The production of mobile phones is not enough, so this is a last resort, A-Qing.

Listening to Ke Qing's suppressed angry voice on the mobile phone topic, Han Xiao, who was at home, had to comfort her in a low voice.

He understood Keqing's anger very well.

After all, anyone would be angry if a lot of troubles are suddenly added to you when you are working intensively.

But the real problem lies there. Liyue does not have that much spare labor force, and the production line cannot be expanded. Naturally, mobile phone production cannot be increased.

They can only use the solution of coexistence of fixed lines and mobile phones to popularize remote communication technology on a large scale.

How much space will be repaired?

After listening to Han Xiao's description of the 'difficulty' currently facing Liyue, Ke Qing also knew that the other party's decision was correct, so she could only grit her teeth and ask how many lines the other party planned to bury in Liyue.

Let me think about it...probably the whole territory?

Liyue uses foul language!


After forcibly hanging up the phone, Han Xiao rubbed her ears with lingering fear, and couldn't help but mutter in a low voice:

Really, A-Qing is too irritable.

The call here had just been hung up, and the beeping communicator over there rang again.

My business is quite busy!

Han Xiao couldn't help but secretly laugh at this, took out her communication device and connected the communication.

Miss Dolly?

Guest Hanxiao, the Jiaoling Academy has already selected a candidate.

As expected, it was Dolly's voice on the other side of the Dudu communication device, and she also brought the target chosen by the Order.


Abatui, a scholar of the Sulon sect who just passed away some time ago.

Abatui, right? I remember it. I'll let you know when the experiment starts.

Then I'll be waiting for your good news!

Hanging up the communication again, Han Xiao put away her mobile phone and Dudu communicator, turned around and walked towards the secret room.

He just had an idea now.

When he came to the secret room, he had renovated it from top to bottom after the secret room was completely destroyed due to the last Hanxiao transformation.

On the brand-new alchemy experimental table, a boy doll, only about 1.5 meters tall, was lying motionless on it.

Walking to the experimental table, Han Xiao looked at the unfinished puppet on the experimental table, then picked up the alchemy tools and started working on it.

He planned to make a doll clone to go to the Dark Sea to conduct experiments on his behalf, and Han Xiao also planned to use the doll to complete the subsequent transactions with the Order.

After all, his current identity is one of the Seven Stars of Liyue. It would be a little troublesome if others knew that he was conspiring with the Order Academy in exchange for the Heart of the Grass God.

Han Xiao didn't want Liyue to fall into diplomatic public opinion for his own reasons, so making a doll became his first choice.

As for whether it can be done, it is definitely possible.

First of all, Han Xiao's current life level has reached the level of the demon god, and he can still use the technology of remote control using his consciousness.

Secondly, Han Xiao himself learned the technique of thinking segmentation from Xing Xiao, and he was able to preside over work in Guili City while completing experiments in the dark sea.

With these two points as a guarantee, he can definitely obtain the Heart of the Grass God from the Xumi Order in Liyue.


Just as Han Xiao was preparing for his plan, after more than half a month of traveling at sea, a large ship docked at the port of Zhidong.

In the Ice Queen's palace, the Ice God, holding the Ice Scepter, was sitting on the throne, his vacant eyes seemed to be thinking about something.


With the sound of high heels stepping on the ground, the Ice Queen's empty eyes refocused, and her cold gaze looked directly towards the palace gate.


The palace door was pushed open, and a tall and graceful figure stepped into the palace. It was the lady who had returned to Winter.

Queen, Rosalin has come to revive you.

The lady slowly bent down and knelt on one knee, reached out and took out the Heart of God (Monkey Version) from her arms, raised it respectfully over her head and said:

I have retrieved Morax's God's Heart for you.

The next moment, the lady felt a light touch in her hand, and the Heart of God in her hand appeared in the Ice Queen's hand at some point.

Looking carefully at the 'Heart of God' in his hand, the Ice God, who had remained silent since the lady entered the palace, suddenly showed a faint smile.

Interesting... As expected of an Adventer.

Chapter 342 The Ice Queen


Suddenly hearing a term she hadn't heard for a long time from the Ice Queen's mouth, the lady was stunned.

According to the intelligence investigation of the Fools, Han Xiao should not be a native of Liyue. When did he become an Adventer?

This is totally against common sense.

This Heart of God is fake, Rosalind, you still lose.

Ice God did not explain to the lady why she called Han Xiao the Adventer. He just said lightly while playing with the 'Heart of God' in his hand.


Upon hearing Bing Shen's words, the lady's face changed instantly, and her eyes revealed a look of disbelief.

She has obviously checked it out, how could it be fake?

Your Lady Queen, I...

Just as the lady was about to defend herself, she was interrupted by the Ice Queen waving her hand.

Rosalyn, I don't blame you for this.

The other party's imitation technology is very good. If you are not at the level of the Seven Gods, it will be difficult to see through the mystery, and...

As she spoke, the Ice Queen raised the 'Heart of God' in her hand high, her eyes fixed on this chess piece that shone no less brightly than the genuine Heart of God, and the corners of her mouth raised slightly:

Han Xiao is a very interesting person. He deserves to be called an old-timer. Morax's methods are still so sophisticated.

Cold night...

The lady couldn't help but lower her head, her eyes filled with anger under the mask.

By now, if she didn't know that she had been tricked by Han Xiao, she would be really stupid.

Thinking that she had been deceived by a fake God's Heart and caused huge losses to the fools, the lady wished she could go back to Liyue to cause trouble for Han Xiao.


As if seeing the flame in the lady's heart, the Ice Queen lowered her hand, put the 'Heart of God' aside, and gave the order in a calm tone:

There's no need to worry about Liyue, my goal has been achieved.


Hearing that the Ice God did not intend to pursue Liyue's fraudulent contract, the lady couldn't help but look at the Ice God, as if she wanted to say something.

However, seeing the other party's unruffled face, she could only lower her head:

Yes, Your Majesty the Queen, I will obey your order.

Go to Rice Wife, Rosalind, and bring back the Thunder God's Heart.

Rosalyn obeys.

Seeing that the Queen not only did not blame her for the mistakes she had committed in Liyue, but still made her responsible for capturing the God of Thunder from Rice Wife, the lady immediately bowed respectfully to the Ice God.

Then he stood up slowly and left the cold palace.

Watching the lady leave, a tall figure suddenly walked out of the shadows of the palace and knelt down on one knee in front of the Ice God.

Queen, do you want me to retrieve the Heart of God from Liyue for you?

Pierro, I know your abilities.

Looking at the original executive of the Fools kneeling on one knee in front of her, the Ice Queen shook her head slightly.

The opponent's power is comparable to that of the Demon God. If it were him, it shouldn't be difficult to take back the Heart of the Rock God from the descendant.

However, this is no longer necessary now.

With this thought in mind, the Ice Queen waved her scepter with her other hand, and the Heart of God placed aside suddenly floated into the air and flew in front of Piero in an instant.

Take a closer look at this Heart of God, Piero. Liyue has already placed a bet on it.

After hearing the words of the Ice God, Piero reached out to catch the Heart of God floating in front of him and looked at it carefully. The more he looked at it, the weirder the expression on his face became.

The imitation God's Heart in front of him was indeed as good as the Queen said. If he hadn't looked at it carefully with a critical heart, he might have mistaken it.

No wonder, no wonder you call that Tianshu Star the Adventer.

Feeling the aura of power on the 'Heart of God' that was different from Teyvat, Piero's face that was not covered by the mask showed a look of surprise.

That would be really interesting if so.

Pierro, how are you doing with Inazuma?

Seeing that the Executive Harlequin had understood the whole story, the Ice God immediately changed the topic to another country.

Reporting to the Queen, before Rosalin comes back, I have informed Inazuma about the appointment. They already know the news that Rosalin is about to go.

Where's Scaramucci?

I gave the other party a task before, and he will also leave for Inazuma after completing it.

Then everything is left to you, Piero.

Your ideal is our desire!

After bowing respectfully to the Ice Queen, Piero the Harlequin also left the palace.

Feeling the silence of the main hall, the Ice Queen's eyes on the throne slowly lost focus and fell into empty thoughts again.


Han Xiao, who was making a doll in the secret room, didn't know that a conversation about him had already taken place in Zhidong. All his attention was now focused on the doll in front of him.

Oh, maybe he's not the only one.

There are also many people in the chat group watching his work through live broadcast.

[Ingenious World·Hanxiao]: The basics are almost completed. All that's left is the circuit selection for the doll. What circuit do you plan to use for Yuanxiao?

[Ip Man·Hanxiao]: Of course, choose the strength type, so that the combat effectiveness will be high.

[Xingyue·Hanxiao]: Please, Yuanxiao is not making a puppet this time to fight. He just needs a body that can be controlled from a distance. Just choose a life-saving circuit.

[Yu-Gi-Oh! Hanxiao]: Xingxiao is right. Yuanxiao made a doll in order to conduct experiments in the Dark Sea and to make deals with those in Sumeru and the Order Academy. It would be nice to have the ability to save one's life.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: What about the ability to save life? How about Huilu Yaexia? I have a very good relationship with Xiao Zi. If I want to study it, she will definitely agree.

[One Piece·Hanxiao]: I remember Xiaozi is a lolita, right? You beast, what on earth have you done!

[jojo·Hanxiao]: It's probably Boki's fault. Jixiao is a beast. It's not just a day or two.

[World of Ingenuity·Hanxiao]: Uh... Let me get down to business. Yae Kasumi's illusion circuit is still very useful.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: No need, I have already chosen the circuit.

[World of Warcraft·Hanxiao]: The teleportation spell and casting materials have been prepared. Please accept it.

[Original God·Hanxiao]: Thank you very much.

After learning that Han Xiao had chosen the space ability, everyone in the chat group suddenly realized that this was indeed a good life-saving ability.

Under the gaze of everyone, Han Xiao spent some points to accept the red envelope, took out the materials sent by Mo Xiao, and then carefully integrated the materials into the circuit of the doll body bit by bit according to the design that had been made long ago.

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