What is this and why is it so weird?

Looking at the objects in the box, Bai Zhu frowned for a moment, holding the box with both hands and carefully looking at the rather weird objects in the box.

Or maybe the object doesn't fit, because the box is just a squirming piece of meat.

Faced with Bai Zhu's question, Han Xiao did not answer immediately. Instead, he took out an exquisite machine creation from Yu Perry and placed it in front of the two of them.

Mr. Baizhu, this time I brought the latest microscope developed by Albedo. You will know after you try it.

With that said, Han Xiao explained to Baizhu the function of the microscope and how to use it.


After understanding how to use the microscope, Bai Zhu opened the small box skillfully, used a knife to cut a small piece of meat and put it under the microscope. Then he went to the microscope and observed it carefully.

This observation didn't matter, Baizhu was completely shocked. He found several more materials without saying a word, and even cut off a small piece of his own skin for reference.

After reading all the materials one by one, Bai Shu raised his head, looked at Han Xiao with burning eyes and asked:

How could this be? What exactly did you give me?

With a piece of meat containing HeLa cells, this cell line will not age and die, and can divide indefinitely. It can almost be said to be a perfect sample of immortality.

This is completely unreasonable.

Although Baizhu has always behaved more like a Chinese medicine practitioner in the game, he has also learned medical methods from places like Fontainebleau and other places, and it can be said that he has a thorough understanding of Chinese and Western medicine.

Although he didn't quite understand some of the terms in Han Xiao's mouth, such as within cells, he still knew how precious this piece of meat with HeLa cells was.

This is almost equal to ‘immortality’!

Han Xiao did not answer Baizhu's question. After all, he was not particularly proficient in medicine. He only got the sample from the other world in the chat group in order to compensate the other party.

Doesn't Bai Zhu want to pursue immortality? HeLa cells are the closest thing he knows.

How about this gift? I wonder if you are satisfied with this gift, Mr. Bai Zhu?

Satisfied, very satisfied!

Bai Zhu carefully put the transparent box containing the HeLa cell meat into his God's Eye, with an excited smile on his face.

The dissatisfaction with Han Xiao and the others for taking Qiqi away instantly disappeared.

Due to bottom line issues, he was unable to conduct some inhumane experiments on Qiqi, which resulted in the progress of his research being very slow.

Well now, with this sample called HeLa cells, the road to immortality is possible!

By the way Han Xiao, I already have some idea of ​​the infant vaccine you asked me for before. I will give you an accurate answer after a while.

Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Bai Zhu.


So, Doctor Bai Zhu, you calmed down so quickly?

Listening to the message from Han Xiao on the phone, Ning Guang was slightly surprised.

It wasn't that she didn't believe that Han Xiao could master Baizhu, but she didn't expect that the other party could master it so quickly.

Is this speed a little too fast?

“Sometimes, as long as you identify the exact need, you can hit it right away.”

While Ning Guang was surprised that he had mastered Baizhu so quickly, Han Xiao was not excited at all.

In his opinion, Baizhu's goal is just to pursue immortality, and he is not like Dr. Fool, the executive officer, who loses his humanity for the goal. Therefore, as long as he meets the other party's needs, it is very simple to get it done.

Then let's talk business.

Now that Han Xiao had said that he had mastered Bai Shu, Ning Guang didn't bother to care about what methods the other party used, and instead got down to business.

“What is the current production volume of mobile phones?”

During this time, she has experienced the great convenience of mobile phones. What she is most concerned about now is the production of mobile phones.

Ningguang has planned to purchase a large number of mobile phones in advance and distribute them to all official personnel, which will definitely greatly improve work efficiency.

Several production lines in Mingyun Town have suspended the manufacturing of phonographs, electric kettles and other items, and are now fully engaged in the production of mobile phone parts.

After hearing Ningguang's inquiry, Han Xiao calculated the production capacity in Mingyun Town in her heart, and then continued:

After Keqing builds signal relay towers throughout Liyue, the inventory should reach about 100,000 units.

One hundred thousand units, it feels a bit small.

The figure of 100,000 units made Ning Guang a little dissatisfied. The total population of Liyue was almost 10 million less.

A mere 100,000 units is really not enough.

Do you want me to invest more to expand production capacity?

Of course I welcome investment, but the problem is that there are not enough people now.

Han Xiao, of course, raised his hands in approval of Ningguang's desire to invest more, but the problem now was that there weren't that many people.

Chapter 337 Dolly’s Deal

Liyue's total population is almost 10 million, which is considered a populous country in the Teyvat continent.

However, the problem Han Xiao currently faces is quite unsolvable, that is, there are no redundant human resources.

After all, except for young children and the elderly, most people have their own regular jobs in Liyue Port and Guili City.

Even the extra million labor force caused by the Strata Abyss incident has been fully digested due to measures such as opening factories, farming, and building embankments before the cold night.

There is simply no way to spare more labor force now.

Ningguang's idea of ​​investing additional money to recruit people to expand the mobile phone production line simply cannot be realized.

Why did Hanxiao promulgate the eugenics policy before? It was not to expand the population base of Guili City.

It's just that this policy has just been promulgated, and it will take at least several years to see results.

Can the embankment workers be separated a little bit?

After learning that there was no spare labor force in Liyue, Ningguang was silent for a while, and then gave his own suggestions.

That is to first dedicate some workers from embankment construction to transform, and as for coastal embankments, we can do it slowly.

No, we can't be slow in building embankments.

After hearing Ningguang's suggestion, Han Xiao immediately rejected it.

Guiliyuan is mostly surrounded by plains. If no dikes are built, the seawater will gradually erode the land, and the trouble will be even greater.

That means the current output can only be this way.

In the Qunyu Pavilion, listening to Han Xiao's words on the phone's microphone, Ning Guang felt a little regretful.

Mobile phones are really convenient. Her idea is to cover the entire country in a short time and then spread them to other countries.

This will not only speed up Liyue's own work efficiency, but also earn the interests of other countries faster.

Unfortunately, all conditions are met, except for the hardware of labor force which cannot be achieved.

How could Ningguang not feel sorry for this situation.

“Lack of production is actually not bad.”

Seemingly sensing that Ningguang felt sorry for not being able to increase production, Han Xiao couldn't help but comfort him.

Although Abedo and I have tried our best to use low-cost materials, the cost of making a mobile phone is still not very cheap.

Albedo, the cheaper fixed-line phone, is already making prototypes. We can sell mobile phones as high-end products.

Emmm, unlike the order of research and development of communication equipment in his previous life, Han Xiao directly obtained the remote communication technology from Alice, and naturally omitted the landline phone.

It wasn't until Han Xiao and Abedo discovered that no matter how much they cut prices, there was always a threshold for the price of mobile phones, so they turned to study landline phones.

That's not bad.

After listening to Han Xiao's explanation of the difference between mobile phones and landline phones, Ningguang felt that their method was good. Landline phones could be used at home and in various offices, which could make up for the lack of mobile phone production.


While Han Xiao and Ning Guang were making plans for future mobile phone sales, Han Xiao's plan to transform into a heroic spirit was also passed on to Xumi from Alice.

Yeah, I've written it all down, Ms. Alice!

In a secret place in the Port of Ormos, Dolly Sange Mahabhai, the most special businessman among all the Sumeru merchants and the owner of the El Casazale Palace, was writing non-stop with a quill. He was talking about something while answering the beeping communicator.

Then I'll leave the rest to you, little Dolly!

In the communication device, Alice's voice was still so cheerful.

This matter is all on me, Ms. Alice!

After finishing the conversation with Alice, Dolly put away the Dudu communicator, and then picked up the document she had just copied. The expression on her face was full of exclamation.

It's incredible. It's such a terrible plan.

To be honest, even in an academic-centered country like Sumeru, Dolly was still surprised by this heroic transformation plan.

Because this plan is too crazy, it directly pulls out the residual consciousness and soul fragments from the earth's veins, and then fixes them with some secret method.

Even if the principles and steps were not clearly stated in the document, the simple summary let her know that what Alice had asked for this time was definitely quite tricky.

But...what the heck.

Dolly curled her lips. Anyway, she only needed to send the plan to the consultant of the thirty-member group to get a mora.

No matter how crazy the plan is, it seems to have nothing to do with her.

The next day.

Dolly walked out of her secret residence in Port of Ormos with the documents. She had made an appointment with Asfad, the consultant of the thirty-member group, to meet in Port of Ormos, hoping that the other party would not break the appointment.

Passing through the bustling crowd, Dolly walked into a tavern and skillfully asked the waiter for a private room.

Then she sat on the chair and waited for Asfad's arrival.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door of the box was finally opened, and Asfad's figure appeared in front of Dolly.

Yo! Hello, Grand Advisor.

I don't know what the famous Sange Mahabhai has to do with me.

Asfad walked into the box, closed the door, pulled out a chair in front of Dolly and sat down, then looked at the little figure in front of him seriously.

As the advisor of the thirty-man group, Asfard had naturally heard of Dolly's name, so he did not dare to underestimate the businessman in front of him who looked like a child.

Seeing Asfard asking about business as soon as he came up, Dolly said with a commercial smile on her face:

I just took an order. Someone asked me to try to contact the big shots in the Order. But as you know, Mr. Asfad, I am just a small businessman. There is definitely no way to contact those big shots.

So you want to contact the sages of the Order through me?

Asfad frowned and revealed Dolly's plan.

At the same time, he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

How many molas did the person who entrusted Dolly have to pay to let this Lord Sange Mahabhai take over this job?

You must know that Dolly has always been looked down upon by the Order, and she herself has always been wary of the people in the Order.

Now someone can actually entrust Dolly to put down her guard and contact the Order.

Tsk tsk tsk, I have to say that today was really an eye-opener for him.

Hearing Asfard's rhetorical question, Dolly nodded first, then took out the summary of the Heroic Spiritualization Plan she was carrying and put it on the table.

Yes, Mr. Asfad just needs to send this document to the big shots in the Order.

“As long as those big guys respond, you get paid.”

How about it, this deal is a good deal!

Chapter 338 Conversation between Sages

Can I see what the plans are?

Looking at the documents tightly wrapped in sealed bags on the table, Asfad frowned and asked tentatively.

Logically speaking, he shouldn't ask such questions. After all, this is a transaction between Dolly and the Order, and he is just an intermediary contact.

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