He has been exhausted these past two days.

Thanks to you this time, Han Xiao.

Gan Yu on the side also smiled.

The new policy spread among the people in just one day, and the response was unexpectedly good.

The closure of the Strata Abyss did not cause too much confusion.

Next, as long as the problem of half a million unemployed miners is dealt with, the crisis in Liyue can be safely overcome.

That leaves the miners. Right?


What did Qixing say?

Still discussing.

Still discussing?

Hearing Gan Yu's answer, Han Xiao, who was originally in a good mood, immediately frowned.

It's been a day and we still haven't discussed it yet?

There are too many people.

Gan Yu actually understands that Qixing has not come up with a solution so far, and she also feels troubled.

After all, half a million miners is really not a small number.

The overpopulated Liyue Port really cannot accommodate so many people.

By the way, there is news from Qixing. They also want to hear your opinion on how to deal with these 500,000 miners.

What do Qixing think?

Han Xiao raised her eyebrows, a little surprised that Qixing would come to ask for his opinion.

Could it be...

Is there someone among the Seven Stars who has chosen to side with me?

It's a pity that Han Xiao just thought about it in her heart and didn't say it out loud.

Otherwise Gan Yu would have told him that three Seven Stars had already chosen to vote for you at the meeting, and the remaining few were also very optimistic about you.

Qixing knows that the situation in Liyue Port cannot accommodate so many miners, so the current plan is to give each person a sum of money and let them decide their own future.

No, absolutely not.

Hearing Gan Yu's words, Han Xiao denied it without thinking.

Why, I think it's pretty good.

Gan Yu looked at Han Xiao with some confusion, as if he didn't understand why he didn't agree with Qixing's idea.

In her opinion, it is okay to give everyone a sum of money and they can use the money to do some small business or find another job.

This is Ning Guang's idea.

um, yes.

Ha... Then please tell Ning Guang, Miss Gan Yu, that she may not succeed in trying to change Liyue's industrial structure through this.

Chapter 30: Start farming in Liyue?

Qunyu Pavilion

Ningguang and others who were holding the Seven-Star Council soon saw Gan Yu who came in a hurry, and everyone also learned Han Xiao's thoughts from Gan Yu's mouth.

Gan Yu, are you sure that's what Han Xiao said?


Hearing this, Ningguang remained silent, and the other seven stars turned their attention to Ningguang in unison, and were shocked at Han Xiao's bold speech.

Ningguang, are you okay?

Seeing this, Ke Qing asked cautiously, but she couldn't help but complain that Han Xiao was too direct in her words.

You must know that before this, no one had ever so clearly rejected Ningguang's idea.

I'm fine, I was just thinking about the meaning of Han Xiao's words.

Compared to the shock of others, Ningguang didn't care at all. She was just a little surprised that Han Xiao could judge her thoughts based on Gan Yu's few words.

Yes, Ningguang's idea is actually very clear.

The purpose of giving a sum of money to half a million unemployed miners is not only to provide relief, but also to stimulate other industries in Liyue.

The high-quality ore produced in the giant rock abyss has always been the economic pillar of Liyue's exports, and other industries have always been unable to shake its status as a pillar.

Now that the Strata Abyss is closed, it is the best time to vigorously develop other industries.

In Liyue, a country where everyone understands business, half a million unemployed miners can use their money to invest in silk, tea and other industries.

In this way, Liyue can get rid of its economic dependence on the mining industry and realize industrial structural adjustment.

Why does Han Xiao think this is not possible?

Obviously he himself mentioned this in his previous proposal.

Have you thought about that?

Seeing Ningguang replying and then falling into deep thought, Ke Qing couldn't help but ask again.

No, I'm curious now why he denied it outright when he clearly guessed what I was thinking.

Ning Guang was a little distressed. She really didn't understand Han Xiao's reason for denying her.

Thinking of this, Ningguang turned to look at Gan Yu:

Gan Yu, where is Han Xiao now?

The preliminary work is done and he has gone home now.

In that case, I'll go find her now. Let's stop the meeting for now and wait until I get back.

After saying that, Ningguang walked quickly towards the outside of Qunyu Pavilion, with a bit of eagerness in his figure.

Wait, I'll go with you too.

Keqing and Uncle Tian looked at each other in confusion at first, and then she stood up suddenly and ran all the way to catch up with Ningguang, and stepped onto the descending floating stone together.

Uncle Tian, ​​shall we go?

Seeing that Keqing and Ningguang were preparing to leave, Tianxuan turned to look at Uncle Tian.

No, let's break up today. We'll just wait for the news.


So you just ran here?

Han Xiao, who had just arrived home and planned to take a rest, looked at Ke Qing and Ning Guang who suddenly appeared in front of her, and couldn't help but have a headache.

Can't you just let me take a day off? The donkeys in the production team don't dare to do that.

However, Han Xiao only dared to argue in her heart. After all, in addition to Qixing's identity, Ke Qing and Ning Guang were Qingmei, whom she had found difficult to deal with since childhood, and the other was her investor.

He dared not offend either of them.

excuse me.

Ningguang first made a polite apology, then sat directly on the chair opposite Han Xiao and said in a serious tone:

I'm here to hear your opinion and why you reject my idea.

That's it...

Han Xiao asked Ke Qing to sit down first, then poured hot tea for the two of them, and then walked into the study.

After a while, he walked out of the study room with several data files he had recorded in his hand.

After Han Xiao sat down, he looked at Ning Guang and the two of them and said:

First of all, your idea is good, but it is not realistic to implement it.

What do you mean?

Don't worry yet, you will understand after you hear what I say.

Taking out a document from his hand and handing it to Ning Guang, Han Xiao motioned for her to read it first and said:

First of all, I have the same view as you. Liyue's industrial structure must be adjusted, which means that ore production must be reduced.

But the question is, besides high-quality minerals, what else can we export?

Silk, porcelain, salt, and tea.

Keqing on the side thought carefully and gave her answer.

Yes, but the question also arises here, do other countries have these things?


Keqing was speechless for a moment. After all, she was not in charge of this, so she didn't know much.

On the contrary, Ningguang, who was looking at the data, gave his answer without raising his head after hearing this:

I understand what you mean. You want to say that except for silk and porcelain technology, where we are relatively advanced, the rest of the industries are uncompetitive, right?


Han Xiao nodded.

Sure enough, talking to smart people is different, it just makes sense.

Except for minerals, the industries that Liyue can currently export are silk and porcelain. The rest of the countries have their own products and there is no need to import them at all.

But we still have to purchase a large amount of grain from Mondstadt and other places every year, and most of the business tax collected every year is spent on this.

Unless you put all your own wealth into it, it is basically impossible to achieve industrial restructuring.

Speaking of this, Han Xiao paused for a moment and then said:

Except for this, knowing something about business and having a business acumen are two different things. If there are only a few successful traders out of half a million miners, it would be a blessing.

Not to mention that there are people who become lazy after getting the money and stop working. When the money is spent, they become unemployed.

When the time comes, those who are bankrupt and those who have spent all their money and are used to enjoying themselves, what will they choose? Will they choose to join the treasure stealing group?

Then tell me what you think.

After reading the data in his hand, Ningguang raised his head and looked at Han Xiao.

Whether it was what the other party said or what was recorded in the file, it was telling her that her previous thoughts were not realistic.

My idea is very simple. First ensure food production, and then adjust the industrial structure after freeing up a large amount of funds.

But Liyue has basically planted all the places that can be farmed.

This time it was Keqing's turn to retort.

As Yu Hengxing, who is in charge of the land, she is quite confident.

Except for Qingce Village and the southern part of Tianheng Mountain, the places where farming can be done in Liyue are basically hills or mountains. The rest are either residential areas for immortals or the land is not suitable for farming.

No, no, no, you all forgot a place.

With that said, Han Xiao took out a map of Liyue from his arms and spread it out in front of the two of them, pointing to the place where Gui Liyuan was on the map.

Guiliyuan is a large plain here. If we can make use of it, we can completely get rid of the problem of food imports.

Chapter 31: Me, Tiwat Dayu?

“You want to work for cash?”

Seeing Han Xiao take out the map of Liyue and pointing at Guiliyuan, Ningguang immediately realized the other party's plan.

Guili was originally located in a plain area, and it was indeed a good place to build a town from the topography.

The old capital where the former Demon King Chen died was Guiliyuan.

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