But they had obviously only returned to Guili City for a few days, and during that time they had not seen Ying go out to look for anyone. Why did the other party suddenly find the whereabouts of Yan Shen?

What can your little mind remember?

Do you still remember the question we asked Han Xiao before sending the immortal ceremony?

Uh...can't remember.

Seeing Paimon who was full of doubts, Ying sighed helplessly. This little thing had no memory at all except what he ate.

After making a small complaint about Paimon, she explained to him:

At that time, because of the words of the Foolish Executive Officer, I guessed that Emperor Yanwang might have faked his death, so I went to Han Xiao to ask. Do you remember this?

Oh, yes, yes, I remembered!

After hearing what Ying said, Paimon, who was thinking hard, recalled the scene at that time and quickly added:

I remember Han Xiao said that the singer came back to Licheng to visit an old friend!

Yes, tell me who Wendy's old friend is?

That can only be...

Following Ying's prompts, Paimon murmured, his eyes gradually brightening:

That means we can find the singer as long as we find him?


Seeing that Paimon finally understood what he was thinking, Ying smiled and nodded.

Fortunately, this emergency food seems to be of some help.

Then what are we waiting for? Let's go find out where the singer is now!

Where else could it be but a tavern.

Faced with Paimon's urging, Ying smiled confidently.

She had no idea where Wendy would spawn. As long as she inquired in several taverns in Guili City, she would be able to find out the whereabouts of the alcoholic poet soon.

Thinking of this, Yingmei took Paimon and walked towards the nearest tavern.

After some searching, they soon found out about Wendy, and later learned from the manager of the Angel's Gift branch that she had recently been very close to Mr. Zhongli, the principal of the school in the city.

After receiving the exact news, Ying and Paimon walked out of the tavern, but the expressions on their faces looked extremely strange.

The two of them walked towards their small villa, saying nothing the whole way.

It wasn't until after entering the house that Paimon looked at Ying with an extremely shocked expression and asked slowly:

Ying, if I remember correctly, it seems that Mr. Zhongli, the guest at the Hall of Rebirth, presided over the ceremony of sending the immortals to Emperor Yanwang, right?

It seems like we met each other after delivering the fairy ceremony?

You're right.

They hummed, indicating that the other party was right, and then the two fell silent again and looked at each other, the expressions in their eyes full of speechlessness.

If this is true, doesn't it mean that Prince Yan paid his own funeral?

What is this thing called?

Chapter 322: The Rock God who reunited Ying Sanguan

Although he didn't dare to believe the conclusion he came to, judging from Han Xiao's words and Wendy's actions of coming to Zhongli.

This is probably true.

When she thought of Lord Rock holding a funeral for herself, the original imagination of Rock God Morax in Ying's mind was instantly shattered into pieces.

The rock god in Wendy's words: old-fashioned, stubborn, steady, and respectful of contracts.

Zhongli in real life: He doesn’t take Maura with him when he goes out and holds his own funeral.

This strong contrast made Yingmei feel like she wanted to complain all over her body, but she didn't know where to start.

It was so suffocating that I felt so uncomfortable.

In the small villa, after the two of them were silent for a long time, Paimon broke the silence:

Ying, why don't we go find Zhongli...er, where is the Rock God?

try to find...

Although it has long been determined that Yan Shen is not the keeper of heavenly law who stopped her and her brother in the first place, but after hearing from Wendy that the other party lived for more than 6,000 years, she must know a lot.

The only thing that makes Ying uncertain is that she doesn't know whether the other party is willing to tell her the truth.

After all, Wendy has been very secretive about this matter.


Early the next morning, Ying and Paimon got up, freshened up, and went out. They went all the way to the tavern where they learned that Wendy often went to the tavern, where they planned to wait for the drunkard poet.

They believed that a guy like Wendy who loved drinking would probably choose to hang out in the pub since the morning.

Sure enough, before the two of them had waited long, and even before they finished the breakfast they brought from Wanmingtang, the door of the tavern was pushed open, and at the same time, Wendy's familiar voice came:

Boss, let's have a glass of apple juice!


Seeing Wendy walking into the tavern, Paimon waved to him repeatedly with a happy smile on his face.

Hey, Ying and Paimon, long time no see!

Seeing that Yingying and Paimon appeared in the tavern so early, Wendy couldn't help but asked in surprise:

Are you here to drink too?

Who knows how to drink early in the morning? A singer!

Unexpectedly, Wendy would say such a thing out of the blue. Paimon immediately stamped his feet in the air angrily and looked at the other party with a dissatisfied face.

Who said no? It's me.

Wendy pointed at herself. Didn't he just call the boss to serve wine?

Wendy, we're here to find you.

Seeing that Paimon was about to be amused by Wendy, Yingmei quickly interrupted the conversation between the two and changed the topic to business.

What do you want from me?

Wendy walked to Ying and Paimon's table and sat down, leaning her back on the chair, and asked casually.

I heard Han Xiao say that you came to Guili City to catch up with old friends?

After thinking about it carefully, Ying did not choose to ask directly, but deliberately made a circle.

Oh, Han Xiao even told you this?

Hearing Ying's question, Wendy couldn't help but raise her eyebrows, a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Han Xiao would reveal the old man's news to Ying. The relationship between them seemed to be quite good.

Thinking of this, Wendy nodded happily and said:

That's right, I came to Huili City this time to meet the old man for a drink and to reminisce about old times.

After seeing Wendy admit that Emperor Yanwang was indeed not dead and had met him, Ying then asked the question she wanted to ask from the beginning:

Is that person Zhongli, the guest at the Palace of Purity?

Hehe, that's right.

After discovering that Ying seemed to have already made her own guess, and that her guess was very correct, Wendy immediately laughed, and then whispered in a teasing tone:

Are you surprised by the old man's act of burying himself? To be honest, I was shocked at the time.

This is true.

If Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng and several other immortals were not present at that time, Wendy said that she would definitely laugh at Zhongli loudly.

It was indeed a shock.

After hearing Wendy's slightly teasing words, Ying did not hesitate and directly admitted that she was indeed shocked by Zhongli's sexy moves.

But she quickly ignored this topic and directly asked Wendy about business:

Let's not talk about it for now. Wendy, can you make an introduction for me? I want to have a good talk with Mr. Zhongli in person.

You want to see the old man.

Knowing that Ying and Paimon were waiting for her in the tavern today specifically so that she could take them to see Zhongli, Wendy lowered her head and thought for a moment, then raised her head to look at the two of them.

OK, no problem.

But you have to pay for today's drinks.


Then let's go after I finish drinking this cup of apple juice.


While Ying and Wendy were talking, another conversation was also going on at Zhongli's home.

In the living room, Zhongli and Han Xiao sat opposite each other across the table. On the table was the latest model of mobile phone that Han Xiao, Abedo and Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun had perfected together.

Reaching out to pick up the phone on the table and looking at it carefully for a moment, Zhongli turned his attention to Han Xiao who was drinking tea from a teacup.

Is this the mobile phone you developed?


Upon hearing Zhongli's question, Han Xiao put down the tea cup in his hand and said immediately:

Its function is still very simple at present, almost the same as the Xianjia's Thousand Miles Sound Transmission Technique.

The only difference between it and Xianjia's magic is that the whole body of the mobile phone is made of machine parts, and the energy is also provided by the built-in charging crystal. Ordinary people can use it.

...Mobile phone? This thing is not only practical, but also very important.

Zhongli, who has lived for more than 6,000 years, naturally has a discerning eye that is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Just after listening to Han Xiao's simple description, he knew the value of a mobile phone.

On a smaller scale, mobile phones can be used to communicate between people, greatly reducing the difficulty of communication.

On a larger scale, it is even more serious. Its emergence can be said to have changed the difficulty of commanding wars and affected the development of the country.

Are you sure there are no abyss or earth veins touched here?

Zhongli knew Han Xiao's purpose of showing him the phone, so he just asked the same question as usual.

I, Abedo and Master Liuyun have carefully checked the technology left by Ms. Alice. It does not use the function of the abyss or earth veins.

Like Zhong Li, Han Xiao also knew the reason why the other party asked him, so he explained it quite skillfully.

That being the case, my opinion can be promoted.

After receiving Han Xiao's assurance, Zhongli nodded slightly. The convenience of mobile phones is so high that it can also greatly improve people's communication efficiency.

This kind of good stuff is certainly worth promoting.

Bang bang bang——

Suddenly, a knock on the door broke the conversation between Zhongli and Han Xiao, and Wendy's voice rang outside the door.

Old man, are you at home?

The Traveler and I are here to find you!

Chapter 323: Ying: The annoying Riddler

As soon as Wendy finished speaking, the door was pushed open by him.

Hey, Han Xiao, you're here too!

As soon as she entered the door, Wendy saw Han Xiao sitting at the table opposite Zhong Li, and quickly waved and said hello.

Long time no see, Sir Wendy.

Han Xiao also nodded in response to Wendy.

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