List of Liyue's Top Ten Honest Businessmen

The first one on the list is Liyue's famous Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, and the remaining ones are basically time-honored brands that are well-known in Liyue.

Integrity list, what is this?

In the crowd, someone reached out and touched his head, the expression on his face was full of confusion.

I don’t seem to understand why Seven Stars suddenly selected such a list. What’s the use?

But immediately, someone next to him gave him the answer:

You're stupid, look at what the chambers of commerce on this list have in common.

It seems that they are all time-honored brands and large chambers of commerce that we usually recognize as high quality and low price.

Yeah, look at the reasons for being on the list again.

Wow, the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce actually came forward to 'donate' a large amount of materials because of the sealing of the Strata Rock Abyss!

The same goes for the other companies. No wonder Qixing and Yuehaiting will come forward to commend them for their actions.

These are us Liyue people. From now on, we will go to one of these houses to buy things!

Thinking of the conduct of these businessmen on the list who were doing business in the past, and their sense of responsibility for this ‘donation’.

Almost instantly, the contents of this list were accepted by the people of Liyue without any resistance.


Feiyun Chamber of Commerce

In the study, Xingqiu's father, Xingqiu and his eldest brother were all listening to the news brought back by A Xu.

Axu, you said the first one on the list is our Feiyun Chamber of Commerce?

Yes, sir, it's absolutely true! We are ranked first, and the reputation our chamber of commerce has gained from the public and the matter of 'donating' materials to Liyue are clearly stated in black and white!

Father, this is a good thing!

After hearing this, Xingqiu's eldest brother couldn't help but feel a little joyful on his face.

As the successor of the Chamber of Commerce, he knew very well that this small list would bring tremendous wealth to Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

When Xingqiu's father heard what his son said, although he didn't speak, he was thankful in his heart.

I am glad that I chose to side with Qixing and Hanxiao yesterday for the sake of the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce for many years and Xingqiu.

The reputation of the Feiyun Chamber of Commerce in Liyue has basically reached its peak and cannot rise any higher. He has been trying to find ways to expand the reputation of the Chamber of Commerce among the business people of other countries.

It's a pity that the results are minimal.

Even though the General Affairs Department posted a document and a few words of commendation.

When businessmen from other countries come to Liyue and learn that this is the official list selected by Liyue, they will instinctively have more trust in Feiyun Chamber of Commerce.

It can be said that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's reputation abroad over the years is not as solid as this list.

Not to mention the word ‘donate’ on the nomination form.

Of course Xingqiu's father knew that Liyue had bought the supplies at a price that was 20% higher than the market price, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually modify it as a 'donation'.

He originally planned to sell a favor to Han Xiao, but the other party backhanded him and made Feiyun Chamber of Commerce owe a huge favor.

I have to accept this method.

Thinking of this, Xingqiu's father looked at Xingqiu:

Xingqiu, later you go to the warehouse to pick up 50 million mola and send it to Yuehai Pavilion, and tell Han Xiao that Feiyun Chamber of Commerce, as a responsible chamber of commerce, has the obligation to assume more responsibilities for Liyue.

Also, prepare some ancient paintings for me. I will visit the head of the Han family later.

Oh...I know.

Facing his father's instructions, Xingqiu sighed slightly, and then agreed.

Although he didn't like this kind of favor transaction, he also understood that he owed Fa Xiaohanxiao a huge favor.

The father also did this to express Feiyun Chamber of Commerce's attitude towards this matter to Han Xiao and Qixing.


As soon as the List of the Top Ten Honest Businessmen in Liyue came out, many businessmen instantly realized the huge benefits it contained.

The faces of several businessmen who were on the list almost burst into laughter, while those who were not on the list were extremely jealous.

They also want to be on this list!

Fortunately, it is written in the announcement that the list is not fixed. Every year, the Seven Stars Association and Yuehai Pavilion select ten people to be elected as this year's 'Integrity Businessmen'.

This made those businessmen who were not on the list secretly make up their minds that they must compete for the ten spots next year.


For some businessmen whose reputation has declined or even has no reputation, they can see overwhelming pressure on them from this list.

They didn't know that if it weren't for the need to maintain stability in Liyue due to the incident in Layeryan Abyss, Han Xiao would definitely publish another Liyue Product Anti-Counterfeiting List.

That's what can really kill them.


Compared with the ups and downs of Liyue people's mood on this day, the businessmen from the other six countries actually watched a big show for free.

Oh, maybe not just businessmen.

Those intelligence officers who were hiding in Liyue in the name of businessmen also sent the information they obtained back to the country.

Especially the contents of the following documents were recorded verbatim.

After all, intelligence officers never lack keen judgment.

Originally, they planned to take advantage of the incident in the Layer Rock Abyss to fish in the troubled waters of Liyue. Unexpectedly, Liyue officials temporarily calmed down the possible turmoil with a few simple announcements.

The methods of this generation of Seven Stars are enough to attract their attention.

At the same time, Ke Qing and Ning Guang also returned to Liyue in Qun Yu Pavilion.

Chapter 29 Yelan’s curiosity

The next day, in Qunyu Pavilion.

Yelan and Keqing, who had spent the night in Qunyu Pavilion after rushing back from the Layer Rock Abyss, appeared in Ningguang's office.

As soon as he sat down, Ningguang handed over the document in his hand.

You all should take a look at this document. Liyue's current situation is much better than we expected on the road.

Yelan and Keqing took the document and lowered their heads to read it carefully.

I didn't expect that such interesting characters would appear in Liyue during my absence.

This Han Xiao should be the puppet master rumored to be in Liyue before, right?

After reading the contents of the document in his hand and reviewing the information in his mind, Ye Lan quickly remembered who Han Xiao was mentioned in the document.

Yes, he is also one of the seven-star candidates now.

Oh, this identity changes so quickly.

Ye Lan looked at Ning Guang in surprise.

From the several documents Ningguang gave her, it can be seen that Han Xiao is very methodical in handling government affairs.

She originally thought that when she returned to Liyue this time, the intelligence officers who had been hiding in the dark would take the opportunity to take action. Unexpectedly, Han Xiao issued a series of announcements that helped Qixing directly stabilize the situation.

With this method alone, he really doesn't look like a puppeteer who is famous for his craftsmanship.

Anyway, it didn't match the information she had obtained before.

It can only be said that our vision in selecting talents in the past was still a bit shallow. He was added to the seven-star candidate list by the emperor himself.

Regarding Ye Lan's doubts, Ningguang actually felt a little emotional in his heart.

Han Xiao's methods are very powerful, and even she is amazed by some of her policies.

But what really makes Ningguang sigh is how many hidden folk talents they have missed in the past.

Just like this time, without the emperor's instructions, none of them would have known that a person who seemed to be just a puppet master would have such talent.

It's really not easy to be someone recommended by the emperor.

Hearing that Han Xiao was recommended by the emperor himself, Ye Lan became more and more curious about Han Xiao.

After all, to a certain extent, Han Xiao could be considered a 'mistake' in Yelan's intelligence work.

Moon Sea Pavilion...

Unlike Ye Lan, Keqing frowned after reading the document.

Although Han Xiao's method gave her a surprise, it also made Ke Qing see some hidden worries.

Yue Haiting's power seems to be a little too great.


Before Keqing could finish her words, Ningguang suddenly interrupted the other party with a somewhat unclear meaning in his eyes.

She knew what Keqing wanted to say, but she couldn't say it.

No one can touch the power of Yue Haiting, or the power of Gan Yu.

Let's first think about how to arrange the 500,000 miners.

Looking at the two people who fell into silence in front of him, Ningguang directly changed the subject.


Mond Winery

This generation of Seven Stars is very powerful.

Diluc looked at the information brought back by the eagle he raised in his hand, and sighed similar to Ning Guang and others.

If something happened to the Layer Rock Abyss, Liyue should have experienced a period of turmoil, and prices would have skyrocketed.

But I didn't expect Qixing to be temporarily stabilized with a few announcements.

Those guys from the Knights of the West Wind should really learn this method!

And...those announcements.

For Diluc, who controls nearly half of the Mondstadt wine industry, Liyue's latest policy allows him to smell the benefits.

Take the List of the Top Ten Honest Businessmen in Liyue for example. If he wants to cooperate with a businessman in Liyue, he will definitely have more trust in the businessmen on the list.

It's really impressive. First it purchased a large amount of supplies, then it introduced policies to stabilize prices throughout Liyue in one fell swoop, and finally it gave merchants a bait.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's incredible!

Next to Diluc, Kaia, the captain of the Mondstadt cavalry, was also filled with admiration after reading the information.

Hmph, it will be great when your knights can be as decisive as Liyue Qixing and benefit the country, Kaiya.

Well... I'm just a small cavalry captain, I can't control that much.

You've got the information, why don't you leave?

Leave now, leave now.

In response to Diluc's slightly sarcastic words, Kaia's smile remained unchanged and she accepted the information handed over in a relaxed tone.

Before leaving, Kaia turned back to look at Diluc:

Are you really not planning to return to the Knights?


Seeing that Diluc didn't speak, Kaia could only shrug helplessly, turned and left the winery.


Moon Sea Pavilion

It's finally done.

When the last document in his hand was finished, Han Xiao raised his hands and stretched, with relief written all over his face.

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