We're here too, Hanxiao!

Before Wendy could speak, Paimon emerged from behind him, and then Ying's figure also walked in from the door.

Hello, traveler.

Seeing Ying and Paimon, Zhongli directly ignored Wendy and welcomed them.

I'm really sorry for the unexpected visit, Mr. Zhongli.

Seeing Zhongli asking questions to her, Yingye quickly responded with some apology.

Old man, I'm still here!

Realizing that Zhongli had completely 'ignored' her, Wendy curled her lips and quickly walked to a chair aside and sat down.

If it weren't for the traveler's request, I'm afraid you would still be drinking in the tavern.

When Wendy complained that he ignored her, Zhongli just glanced at him and then said something lightly.


Although it was just a simple sentence, it successfully made Wendy speechless.

After all, Ying did find him in the tavern.

Seeing that Wendy was 'sinked' by him, Zhongli turned his head to look at Ying and Paimon:

Traveller, I guess you came to me this time because you have questions to ask.

Yes, Mr. Zhongli.

Under the gazes of Zhongli and Han Xiao, Ying slowly came to their table, pulled the last chair and sat down, and then straightforwardly explained the purpose of her visit:

You should be Liyue's Rock King, right?

It seems that Han Xiao has revealed my identity to you.

Hearing Ying directly reveal his identity, Zhongli glanced at Han Xiao subconsciously, and then gave an explanation that sounded a bit difficult to pronounce.

Morax, the Rock King of Liyue, has passed away to heaven in the ceremony of sending immortals. Now the only remaining guest is Zhongli, the guest of the Hall of Purity, and the principal of the school in Licheng.

Then I will continue to call you Mr. Zhongli.

Although Zhongli's words were difficult to pronounce, Ying still understood what the other person meant, so he naturally took over the other person's topic.

After seeing that Zhongli had no objection to her words, she took out a book from Brother Cheng's pot and placed it on the table.

This is what I came for.

a book?

Zhongli glanced at Yingmei in surprise, then reached out and picked up the book on the table.

When he saw the handwritten title The White Princess and the Six Dwarfs on the cover of the book and quickly flipped through it, he immediately understood what the other party wanted to ask.

I see, you want to ask about Night Mother.


Looking at the copy of The White Princess and the Six Dwarfs that she had copied in Zhongli's hand, Ying sighed softly.

As someone who has read the entire book, she naturally understands that the Night Mother in Zhongli's words actually refers to the laws of heaven.

I would like to ask, how much of the records above are true and how much are false?

Sorry Traveler, I can't tell you.

However, to Ying's disappointment, when faced with his own question, Zhongli just shook his head and refused to answer the question in a rather calm tone.


Because of the contract.

Zhongli didn't hide anything and directly stated the reason why he didn't answer the other party's question.

A long time ago, I signed a contract. Everything related to the Night Mother is secret and I cannot reveal it.

A contract?

Hearing what Zhong Li said, Ying couldn't help but have a look of helplessness on her face.

As mentioned before, she has been in Liyue for a while, so she naturally knows Morax's attitude towards the contract.

Therefore, after learning that Zhongli had signed a contract with Tianli, Yingcai looked helpless and whispered in a low voice:

Doesn't that mean that if I want to know about Night Mother, I can only get it by going to Yuanxia Palace?

Wait, how do you know Yuanxia Palace...

Suddenly he heard the words Yuanxia Palace from Ying's mouth. Zhongli, who had a good hearing, was stunned for a moment and asked involuntarily.

But he stopped mid-sentence, turned his head to Han Xiao, and frowned:

Are you planning on Yuan Xia Gong?

Well, you can't say that, Mr. Zhongli, I just provided you with a clue.

Han Xiao spread his hands and shrugged, and said in a calm tone:

As for the situation in Yuanxia Palace, have you forgotten Observer Su?


Hearing what Han Xiao said, Zhongli then remembered that the other party seemed to have known about the situation in Yuanxia Palace for a long time.

Mr. Zhongli, is there really a record of the Night Mother in Yuanxia Palace?

Seeing Zhongli's reaction to Yuanxia Palace, Ying quickly interrupted the conversation between him and Han Xiao, and couldn't help but feel more hopeful.

After all, Zhongli's reaction can prove that Han Xiao did not deceive her, and there are indeed records in Yuanxia Palace that even the devil is very concerned about.

Apart from the ‘Night Mother’, there seems to be no other records worthy of attention that even the demon gods would care about.


Hearing this, Zhongli sighed deeply, and after organizing his words in his mind, he slowly said:

Traveler, in my opinion, it may be a little early for you to contact Yuanxia Palace.

Mr. Zhongli, it's actually getting late.

Before Ying could speak, Han Xiao suddenly took up the topic and pointed upward:

In fact, you have already noticed that something is wrong.

Zhong Li did not answer, but his expression actually proved that what Han Xiao said was indeed similar to what he thought.

As early as when Han Xiao first practiced the power outside the world to cause shock, he began to wonder if there was something wrong in the sky.

After all, Hanxiao had not isolated the earth veins at that time, and he was not in the blind spot of the gods like Kanreia was back then.

It can even be said that he is doing things completely under the eyes of the other party.

As a result, despite such an aboveboard action, there was no reaction at all from above.

So Zhongli had to make some guesses about the inaction above.

It's just that this speculation was too shocking, so he never mentioned his thoughts to others, or to Wendy.

Now that he heard Han Xiao directly change the topic, Zhongli couldn't help but admit that his previous guess might have come true.

There was really a big problem in the sky, so much so that the other party didn't even notice it or didn't have the energy to take care of Han Xiao's affairs.

Mr. Zhongli, Han Xiao...what are you talking about?

Seeing Zhongli and Han Xiao talking incomprehensible dialogue like two Riddlers, Ying, who couldn't bear it for a long time, finally chose to interrupt them.

The Riddler is the most annoying.

Can't you explain it clearly?

Chapter 324 Han Xiao: It’s so cool to be the Riddler

“Sometimes it’s not a good thing to know something in advance.”

Seeing a faint flash of irritability on Ying's face, Han Xiao not only failed to explain her words clearly, but instead came up with another 'riddle'.

Feeling that Yingmei's face was tangled because of her 'riddle', Han Xiao suddenly understood why so many people like to be the Riddler.

It feels so comfortable to be the Riddler!


Han Xiao felt very good at this time, but our sister's mood was not so good.

Now she really wanted to grab the other person's collar and angrily scold him not to be the Riddler.

It's just that Ying and Han Xiao have interacted with each other many times, and they can understand each other's personalities somewhat.

I'm afraid she really can't ask Han Xiao what she doesn't want to say.

As a last resort, Yingmei could only keep this matter in her heart for the time being, and prepared to find Yuan Xia Palace after she went to Dao Wife.

By then, he should be able to figure out what Han Xiao and Zhong Li were hiding.

Mr. Zhongli.

Pressing down the 'hatred' towards the Riddler in her heart, Yingmei turned her gaze to Zhongli who was standing aside.

Can you tell me the relevant information about Ina Wife?

Rice wife?

Hearing Ying ask about his rice wife's information, Zhongli reached out and rubbed his chin, and asked thoughtfully:

What news do you want to know?

Hmm...Thor's, probably.

The thunder god of Dao Wife, her name is Balzebu. The people of Dao Wife generally call her the Thunder and Lightning General.

That's a terrible warrior lady.

Wendy, who had been watching the excitement as a backdrop, suddenly interjected, and the content of his words instantly attracted Ying.

Wu Ren?

Barbatos is right. General Thunder is actually more like a warrior with top martial arts skills and a rather stubborn personality.

After listening to Wendy's description of Thor, Zhongli did not refute but nodded.

The current Thunder God is the original Kagemusha. Rather than being a master in charge of a party, it is better to say that he is a pure warrior.


I think he's a useless person who just sits at home and takes out the government.

Listening to Wendy and Zhong Li's comments about Thor, Han Xiao couldn't help but complain in her heart.

The thunder god who can truly govern the country is the former first generation Raiden Shin.

General Raiden, who is now in charge of Inazuma, is just a doll created by his sister Raikage to escape and manage government affairs on his behalf.

In terms of status, he is probably equivalent to...the third generation?

Speaking of which, the Sandaime is really a magical number. It seems that in Han Xiao's memory, including General Raiden, the two most famous Sandaime seemed to have caused a lot of damage to the place they managed.

And Han Xiao didn't lie. Although General Thunder always said that she could do everything except cooking.

But whether you do it well or not is another matter.

Anyway, with General Raiden's political level in managing Inazu...how should I describe it?

There is probably no difference between having it and not having it.

A pure warrior character?

After listening to Han Xiao's answer, Yingmei vaguely had her own judgment about Daozhu's Thunder God.

I guess he is just a political noob who is conservative in ideology but has a fairly low force value.

It's just that this is a bit troublesome.

Knowing that Inazuma's thunder god is good at martial arts and has a somewhat stubborn personality, Ying suddenly felt that her trip to Inazuma might be involved in something terrible again.

But Traveler, you probably won't be able to go to Inazuma for the time being.

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