But even so Asfad still asked.

Because he didn't know when, he discovered that the great sages of the Teaching Council seemed to have been planning something.

This made Asfard a little worried. Now Xumi is already conflicted because of the issues with the Desert Red King.

If something happens again, the entire country will fall into chaos.

Therefore, how could he not pay attention to Dolly's sudden statement that someone had entrusted her with making a deal with the great sages of the Order Academy.

No, Mr. Consultant.

Regarding Asfad's idea of ​​seeing the contents of the plan, Dolly shook her head and refused. At the same time, she took out a contract and placed it on the table. She looked at him with a serious face and said:

If Asfard is willing to accept this deal, we will sign a contract. This is Lord Morax's contract. Mr. Consultant should know the weight of this contract.

The whole of Sumeru is your Sangge Mahabhai's belief that is so unique.

Hearing Dolly's words, Asfad couldn't help but shook his head, with a look of helplessness on his face.

He was clearly in the kingdom of the God of Wisdom, but the big businessman in front of him believed in gods from other countries. He didn't know what to say.

Don't pay attention to my questions. Mr. Consultant, let me first tell you whether you are willing to accept this deal?

Take it, why don't you pick it up.

Asfad shrugged. The thirty-man group usually spent a lot of money. Why wouldn't he take on this kind of task that could be done casually and get paid?

Besides, even if he doesn't accept it, Dolly can probably find someone else to take over the task.

Rather than leaving it to others, it is better to let yourself be the middleman. At least if there is something in the documents Dolly sent that really harms Xumi, he, the middleman, will be able to know more or less about the situation.

With this thought, Asfad reached out and picked up the contract document on the table and read it carefully, then raised his eyebrows.

The regulations written by the other party are watertight, basically eliminating all the ways for him to check the contents of the transaction items.

Seeing that he couldn't find any loopholes, Asfad had no choice but to sign his name happily.

As expected, Mr. Consultant, the contract has been fulfilled. Anyone who breaks his promise shall be punished by eating rocks.

It's really your style.

Asfad shook his head, picked up the sealed documents on the table and put them in his arms, and then said to Dolly:

Then I'll take my leave.

Mr. Consultant, walk slowly!


After signing a contract with Dolly, Asfad himself did not dare to neglect and hurried back to the main city of Xumi with the sealed document.

A few days later, he finally took advantage of some work opportunities and handed the document in his hand to the great sage Azar.

It's really interesting. Isn't that unique businessman always very wary of the Order? Whose commission made her willing to have a relationship with us?

When he learned that this document was entrusted to him by someone, Azar showed a rare smile.

For Dolly, a well-known big businessman in Xumi, he had naturally heard that she had always kept a distance from the Order.

Unexpectedly, the other party would choose to contact their Order Academy because of someone's entrustment.

With that said, Azar opened the sealed document bag in front of Asfad, took out the documents and read them.

This is...!!

After just one glance, Azar, who had always maintained a calm attitude in front of outsiders, instantly widened his eyes with a look of disbelief, and at the same time, he couldn't help but let out a rapid shout.

The next moment, Azar stuffed the document back into the sealed bag faster than Asfard imagined, and then carefully put it into his arms.

After doing all this, he turned his attention to Asfad and said in a rather solemn tone:

Asfad, you go back first.

Yes, Lord Azar.

Although he didn't know the specific content of the document, he knew from the attitude of the great sage Azar that what was written in the document was definitely very important.

Academic paper?

Or is it some taboo new knowledge?

With this thought, Asfad exited the Order House, but he kept his head lowered and did not notice Azar's eyes that suddenly flashed with murderous intent.


Looking at Asfad's leaving figure, Azar slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

If he hadn't considered that he still needed the other party to contact the person who gave the documents behind Dolly, he would have almost ordered Asfad to be captured and executed immediately.

When he thought of the documents, Azar couldn't help but touch the sealed bag lying in his arms, then immersed his consciousness in the void system and operated it for a while, and then walked towards a hidden location in the Order Academy. .

Soon, five figures walked out of their respective colleges in the Teaching Order and came to this secret place.

Lord Azar, if we have to get together to talk about something, why can't we talk about it in the void?

As soon as he saw Azar sitting in the room with his head lowered in thought, Nafis, the sage of the Shengtuo sect, was the first to break the silence with a look of displeasure on his face.

Nafis, please be patient. I have my own reasons for doing this.

Hearing Nafis's voice, Azar raised his head and looked at the five great sages present, and then took out the document that he had read several times from his arms.

You guys take a look at this first.

With some doubts, Nafis took the lead and looked at the document handed over by Azar. After just one glance, his expression changed.

Then Nafis couldn't help but raise his head to glance at Azar, who was still in a meditative state, and then immediately lowered his head and continued reading.

After looking at all the contents of the document, Nafis handed the document in his hand to another curious sage with a livid face, and then fell into silence with Azar.

“What a bold design!”

Amazing idea, incredible!

No, no, this is completely crazy!

As the five sages all read the contents of the document, they finally couldn't help but start to talk about their feelings, with a little shock remaining on everyone's face.


While everyone was arguing, Azar suddenly interrupted them. Seeing that everyone was focusing on him, he said slowly:

What do you think of this plan?

Is there any possibility of fruition?

Wait, Lord Azar!

Nafis suddenly interrupted Azar's inquiry. He looked at the great sage of the Order in front of him with a serious face and asked word by word:

You're not planning to carry out this plan, are you?

Chapter 339: The Mondstadt Flower Festival is coming

why not?

After hearing Nafis' question, Azar replied without changing his expression.

For five hundred years, every generation of sages in Sumeru have been working hard for a common goal, which is to resurrect the Great Merciful Tree King.

As for the Little Lucky Grass King, I'm sorry, we don't recognize it.

No, this experiment is too ridiculous, I object!

Nafis suddenly reached out and slapped the table hard, making a loud noise, and the expression on his face was quite ugly.

As a sage of the Biological Theory School, he is the scholar who knows the most about biology, ecology and medicine among several major schools.

In the eyes of Nafis, the plan of becoming a hero is probably as opposed to human cloning technology as most people in our modern society.

You must know that within the branch of life sciences, there is bioethics.

Nafis, you and I have exactly the opposite views. The plan in this review has a high chance of success in our opinion.

Unlike Nafis, who had an ugly face, the sage from the Sulon sect suddenly spoke and attracted the attention of everyone present.

You should know that the Sulon sect has the deepest research into geology, and we are the one with the most say in this plan among the six major sects.

When the sages of the Suron sect said this, except for Nafis, the faces of several sages present showed expressions of surprise.

If even the Su Lun sect, which has a lot of research on earth veins, says that it has a high chance of success, doesn't it mean that they finally see hope after 500 years?

Lord Azar!

Seeing that everyone present was moved, Nafis hurriedly shouted, trying to calm everyone down and listen to his thoughts.

However, the next moment, Azar took out the void system and hung it to his ear. After seeming to give some orders, he took off the void system and looked at Nafis and said:

Sage Nafis, there is a huge research project waiting for you in the Order Academy. Please stay in the Order Academy for the time being.

You crazy people!

As soon as Nafes heard this, he stood up and prepared to rush to Azar.

However, before he could take action, he heard a bang, and the door of the secret meeting place was suddenly pushed open. Several guards from a group of thirty broke in and surrounded him.

Facing the guards who surrounded him, Nafis tried to break through their obstacles. Unfortunately, he, a scholar, did not have much strength at all. In desperation, he could only shout:

Azar, you can't do this!

Unfortunately, Azar didn't even raise his eyelids in response to Nafis's shouting, and directly gave orders to several guards:

Sage Nafes has an important task next. You will escort him to the designated place.

Yes, Lord Azar.

The guards who received the order directly picked up Nafis, completely ignoring the opponent's struggling body, and walked directly towards the place where Azar gave the order in the void system.

When the door to the secret conference room closed again, Azar looked at the four sages beside him who had remained silent since just now, and said slowly:

I want to implement this plan, now who else has any objections?

I agree.

This is Xumi's long-cherished wish for five hundred years, and I support it.

After witnessing Nafis being put under house arrest under the order of the great sage Azar, the other sages naturally would not touch this bad luck.

Moreover, resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King is something they have been looking forward to, but they have never had any reliable plan before.

Now that they finally had a plan that seemed feasible, they naturally wanted to give it a try.

Then it's decided, I will contact the master behind this plan.

Azar nodded. Although the oldest Sheng Lun sect did not side with them, as long as Nafis was not around, the Sheng Lun sect had nothing to fear.


Han Xiao, who didn't know that his summary of the plan would cause infighting among Xumi's top brass, was looking at Ying and Paimon standing in front of him and asked curiously:

Are you planning to travel to Mondstadt?

Yes, yes, Han Xiao, do you want to come with us?

Before Ying could speak, Paimeng beside him eagerly admitted, and at the same time extended an invitation to Han Xiao.

Emmm, how should I put it, Paimon’s calculation was very good.

She and Ying's expenses in Liyue were basically reimbursed, so they didn't spend much, but traveling naturally costs money.

Although I have made a little money working part-time at Wanmintang and delivering food these days, if I could bring Han Xiao, a rich man, with me, wouldn't I be able to save a lot of money!

Haha, I won't go.

Seeing Paimon staring at her with starry eyes, Han Xiao chuckled and immediately shook her head to reject the other party's invitation.

This little guy's thoughts are too easy to understand, and he won't be fooled.

Besides, the cell phone matter still needs to be arranged by herself, and Han Xiao still can't get away from it.

Oh, forget it then.

Knowing that Han Xiao was really unavailable, Paimon had no choice but to sigh helplessly, as if lamenting that his little plan had failed.

Actually, you don't have to worry about Paimon.

Ying on the side stretched out her hand to pull Paimeng into her arms and hugged her, and then said to Han Xiao sheepishly:

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