled softly and raised her hand to rub her temples.

The operation just now made me feel like a schizophrenic. It seems that I still need to be more familiar with this kind of operation.

Picking up the paralyzed puppet and placing it back on the experimental table, Han Xiao silently reached out and rubbed her chin, whispering to herself:

Now that the experiment has been successful, it's time for me to give the doll a nicer pseudonym.

Chapter 344 Strange Meteor Shower

We will not pay attention to what name Han Xiao gave the doll. After all, it is still early to use the doll. Let’s talk about what is happening in Guili City.

Since Han Xiao and Abedo have developed a series of products such as electric cars, electric lights, and electric kettles, the lives of Liyue residents, especially those in Guili City, can be said to be changing with each passing day.

Many troublesome things in the past have gradually become easier because of the tools at hand.

Therefore, they have reached a consensus that as long as it is a product developed by master alchemists Han Xiao and Abedo, it must be an excellent product.

Among these products, the one that changed the living habits of Liyue residents the most was the invention of the radio.

With the radio, people can listen to various programs offered by radio stations all the time, and learn about foreign news that they might not have been able to hear in their lifetime before.

So soon, the sales of radios skyrocketed, and truly every household had one.

Of course, the emergence of radio inevitably had a certain impact on Liyue's traditional entertainment industry, and a large number of people who made a living in this way were directly unemployed.

Fortunately, Hanxiao had already made preparations beforehand. He selected a relatively outstanding group of people from this group of unemployed people, and then organized them into the broadcasting department.

One after another, novel programs were born in the hands of this person, which greatly enriched the radio program list.

As for the eliminated group, Han Xiao also gave them two ways out.

Either continue their education in their original livelihood and then enter the broadcasting sector.

Or get some unemployment benefits and find a job again.

Most of them decided to continue their studies, which made Han Xiao very unhappy.

After all, the remaining labor force in Liyue is really very small now. If these people plan to find another way out, he can have an extra group of labor force that can work.


Lord Hanxiao, something happened!

One day, when Han Xiao was working in Kuixing Building and handling government affairs as usual, secretary Xu Wan suddenly opened the door of the office and shouted to him with an urgent look.

what happened?

Looking at Xu Wan who broke into the office, Han Xiao put down the pen in her hand and asked in surprise.

In the past few days, he had been staying in the secret room at home making adjustments to the doll, and it was only today that he had time to go to Kuixing Building to check on official business.

But Guilicheng has been doing well these past few days. I haven't seen anything going on there?

This is the investigation report we received from the Adventurers Association. You will know after reading it.

Facing Han Xiao's doubts, Xu Wan quickly handed over the documents in her arms.

Weird coma incidents occurred in Liyue and Mondstadt?

After reaching out to take the document and taking a first look at it, Han Xiao's brows couldn't help but frown.

Yes, there was a meteor shower last night. It covered a large area and affected the areas around Mondstadt and Liyue.

The meteorite after landing contains strange power and can make those who come in contact with it coma.

After secretary Xu Wan said this, Han Xiao remembered that such a meteor shower had happened in the early days of the game.

That was an incident about the fall of the Seat of Fate of Leonard, the proposer of Wings of Wind, and it also revealed information about the False Sky for the first time in the game.

But wasn’t that meteor shower supposed to happen before the Immortal Invitation Ceremony?

Why is it happening now?

Although she couldn't figure out what went wrong, Han Xiao immediately gave her order to secretary Xu Wan:

Xu Wan, inform Qianyan Army to bring tools to collect these stones.

In addition, those who are comatose after exposure to stones will be arranged to be taken care of together.

As for the meteorite problem, I will find someone to deal with it.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

After receiving the order, Xu Wan left in a hurry, leaving Han Xiao with a puzzled expression sitting at her desk thinking.

He didn't care much about the coma caused by the meteorite. After all, the girl who was currently going to Mondstadt to attend the Wind Flower Festival had probably received a mission from the Adventurers Association.

I believe this turmoil will be resolved soon.

What really confused Han Xiao was that although it was a little later than in the game, the meteor shower still came.

Unable to figure it out, he posted his doubts in the chat group.

After a while, several ‘Dragon Kings’ who were always online in the group came out to bubble up.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: Hey, isn't this a large-scale event just after the game was launched? You have to wait until the fairy ceremony has passed?

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: This is not a question of whether to be active or not. The meaning of Lantern Festival is why this meteor shower is still coming.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Han Xiao]: Actually, it's normal. This should be a fixed event, but there is a difference in time.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Well, don't blame me for conspiracy theories. I think this meteor shower may not be that simple.

[Ip Man·Han Xiao]: It seems that Ao Xiao has some kind of guess?

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Let me tell you my conclusion. The meteor shower in the game should be designed to introduce the concept of the false sky to the players.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: But in reality, this meteor shower came very strangely. The Constellation of Fate, which has existed above the stars for thousands of years, suddenly fell. It is difficult not to make people wonder if someone is taking the opportunity to shake the sky.

[Western Fantasy·Hanxiao]: Are you saying that this meteor shower was caused by people from the Abyss Religion?

[Locus·Hanxiao]: This guess is a bit outrageous.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: My theory actually has some basis, because the person who dropped this time is none other than Leonard.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Leonard can climb a mountain with only a rope, which means that the other party is an extremely powerful person. Is the other party really unable to climb the Pointed Hat Peak, or can't he? ?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the chat group was stunned.

But Ao Xiao's words continued to circulate in the group.

[Ultraman Hanxiao]: Musk Reef is where the Pointed Hat Peak once was, and there happens to be a deep spiral here. Don't you think it's a little strange?

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