[Ultraman Hanxiao]: That's why I speculated on some conspiracy theories before. Did Leonard really fail to climb the Pointed Hat Peak, or did he become afraid because he discovered certain truths? As a result, he was unable to reach the summit.

Silently closing the chat group, the expression on Han Xiao's face became more solemn.

Although Aoxiao has been saying that this is his conspiracy theory speculation, the deep spiral is indeed an unavoidable obstacle.

The Deep Spiral is a huge underground ancient capital built by an ancient civilization that has long since perished.

What purpose it was built for is now unknown.

Pointed Hat Peak and Deep Spiral.

Putting these fragments together, even Han Xiao had to wonder why Leonard could not climb the Pointed Hat Peak.

Chapter 345 Han Xiao’s dual-line operation

Following Han Xiao's order, Xu Wan quickly summoned the Qianyan Army and took them with the Adventurers Association to take care of people who fell into coma after contact with the stone.

The strange meteorite that caused coma was also put into the box using tools.

Hanxiao, thirty-nine people have been found unconscious in Liyue. As for whether there are more unconscious people we are currently searching for, it will probably take some time.

After receiving the news, Xingqiu quickly reunited with Hanxiao and reported to him Xu Wan's current work progress.

What about those rocks?

After hearing Xingqiu's report, Han Xiao turned to look at him and asked about the meteorites that caused people to coma.

According to my personal inspection, the owner of the Eye of God seems to be able to resist the erosion of this power, and the owner of the Eye of God seems to have some kind of connection with the stone.

Xingqiu quickly informed Han Xiao of his findings, and at the same time put forward his own suggestions:

The meteor shower that night was quite large. There must have been a lot of stones falling into the mountains in Liyue. I plan to organize a few owners of the Eye of God to go into the mountains to search.

Xiang Ling happens to be in Guili City, you can call her.

Don't worry, of course you have to bring a chef with you when you go to the wild. Chongyun is on the way too, and he will be there today.

That's good, be sure to take back all those scattered stones.

After being warned to pay attention to safety on the road to autumn, Han Xiao returned to her home and quietly released her puppet body.

This incident just allowed him to become proficient in dual-line control.


On the other side, Mondstadt.

Ying and Paimon, who had just arrived in Mondstadt to attend the Wind Flower Festival, had to accept the commission from the Adventurers Association because of the sudden commotion, and began to investigate this strange meteor shower with their new friend Fischer.

At the same time, the astrologer Mona, whom they had met on the road between Liyue and Mondstadt, also joined their team.

With the help of Mona's water fortune teller, they quickly calculated the location of the meteorite's fall.

While Yingmei and the others were running back and forth in the Mondstadt area, a hole suddenly opened in the open space near the stone gate at the junction of Liyue and Mondstadt, and then a short figure jumped out.


With her feet stepping on the soft soil, Hanxiao, no, it should be said to be a doll now, Hanxiao turned her head and looked at the surrounding environment, and nodded with satisfaction.

At present, it seems that the elemental circuit is working well. Except that the vision level has dropped to the level of the Great Sage of Conquering Demons, there is nothing uncomfortable.

Now it’s time to head to Musk Cay and investigate for yourself.

Han Xiao's idea is very simple. After all, the information in the game is only on the surface, and a lot of important information may not be disclosed at all.

For example, what did Skirmisher dream about in the meteorite, and how did he discover the secret of the False Sky.

Perhaps the real answer can only be found when he personally experiences it in reality.

With this thought in mind, the doll Hanxiao walked toward Mondstadt with her short legs.

The reason why he did not continue to use space magic to rush on was because it had been a long time since he had played in the wild without restraints.

Anyway, the meteor shower incident will be solved sooner or later, and the largest star has not fallen yet, so it is not a bad idea to take advantage of this time to relax.

In this way, the puppet Hanxiao walked while admiring the surrounding scenery. Soon he passed through the narrow passage of the stone gate and arrived in Mondstadt.

Unfortunately, Han Xiao's good mood did not last long. The appearance of a person forced him to stop admiring the scenery.

Brother, what can I do for you?

Looking at the young man in front of him who was wearing rice wife clothes and a wide hat, Han Xiao recognized the identity of the other person at a glance. He was the executive officer of the Fools.

But he still pretended to be meeting for the first time and asked with confusion on his face.

Sorry, I'm a wanderer from Daozuma. I just felt an elemental fluctuation and thought it was a meteorite falling again, so I rushed here.

The skirmisher looked at Han Xiao, who was about the same height as him, with a 'harmless' smile, and explained the reason for his appearance.

Oh, you're here to investigate meteorites too?

Oh, you used the word ye, which means...

I just received a commission from the Adventurers Association and am planning to go to Mondstadt to have a look.

Looking at the stragglers who acted quite 'harmless' in front of him, Han Xiao also had a warm smile on his face and quickly made up a reason for himself.

That's right.

The skirmisher nodded, and then said to Han Xiao:

I hope your investigation goes well, adventurer. I have some things to do here, so I'll take my leave now.

Goodbye then.

Han Xiao waved to the skirmishers, then stepped past them and walked towards Mondstadt.

That's a bit interesting.

Looking at Han Xiao's leaving figure, the skirmisher stood motionless with a thoughtful look on his face.

He didn't lie just now. As a puppet made by the God of Thunder, he did feel an unknown elemental fluctuation just now, and then he rushed here.

Then I saw the young man in front of me.

Pure black suit pants, a red-bottomed undershirt, and a black windbreaker that reaches the top of the thigh. Judging from the clothing, it seems to be very similar to the style of Fontaine and Mond.

What puzzled the skirmisher was that he felt a threat from the opponent, which showed that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

Logically speaking, the Fools have investigation records on people who are not weak in every country, but he has not seen this person in the intelligence of Fontaine and Mondstadt.

This is what makes Skirmishers feel strange.

grown ups!

Just when the soldiers were thinking about Han Xiao's true identity, a pool of black liquid suddenly gushes out from behind him, and then the debt collector kneeling on one knee emerged from it.

What happened?

The straggler who was distracted by his thoughts raised his head and looked back at the other party with cold eyes, without any fluctuation in his tone.

The honorary knights from Mondstadt are also involved in the investigation of the meteor shower.

The honorary knight who met the lady and the gentleman?

The stragglers raised their eyebrows when they heard the news, and the corners of their mouths could not help but raise slightly.

Where is she now?

He's heading towards Liyue. The destination seems to be Qingce Village.

Qing Ce Zhuang, right... You continue to investigate the meteorite. I have my own arrangements for the honorary knight.


The skirmishers were planning to meet the honorary knight who had made the young master suffer a lot. Han Xiao, who had already left, contacted Abedo with a Dudu communication device.

Abeido, inform Xingqiu that a dangerous person has come to Liyue.

Chapter 346 Han Xiao steps into the abyss

Han Xiao did not choose to meet Yingmei this time, but staggered her route.

As for the skirmishers, Xingqiu and the others should be able to meet up with Yingmei at Qingce Village. Even the skirmishers will not act rashly by then.

Then just wait until the meteor shower event is over.

After notifying Abedo of the stragglers' entry into Liyue, Han Xiao no longer had any intention of wandering around anymore, and immediately activated his abilities and began to continuously jump through space.

Well, it is also commonly known as flash.

In less than half a day, he crossed most of Mondstadt to Cape Oath, and flew through the large blue-purple hole toward Musk Reef with the help of the wind field.

At the same time, Xingqiu and his party, who were commanding the Qianyan Army to rescue the unconscious residents in Qingce Village, also encountered Yingmei and Fischer as Han Xiao expected.

Of course, this time was different from the one in the game. Faced with Xingqiu's wary look, the skirmisher who originally planned to dress up as a wanderer noticed the situation, so he just met Yingmei and left in a hurry.

That person's clothes seem to be the style of Inazuma's.

Looking at the backs of the stragglers leaving in a hurry, Paimon looked at Ying with some confusion.

Why do I feel like he wanted to talk to us just now?

Xingqiu, do you know him?

Unlike Paimon's doubts, Ying found that Xingqiu had become very nervous since the boy appeared.

At the same time, it was also because of Xingqiu's attitude that the young man dressed as a rice wife chose to leave in the end.

That guy is not a good person, he is the executive officer of fools.

Seeing the skirmishers leaving in the direction of Mondstadt, Xingqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed, and then he revealed the true identity of the other party to Yingmei and the others.

Ever since he received the news that Abedo got from Han Xiao, saying that another Fool executive had entered Liyue, he had been worried about whether the other party was planning to cause trouble in Liyue again.

Moreover, Han Xiao sent a question to Zhidong Kingdom, but the response she got was that the Fools were here to investigate the meteor shower incident.

Because they are worried that this meteor shower event will affect the entire Teyvat.

Although the remarks made by the fools were quite outrageous, Han Xiao couldn't find any flaws for a while and could only let Xing Qiu keep an eye on it.

That's why Xingqiu acted so fearful when he saw stragglers.

What, that person just now turned out to be the executive officer of the Fools?

After hearing Xingqiu's explanation, Paimon covered his mouth in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

It's true, little Paimon.

Xiangling on the side put away the box of Miechen in her hand and said in a heavy tone.

We received news from Brother Han Xiao before. He asked us to pay close attention to each other's movements to prevent the Fools from causing trouble in Liyue.

No wonder you were so nervous just now.

Looking at the direction in which the young man dressed as Inazuma disappeared, Ying asked thoughtfully:

What seat was that person just now?

Sixth seat, skirmishers.

Is it possible that this meteor shower incident was also caused by fools?

Knowing that the rice-wife boy just now was really the executive officer of the Fools, Paimon immediately connected him with the meteor shower incident.

Probably not, they seem to be here to investigate too.

Xingqiu shook his head, denying Paimon's guess.

The information he got from Han Xiao was not much, but from the known information, he could still conclude that the Fools had nothing to do with the meteor shower incident.

In short, travelers, you should be careful when investigating meteor shower events.

I see.

While Ying responded, she also became more curious about this meteor shower event.

Originally she thought this was just an accident, but now it seems that even the Fools have sent people to investigate. The truth behind this incident may not be as simple as she thought.


Just when Yingmei and the others met the skirmishers for the first time, Han Xiao had successfully landed on the land of Musk Reef.

After setting foot on the small island, he quickly saw the ancient building standing in the center of Musk Reef.

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