We returned to Mondstadt this time to attend the Wind Flower Festival at the invitation of Captain Qin. The trip was just a side trip.

Wind Flower Festival, it turns out it's that time.

Hearing Yingmei talk about the purpose of their trip back to Mondstadt, Han Xiao suddenly realized, and then smiled slyly:

Then you will definitely be surprised when you go to Mondstadt this time.

Oh, why is this?

After hearing this, Paimon, who was held in Ying's arms, quickly stuck his head out and looked at Han Xiao curiously.

She didn't quite understand why Han Xiao said they would be surprised when they returned to Mondstadt this time.

Hmm... maybe it's because the Wind Flower Festival is Captain Qin's day off.


Regarding Han Xiao's explanation, Ying and Paimon both made confused sounds.

Isn't the Windflower Festival a Mondstadt festival? According to the past, shouldn't the Knights be busier during festivals?

Why did Han Xiao say this was Qin's day off?

Keep it secret for now. You'll find out when you go.


Dudu - Duduke -

After sending away the confused Yingmei and Paimon, Han Xiao was just about to go to the alchemy workshop to see the progress of Albedo's research on landline phones, when the beeping communication device suddenly rang.

Someone is contacting him through the Dudu communicator.

Han Xiao took out the communication device and connected the communication directly.

Hey, hey, are you a Hanxiao guest?

I am Han Xiao, and you are Ms. Alice's friend in Xumi?

Han Xiao was a little surprised at first by the childish voice in the communication device, and then quickly thought of the other party's identity.

Chapter 340: Albedo is evolving faster and faster

At present, there are not many people on the Teyvat continent who own Dudu communication devices. Excluding the few that I know, the only one left is Ms. Alice's businessman named Dolly in Sumeru.

There may be other people who also have Ms. Alice's Dudu communicator, but the only one who will communicate with him during this time is Dolly.

Sure enough, when Han Xiao guessed her identity, crisp laughter suddenly came from the communication device, and then Dolly's slightly satisfied voice came from the communication device:

Dolly, I like smart and knowledgeable guests very much. Guest Hanxiao, you have a good impression of Dolly here!

Thank you very much for the compliment.

In response to Dolly's slightly provocative words, Han Xiao couldn't help but twitch the corner of her mouth.

Listening to the obviously childish but deliberately provocative voice in his ear, for some reason, the appearance of a quirky loli appeared in front of his eyes.

Could it be that...Ms. Alice's friend named Dolly is really a loli?

Hey, Hanxiao guest, let's talk about business.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't respond, Dolly didn't continue to play tricks, but immediately got down to business:

I have sent your document to the Order Academy.

It seems that there is feedback from the Imperial Academy?


Holding the Dudu communication device, the corners of Dolly's mouth turned up more and more. She was indeed the guest introduced by Ms. Alice. It was very agreeable to her to talk to smart people.

Asfad has contacted me through the void system. The great sage of the Order wants to meet with you.

Let's meet... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. I can't get away from here.

If you need me to tell you anything, as long as you have Maura, everything will be easy to tell!

Hearing Han Xiao's slightly embarrassed words, Dolly immediately understood the other party's subtext and immediately agreed.

Five million morah.

“How will I be paid?”

Dolly did not immediately agree to Han Xiao, but asked Han Xiao where she should get her reward.

She was smart and had already guessed certain situations, but since Maura didn't make any money, she didn't bother to take care of it.

There should be a branch of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in Xumi. You can report my name there and get the reward you deserve.

Okay, guest Hanxiao, what message do you need me to bring?

With just one sentence, she could earn five hundred thousand molas for nothing. Dolly couldn't help but smile. This kind of good thing is really blessed by the God of Wealth!

Tell the great sages of the Order Academy for me. They can designate a person's identity. I may conduct experiments in the dark sea next.

No problem, I'll bring the conversation within three days.

With Maura's guarantee, Dolly's voice of agreement seemed quite strong.


After talking to Dolly, Han Xiao slowly came to the alchemy workshop.

In the huge workshop, only Abedo was busy in front of the experimental bench. As for Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng, he returned to Mingyun Town.

The mobile phone production line was there, and she had to go back and keep an eye on the workers to prevent mistakes.

Albedo, how's the landline going?

Han Xiao walked to the rest area nearby, pulled out a chair and sat down. At the same time, she asked Albedo about the development progress of the landline phone.

It's done quickly, it's much easier than using a cell phone.

Abedo, who was doing experiments with his head lowered in front of the experimental table, heard Han Xiao's inquiry and immediately raised his head and said calmly.

Although the principle of remote calling on landline phones is different from that on mobile phones, the basics are still the same.

That's why he was so sure that the research and development of landline phones would be completed soon.

Does this mean that while building signal relay towers, we also have to erect telephone poles?

Knowing that Abedo was making rapid progress, Han Xiao muttered to herself thoughtfully.

Landline calls are transmitted through electrical signals, which means that in addition to building signal relay towers for mobile phones, we also have to complete the telephone poles required for landline calls.

Although Han Xiao talked to himself quietly, he and Abedo were the only ones in the entire workshop, which was very quiet.

So Abedo heard it quite clearly, so he explained:

There is no need for this, just bury it in the soil.

As he spoke, he picked up a transparent rope-like object from the experimental table nearby and threw it to Han Xiao.

Raising his hand, Han Xiao accurately used the object thrown by Albedo. However, as soon as he took it, the cold feeling on the object caused his expression to change.

Is this...glass?

Yes, I did a lot of experiments and finally gave up wires and used glass instead.

Perhaps seeing that Han Xiao was confused as to why the thing she gave him was not a wire, Abedo calmly explained to him that he would abandon wires and choose glass.

It turned out that after receiving the task of developing a landline phone from Han Xiao, Abedo simply looked through the conversation records between the two of them about the remote communication system and found simple drawings about the landline phone.

So after experiments, the first prototype was quickly manufactured.

However, as a researcher, Abedo still feels that using wires to connect is a bit wasteful.

Emmm, how should I put it? After all, Teyvat and reality are in different eras. The little bit of metal consumption in the wires is nothing, but it is different in Teyvat continent.

Even in Liyue, which is rich in ores, it is too extravagant to use a large amount of ores for wires when the layered rock abyss is closed.

To solve this problem, Abedo began looking for materials to replace wires.

Soon, he discovered that electrical signals seemed to be converted into light signals.

Abedo, who came to this conclusion, immediately found glass for experiments and confirmed his idea.

Light signals can also achieve long-distance calls, and the cost of glass is much cheaper than wires.

...As expected of you.

After listening to the process of Abedo's discovery of beam communication technology, Han Xiao could only give a thumbs up in approval after holding it in for a long time.

He came up with optical fiber technology just because he disliked the high cost of wires. Under his training, Abedo became more and more like Doraemon.


Just when Han Xiao was amazed by Abedo's increasingly versatile evolution, Dolly also brought his words to Asfard.

Hey, the other party is ready to start the experiment?

After listening to the news from Asfard, although it was not so detailed, the several sages who had read the document summary quickly understood the meaning behind the words of the owner of the document.

Are you specifically asking them to appoint candidates for the experiment because you are worried that they do not believe in the success of the experiment?

Lord Azar, should we...

Before the intellectual sage finished speaking, several sages present turned their attention to Azar, who was meditating.

Chapter 341: Ke Qing was forced to swear

Who are the scholars who have recently passed away in Xumi City?

Under the gaze of everyone, Azar, who had been thinking for a long time, slowly asked.

He knew very well what the people behind Dolly planned to do. The other party never stated their requirements. It was just to complete an experiment first and let them see the possibility of the plan before making their own requirements.

This is a conspiracy, a conspiracy that the sages cannot refuse as long as they do not want to give up resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King.

So after careful consideration, Azar decided to follow the other party's suggestion and choose an experimental subject that they were familiar with.

I do have one here.

Hearing Azar's inquiry, the sage of the Sulon sect opened his mouth and attracted everyone's attention.

The Void System reminded me of something some time ago. Abatui seems to have disconnected.

The guy they kicked out of the Order?

When the sage of the Suron sect said this, the other sages present frowned and invariably thought of the other party's identity from their memories.

Abatui, a mechanical expert, was a scholar who was expelled from the Academy for trying to create mechanical life. Didn't he expect that he would die?

If it's him, yes.

Azar was very satisfied with the candidate proposed by the sages of the Suron sect.

First of all, they all know this person, and secondly, he is not on the same path as them.

Even if the person who wrote the plan fails the experiment, they have no loss.

Inform Asfad, tell him Abatui's name, and then we will wait for the results of the other party's experiment.

I will obey the orders of the great sage.


Han Xiao doesn't know yet what the great sage Azar and several other sages have decided. He is currently completely focused on planning for the upcoming mobile phone.

As for when to conduct experiments in the dark sea, it is still early.

My sister has already gone to Mondstadt for a trip, let’s wait and see when the other party goes to Daozhi.

So, I have to lay out landline lines next?

Keqing, who had already evacuated from Nantianmen and arrived at Cuijuepo to repair the signal relay tower, twitched the corners of her mouth slightly and held her cell phone tightly with her slender jade fingers.

What did she hear?

The construction of a signal relay tower in Liyue was already a huge project, but Han Xiao actually called to say that they would dig holes and bury lines in Liyue.

Even a workaholic like Ke Qing wanted to curse Liyue at her colleague, whom she had known since childhood.

This is really treating her and the construction team as donkeys!

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