As for making miners wait for follow-up arrangements, it seems that a good solution has not yet been negotiated.

Gan Yu and the secretary on the side looked at Han Xiao who was thinking about the problem quietly, waiting for the other party's next instructions.

Perhaps everyone at Yuehai Pavilion, including Gan Yu, did not realize that they had unknowingly obeyed Han Xiao's leadership.

First let the General Affairs Department issue the price list we have formulated and the relevant market management regulations that prohibit price increases by more than 15% to prevent merchants from raising prices indiscriminately.

Let the department in charge of culture and entertainment organize some small activities, and the prizes can be exchanged for rice, oil or vegetables.

Then notify the eight doors to open a special sales window in their own department. Prices will remain the same as now and no price increases are allowed.

We must ensure a supply channel with stable prices. In addition, we must prevent people from deliberately buying and selling. Once found... arrest them directly!

As he spoke, Han Xiao's eyes erupted with a cold light that made everyone present palpitate.

Chapter 27 I vote for Hanxiao

Following Han Xiao's words, instructions flew to the Eight Gates and the General Affairs Department.

The General Affairs Department took the lead in sending some people to establish a separate department internally, and named it the Price Bureau after Han Xiao's suggestion.

The first thing the Price Bureau did after its establishment was to post two more documents on the bulletin board.

One is Liyue Commodity Pricing Guidelines Catalog

The other is the Liyue Market Management Regulations

As soon as the two documents came out, there was an uproar in Liyue.

That's great. I don't have to worry about meeting shady businessmen anymore.

Yeah, I thought something happened to the Strata Rock Abyss, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to afford food by then. But now it seems that big shots are big shots, and they think about it in much more detail than us ordinary people.

Compared with many ugly-looking businessmen, most people in Liyue expressed considerable support for these two documents.

In their view, a stable price will at least prevent them from being unable to afford clothes and food in the future.

At the same time, when the eight gates saw this, they did not dare to neglect and took action one after another.


General Services Division.

This method is a bit interesting.

Looking at the documents handed over from the secretary and copied from the bulletin board, Uncle Tian couldn't help but marvel.

First, a product pricing process is given based on comprehensive considerations from all aspects, and then a prepared price list is attached.

Then a price bureau was established in the General Affairs Department to specifically regulate and supervise the market.

Finally, a management regulation was issued stating that all commodities must not rise more than 15% of the current market price.

It can be said that Han Xiao used his methods to directly suppress the situation of possible skyrocketing prices in Liyue.

It's really good.

Not only Uncle Tian, ​​but also Kaiyang, who had questioned Han Xiao before, couldn't help but admire him.

As long as prices don't collapse, the impact Liyue will receive will be greatly reduced.

Of course, in the final analysis, it still depends on how they arrange the 500,000 unemployed miners.

If not handled properly, Hanxiao's policy still cannot save lives.

I will vote for Han Xiao for this candidate.

Tianxuan suddenly spoke and attracted everyone's attention.

Decided so quickly?

Uncle Tian was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone to fall in love with Han Xiao so quickly.

It's decided. His handling methods are beyond those of a seasoned person of his age. At least I ask myself that my handling methods are not as good as his.

What about you Yaoguang? What do you think?

Uncle Tian turned his attention to Yaoguang and the others, hoping to hear their thoughts.

But unexpectedly, it was Kaiyang who spoke first:

Everyone, although I have questioned him before, just like Tianxuan said, his methods are very sophisticated, but I hope we still wait and see.

What are you waiting for?

Let's see if Han Xiao can give us more surprises next.

I agree with Kaiyang's opinion.

Yaoguang thought for a while, and for now, he felt that Han Xiao's ability was actually enough.

But in the end Yaoguang decided to wait and see as Kaiyang said, but he also put forward his own ideas:

I have another proposal, and I hope everyone will vote on it by a show of hands.

I want to hear his opinion on the arrangements for half a million miners.

I second the motion!

Well...I agree.

Looking forward to his performance.

Soon, Yao Guang's thoughts were agreed by the others.


Moon Sea Pavilion

Have the documents been sent out?

Master Hanxiao, it has been sent out.

How did the people react?

Han Xiao raised her head and looked at the secretary who was reporting to him.

Seeing Han Xiao's gaze, the secretary was a little nervous for a moment, and her speech became a little stuttering:

Except for a few businessmen complaining... most of them are satisfied.


When Han Xiao heard this, the big stone in his heart finally fell, and a smile appeared on his face.

It was enough to get the approval of most people. As for those businessmen who complained, he didn't even bother to take care of them.

Prices must be regulated by the government, otherwise if businessmen are allowed to profit from them, public dissatisfaction will erupt sooner or later.

Lord Hanxiao!

At this time, another secretary hurried in and reported to Han Xiao quickly:

I just received news that Mao Caigong's men were forcibly buying supplies from small merchants near Chihuyan at a 30% discount.

Have you been arrested?

Qianyan Army has captured them.

Very good, send me the latest management regulations and the provisions of the law on the punishment of forced buying and selling.



Seeing Qian Yanjun leaving with the goods and fines, Mao Caigong couldn't help but grab the teacup beside him and threw it to the ground.

There was a bang, and the tea cup immediately fell into pieces, and the scattered fragments even splashed at the feet of Chang Hu, who had just been twisted back by Qian Yanjun.

The other party couldn't help but tremble in fear.

Seeing this, Master Maocai became even more furious. He pointed his right index finger at Chang Hu and cursed loudly:

What did I tell you? I asked you to use your brain, not to cause trouble for me at this time!

But Master, didn't you say we should follow the previous method?

Chang Hu, who was scolded, seemed a little aggrieved. He obviously did it in the same way as before.


Seeing that Chang Hu dared to talk back, Mao Caigong directly slapped Chang Hu on the face with a crisp sound.

Didn't you see that the streets are full of Qianyan troops today?

Privately, do you understand?

Where's the brain!

After scolding him, Mao Caigong sat down on his chair, his whole body looking extremely angry.

Just think about it, how could you not be angry when someone fined you three times the market price of the goods you purchased?


Oh, one million molas, this is really a lot.

Looking at the fine handed over by the secretary, Han Xiao couldn't help but clicked her tongue.

Don't look at it. One million in the game doesn't seem to last long, just like Korean won.

But Han Xiao has lived in Liyue for so many years, and she has long discovered that Maura's purchasing power is basically the same as in her previous life.

So Maocai Gong was fined one million, and he must be losing his temper at this moment.

Thinking of this, Han Xiao couldn't help but feel happy.

Pull them all into the warehouse.

Yes, Lord Hanxiao.

Gan Yu on the side could only sigh softly when he saw this, Han Xiao's revenge was so quick.

After being happy for a while, Han Xiao finally remembered the business and quickly looked at Gan Yu:

Miss Gan Yu, is the new bulletin board I requested custom-made ready?

We have already done.

Very good, let's post the List of the Top Ten Honest Businessmen in Liyue. It's time to give some tips to the businessmen in Liyue.

I see.

After speaking, Gan Yu ordered his secretary to send the new bulletin board to the General Affairs Department together with the List of Liyue's Top Ten Honest Businessmen.

Not long after, there was a brand new bulletin board in front of the General Affairs Department.

Chapter 28: Favor Transaction

Today, for the people of Liyue, major events are happening one after another.

First, the layered rock abyss was sealed.

Then the General Affairs Department issued two documents, the Catalogue of Pricing Guidelines for Various Commodities in Liyue and the Liyue Market Management Regulations.

Bamen also specially cooperated with the two documents to establish various departments and a price bureau specifically for supervising Liyue prices.

Usually, the price of goods in Liyue is often the same every day, and some people deliberately raise random prices.

For example, the three Ada brothers who work in Liyue Port will basically be cheated if they ask for help.

Now, with price standards in place, labor costs can be added at most. Once they arbitrarily raise prices again, they can report it to Qian Yanjun.

It can be said that except for the first thing which is a bad thing, the remaining two things are great good things for them.

The sadness on the faces of the people of Liyue due to the sealing of the Layer Rock Abyss was diluted a lot by the news that came one after another.

Hey, look, what is that?

At this moment, a sharp-eyed person suddenly saw someone busy erecting a new bulletin board in front of the General Affairs Department.

At this time, everyone's curiosity was aroused, and they came forward to watch.

Then they saw that there was only an announcement signed by Qixing and Yue Haiting on the newly made bulletin board.

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