Are you right what I said?

Chapter 320: The girl who comes to the door

I didn't expect you to be quite smart.

After listening to Yingmei's analysis, Han Xiao was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed out loud and commented on her in an unexpected tone.

Hey, Hanxiao!

What do you mean I'm pretty smart? I'm already smart, okay?

Seeing Han Xiao's eyes that seemed to recognize her again, Ying instantly felt 'insulted', and her cheeks immediately bulged with anger, like an inflated pufferfish.

Hurry up and recruit me truthfully!


After teasing Yingmei for a while, Han Xiao nodded and got down to business.

You must have not forgotten that I have said before that the borders of Teyvat are actually very fragile, and items from other worlds often flow into Teyvat.

Well, you did say it before, but why did you suddenly talk about it?

Ying nodded first, and then asked with some confusion.

Aren't they talking about empty things now? Why do they have to talk about another world?

Actually, I not only gained the knowledge of another world, but also gained the power of another world.

As he spoke, Han Xiao stretched out his right index finger, and a ball of luminous particles kept hovering on his fingertip.

Hey, it's really not elemental power!

Paimon curiously approached Han Xiao's fingertips and observed them carefully, and found that this power was completely different from the elemental power on Teyvat.

Seeing little Paimon's curious behavior, Han Xiao chuckled and dispersed the power from his fingertips.

It is precisely because I gained power from outside the world that I was targeted by your brother.

I didn't go into details last time, so now I'm going to tell you the details.

At that time, I was collecting various alchemical materials in Mondstadt, but your brother suddenly appeared and invited me to join the Abyss to resist the laws of nature. After I refused, he even planned to do it himself.

If my guide hadn't found me in time, I'm afraid I would be a guest in the abyss now.

Feel sorry.

Hearing that Han Xiao was almost kidnapped by her brother and taken to the abyss, Ying lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered an apology.

After all, it was her own brother who did this. What could she do but apologize for Kong?

This matter has nothing to do with you, so I won't express my anger.

Han Xiao waved her hand to indicate to Yingmei not to pay attention to this matter, and then continued:

I was almost forced to be 'invited' to the abyss for no apparent reason. Naturally, I have to investigate what is going on with these people who are looking for me.

So after many investigations, I finally found some clues about your brother, and then slowly pieced it together to form the information I gave you some time ago.

So that's it.

After listening to Han Xiao's detailed explanation, Ying finally understood why the other party collected so much empty information.

After figuring this out, she immediately asked Han Xiao about her second doubt.

Hanxiao, can you tell me what the law of heaven is?

I don't know much about this issue either.

Han Xiao shook his head. This was not because he was deliberately hiding it, but mainly because he really didn't know what the so-called heavenly principles were.

After all, he only visited Yuanxia Palace before traveling through time.

Han Xiao himself has no idea whether Tianli is the first throne or the second throne.

The only thing I can tell you is that based on the information I have obtained from many searches, you may need to go somewhere to figure this out.


There is a place called Yuucha Palace in Inazuma's country, and information about heavenly principles may be recorded there.

Yuanxia Palace?

After staring at Han Xiao seriously for a long time, there was no trace of lying in the other person's expression. Ying silently wrote down the name and planned to ask about it after she arrived at Daozhu.

But thinking about the god who blocked her and Sora in the first place, she had a vague suspicion.

Hanxiao, besides the seven gods, are there other gods in Teyvat?


In response to Ying's inquiry, Han Xiao did not give a positive answer, but spoke in a vague tone.

I see.

As if she saw the cryptic lines behind Han Xiao's deliberately vague words, Ying nodded clearly and then turned her gaze to the window.

In the distant sky, she could faintly see the shadow of an island floating in the sky.

Judging from Han Xiao's cryptic words and Wendy's previous remarks, I am afraid that the island hanging high in the sky is closely related to the heavenly principles he talks about.

In that case, I'll take my leave first.

Seeing that she really couldn't ask for any more information, she stood up and prepared to leave.

But Han Xiao suddenly stopped her.

Wait a minute, I have something for you.

After calling Ying, Han Xiao took out the beautifully crafted sword box from the jade pendant and placed it in front of his desk, and then said:

This is a gift from Qixing. It can be regarded as a thank you gift for your great help to Liyue.

Wow, there are actually gifts!

As soon as he heard the word gift, Paimon immediately came to the desk excitedly and looked at the sword box carefully.

Didn't Miss Keqing give me a thank you gift before?

Hearing Han Xiao's words, Ying was a little puzzled. Didn't Keqing give him a thank you gift in front of everyone in Liyue when she gave the immortal ceremony before? Why is there still another gift?

Trust me, you will love this gift.

With that said, Han Xiao opened the sword box, and a cold light instantly filled the entire room.

What a beautiful sword.

When she saw the one-handed sword in the sword box, Ying's eyes flashed with surprise. It was obvious that the shape of this sword was in line with her aesthetics.

And from the cold light that burst out the moment the sword box was opened, this sword is not only beautiful in shape, but it is also definitely a magic weapon.

Is this really for me?

Of course, it's called Xia Ming Zhaoshuang, and it's a sword specially made for you by Kun Jun, the latest famous craftsman from the Yunhan family who assisted Liyue.

As Han Xiao said this, he reached out and pushed the sword box towards Ying, and then motioned for the other party to pick up the sword and try it out.

After receiving Han Xiao's affirmation, Ying was not polite and directly reached out to hold the hilt of the sword and felt it carefully.

The sword is not too heavy and has just the right weight to hold.

With a little bit of elemental power injected into it, the blue sword body can even faintly see a stream of light.

Thank you, I like this sword very much.

Ying kept playing with the one-handed sword in her hand, feeling like she couldn't put it down.

With this sword, my edgeless sword can finally retire!


After sending away Yingmei, who was holding the sword box with a face full of joy, Han Xiao suddenly raised her right hand and waved it in the air, and then the walls of the office were covered with glowing particles.

It turned out that when Wei Ying was explaining, he spread his power throughout the room in order to isolate the earth veins.

After all, Han Xiao had not forgotten Uncle Zhongli's advice. He would not say anything concerning the laws of nature in a place with earth connections.

Chapter 321 Ying and Paimon discovered Zhongli’s secret

Ying, are we really leaving like this?

Just after walking out of Kuixing Tower, Paimeng, who was flying next to Ying, looked back at the location of Han Xiao's office behind him, then turned around and asked softly.

I always feel like Han Xiao is hiding something from us.

Although Paimon doesn't like to use her brain very much, her intuition is very good. Just now she always felt that something was wrong with Han Xiao, who was acting very normal.

Maybe he's acting too normal.

After putting the sword box into Brother Cheng's pot given by Grandma Ping, Ying finally answered Paimeng's doubts.

In fact, she didn't react at first, but it was only after she came out of Kuixing Tower that she realized something was wrong.

Regarding the issue of natural law, Han Xiao was too calm.

When she was still in Mondstadt, she had read Lisa's private collection of forbidden books in the Mondstadt library. Some of the books contained secret references to heavenly principles.

The words mentioned in the forbidden books about heavenly principles were all very obscure. If Ying had not met the god who claimed to be the maintainer of heavenly principles, she would not have been able to learn the meaning of those obscure words from the forbidden books.

Ying once asked Lisa in private, but the other party warned her with a solemn expression not to casually try to analyze the meaning of articles or even words in the banned book.

Otherwise, if one is not careful, it is easy to suffer horrific punishments. Lisa once saw with her own eyes that a scholar from Xumi died mysteriously at home the next day because of his analysis of the forbidden book, and the way of his death was very tragic.

Later, after Ying and Wendy made good friends, they quietly asked each other. As a result, the other party's behavior was similar to Lisa's. They both looked fearful and refused to say more at all. They only said that it was very dangerous to get to know each other rashly.

But what about Hanxiao?

After spending so many days in Liyue, Han Xiao's family background was somewhat understood. He was born in a thousand-year-old family, and later became a Seven Star, not to mention that he also came into contact with powers outside the world.

Therefore, regardless of Han Xiao's identity, he is very likely to have access to historical ancient books that record sporadic clues about Tianli, and he should be aware of the cost of investigating Tianli.

However, the other party not only did not stop her from investigating matters related to Tianli, but even pointed out a clear location for her investigation.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there is no weirdness in this.

Ah...then we still need to continue the investigation?

After listening to Ying's explanation, Paimon's little face became a little worried.

In her opinion, since matters related to heavenly principles are so dangerous, it is better not to investigate.

No, I will still continue to investigate.

Facing Paimon's advice, Yingmei still shook her head and refused.

Ever since her brother joined the Abyss Cult and raised the banner against heaven, Ying knew that she had been involved and there was no way to break free.

I'm afraid it was because Han Xiao saw this clearly that the other party informed her of the matter so simply.

But that’s fine too.

Ying still had a good impression of Han Xiao's actions. At least he was not like the Riddler who sells songs, and didn't explain the situation clearly to anyone even though he knew he was in trouble.

That's it, okay then.

Seeing that Ying had made up his mind to continue the investigation, Paimon did not continue to object and turned around to ask about the business:

If that's the case, do we need to go to Inazuma early?

Not for the time being. I have to find someone to inquire about Ina Wife's specific situation.


Emperor Rock King.


Hearing Liyue Rock God's name pop out of Ying's mouth, Paimon couldn't help but scream, and then quickly reacted and stretched out his hands to cover his mouth, and then looked around.

After seeing the eyes of those attracted by her shouts go away again, she quietly flew to Ying's ear and whispered:

Ying, when did you find the incarnation of the Rock King?

Paimeng looked at Ying with doubtful eyes, although during the ceremony of sending immortals, they learned from Han Xiao the fact that Emperor Yan Wang only faked his death.

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